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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Helios put his hands in the air. Then he put them together. The Wind blade split into two different blades. Aiya must have felt the impact of it splitting. The blow was weak but managed to do significant damage to the wyvern.

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OOC: I'll let you guys resolve your attack cohesion ...

Irina held up her javelin and closed her eyes as she chucked it straight into the throat of the male! Iso put all of his energy into his attack and the wyvern's head was struck! it whipped back violently as the scales burned and smoke rose from its body as all of the other attacks landed!

The massive bull wyvern could take no more and soon let out a final death cry that traveled for miles! As its body fell, the female freed herself from Kiev and Ulfhrahn! Her wings were terribly mauled, some of her legs broken, and she could no longer fight. She quickly turned around and began dragging herself back through the trees trying desperately to reach her eggs! For all she knew, they were here only to kill as many of her children as possible. Her eggs weren't safe, and despite her injuries, she still had her fangs, so she kept crawling hoping to reach them in time!

Irina approached the dead male standing beside Aiya.

Irina: ... I'm ... sorry ... I'm so sorry ....

Iso: Hey! What about the female?!

Irina: The ... female? ;_;

Kiev and Ulfhrahn had already beaten her, but she was still alive, and apparently only trying to return to the nest!

Irina: S-she can't even walk ....

OOC: If she isn't killed, more mountain wyverns will arrive and defend her escape. They won't attack you, only protect her from being attacked. Just a heads up. If she does escape, she'll return to the nest, and they'll nurse her back to health over the coming weeks.

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Reika smiled, she'd notice what resembled a large cave earlier, and after making sure that the group was engaged with the wyverns, decided to go take a look inside the cave, only to find it uninhaibted, though several large eggs lay around neatly sorted on what looked like sticks, rocks and branches that had been gathered. "Hmmm, too big to steal, damn" she muttered, she'd been hoping to swipe an egg and selling it to whatever buyer was available, but she couldn't lift one, much less carry them away.

"Shrugging she looked around, making sure that no one was around before summoning Calamity. "Eh, you're better off not coming into this world, she said grabbing the hilt and forcing down the dagger into the eggshell, successfully cracking it as a foul smell oozed out, "Argh, two more" she muttered repeating her actions on the other two, before using the flint she'd used earlier to set fire to the nest.

"World has enough of those abominations without you things coming into the world" she said as she watched the flames consume the eggs, as they shattered, even if it something had been in there, it was roasting now.

Hearing a loud screech outside, she figured the group had done their job and killed the wyverns outside. "Time to head back to Alferis I suppose" she said to herself before quickly exiting the cave.

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"Was that really needed?" asked Esphyr, sword still in hand and eye warely on the survivor. "We could have escaped without killing one of them. Considering all that we've done, we need all the good press we can get; even if it's from wild animals."

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OOC: Gotcha! :awesome:

As Reika exited the cave, several mountain wyverns were waiting for her! They hissed and snarled smelling the blood of the young on her!

OOC: Teehee! ^_^

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Pulling his sword out of the bull's corpse, the swordsman looked away at the lumbering female. He didn't want to see such a magnificent beast in that state. Keeping his head down, he asked," Anyone find that Bolting mage? They nearly killed me with that last shot."

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"I know...they shouldn't have to end up...like this..."Aiya said as Irina walked nearby.

A pulse of pain.

'Right,the windblade...'

Irina seemed to notice Aiya's injury now,and moved to help her up.

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"Let's just go. If they're on our side, they'll find us; more likely, they aren't, and the wyverns can eat them for us," Kelas suggested.

"Francis..." Arrin looked for Tessa, or anyone with a staff really. He'd gotten a bit attached to the horse, truth be told...

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Helios rushed over to Aiya. "Im sorry, i didnt expect someone would be brave enough to approach the wyvern like that". "I did my best to disperse it but i wasnt strong enough". He would have offered his vulenary but it seemed Irina had it under control

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It had been a long full day, and things had just gone from bad to worse. No sooner had they fled the swamp, but it appears that they were run out of town. Tessa hadn't been able to figure out what the funny bottle the new healer had was good for, either. It didn't seem to contain any purified or blessed waters. She would have to as the girl what it's purpose was at some point. But it wasn't really the time for it. Tessa was dog tired, and with good reason. She'd saved, what, 4 lives, 5 lives today? That's a solid day's work right there, and then pressing on to through the mountain pass well into the evening hours? Nobody blamed the girl when she was among the first to crash, and fall asleep.

She was also one of the last to awaken when the general melee had broken out over the wyvern ambush as well. Scant few hours of rest, left her momentarily groggy, clumsy, and slow to react. Helios was acting strangely, for some reason, and Eric told her to look into it, but there was no time, and if her hunch was right, it wouldn't matter even if she did. Had Morgan repeated the Kamilla incident? There was no time to further ponder the matter, as she suddenly had to dodge the snapping jaws of one of the mountain beasts. Evading the jaws was alright, though the claws were a bit trickier, and she felt a tear rip through the back of her tunic, though since she didn't feel any pain, she must have escaped the worst of it. The alternative was that she was too numb from exhaustion to even tell anymore. Considering it realistically, that seemed far-fetched. A rending like that, one would notice, she reckoned, even if you had one foot in the grave.

Still, the group had been slowly fighting, and wending there way, progressing towards the general direction of safety? At least, Tessa hoped that's where they were headed. During a period of momentary respite, general bickering broke out, centered on Irina, it seemed, though it quickly turned into everyone picking on Sis. She wanted to step up and say something, but she'd come too late, and had lost the thread of the conversation, and before she'd had time to find it, they were on the move again, running from the latest threat.

While everyone was busy worrying over the new, giant wyverns, Tessa was tending to poor Francis. Arrin had called out that he needed help, but nobody had paid him nor the horse any attention, so it had been up to her. The poor geldling was foaming sweat from fright and pain, and it was all she could do to keep him calm while she tended to his leg.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Kelas is right, the longer we stay here, the more likely we are to die.

Irina: Hold on a second! Aiya's hurt!

Iso: A lot of us are hurt! We need to heal on the way! Come on!

Nearby, the bull wyvern female was surrounded by her children while others flew over head! The only reason they hadn't attacked, was because surely if their father had fallen, they would as well. Unsure of the party's strength, they stood their ground while their mother dragged herself back into the forest and out of sight! They retreated alongside her, their true numbers obscured by darkness.

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"You got my arm..." Aiya said,pained.The crimson tome left a sharp,lingering pain,more than a normal wound.

"I have pretty good magical tolerance,so I should be okay...a vulnerary would be nice,though..."

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"I agree with Iso." interjected Esphyr. "There's a small nation nearby. Not a lot of military, poor terms with any of the big three, only a few cities anyways. Probably could see a third of it from the center of the nation as well. If we can stop there, we can rest up with ease and without problems before heading to Halton."

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Seeing the wyvern fall, the mage picked up her tome and began to head down to the group. She didn't know whether she killed anyone, so it didn't hurt to check.

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OOC: Careful, Snowy. Remember what happened when Helen showed up the first time. Make it less obvious this time around.

Isotov and Irina

Irina: Well fine, I guess we should get moving ... before the wyverns figure out how few of us there are and stomp us to death. Still, we need to make sure that everyone is even capable of moving first.

Iso: ... is everyone alright? Mounts, people, all okay?

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"I didn't get hit, by some miracle. Still wondering who was firing lightning bolts at the wyvs, though," Eric said. "I can also carry someone, if need be."

Edited by Snike
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"Charlotte." she said correcting the boy, but guessing he meant her.

"Oh, the poor thing. If you hold it still, I think my staff can fix it." she said to the blonde haired girl.

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Reika sighed, "Bloody creatures had to have a brain" she muttered before dodging backwards as the wyverns swiped at her, "Entrance, 3 lizards, Hmmm, she covered her mouth as smoke had well and truely started wafting out of the cave. She lifted Calamity infront of her eyes and smiled, "the number of times you've saved me" without hesitating, she tossed her crimson weapon at the head of one of the animals which seemed reluctant to enter, after all it most likely wasn't their nest, and fire and smoke was animals worst enemy.

Missing her aim, but hitting the wyvern in the eye she cursed "Damn it, and here I was hoping for a clean hit" she said before quickly tossing the other dagger again aiming for the head, but as the beast screeched at her, the hit went right into it's mouth killing the beast short after.

"Two more" she said waiting to see if the other two would leave, come in, or follow the fate of it's companion.

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"Thanks Helios." Aiya said,accepting the vulnerary from Helios and applying it to the wound directly,before drinking a little.

"That should be alright until we have time for a healer to check it."

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"Alive. As is Amari. I can put someone wounded on her if need be," Kelas reported.

"I'm all right. And Francis is-- about to be better," Arrin called. He held the horse's head, but it was unnecessary: Francis held still as Charlotte applied her staff.

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