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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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As the arrow struck Helenos, the dragon was stunned for a short bit; fatigued from the demons, zombie, and exploding carts that had risen up against her. Yet, a moment later she was up again. She knew it was over. She had lost. She had been so close, but the meddling affairs of someone had screwed her over! She wasn't one for big speeches, villain mono-logues, or fleeing threats. She had lost, and there was nothing more to say. In humiliated silence, she spread her wings, and with a putrid gust, she took into the air; fading into the night a moment later.

With her tome spent and no more hexes, Katie had no means to defend herself at all from the man. The woman who had just a moment before tried to blow up a dragon now found herself turning to run and hide behind the other party members.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Everyone was in panic. Cess felt a bit unsure, Katie did massive damage to the demon, but if it got angry....

Esphyr was leaning against a tree, still pale from the leech bite. He couldn't see Katie in the darkness, so he picked Esphyr up, and helped her walk into the nearby bushes and trees.

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Katie had been about to take her hand; Kelas grabbed it, and quickly pulled the woman up into the saddle, saying, "Hold on." She kneed the mare into a canter, leaving the soldiers behind. If they pursued, she at least had better ground, and some of the others on her side...

Arrin drew up alongside Tessa and the newcomer. "You two go," he said, holding out the reins as he eyed the soldiers. "I can help blast them, and then come back."

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As Cess picked her up, Esphyr awoke with a start. "LEECH!" she screamed in a loud voice, utterly terrified before she noticed she was no longer in either cart or alone. Still, her breathing was panicked and outright horrified; clearly only a choice word away from dropping back into her terrified state.

"What... What happened?"

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"Katie..got rid of that thing. The others rode away. But I think the leeches are gone for now. We should be safe."

Cess looked at her wound. It appeared to have clotted, but he took a bandage out of his bag and wrapped it around her head.

"That should help a little. Only I think we've been seperated from the others."

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The captain had made it back to the horses, his plans ruined, but he still had one shot, seeing Kamilla squatting down nearby, he ran over and scooped her up "You'll be coming with me missy."

"Kamilla have to wait here" she screeched out loud, trying to get away from the man, but a quick whack over the head and Kamilla was knocked unconscious. "You'll be my helping me with my ambitions now lass" he said as he dragged Kamilla over to his own horse, Isotov was nearby, but he'd either not noticed them or knew full well that this was a hostage situation, Propping himself and Kamilla on his own horse, he cut the ropes, and dashed off with his horse back towards Ilyphina, Making sure to use Kamilla to protect himself. It wasn't long until he was a speck on the horizon.

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So this wagon driver is a dragon of all things..... Less than a few hours and I've already run into more almost-disasters than I usually do in a month! When the driver had first exploded into a dragon, Heinz had merely watched, content and sure in his ability to avoid being eaten or attacked first, given that Esphyr was in a state of near hysterics after a leech started draining her blood, and there was an unknown archer, Harold's daughter, and that shaman fortune teller too. After a few minutes though, a healer pulled him away from the cart, trying to drag him out of the way before anything else happened.

She's right, no point in staying any longer in this mess, it's not like I'm getting paid for this or anything. Speaking of which, I need to request proper payment for my services, either from Esphyr's employer or the noble shaman. The shaman, Morgan was it?, probably has less money though, if she didn't learn her elder magic from TISME. I suppose I'll have to talk to the other man then....

Heinz burst into a sprint, covering the distance in long easy strides as best as he could do in the mud. He heard an angry soldier screaming in the background after something blew up behind him, but he didn't turn around to look. First rule of mercenaries: Don't get caught up in something which isn't your business. He noticed the dragon swooping away in the air, far above him. The captain probably got caught up in that explosion or something, it's his fool's luck.

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Kelas slowed the horse: it seemed the few attacking soldiers had been disorganized and discouraged. Keeping to a steady trot to make balancing easier for Katie, she approached the place where the others were gathered, waving to Isotov.

Arrin stared for a moment: the man he'd offered the reins to had just sprinted off on his own. Ah, well. "We should get back," Arrin said to Tessa, clambering back into the saddle and offering her a spot, since she'd sent Trevor off with Esphyr and the shaman. "It looks like the others are pretty well taken care of..."

edit: just added clarification to indicate that Kelas brought Katie with.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Morgan noticed that almost everyone had gathered around.

"Where do we go from here? Illyphina is probably still dangerous to us, but rather far away. I don't think we should prgress further into the swamp though. I believe we passed an inn on the way here, perhaps we should go there to stop and rest?"

'Also, not to say I told you so, but we should be more cautious of strangers in the future."

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Isotov and Irina

Not sure what to do with Amari, Iso just stood by her until Kelas and Katie returned! Irina was flying overhead too! She landed near Morgan.

Iso: Heh. (Thanks, Kelas. I'd better learn to ride a horse soon so I don't have to hope someone helps Katie when she needs it.)

Irina dismounted Kiev and walked up to Morgan, while panting a bit!

Irina: What? An inn? Well ... I guess we don't have much choice. But guess what? Maybe people will take your suggestions from now on huh?

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"Rest sounds good," Kelas agreed, riding up and dismounting, leaving the cavalry horse to Katie. "I'd say we should take these cavalry horses. We can travel faster, and I think we were low on funds? We can sell them when we get to town and make a good chunk of money." She headed over to Amari: Isotov was standing there, clearly unsure about what to do. "Thanks-- no problem. (And it's a useful skill, I'll have to teach you later...) Now then." As the group deliberated on their next action, she led the mare in a circle, looking to determine which leg Amari was favoring. When Tessa arrived, she'd ask her to help.

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"Umm, yeah. I doubt Miss Undead Dragon will wait for long..," Eric said,finally joining them from out of the swamp. "I guess the inn would be alright. Hey, where's Kamilla?"

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The man had hesitated at first, then had followed along. "I'm Tessa," she told the man breathlessly, as they began to beat their way through the swamp.

Now no longer necessary, she had released her grip on him, instead focusing on swatting away flying bugs of all varieties, the occasional branch or other impediment, and saving herself from falling entirely the few times she nearly lost her balance due to the soggy ground underfoot giving way unexpectedly.

Suddenly, Arrin had come up beside them, and offered to let the two of them escape, while staying back himself. Tessa stopped in confusion, while the other man pressed onwards. There was no way she could accept that offer. None, and in fact, she found herself growing quite irate that the mage had even returned, especially after he had escaped to freedom already.

"Just what were you thinking!? You were nearly in the clear, you can barely control a horse in good conditions, and yet for some reason you thought it would be a good idea to come back! Not to mention if... whoever he was hadn't run off you were just going to stay here by yourself?" Incredulous at the situation, she let loose for a moment, before realizing it wouldn't help at all, and they still needed to make haste.

Taking his offered hand, she slipped up onto Francis behind him, wrapped her arms around him, and buried her face in his back. She was still angry at his nearly suicidal recklessness, but that could wait. The important thing now was that nearly everyone was clearing out, the fell beast seemed to be retreating, and while they were safe, they needed to catch up. For now, the fact that they were both still alive was enough.

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"But you also--" Arrin shut up, face going red as Tessa held on tight. "Let's go back..."


Kelas realized that Arrin and Tessa weren't with the group: no... they must have gone back. That's right, Arrin had zapped the dragon... Worried, she looked up to see them safely returning. She strode over. "What were you two playing at?" she began as they dismounted.

"You went back too," Arrin retorted.

"That's different--" But she could see that she would not be winning the argument, at least not now. "Well, you're all right, at least." She hugged both briefly around the shoulders. "And-- good job. Were it not for either of you, we'd probably all be dead now..."

Arrin blinked, startled at the praise.

Kelas looked over to Tessa. "Tessa, are you tired, or can you give me a hand with Amari? I think she pulled a tendon jumping, and we're looking to get on the road..."

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At their arrival back with the others, Kelas had started to scold them, but before Tessa could reply, she found herself embraced in a sudden hug and being praised. The nomad woman wasn't really angry, it seemed, just worried. Tessa could understand the concern for Arrin, but wasn't quite sure how she had gotten wrapped up into it as well, as she didn't really remember Kelas ever showing much affection before, usually preferring to distance herself.

Her request didn't clear things up either, because Tessa doubted the woman would bother trying to vie for favors with quid pro quo. A flash of doubt crossed her mind, and she found herself checking Kelas's eyes. Nope, still the same color they've always been. She must just be genuinely relieved for my safety. That actually makes me rather happy.

Guilty for having doubted the woman, even for a moment, but more importantly, concerned for the horse, she readily agreed. "Not too tired I can't take a look at the girl. I know how important one's partner can be, so let's see what's the matter with her then."

Edit: I needed to add a comma or two.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Morgan looked around in response to Eric's question.

"No, I don't see her around. Come to think of it, I don't see the soldiers she came with either."

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"There's a bunch of dead ones in the swamp, but I brought Kamilla back here... did one of them leave, and take her with?" Arrin guessed.


Amari's injury was easily fixed. Kelas thanked Tessa and, finding no objection to her suggestion, assessed the soldiers' horses. There were seven of them... that should be enough. She checked each for injuries-- all good-- and worked out which had the best tempers, then began to lead each to a member of the group, making sure that the even-tempered ones went to the novice riders. "I don't think there's anything we can do about Kamilla. We should get going."

edit: minor detail add (making sure nobody has an evil pony).

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"... So, they took her. Well, I'd say we should go after them, but, since they must be tired as well, they're probably at the inn. I guess we'll have to find out," Eric said, before shaking his head when the nomad brought a mare to him. "I can jog."

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"I think I remember an inn in this direction from when I first entered the city." Cess made a motion with his arm to the North.

"But should we find Kamilla first? If she's still in the swamp with all those leeches.....That can't be good."

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"If someone were taking her away, they would probably head back towards the capital, not deeper into the swamp. Of course it may have been a very dumb soldier, but in that case she's probably dead anyway."

Morgan tried to get her horse to go North, but it was busy chewing grass and did not wish to be interrupted.

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"An inn sounds good. No, take the horse, Eric, it's a long way," Kelas said as she went around the group.

She noticed Morgan already having a disagreement with her horse. "Don't witch her just 'cos she's lazy, just haul on the reins like a normal human being," Kelas muttered low enough that Morgan wouldn't hear, handing the reins of the last horse to Isotov. "Does anyone need help getting on?" she asked, realizing that some of the group might not even know that much.

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"I suppose I'll try and lead us? It's not that far, maybe a little over a mark's time." Cess tried to get his horse to move. After a bit of struggling, he managed to get it into a slight trot.

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"And it's almost nightfall, so as I was saying, they probably went to the inn. Or, they could be as sharp as our noble friend, from what I hear, and try to make it back to the capital at night. Regardless, we're tired and injured, in some people's cases. The inn should be fine, for today," the traveler said, waiting for everyone to mount.

"Again, I'm fine. If it's a long way, considering we have new riders, I can jog."

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Chase wandered aimlessly past the swamps to the area he thought the group was in. Ugh, I hate it when this happens. All I do is stop for a second or two and poof, everyone's somewhere else. I hope I'll find them soon...

As he pondered the odd perks of the group, he didn't notice a branch in front of him, which he promptly tripped on. "Oof. That's a new one..." he mused, then he noticed what he hoped was a group of people about an eighth of a mile away. Hoping it was the group he was now part of, he set off towards them running.

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