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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Isotov and Irina

Iso: If the other assassins were demons as well, then all I suspect it would take to destroy one, is a powerful enough attack. Perhaps the crimson weapons are especially designed to deal with demons. I was the only one in my group to ever kill any of them, so normal weapons and magic may not be as effective. I won't hesitate though if I ever come across that thing again.

Irina happened to be listening in on the conversation from a ways.

Irina: (Demons ... well ... Uncle, Ivan, and Lev were hunting demons right? I don't think it's too hard to kill them with normal weapons, maybe you just have to be dead determined :unsure: )

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"I see. ...I suppose this is the part where we argue over who gets to deal the final hit," Kelas replied, attempting humor.

OOC: Looks like this conversation's getting to the point where we should finish it in PMs and then post the concatenated result.

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"Why did they save us? Those demons, and the zombies... What was that dragon zombie anyways?" asked Esphyr to no one in particular; wondering herself if what she had just seen was something that could be believed.

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"... You DO realize that if anyone's been following you, it's been me, right?" Eric said to Chase, listening to the argument. "I've been with this group since you guys downed Percy, and you haven't said a word. Let's see, I'm a foreign traveler, with no known reason to tag along, nor any known background, versus a mercenary hired by Damian, and you decide to pick on the merc? Don't you think that's a bit off?" Before the archer could respond, the group was moving, and Eric fell back, just behind the horses.

Edited by Snike
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"Im Tania" The girl said. "I found you unconscious by the edge of town". Helios was still confused. Tania took out Hellsety. The ruby in crested in it shined brightly. She opened it up. "What are you doing with these books" she asked. "Wait you must be a Mage". "Here come with me" She said dragging him out the house. She gave Helios the book. "Now cast it" she said. Helios was reluctant. "Come on Near i know you can do it". Helios closed his eyes. Then he felt a soft breeze. Then it encircled him. He opened his eyes. The wind stopped. Tania clapped. "I knew you can do it"! She looked at his robe. "We're going to have to get you a new robe". "That one is a mess".

OOC: Yes you know what this means :awesome:

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"Ready to go?" Arrin had asked her. Tessa nodded, brushed herself off the best she could, then mounted Trevor. They headed vaguely northwards following Morgan's lead.

While they travelled, the troubadour watched his horsemanship, and occasionally gave him some advice and pointers.

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OOC: @ OOCs that were omitted XD XD XD


Iso: I know he tried to do some ... awful things to you, but I think ten years of assassination attempts gives me right to final blow.

He smirked, positive she couldn't come back with anything.

Kelas: Point. Mind the tree, by the way.

Thinking she'd successfully derailed the conversation Kelas swerved out of the way of the low-hanging tree in front of them, looking to see if Isotov was paying attention.

Iso: Tree branch? Whoa-

Iso quickly ducked under the branch, but part of his hair got caught as it passed over him! He quickly yanked his hair free before being pulled from the horse, and then grabbed the reins! He let out a huge sigh and turned to Kelas. That wasn't the first time his hair had gotten him caught on something.

Iso: ... ... I ... would cut it ... but I don't see the point anymore.

Kelas somehow managed not to laugh. When Isotov mentioned his general lack of haircuts, she shrugged.

Kelas: No point indeed... Good job staying in the saddle there. But now you'll pay attention to where you're going, yes?

She wondered if it occurred to him that she'd gone by the tree on purpose, both as a subject-changer and as a test.

Iso: Sure I guess, but I'm bound to get hurt on one of these things sooner or later though. At least Tessa's right over there ... heh ....

Kelas: Ehh, well, every three times you fall off, you get better at it. ...Don't ask me how many times I've fallen off.

Kelas seemed to be quite the rider. She already told him not to ask, but that just made him even more curious. Trying not to laugh at the idea of Kelas falling off of her own horse, he kept his head down, staring at the cavalry horse's mane.

Iso: Okay, I won't ask, but it's probably a really high number I'm guessing.

Kelas headed for another tree.

Kelas: Well, it's enough--

--she grabbed onto a tree branch as Amari trotted under--

Kelas: --that I can do--

--she pulled herself out of the saddle and twisted round--

Kelas: --silly things--

--she was now riding backwards, grinning--

Kelas: --like this.

--she climbed up, half-standing on the saddle for a moment, and turned to sit down properly again.

Kelas: It's actually been decently useful, too.

Iso: So ... what ... a few hundred falls ... somewhere in that area ...?

He grinned holding back his laugh again.

Kelas: Oh, shut up. I could easily knock you out of that saddle and steal your horse.

She was joking; her grin said that much.

Iso: My horse?

He looked behind himself facing toward the destroyed wagon. The soldiers weren't in sight, save the slain ones, but his point would get across. He then turned back and chuckled a bit.

Iso: No, not my horse. Their horse hahaahaah! Besides, I could almost match one of these things on a good day.

Kelas: Heh. Now that's something that would be interesting to see. On that subject... bet you can't stay on if we speed up!

She nudged Amari into a canter; the cavalry horse followed suit, used to following the leader.

As Kelas sped up, Iso managed to hold on and not fall off.

Iso: Huh, that wasn't so bad.

After a few strides, Kelas slowed: They were nearing the main group.

Kelas: Looks like you're a fast learner! And here we are.

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The group ambled along slowly Northward, some wounded, some struggling to ride effectively, but eventually they made way along the wooden road. Some of the sharper eyed group members could make out a sign saying "Hamburg"


A young girl looked longingly out the window, scrub in hand. She was supposed to be scrubbing the window, but such tasks were rather beneath her. She began to sing to herself in her boredom.

"Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day like the one before. Little town, full of little people, waking up to say...well not bonjour, everyone who used to say that is dead " :(

"More scrubbing, less singing!" said the grumpy matron. "You've done absolutely nothing but lounge around ever since you got here. I don't care if you're the queen of Septimus, you earn your keep around here."

Charlotte sighed and began to scrub the dirty window of the church. As the grime cleared away, she saw something...different. People on horseback? Now here was something exciting.

Oh Lady thank you. I was thinking I would waste away my entire life here.

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"You flatter me," Tessa replied, laughing. "If I'm a better teacher, it's only because I'm a poorer rider." She too had been watching the nomad girl's gymnastics, and wasn't ashamed to admit the truth.

Looking ahead to where he was pointing though, she squinted as she made out the words on a sign near the village entrance. "Hamburg, huh? Guess they broke tradition by not having a name that starts with 'I', didn't they?"

Turning back to those who were still behind them, she called out, "It's just ahead guys," before racing onwards. "See if you can keep up, Arrin!"

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Hamburg... Where have I heard that before...? Eric thought, as the group closed in on the village.

"Yeah, that's a bit odd. Guess they ran out of serious names starting with 'I'," he said, picking up the pace. Soon, they were inside the actual village. It was average-sized, with its' own inn, shop, and church, along with dozens of houses, for the citizens. Looking at the church, the traveler felt something tugging at his memory, but set it aside for the moment. "So, first thing's first: Get lodging. Are we splitting the fee?"

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A second after kneeing Francis forward, Arrin remembered his inexperience. The gelding shot forward like an arrow. Arrin managed to hang on for a few strides, but was losing his grip... as Francis thundered up, catching up to Tessa at the town gates, Arrin tumbled from the saddle. "Oof!"

The fall had knocked the wind out of him. When he regained his breath, he managed, "...I'm fine!"


"...And he's not so fast a learner," Kelas muttered, watching her brother fly out of the saddle a few lengths ahead. "Get up and catch your horse," she called, seeing that Arrin hadn't injured himself.

Eric's question was a good one. "Yeah, we should split the fee. But let me go get us some money, first... anyone know where the horse traders are in this town?"

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Cess had ran ahead and put his horse in the stable. He knew the group would proabably turn them for a quick buck, but he like remembering the feeling of riding. Ever since he had left home, he missed the family horse, Owen.

He walked back to the group. He hoped they'd be able to eat something soon, he was starving. A gentle breeze blew through the town.

"Um, I don't think I can, I'm out of money."

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Seeing the travelers move near the inn, Charlotte quickly gathered her things and ran out of the church.

"Get back here or there will be no grub for a week!" yelled the matron. But Charlotte paid her no attention and made her way towards the group.

She noticed a foul smell coming from the group. They must have come from the swamp, smelling like that.

"Hello!" she greeted the group with excitement. "You all wouldn't happen to be adventurers by any chance?"

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Isotov and Irina

A woman came rushing out from the church to greet them in the night. When she asked if they were adventurers, Irina hung her head.

Irina: Pleeeeease, no more adventures! We just got our butts handed to us by a dragon! Who are you anyway? :/

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"I am...Charlotte, a humble cleric from the small hamlet of Hamburg. Pleased to make your acquanitance."

"A dragon, you say? Then you must be on a noble quest! I wish to accompany you if you would have me."

Her nose wrinkled. Did all adventurers smell this bad?. She took out a small perfume bottle and puffed the air.

"Over there miss." she said pointing to a nearby stable.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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As the girl ran out from the church and asked the group if they were adventurers, something clicked in Eric's head.

A town named Hamburg.


A church.


The princess was sent off to a church, in a town named Hamburg.


That would mean... Could it be?

The traveler was torn from his thoughts when the girl introduced herself as Charlotte, a cleric, and asked to come along. Yeah, that's her, he thought, watching as she produced a bottle of perfume.

"Yes, the soldier over there has a bit of an entourage, which he has no qualms with expanding," he explained to the cleric. "As for the noble quest, milady, it would be safer if you stayed here, but that would be simply my thoughts on the matter. It is Morgans' decision, I would guess."

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"Thanks. Ah, good timing," Kelas said as Arrin walked up, dusting himself off and leading Francis. "You're going to help me sell these horses." She turned to the group. "Anyone who doesn't want to keep their horse, keep your saddlebags and give me the reins."

Having collected the horses to be sold, she turned down the street the girl had pointed to, Arrin following while struggling to manage several sets of reins. "We'll meet you back here!" Kelas called over her shoulder.

OOC: Purposefully vague on numbers s.t. anyone who wants to keep their horse can.

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That man...he looks vaguely familiar..."I do not wish to be cooped up here any longer. It is so boring here, and as a devoted servant of ther Goddess my skills with a staff will be very useful." answered Charlotte.

"A staff user, hmm?" Morgan looked over to the girl and at Tessa. "Staves are quite useful I admit, but this is not some knightly romance or fairy tale. Our quest is dangerous and I will not stand for nonsense." As she spoke, she examined the reaction of the horses. They did not seem disturbed.

"How dare-" Charlotte stopped herself. "I accept your gracious offer milady. Now, I assume you will be wanting rooms at the inn after your long day of traveling? It's rather...small and plain, but it is all Hamburg really has to offer."

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Tessa swung down and rushed over to Arrin, worried, and a little guilty. He waved it off, and said he was fine, however she still felt obliged to apologize. "I'm sorry, I should have known better than to challenge you with something you weren't ready for."

An unfamiliar, excited voice soon called out, though, and after helping the mage to his feet, Tessa turned to see who it may be, while Arrin went to collect his horse. It appeared to be a priestess a few years her senior, and she was doing something funny with a little bottle thing. Curious, she moved closer.

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A bored looking man raised as he noticed a dark skinned man leading over a few horses over, his father had set up a business here, but it wasn't very often they'd get customers, by the looks of the horses behind him, the man was a seller not a buyer, sighing as he put his tankard down, he wandered over to the man, "I'spose you'll be wanting to sell those things" he said indicating the horses, clearly lacking interest in the horses. After all, he'd have joined the military and run off if his mother wasn't still around. He took a quick glance at the horses, "How much ye'be wanting for 'em?" he asked lazily.

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"How much you got?" Quickly Kelas launched into a sales pitch extolling the virtues of the cavalry horses. Arrin could barely understand what she was saying; she'd lapsed into the slurred cant of a horse trader. "If yer not lookin' to buy, I'll find someun else," she finished, not dropping the accent.

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"She's joining us? Can we make sure she's not a demon dragon? I'll go look around the town a little." Cess turned from the group. He headed down what seemed to be the only road in town, looking for a shop. There was a large tree in the center of town that seemed to have giant acorns on it's branches.

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