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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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"I know a bit of history from before everything happened, but we'd still need a boat to get there. They aren't just sand you know! And they're of the Northern coast of Halton, but it might take awhile to get there. It'd be an exellent place to hide out from the military, since appearently we're after one of those."

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After a while Helios arrived out of a Tailor. He found himself in a tan robe. It was more comfortable then his old one. Helios tossed his old one on the road. Tania looked at him with a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "This robe....... do you have some noble background" she said. Helios shrugged. "No". That was the only thing that came to his mind. Tania wasnt satisfied. "This robe isnt something that a commoner would wear" she said. "Why do you have it". Helios turned towards her. "It must be a keepsake" He said. Tania grew frustrated. "Then why would you leave it on the floor"! Helios rolled his eyes. "Tania let it go, People fear what they dont know huh. Well my past is one of them. I dont want remember anything about before". Tania looked at him for a second. Then she dropped the robe. "Im sorry Near". Then Helios heard a horse neigh. He turned around and saw a lone knight appear. "Tania said the man as he dismounted. Who is this man? and why are you with him"? Tania looked a little annoyed. "Sen i would never cheat on you. I found him unconscious". Sen wasnt content. "Why would you save him"? Tania looked at Sen with sorrow eyes. "Jeremy" She said. Sen backed off. "Still no word huh. Very well you will stay with us until you are healthy enough to travel on your own". Helios nodded. "Thank you, Sir Sen". Sen looked confused. "You refereed to me as........ never mind we should go". Tania looked at Helios and smiled. "We better get your hair done. What is that band in your hair" she said taking it out. They headed toward their house leaving the old robe behind.

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"If I may," said Alferis who crept out of his hiding spot towards Isotov, "I could help you find a place to hide from the military,"

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"Okay, hold on a second! Why the hell do people keep randomly popping out of bushes?! Dammit, this is so annoying. Okay, say your idea, if we don't like it you're going with us anyways."

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"Well there are mountains north of here that lead to a port town. The mountains are steep and dangerous enough that the empire only guards the direct routes. I know these mountains like the back of my hand. If you want, I can guide you through them."

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"Well you each have to pay me 2 gold pieces per person. Not only am I putting my life in danger to help you, but I'm the only one here who knows who to ask to sail for us. Plus I don't have enough to pay him off,"

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"How about we do that after you guide us through the mountains? Not saying you're not trustworthy, but it would be very inconvenient if you were to run off and lead us into a trap," Eric said. "If you can bring us to the man, then we'll pay you. Deal?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Well nothing's decided yet. We should see what Morgan and Damian think first ... that is ... unless you want to split up and run off again.

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"I guess so. Your thoughts?," Eric asked the two leaders of the group.

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"That sounds reasonable. I'll take my fee after we go through then. We shouldn't meet at the main tavern, that's frequented by empire troops. I'll meet you at the Iron Maiden in a few hours then. The Iron Maiden is near the slums, right of the alley by the Weapon shop," and with that, Alferis dissapeared into the alley he came from.

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"... He does realize that we just ran out of the village, doesn't he?" Eric said, watching the bandit walk into the village. "Well, uh, I guess we have three hours to decide if we're taking his offer, and if so, who's going to meet him. Also, anyone have any ideas which empire he's referring to?"

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"I don't know. It sounds dangeous. He might be our best bet, but he could just lead us into a trap again. We might be able to make it through the mountains without him if Irina recons from the sky."

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"Maybe, but her wyvern's injured, and we haven't even decided if we're heading out to sea yet. Plus, she might get shot down if she performs recon. If we're going to the isles, I say we have him be our guide. Besides, he leads us into an ambush, guess who's head rolls first?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: If you need me to scout I can. Kiev's doing alright now. I just want to make sure Morgan and Damian are alright with this first.

Iso: I'm fine either way really.

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"I think we should head back towards Halton." said Morgan. "If we retrace our steps we may be able to encounter that thief girl again. Let's not forget our purpose, we are here to defeat the Lord of Azure Flame, not to hide from the military. Of course we are running away from Conrad, but I suppose we can follow that lead later."

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"We don't have much else we can do right now,do we?" Damian replied to the question about going with the man.

"Besides,if I am thinking of the same route,after the mountains,we will pass through part of Halton before we get anywhere else,if we don't choose to remain there.With no fear of pursuit there,we can actually rest,and not die of exhaustion."

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"You mean the one who nearly killed me? I guess you could think of it that way... Well, I guess we go over the mountains, but rest a bit in Halton. Now, who's going to go meet that man?"

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"I am a little unsure about the three hour time limit though. I am not sure we have the strength to be traversing through mountains at this point. Not to mention there's the still the issue of Helios..." said Morgan.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: If you want, I can go meet the bandit. Kiev's more than enough to protect me. You should probably send a fast runner after Helios. Iso's a fast runner.

Iso: Yeah, except I'm not going to do it.

Irina: Ugh! Oh right, "I'm going to handle this journey my way." Your way sucks! Just do it.

Iso: Nope.

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"Anyone got a cloak? I can get him, if we have a cloak. I sort of killed four men, remember?" he said, when some of the others began to ask. "Helio's is the green-haired noble, right? It probably won't take me too long."

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"The main problem with Helios is that we do not actually know where he is. I doubt he got too far on foot though, so we should search for him perhaps?"

"Sending a flier over the mountains is a good idea, though going by yourself seems risky." Morgan advised.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: I can handle scouting alone. I've been doing it for years anyway.

Iso: Ivanko sent you scouting alone?

Irina: And he even had some of my friends try to shoot me down without telling me ^_^

Iso: ... ... I swear to- :facepalm:

Irina: Don't worry, Morgan, I can handle it ^_^

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Morgan nodded "Very well Irina, I trust in your abilities. Try not to die."

"As for Helios, I suppose we should spreadout in the area between here and the swamp. Do not travel alone."

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Heinz turned towards the swordsman. "What exactly do you have against going to Septimus? There are a number of cities I know of there where we could stay." Hearing Damian Heinz shrugged his shoulders. "If both Damian and Morgan want to go through the mountains though, then that is acceptable."

The woman with the red haired fire mage is under Ivanko? I may have to reassess my evaluation of her. She and that man seem close.... "Excuse me, but if you are one of Ivanko's mercenaries, what are you doing here?"

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