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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Isotov and Irina

Heinz approached Irina wondering why she was with the group. It was a short story with long potential.

Irina: Well, Ivanko is my uncle. He sent me to find these people. Morgan hired me, and so now I'm full time. This standing next to me is my brother, Iso. He's reluctant ^_^

Iso: Only because we're always getting spears or what have you chucked at us -_-

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"Again, I'd head to Septimus if I wanted to die. My countrymen and I aren't exactly on good terms with the nation," Eric said. "So the mountains it is, I guess. Still looking for a cloak."

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"I'm not exactly sure how a cloak helps you find your friend, but here you go." said Charlotte, handing her cloak to Eric.

"I heard Septimus was experiencing...political unrest lately. It might be dangerous for us to go there." said Charlotte.

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"It helps lessen the chance of being recognized, which in turn increases the chance that I'll be able to find Helios, Milady. Thanks," Eric said, donning the cleric's cloak. "I can go alone, but if you don't trust me, feel free to send someone else along with more or alone to go find Helios," he said, to Morgan.

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"You are one of the least likely to be recognized anyway, so perhaps you traveling alone would be safest." Morgan said. "If you check Hamburg, the rest of us can scan the surrounding area."

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As they walked towards Tania's house there was a question that bothered Helios. "Tania" Helios said. She looked at him. "Who is Jeremy" Helios said. Tania started fidgeting with her hair. "Uh Near, i dont thin - " Sen paused her. "Near, Tania gets emotional when we talk about Jeremy in front of her". Helios nodded. "I see, forgive me Tania". Tania looked away. "I just". She looked up in the sky. "Every time i think about Jeremy i just freeze. I just cant". Helios saw a tear slide down her eye. Sen quickly changed the topic. "So Helios, do you happen to be a Mage of some sort"? Helios nodded. For some strange reason he still remembered how to cast wind magic. "Well can i see a demonstration Sen asked. Magic always intrigued me". Helios took out Elwind. He closed his eyes as he silently chanted a spell. He focused the energy too his hand. Two blades of wind formed on his left and right hand. A soft breeze hit their face. Then the wind stopped. "Amazing" Sen said. Tania looked up. "we should get going now" she said.

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"Siblings eh?" The fire mage Crimson Weapon wielder and an Ivanko mercenary? Who would have guessed. "Good luck scouting then," He nodded at her. "It'll be nice to see if Ivanko's mercenaries are really all they're cut out to be."

Again, I'd head to Septimus if I wanted to die, that man said. Perhaps he's from one of the minor nations around that area? Septimus has had a habit of taking over small "countries" around there. Political unrest? I suppose it's possible, I haven't been back for awhile. It is a place of confusion yes, but only if you don't know how to navigate it.

OOC: Just a reminder that italics are thoughts.

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"Alright then," Eric said, pulling up the hood of the cloak. "I'll be back in an hour or so," he called over his shoulder. Returning his eyes to the town, he began to scan the crowds, looking for the green haired mage. Just like my village, all those years ago, he thought. Coming upon a white robe on the middle of the road, the traveler bent down and examined it. Yeah, this was the same one. Look, it even has those leeches all over it. Picking it up, Eric continued on down the road, eyes peeled for any sign of Helios.

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Sen's horses ear lit up. Sen knew the sign. They were being tailed. "Tania get behind me" Sen said. As Eric arrived closer Sen took out his sword and held it towards his neck. "You better have a good reason for following us" Sen said to the traveler.

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"Easy," Eric said. "I'm only here to find my companion, Helios, the man who's behind you right now. I'm not here to kill you."

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Sen lowered his blade. "Who is Helios" Sen said. Tania looked worried. Helios was skeptical of the swordsman. Tania thought for a second. That letter said from Helios to Near. Near could be Helios. Helios looked at the man for a second. "I dont know you" Helios said.

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"...Well, my other companions would be able to tell you more, but from what I've heard, Helios is the prince of Tora. And, I think he might be suffering from amnesia. We got separated from him a few hours ago, in a bit of a battle. If you want, I can bring more of my companions. They'll check out my story."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Will you be alright?

Irina: As long as no one tries to shoot me down ... yeah ^_^

She quickly whistled and Kiev trotted over to her. She gave him a quick pat on the head, and then climbed onto the saddle.

Irina: Lance, check, bravery, check.

She quickly took off and went off to scout ahead! Along the way she saw a barely paved road heading up higher and higher into the wilderness. Just a few miles ahead, she could make out dense forests and dangerous slopes all over the place. The only safe route seemed to be that one road, and luckily, nothing dangerous was near it ... well nothing except a strange large object. As she drew closer, Kiev identified the object. It was a trio of mountain wyverns picking away at a mountain goat corpse!

Irina: What is that?

As they came closer, she realized what they were.

Irina: Mountain wyverns. One ... two ... three ... oh no. They don't usually head this far from the mountains do they? Well that's fine. I should just lure them off the road if they don't leave, and that should do it.

She and Kiev landed not far from them and watched as they finished the remains of the goat to see if they would leave on their own. They remained for a few minutes and didn't move.

Irina: What gives? Well ... maybe if I wait a bit longer?

Five more minutes passed, and two of them had fallen asleep.

Irina: :facepalm:

Another ten minutes and they were all asleep.

Irina: We need to get rid of these guys, Kiev <_<

The wyvern waited for her to think of something. She quickly snapped her fingers when she came up with a plan!

Irina: Okay! Here's what we'll do!

She quickly whispered her plan to Kiev, and the two quickly disappeared. The mountain wyvern continued to slumber on the road while they waited for their food to digest. Suddenly a loud noise woke all three of them up! Boulders were rolling down the cliff by the road! All three of them took off as the rocks rolled across the road and over the edge of the cliff! A few remained on the road, but travelers could easily get by. At the top of the cliff overlooking the road, Kiev was smacking boulders down with his tail while Irina gauged the response!

Irina: Good. They're leaving.

Indeed, they were leaving. They weren't inside their own territory, and they had no reason to challenge a plain dweller so close to its territory, so they fled back into the mountains.

Irina: If we head through the mountains, we're going to come across more of them. I hope Kelas and Chase are ready for this -_-

OOC: @ Cynthia

Ah monologues ... I like'em long ... just like woman's legs :hat:

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"What is a Tora" Helios asked without even thinking. "Sounded like some dude that we have beat in a megaman game that i played before. "Im sorry but i dont think i can come with you. I mean you are hiding under a cloak. For all i know you might be a criminal". Then Tania took out Hellsety from Helios's pack. "This is what i think it isnt it" She said. "The crimson wind tome". Helios looked at her. "Crimson what"?

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"... Well, would you like me to go get the other crimson weapon wielders, to convince you? They're just waiting outside the city, you know."

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"Wait hold on a second Helios said. I dont even know what this is doing in my pack. Hell i dont even know what a crimson weapon is". Tania returned the book to its pack. "Near i think he is telling the truth". Helios turned to her. "But........ i just dont know anymore Helios said. Sen put his blade back in its sheath. "I think you should go with him Sen said. "If this is the crimson tome then they will need you". Helios didnt know what to do. "How do i know that you wont kill me once i say yes"?

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"Why would I kill you? The tome would be useless, then. Plus, do I look nefarious to you? The point being, you never know until you take the risk. So are you coming?"

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Isotov and Irina

Upon returning to the group, Irina landed near Morgan and hopped down, before walking over to her.

Irina: Okay ... a couple things, boss. The road is pretty much clear from here up into the mountains. The sky isn't. Mountain wyverns like to pick off travelers so we have to be careful. You might want to tell Kelas, Chase, and anyone else with good attacking range to be on their guard. They'll be our only defense up there if a pack comes after us.

Iso: Ideas? Is there any way to sneak past them?

Irina: Are you kidding me?! XD

This group isn't competent enough to sneak past a dead man without getting caught yet alone a bunch of hungry animals with eagle eyes and wolf noses. I can't believe you just said that XD

Iso: Well excuse me for being optimistic.

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"That'll be a problem if we want to get to the coast. It'll take us at least a week to go around the mountains. But we have plenty of magic and arrows if we need them."

Cess sat in thought a while. It would be nice to get home. He had left almost a year ago, and he missed everyone. Ever since he had lost her on the way to the capital, he was losing intrest in becoming a mercenary. He'd enjoy riding a ship again to. The salty air, the drifting waves. Just a little over two days time to the coast, then a few days at sea. He decided to keep himself busy while everyone was busy thinking of what to do, and looking for Helios.

"Does anyone want another fortune?"

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"If we spend a week going around the mountains, we're bound to run into more problems with authorities." Morgan said. "We should probably go through, though if these mountain wyverns are dangerous we are not in the best shape to fight. We should rest soon, despite the danger."

Charlotte went over to the man who she spoke to before. 'A fortune you say? That sounds interesting."

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"Back, with our favorite noble," Eric said, leading Helios to the group. "I think he hit his head, though. Tessa, you might want to check him. So, what did I miss?"

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"Alright." Cess took out his tools, and making sure he was near a particularly soft patch of grass just incase. He held the Dais in his hands, and it pulsed and glowed gently. He drew the cards.

"1. Cloud, a dark cloud is haunting you. You are trying to run from something very powerful.

2. Sword, a sword will be important to you. One will use it to protect you? Or hurt you?

3. Return, you want to go back. You have some regret, something dark.

4. Voice, there is a voice you have not heard in a long time, it has lifted your heart.

5. Sand, something is slowing you down? Or you may have an encounter in the sand, I can't tell."

He caught his breath and put his things away. The fortunes didn't seemed to be draining his energy as much. He was getting back into shape.

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"Well, it looks like we're headed through the pass," Kelas answered Eric, speaking up for the first time since they'd fled. The situation had gotten to the point where she no longer cared where they went, so long as they were less likely to be chased there. "We ought to find some shelter, a ledge or something, so we don't spend the night fighting off wyverns and mountain lions. How will having a campfire affect wyverns? Will it drive them off, or attract them?" she asked Irina.

"We're going to sleep outside?" Arrin mumbled tiredly.

"You'll get used to it," Kelas replied absently, thinking over what the group needed in order to properly rest.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Okay! A quick lesson on mountain wyverns for those that don't already know. Mountain wyverns are essentially flying wolves. If you find one mountain wyvern all by itself just staring you down for some reason, consider yourself flanked. They never go anywhere alone. They won't attack us on sight unless they think they can overpower us so keep your weapons drawn and keep them aimed up high. Next, if you find a nest, DO NOT TOUCH IT. Don't even lean in its direction. If we run into any bull mountain wyverns we're all dead anyway so don't even worry about that. Basically, be quiet, and don't look weak. Most of the travelers they pick off are in unescorted wagons or all riding horses in large groups, so we're going to come across as very weak already.

Iso: ... ... ... this doesn't seem like a good idea.

Irina: If they get too close chuck a fireball at them, and they should back off. Just don't get separated, and don't give them an opening. We might not even come across any. I'm just letting you know what could happen.

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"That was not really what I expected. It was rather...depressing. Thank you for your efforts though." Charlotte said to the shaman.

"We're sleeping...on the ground?" Charlotte asked Kelas. "That's very...tribal of us, don't you think?"

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