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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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OOC: Now would be a good time to GTFO ^_^

Isotov and Irina

As the wyvern cried out in pain, Kiev and Ulfhrahn looked up to the sky! They could both hear the flaps of wings approaching ... it was calling for help!

Irina: K-Kiev?

One of the mountain wyverns took its chance and lunged at the group, only to have its neck crushed by Kiev in a swift counterattack! He laid the dead wyvern out as the others hissed! They wanted back up, and they wanted it now!

Irina: Guys! Come on! We're going to get overrun any second now! Head through the trees along the main road! They'll have to follow us on foot that way!

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OOC: Tell me when, and there will be fried lizard.

"Got a plan?" Eric said, backing over to the bull wyvern. "If there's any more, I doubt our scaly friend here can take them all."

Further off, a third circle thunder mage was sitting on a boulder, watching the scene with interest while raging over Hamburg's inn-keeper.

"No mages allowed, he said. I want nothing to do with your lot, he said," the mage said to herself." Does it really matter? No. But because of that idiot, I have to sleep out here! The nerve of some people. Well, at least I get to see this. Makes good target practice, as well." Producing a Bolting tome, the mage got up, getting ready to cast.

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"What about the others"? Helios cast a spell quietly. Two blades of wind formed at his hand. "I can use theses as boomerangs. It will do well for a distraction. We need focus on waking up the rest".

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The path has gotten alot easier after their small break, she yawned as Alferis started looking around, as if he were looking for something, probably wyverns. She smiled at the thought, if he'd been enlisted as a soldier he probably would have been trampled all over by those aiming for promotions, yet still have been a nasty one to shake off had they ever faced off in town, loyalty and persistence were the two problematic traits when she dealt with soldiers.

She yawned getting bored of the darkness around her, when Alferis suddenly spoke pointing out a few figures down below surrounded by wyverns. "Soldiers?" she asked not really caring, she couldn't exactly figure out the shapes in the dark.

Travelers were one thing, but whether they should get involved in the scuffles of some stupid travelers was something Reika wanted to avoid, afterall it wasn't her business, even with the off chance that it was the group she was looking for, she didn't see any reason to help them, the more dead the better.

"I see them" she said with an amused look "And what do you propose we do? I've already told you that I'm next to useless against wyverns" she said smiling at the man testing him to see if he was a heartless man, or a stupid hero wannabe.

Edited by Kanami
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Cess had attacked one of the wyverns,and it called out for help.

"What are you,a moron?!Ugh...Gae-Borg!" Damian yelled out annoyed,and as the lance materialized,Damian plunged it into the hide of the injured wyvern,killing it.

"Let's get out of here,now!" Aiya echoed Irina,before looking back to Ulfhrahn.

Upon hearing the call for help,Ulfhrahn didn;t waste time.A quick lunge and one of the mountain wyvern's throat snapped under the pressure of Ulfhrahn's jaws.A powerful swing of his tail struck down another,and the sickening snap and whimper told the tale of a severely broken wing.The crippled Wyvern was killed before the group began to flee.

Ulfhrahn let out a louder roar this time,the threat clear,the two dead wyverns giving the threat as much precedence as it could need.

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Helios didnt have much time. Two wyvern arrived to the rescue. Helios threw the boomerang at their throats. It cut deep but didnt quite kill them. He yelled out to the others. "We need to leave now". The others a bit reluctant got up and followed. He cast Elwind again pinpointing the mana to his hand. Another boomerang formed. He ran after them

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"I-I thought we were fighting them. But let's get out of here. I can take someone slower on my horse." Cess mounted, his tome still in his hands. A wyvern had snuck behind the cliff, his jaws ready to lunge at Damian. One bite would snap him in half.

"Watch out!"

Edited by psychout50
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OOC: Dani ... and boomerangs ... hmm ....

Isotov and Irina

Iso: Irina.

Irina: What?

Iso: Question.

Irina: Can it wait?!

Iso: No. Would we be able to escape if we lit another fire?

Irina: Oh no you are not burning down this forest with us in it! >_<

Iso: Alright, sorry, I was just asking.

Irina: (I pray for quality time with my brother and this is what I get >_< ) Remember, keep heading through the trees! That'll slow them down! Archers! Take aim at the fliers overhead when they show up, and watch out for the falling bodies! They're heavier than they look!

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A quick apology from the Shaman,and a warning.

Swinging quickly to cover his flank,he saw the wyvern take a blow from Helios,and thrust Gae-Borg through it's throat as it howled in pain.

"Let's just go!" Damian said,rushing towards the forest,Ulfhrahn covering the rear as several other group members began to retreat.

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"Don't need to. I'm perfectly taking them on too, like..." Chase muttered to Helios, and he drew his bow. "so," he finished, and released the arrow, piercing through one of the wyvern's wing. He readied a second arrow and fired at its other wing, once again hitting it at a critical joint. With a horrifying screech, the wyvern plummeted towrads the ground, landing with a sickening thud.

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"Wow" Helios said. Then he remembered that archers can destroy flyers. "That worked better then my magic". The Wyvern let out a screech. Helios looked up and saw a shadow. It was far more bigger then the average Wyvern. "Run" Helios yelled out to Chase. "Its a bull".

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"... That's Ulfhran. Don't you remember? ... Your name is Helios, right?" Then he saw the huge shadow and looked up. "That's not Ulfhrahn... uh, yeah, running would be a good idea," Chase replied hastily, and dashed away from the wyvern. Something's not right with him...

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"Well, here goes nothing," Eric said, as a wyvern began to rush at him. Ducking, Eric made to counter, but the beast was out of reach. Suddenly, a stream of light passed through the wyvern. Seconds later, a massive bolt of lighting struck it, filling the air with the smell of cooking flesh.

"WHOA!" the traveler exclaimed, barely avoiding being crushed by the fried dragon. "Watch where you're aiming, Arrin!"

"Yes! a hit!" the mage said excitedly, before firing off another bolt towards the wyverns.

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"Uh what is an Ulfy. Sounds edible. And no my name is Near. These people keep calling me Helios. Helios was the god of wind in ancient mythology. Why would they find him here"? THe bull landed. It mauled Ufranh(Whatsitsname). (Whatsitsname) flew into the air. The bull wyvern looked at Kiev. That was its next target.

Edited by Kai
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He considered his options. On the one hand, he wanted to help them, though he was reluctant to risk his life for strangers. On the other hand, he couldn't risk Reika's life.

At a closer glance, he could see them handling themselves fine.

"No. Let's not," he said after much deliberation. "They seem fine. I don't want any trouble. To go down there would be certain death, especially for you," he explained.

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"Yeah, uh, he hit his head. Tessa needs to check his head out, some time after this. Now, we might want to move," Eric said, seeing as more and more forms were appearing in the sky.

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OOC: Ninja'd Ninja'd and Ninja'd. Im gonna act like Dani bolted the shit out of the bull. Ether will most likely ninja me and do something.

A bolt of lightning hit the Bull. It hit its wing. The bull fell on the floor. It wasnt dead yet but it couldnt fly. Whatsitsname circled around it desperate to get revenge for that lucky shot

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"That lightning didn't come from Arrin." said Morgan, observing the situation. "It came from the other direction oddly enough, someone in Hamburg likes to use thunder spells on random wyverns? Most peculiar. Anyway, we should keep moving."

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Reika smirked "Heartless then" she said clearly pleased with choice. She'd prefer a heartless man who could make sensible decisions over a guy who'd get emotionally tangled up and jump into trouble and have a hero complex.

"Well, it's probably only a matter of time before those flying lizards notice us, best to hurry away from here I'd say" she didn't know how much time those travelers would buy them, but as long as the wyverns focused on the group, there should be a lot less trouble for them.

"How much longer until we make it out of here anyway?" she asked curiously. She'd been rather surprised they'd had no trouble until now, but if this was just the beginning, they'd most likely not reach the other side.

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The new Bull wyvern swooped and attacked Ulfhrahn.Ulfhrahn evaded the snapping jaws and knew he had to engage this thing,or it would kill the group members.

Giving a growl to Kiev,telling him to ensure Aiya wasn't hurt,Ulfhrahn quickly rammed the Mountain Bull before it could attack Kiev.

The two wyverns faced off,Ulfhrahn easily the larger of the two and roared menacingly,swinging his tail at the bull!

Or he was about to.The bull was hit by a lightning bolt,and Ulfhrahn took the opportunity to snap its throat as it fell from the sky.

Ulfhrahn came back down,landing near the healers,ensuring the swipe the Mountain wyvern had gotten on him was visible to them,but hidden to the other attackers.

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"In the Goddess's name Helios, if you lost your memory how can you be so sure of your name? And if you didn't lose your memory, you are just being a complete moron. Do not play these childish games." Morgan said, chastising Helios.

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"I cant be sure my name is Helios either" Helios said. "Fine then, i'll be this "Helios" person. Dont expect me to act like this "Helios" person. "Helios" was a jackass".

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