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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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When Eric had inquired after Kamilla's whereabouts, Tessa informed him that during the ensuing confusion of the morning, she'd taken her eyes off of the woman for one minute, and then suddenly had no idea where she had got off to. "...It, might be for the best? She seemed to suddenly really hate almost everyone, and I don't know, she wasn't acting as oddly as before, so maybe she's snapping out of things? We probably shouldn't have forced her to come with us in the first place," she added a bit regretfully. Her emotions on the matter were still all awhirl, but she didn't feel so responsible for her to just drop everything and everyone whom she had connections with at the moment to search the city alone, and isolated.

Unfortunately for Tessa, it looked like another nearly identical situation had just begun to brew, with Morgan deciding unilaterally to head back to Vaorin. A fair chunk of the others were either pro-wagon, neutral, or undecided, and the female shaman was walking away alone. Irina had quickly ran after her, apparently trying to convince her to rethink the matter, but Tessa just stood stunned for a moment. What should she do?

Tessa found herself slowly moving in Morgan's direction, occasionally looking backwards, as if hoping some of the others would join in and either they would all go, or more would try to convince the shaman to stay.

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Kamilla had been walking around the streets slowly making her way to a Ilyphina's military base, she had no idea what it looked like but everyone else on the streets seemed to know, and they didn't seem to have any qualms about revealing it's whereabouts. As she arrived at her destination she looked around, and noticed she wasn't at a castle but some sort of military outpost watch. (Police box) She went over to the building and looked for an entrance only find a door already open on the side of the building. A man sat calmly reading a newspaper and seemed irritated when Kamilla interrupted him. "What'cha want missy?" he asked monotonously, most likely words he'd repeated more times then he cared to count while working here.

Kamilla: "Kamilla knows where bad people are!" she said childishly, they have Crimson weapons, and did bad stuff to Kamilla" she said completely serious.

Soldier: The man snorted "Yeah, and I'm the demon king, go play somewhere else kid."

Kamilla: "Kamilla not playing, Kamilla see pretty lady with blonde hair with wing horsie come and say they bad people" she said not giving up.

Soldier: "Pretty lady? blonde hair? Ah right, Yeah most likely the Generals wench. what about her?"

Kamilla: "She say she going to take them away and then man grab her head and then walk off not remember nuthin" she continued.

The soldier raised any eyebrow now, he'd heard of how the general wench had returned without a single scratch on her 2 days ago, claiming to have defeated some wanted criminals, and had doubted that the woman could pull such a feat, after all she only got where she is today by mounting things other then her pegasus.

Kamilla: "They hiding in big building with lots of mages, but they say they go away soon so Kamilla come tell you" she said proudly as she was certain she had the mans attention.

Soldier: "TISME no doubt, bloody mages think their at the top of the world" he grumbled, "I'm listening girl, what do these people look like?"

Kamilla: Kamilla frowned, "Dumb wind mage with green hair, Isotov-Irina's brother has red fiery hair.... then there's people with swords, and people with bows, a few horsies, and one of the girls had a big lizard that flies.

The man nearly fell off his seat at the mention of the wyvern. He'd been on watch duty when the CW group had escaped from captivity infront of Ilyphina's gates. And he was aware of the menacing wyvern ridden by the girl.

Soldier: "And you say their heading out?" he asked interested now.

Kamilla:"They say they leaving in hour, but it been hour since Kamilla left so they be leaving now!" she said as if suddenly realizing she might be too late. "They say they fight demon lord though, so they go to find demon lord Kamilla thinks" she said racking her brains.

The soldier smiled the girl clearly was clearly trying her best, despite her not being able to speak proper common.

Soldier: "Right, closest thing to demon lord around here would be.... ah perhaps the tentacle monster we've been hearing lately." he got up and walked inside with Kamilla following close behind.

Soldier: "Gather the squad, we've got some criminals to catch." to a group of men. The men inside sprang into action immediately, clearly having been bored they seemed to be more then willing to comply.

As the others got ready, the man turned to Kamilla "If what you say is true then there bound to hasten my promo.... actually have you told anyone else about them?" the man asked, his tone suddenly becoming stiff.

Kamilla shook her head.

"Right, don't tell anyone else, okay? I'll go capture these bad people for you so there's no need to worry or let anyone else know."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Yeeeeah ... but at least if we're all together we've got a better chance of surviving right? Please stay? Maybe we can find a way to work through our dumb decisions.

Iso: Cripes, is she still pleading with Morgan?

Irina: Iso! she's not wrong to be concerned! No one even cares to explain how the hell the headmaster knew where we were going! I didn't go around shouting it from the rooftops!

Iso: Is it that hard to believe that the headmaster is well informed? Morgan went around telling anyone within earshot where we were going? No one but us heard? Impossible -_-

Irina: Urgh! Shut up! I'm trying to keep us together here! >_< (Plus if Morgan runs off, I have to go with her, and I can't pry Iso from Katie to save my life >_< )

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If he's a merc, why doesn't he know the value of gold around here? Eric thought. Getting a response from Tessa, he shrugged. "Just hope this doesn't come back to get us," he said, stiffening a little.

Edit: Grammar's annoying. >.>

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"Morgan, wait! I-if we're going to split up, you might as well take this, I-I mean I have two..."

Cess took something out of his pack. A little figurine of an angel stood in his arms, lightly glowing in the evening sun. Her wings were delicately sculpted, curving around her face. As a matter of fact, her face looked strikingly similar to Morgan's.

"We can use this to communicate. Ju-just in case you get into trouble, we can come help you"

"Why am I getting so nervous? I shouldn't be blushing. She's just a girl."

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"Um, thank you. That's...rather thoughful of you and quite useful."

"Of course this could all be avoided if we simply did not use the cart. It does not appear to increase our traveling speed significantly, and the driver has questionable credentials."

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"Alright. Well, one of you has made up their minds already." chimed in Helen. "I suppose the rest of you want my transport? Good then. I'll have you to yer destination by tomorrow morning or so."

"A day? Don't kid. It took us quite a bit of traveling on foot to get here."

"That's the thing about a cart. It's almost always faster than going on foot. Well, so long as the roads are clear. Besides, bandits shy away from armed passenger carts. Not worth the trouble and the cart can have extra weapons and be used defensively."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Well ... let me know what you decide.

Iso: Why do you care?

Iso leaned over from the wagon calling down to her.

Irina: If she takes off, I have to go with her.

Iso: WHAT?!!! :blink:

Irina: Uncle's code. Don't abandon your employer. I don't want to leave you behind, but Katie's already made up her mind, and so have you. I want us to stick together ... but ...

Iso: You're going ... with the shaman? :wtf:

Irina: Damian didn't hire me ... she did -_-

Isotov was horribly disturbed and his jaw hung open as he sank back into his seat by Katie. He looked over to her and queried.

Iso: Can this get any worse?

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"A day hmm? Perhaps I underestimated the value of this cart. If it truly goes as fast as you say it will, that would be beneficial. Time is of the essence. Not to mention the extra defense the cart provides could be useful..."

Morgan pondered for a minute. "I suppose I'll take the risk and use the cart, but I am watching you very carefully Helen." she said, eyeing the driver as she moved back towards the group.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: So you're staying? :)

Iso: I had no idea you were so in love with that shaman.

Irina: Money'll do that :P

With the crisis resolved, Irina grabbed Kiev's reins and began leading him back to the wagon following Morgan and Esphyr.

Irina: Thanks for staying with us. I'm not keen on ditching my own brother, and I already spent the gold you gave me. (On the wrong stuff :sob: )

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Kelas hung back from the discussion. She'd spent the ride in silence; she hadn't even set foot in the stable before leaving, instead, she'd let the hostler handle the horses. The whole business still had her nervous, and no matter what Damian said, she wasn't going anywhere near him again for a while.

She looked over the woman with the cart. Her appearance was an odd occurrence, but then, nearly everything they'd encountered in the past week had been. She let the group argue; she didn't care either way. When Morgan threatened to leave, all Kelas could think was "good riddance," despite the small bit of help she'd provided after the morning's incident.

It looked like an agreement had been reached. Kelas rode over, thinking to hitch the packhorse (apparently now named Francis) to the cart, but paused: Francis was nervous, as was Amari. She thought better of it, mentally thanking the hostler who'd accidentally gifted her an extra saddle. "Arrin, c'mere. You get Francis," she called to her brother, who stood by Tessa.


"You have to learn properly sometime, haven't you?" She was about to make a crack at Arrin's attachment to Tessa, but thought better of it. "Come on. Yeah, around his left side. Foot in the stirrup... oh come on, you're not that short..." Instructing took her mind off things, and she finished walking her brother through the basics of riding a horse. "Francis is a good sort, he won't throw you. I'd mind going near that wagon though-- he doesn't like it, and I'm not sure I do either."

Clumsily Arrin convinced Trevor to walk forward, pulling up alongside Tessa. "This wagon business is a bit odd, isn't it?" he remarked quietly.

Kelas rode around the edge of the group. As she passed Morgan and Esphyr, she thought she heard one mention watching the wagon driver. A good idea, she thought. As the group got ready to go, she stayed on the edge, watching at intervals the wagon driver and her brother. A swamp crossing... what might they be headed into?

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Morgan got in the cart and found herself sitting next to Cess.

"I suppose I won't be needing this anymore." she said, handing the dolls back to him. "Interesting artifacts though, I am unfamiliar with the type of magic present in them."

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I would think it a simple enchantment to be honest. Katie quickly scribbled on a note before tearing it off and passing it to Morgan. I could probably duplicate it given enough time and spirit dust

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"I don't fully understand them myself. I'm able to use them to communicate with someone I have a connection with over a long distance. My sister has one at home. I talk to her occasionally. It's much quicker than a Pegasus messenger, and they seem to be able to even evaluate your relationship as well. I heard if the two that are communicating are soul mates, the dolls are even able to transfer items over long distances as well. You can keep that one if you want. I already have this one."

Cess pulled his own Spirit Doll out.

"I've had them so long, I've forgotten how I came into them. I've heard they're a bit rare. "

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"I saw several dark artifacts growing up, but my mentor usually preferred things that involved power, blood rituals that kind of thing. I doubt she had anyone she wanted to communicate with anyway."

"I thank you for this gift though, it may come in useful sometime. We do tend to get seperated fairly frequently. Transferring items too...interesting."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina decided to ride Kiev and flank the wagon throughout the trip. Keiv was used to never getting rides and understood that his weight would be an issue anyway. Iso continued to read from Proxima's pages hoping to curve the boredom, and to try to distract himself from three things that disturbed him. One thing, was the letter Irina gave him. What was in the letter? The second thing, was Irina actually willing to go with Morgan instead of him? Was a mercenary contract that important? The third? Why did he just allow himself to be put in such a dangerous situation. He knew that Helen couldn't be trusted, but without being able to sense his own emotions, he had no way of knowing why he carelessly followed Katie's lead. He had to figure out why she could influence him without any effort whatsoever sooner or later.

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"So, a sister you say?" Morgan asked Cess. "I thought all shamans grew up in forsaken huts in the wilds. I've never really met any other shamans though, so I guess it would be inaccurate for me to base all impressions of them on myself."

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Cess laughed.

"No, I suppose I just leaned into it. I originally was going to learn Wind magic. You see, my grandfather had been a common mage in the war against the Lord many years ago. My family has always had a natural inclination towards magic, my sister knows how to use staves, my mother is a fortune teller, and my father is a Thunder sage. I guess it started when I began learning about the Crimson Weapons and studying demons and the Spirit Dolls. I became interested in the Dark arts, and my grandfather gave me my first dark tome."

Cess stared at the clouds going by. It looked like rain. Unfortunately, with the cart not having a cover, he was worried they might get soaked.

"I know. Let me tell your fortune! We've got time, and I know a bit from my mother"

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"Your relatives were anima mages? Flemeth always told me anima mages were fools and charlatans. My travels with this group have given me the insight that this is perhaps not entirely true, though not proven false either. It is probably better to judge on an individual basis than pass judgment over an entire group."

"Fortune telling, hmm? I was not aware that had any magical basis. If it does have some actual divining properties, then it is quite the useful skill indeed. I am curious to learn what my future holds."

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Iso quickly became bored of reading seeing as how Katie was sitting right next to him. He figured he may as well ask a favor.

Iso: Katie? There's something I'd like to talk to you about. It's not that personal, but it is kind of important.


Irina thought to herself while slouching in her saddle. She lied across Kiev's back while he followed the wagon. Her thoughts simply came one after another.

Irina: (That letter was so ... warm ... I wonder what it was like for him traveling all that time. He was so against joining this group at first. Was it because he didn't want to lose anymore friends or was it because he just didn't like anyone here? I'm starting to lean towards the not liking anyone version ^_^ Now that he's been with us for awhile, he's pretty cooperative.)

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Kamilla peeked at the group as they arrived at the gate. She automatically recognized a few of the people on the cart, and a Tessa, Kelas and Arrin seemed to be riding on individual horses anyway. The captain of the guards looked at her for confirmation, and Kamilla nodded her head. Sure enough, there was a man with long fiery red hair and the others seem to fit the general description. The gate guards moved to intercept the cart, but a hand signal from the captain and the guards held their ground. One of the soldiers quickly glanced over the group before making way telling the group they could pass.

Kamilla looked at the captain questioningly, but the man just smiled, "Thanks lass, we'll take it from here"

Kamilla shook her head "You said you were going to capture them" she pouted, upset over how easily they'd let the group through.

But the captain had other plans "Unfortunately I wasn't planning for them to be so numerous, we'd be overpowered easily so we're going to follow them and nab them when they least expect it.

Kamilla cocked her head to the side "Like when they're sleeping?" she asked trying to make sense of the answer.

"Exactly girly, we've got to go follow them now, thanks for the information" the man said flicking her a gold coin.

But Kamilla wasn't going to leave them just yet "Kamilla coming too!" she demanded, the group had passed through the gates, but they might of heard her.

The captain frowned, uneasy about the idea, "Uhh you sure? If they're bad people you might get hurt or even killed"

"Kamilla coming whether beardie likes it or not" she asserted strongly.

A soldier nearby laughed, "Aww let her come captain, if we get bored we could have a little fun with her"

Kamilla nodded her head "Kamilla fun to play with, so you take Kamilla too" she said nodding her approval at the soldiers words.

The captain sighed and shrugged his shoulder "If you're sure, then fine" as another group of soldiers brought over 8 warhorses, they began mounting the horses, Kamilla being offered to ride with the captain.

Captain: "Listen up, our objective is to tail those outlaws and capture them if we get the chance, this is a covert operation, and I don't want any of you whelps making any rash decsions without consulting me first. Got it?"

Soldiers: "Yes sir"

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