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Let's Play Fire Emblem 4


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Casually following this. It's hard to link your voice with your awesome Jayson Werth beard in the Picture Thread. Apart from that, everything's great from the perspective of this rather clueless bystander.

Not that your voice is bad *cough*Mine will always be worse, but that beard encourages something along the lines of the offspring of Dozla and Brian Blessed.

Edited by Yossarian
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Woah, up to 9 already? I'm slightly impressed. But unhappy that you haven't uploaded 7+8 yet :P. Quick question to check if you have all the characters so far (you probably do, none are exactly hard to find): How many characters do you have?

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Each unit gets money for each castle in your possession IIRC.

That actually explains away my confusion about why Celice had more money than I thought he should, allowing him to get the Leg Ring without even needing to fight the arena. I'd been trying to pay careful tabs on making sure I could move it over after seeing how badly he needed it.

Woah, up to 9 already? I'm slightly impressed. But unhappy that you haven't uploaded 7+8 yet :P. Quick question to check if you have all the characters so far (you probably do, none are exactly hard to find): How many characters do you have?

The uploads are actually ongoing as I speak (half of Ch7 is finished, maybe), I was gonna wait till I made sure none of them barfed in transfer before linking, but yeah.

Chapter 7 was kind of hellish, and I'm ashamed at my performance. Chapter 8 on the other hand was so much fun. I'll get a full list of highlights editted up into this later, but for now you can content yourself with my stats listings.

I will say, though, that promoting Fee at the start of Chapter 8 enabled her to be all sorts of awesome.

New videos begin


Chapter 7 Highlights:

Notice that Boss's bargain staff, decide to send Julia to kill him.

This takes too long and he finds Fenrir :o

Had expected to need to warp people back to the home castle to avoid crazy desert. Quite surprised by the landslide. Had I know this, I would have left Lena with my other people, and had many many less problems in the next segment.

Repeated frustration advancing on castle #2, eventually requiring a series of strategic withdrawals.

Oh crap, Ishtor had a bolting. *reset*

The fact that Tinny was buried in amongst those enemy mages left me very conservative about how I handled the situation. It worked better than expected.

Lakche married Johan somewhere along the way.

Realize (even though I was going to do it anyway, despite it being out of the way) that seizing that one castle was necessary to get Leen.

I hate desert chapters with long segments of boring.

Chapter 8 Highlights:

Finn and Fee promote turn 1.

General Hannibal's squad went down with surprising ease. Should have perhaps allotted more resources north, but it ended up fine.

Mage sisters were yet again annoying.

Patty talks, Faval Get.

Julia's Bargain Ring let her afford the Sleep Staff that trivialized Ishtar.

Fire Sword Fee laughs at Bandits.

Lester gets a Hero Bow!

NPC Sety using Physic on my wounded units was worth a chuckle.

Could not figure out how to get Altena to come down from the mountain so her brother could recruit her. Later learn this is plot induced immobility.

Apparently that Ballista Captain 1HKOs dancers. Who knew?

Patty acquires a Thief Bracelet. :facepalm:

Lester gets a Killer Bow! Now he kicks mighty amounts of ass.

Lena promotes and cleans out the Arena. Hope this trend continues so she can eventually finance that Sleep Staff repair.

[spoiler=Ch7 end stats]

Celice:   6.10 35  9  3 12 10 10  9  3 (Steel Sword 52)
Skasaha: 11.29 44 13  1 25 16 10  9  1 (Silver Sword 37)
Lakche:  10.88 38 12  1 23 16  8  9  0 Johan (Hero Sword 32)
Lana:    16.20 47  4 20 12 16 26  7  9
Delmud:  11.47 41 17  0 10 13 12 11  2
Lester:   9.29 36  9  8  9 15 18  8  2
Oifay:   20.19 45 16  9 20 19 12 19 10
Julia:   13.92 35  1 23 12 15  9  4 20 
Fee:     17.18 43 14  5 19 25  7 13 10 (Slim Sword 27)
Arthur:   7.28 33  0 11 11 10 14  2 10
Johan:   17.56 45 18  1 11 15  6 16  1 Lakche
Leaf:     5.18 33 14  5 12  9 11  9  3 
Fin:     21.28 49 19  2 16 12 20 17  0 
Nanna:    8.21 35 12  3  9  9 11  7  5
Shanan:  16.27 43 20  0 24 24 10 15  5
Patty:    2.38 30  6  0  6 11 10  4  1
Aless:   12.36 46 15  5 13 15  9 14  4
Tinny:    4.98 27  0  9 11 10 14  2  7
Leen:     4.56 27  3  0  3  9  7  1  4

[spoiler=Ch8 end stats]

Celice:  11.58 42 12  4 14 12 12 12  3 (Steel Sword 56)
Skasaha: 15.31 51 14  1 25 19 11 13  3 (Silver Sword 40)
Lakche:  14.75 45 15  1 25 18  9 10  0 Johan (Hero Sword 33)
Lana:    22.44 53  6 27 18 22 30 12 11
Delmud:  14.30 46 17  1 12 13 12 12  2
Lester:  15.86 43 12 11  9 17 21 11  2 (Killer Bow 38)
Oifay:   23.55 48 16  9 22 19 13 20 10
Julia:   18.13 40  2 23 12 17 11  5 21 
Fee:     27.34 56 16 15 24 30  9 18 16 (Slim Sword 27)
Arthur:  10.98 36  1 12 14 13 16  2 12
Johan:   19.72 47 18  1 12 17  6 18  1 Lakche
Leaf:    13.26 43 22  5 16 14 13 14  3 (Light Sword 18)
Fin:     24.50 51 25  3 18 14 20 20  3 (Hero Lance 45)
Nanna:   16.45 42 18  3 10 11 14 10  7
Shanan:  19.85 46 22  0 27 24 10 16  5 (Balmung 15)
Patty:    5.39 33  8  1  8 14 11  5  1
Aless:   17.66 53 19  6 14 17 12 16  7 (Mistoltin 10)
Tinny:   10.83 36  1 12 16 14 18  2  9
Leen:     8.53 30  5  0  6  9 10  1  5
Faval:   13.02 42 14  2 17 20 12 12  0 (Ichival 12)
Sety:    17.78 47  3 20 21 19 15 10 14

Edited by Balcerzak
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Links to videos provided, highlights added to the the statsheet post for Chapters 7 and 8. I may have forgot a couple of events, but without rewatching the whole set and adding in the youtube tags (probably not going to happen for a while), I won't have a better handle on them.

Nice. You have everyone, by the way, which I'm sure comes as a complete unsurprise to you. Celice's low level makes me sad... but at least he can critical.

Celice... yeah, I'd like for him to gain more XP, but somehow, he just never seems to be in the right place at the right time. It's kind of sad. Maybe I'm unconsciously avoiding raising my lord due to auto-promotions having subtly ruined the way I think about them. Or maybe it's just his talking and seizing duties keeping him too occupied.

Good to see someone else appreciate the utter awesomeness of an 1337-ringed Levin|Fee.

I discovered this entirely by accident, because Fury needed Elite to promote in Chapter 5, and then I never took it off... Then in Chapter 8 base, I'm thinking to myself about resource management, and who should get the Fire Sword, and realize "Oh my word, Fee gets like +7 Mag on promotion, which she can do after clearing the arena. Plus she gets staves!" An 8 move healer not subject to terrain penalties and that also cleanly 1RKOs bandits is a wonderful thing.

Of course, my resource management leaves much still to be desired, as no-one else could yet afford Elite, so she got it for the rest of the chapter. But Chapter 9, it looks like I can pass it around...

Edited by Balcerzak
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I'm currently watching the videos (somewhere before attacking Melgen). I'll probably have more to say later.

Notice that Boss's bargain staff, decide to send Julia to kill him.

This takes too long and he finds Fenrir :o

Yeah, you could have seen that coming since he mentions it at the start of the chapter. Though, it's also risky to try to take on Cutuzov with Shannan only (and possibly Fee[unless she has the Hero Spear])

Had expected to need to warp people back to the home castle to avoid crazy desert. Quite surprised by the landslide.

You mean terraforming.

I see you didn't know what to do with Leaf & co. If you ever do another playthrough, it's a good idea to give Lachesis Ethlin's Return Staff + a Return Ring. That way, they can all be teleported to Rivough and fight with everyone.

General Hannibal's squad went down with surprising ease. Should have perhaps allotted more resources north, but it ended up fine.

You probably meant Muhammad here.

Apparently that Ballista Captain 1HKOs dancers. Who knew?

Depends on who the father is. ;)

Patty acquires a Thief Bracelet. :facepalm:

Again? You already had Deu receiving the Bargain Ring if memory serves. :lol:

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Celice badly needs the Elite Ring at this point of the game if he's underleveled. You'll find out why later on...

But the good thing is Chapter 9 is really good on Exp. so even if you didn't, you should be able to get a good chunk of your army (if not all of them) promoted.

Chapter 7 is made of PAIN, because yeah all your knights move like crap...and your foot soldiers aren't much better off.

Edited by Chainy
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I've watched most of Chapter 7 now. Interesting strategy with fighting off the dark mages and stuff with Shanan - I always have them retreat, barely survive, then counter attack with my army. I don't know which is better. Also it's a shame you took the captain out so quickly in the Lenster army - if you don't, the enemies keep spawning and you get tons of exp, provided you can keep beating them (I got Leaf to about level 8 off of them, before breaking the Light Sword).

Have you worked out which children have reversed inheritance (where the mother is the primary parent for the boy and the father is the primary parent for the girl)?

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Answering some more questions before I go to sleep.

In case you get an item while your inventory is full, you get an option that will let you send one item to your storage.

And I think the Lakche->Shannan conversation expired due to Lakche falling in love with Johan. It was supposed to give a +2 strenght boost to Lakche as well as developing their incestuous feelings for each other. :(

Also, Finn can't fall in love in the 2nd gen. Only the first one. So don't even try.

Edited by Marthur
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And I think the Lakche->Shannan conversation expired due to Lakche falling in love with Johan. It was supposed to give a +2 strenght boost to Lakche as well as developing their incestuous feelings for each other. :(

Oh, yeah, that's correct. Any conversation which gives lover points, regardless of any other boost, doesn't happen if one/both people have a lover (even each other)

Edit: And it's not THAT incestuous. They're cousins, which is generally acceptable in most cultures (and IIRC, it was encouraged in others)

Edit 2: [spoiler=Minor spoiler regarding Aless' growths]Your Aless was awesomely STR screwed by the end of chapter 7. He has a 90% growth, and he gained STR 2/5 levels. Not that it matters, considering that the chance of him not capping by about level 22 is practically nil.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I discovered this entirely by accident, because Fury needed Elite to promote in Chapter 5, and then I never took it off... Then in Chapter 8 base, I'm thinking to myself about resource management, and who should get the Fire Sword, and realize "Oh my word, Fee gets like +7 Mag on promotion, which she can do after clearing the arena. Plus she gets staves!" An 8 move healer not subject to terrain penalties and that also cleanly 1RKOs bandits is a wonderful thing.

Of course, my resource management leaves much still to be desired, as no-one else could yet afford Elite, so she got it for the rest of the chapter. But Chapter 9, it looks like I can pass it around...

Heh, well, I didn't experience it until my recent efficiency(and still incomplete) run when I stuffed Fury with a ton of items and the Thief Sword to barely make the requisite 40000 to buy the Elite Ring in chapter 7 after Celice was done with the ring in Ch. 6.

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Video 091 doesn't work.

You didn't miss anything important in this chapter. Just two events that really give you nothing.

And your guess was correct, most weapons/items that aren't passed down end up in the shops or on bosses, retaining their kill count from the first gen.

Edit: And it's not THAT incestuous. They're cousins, which is generally acceptable in most cultures (and IIRC, it was encouraged in others)

Stop ruining my fun. >:O

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Casually following this. It's hard to link your voice with your awesome Jayson Werth beard in the Picture Thread. Apart from that, everything's great from the perspective of this rather clueless bystander.

Not that your voice is bad *cough*Mine will always be worse, but that beard encourages something along the lines of the offspring of Dozla and Brian Blessed.

I totally forgot to reply to this. Sorry, Furet. And yeah, I guess there is some cognitive dissonance between my appearance and my voice, so I've probably shattered a couple of illusions. Still, you make due with what you've got. Glad you're enjoying the run, O fellow clueless one!

Yeah, you could have seen that coming since he mentions it at the start of the chapter. Though, it's also risky to try to take on Cutuzov with Shannan only (and possibly Fee[unless she has the Hero Spear])

I see you didn't know what to do with Leaf & co. If you ever do another playthrough, it's a good idea to give Lachesis Ethlin's Return Staff + a Return Ring. That way, they can all be teleported to Rivough and fight with everyone.

Again? You already had Deu receiving the Bargain Ring if memory serves. :lol:

Yeah, Shanan had like, 5 HP, and the avoid rates didn't look so hot against the guardian dark mages, and Fee chip didn't seem entirely plausible either. If I'd had Physic staff not locked away for another chapter, things could have been better, I guarantee it.

That's a good idea. Probably even better than reinforcement farming, which I also completely forgot I could do.


I've watched most of Chapter 7 now. Interesting strategy with fighting off the dark mages and stuff with Shanan - I always have them retreat, barely survive, then counter attack with my army. I don't know which is better. Also it's a shame you took the captain out so quickly in the Lenster army - if you don't, the enemies keep spawning and you get tons of exp, provided you can keep beating them (I got Leaf to about level 8 off of them, before breaking the Light Sword).

Have you worked out which children have reversed inheritance (where the mother is the primary parent for the boy and the father is the primary parent for the girl)?

I... yeah, for some reason a full retreat with Shanan&Patty never crossed my mind. I don't know that it would have been any more or less effective either, but that is something to consider.

Yeah, I think I've got most of the inheritances sorted out by this point. Except for some reason I keep forgetting that Nanna is Lachesis's daughter. I don't even know how I keep making that mistake.

And I think the Lakche->Shannan conversation expired due to Lakche falling in love with Johan. It was supposed to give a +2 strenght boost to Lakche as well as developing their incestuous feelings for each other. :(

Also, Finn can't fall in love in the 2nd gen. Only the first one. So don't even try.

Oh, man. Bummer. You can never have too much strength.

Poor, lonely Finn. :(

[spoiler=Minor spoiler regarding Aless' growths]Your Aless was awesomely STR screwed by the end of chapter 7. He has a 90% growth, and he gained STR 2/5 levels. Not that it matters, considering that the chance of him not capping by about level 22 is practically nil.

Hilarious. I didn't even pay attention. XD

Video 091 doesn't work.

You didn't miss anything important in this chapter. Just two events that really give you nothing.

And your guess was correct, most weapons/items that aren't passed down end up in the shops or on bosses, retaining their kill count from the first gen.

Fixed it. Turns out I mis-cropped to 11:01 seconds instead of 10:59, and YouTube didn't like that.

Minor events are always fun though. I will have to collect them on another playthrough then, I suppose.

That's actually very convenient. Especially for people like me who screwed up passing down items properly. Jamka's Killer Bow making a return makes Lester very, very happy.

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I totally forgot to reply to this. Sorry, Furet. And yeah, I guess there is some cognitive dissonance between my appearance and my voice, so I've probably shattered a couple of illusions. Still, you make due with what you've got. Glad you're enjoying the run, O fellow clueless one!

*shrug* It's fine. Hey, at least Roxas' lack of memory regarding my single-digit number of posts regarding him have lowered my expectations XD

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Notice that Boss's bargain staff, decide to send Julia to kill him.

Mmm... Bargain staff... Who to cast it on first?

General Hannibal's squad went down with surprising ease. Should have perhaps allotted more resources north, but it ended up fine.

You probably meant Muhammad here.

You probably meant Zombie King Shagall here

[spoiler=Why Sety's SPD sucks (Minor growth/stat cap spoilers)]Anyway, I just got to Sety appearing - you've encountered the wraparound glitch. Basically, when children stats are calculated, there's a mod 15 factor in there, since all caps are 15 above the class base, which normally doesn't matter, but Sety with Levin as a dad has a 105% growth, which is factored into calculating his base speed, so he ends up with something like +17 SPD on his base, which due to the mod factor, becomes a +2 or something around there, depending on Levin + Fury's speed. No other character can get this glitch although I think Sety with Holyn as a dad might be able to in SKL, if Fury gets SKL blessed

I don't like double posting, but...

A: I need my procrastination videos to watch

B: You might be wanting this for when you complete the game. The ending isn't translated so if you keep that in mind for when you start seeing gobledegook and want to still be able to read it (out)

Edited by Narga_Rocks
double posting is also against the rules
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  • 1 month later...

New videos are up so...

Chapter 9:

The childrens growth is based on their parents, which is why your Nanna doesn't get much Magic and your Lester has ridiculously high magic (being Azel and Edin's son)

Finn's conversation is more interesting than Hannibal if you like the Lenster family. They give the same bonuses too.

It's possible not too fight Arion and just capture Thracia. You do it by sending Lynn and Celice North of the castle. At some point, the enemies will start moving toward you though even if you don't enter their range. So before reaching this point, it's best to have someone bait the army and keep them away from Celice/Lynn.

But isn't it just fun too see Arion crushing newbies?

Chapter 10:

Some of your characters fell in love too early. So you didn't get the following conversations:




Man, Ishtar is turning out to be a real bitch. I don't understand how people could want to recruit her.

This made the FE4 THREAD sad and they're after you now. Take these words back or suffer the consequences.

No super special secret awesome event involving dead people. (Triggered by killing Alvis with Celice and sending him to the beach.)

Edited by Marthur
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In case you want to know what happens with these convos you've missed, here they are...




Nanna with Leaf


Your Highness, everything's so run-down. I used to always hear how wealthy the Miletos District was.


Yeah... I never imagined the empire would have had this much an impact.

This area was known to be the commercial centre for miles around.

I'm sure it thrived during more peaceful times.


I always wanted to see the beautiful towns of Miletos and all its unique shops...

I bet it was wonderful!


Nanna, let's make our way back here once the peace has been restored.


What do you mean?


I was told my parents once came to Miletos, and my father picked out a beautiful pearl tiara for my mother.


How nice...


I'd like to do the same for you someday.


Your Highness!


Geez... What am I saying? I've got to keep my focus on the battle at hand.

There is an end in sight, Nanna. For now just give it all you've got!


Yes, Your Highness!

Lester with Patty


Hey, Patty. You're looking lovely as usual.


Lester... put a lid on it.


Geez... Why're you such a grouch all the time?


I just get tired of you teasing me, Lester. That's all.


Do I do that?


Yeah, you do. You don't even treat me like the other girls.


You're a girl!?


...you creep!!


Hey, it's just a joke... C'mon, don't get so angry. I'm sorry, okay?

I guess I just sort of like you, that's all. So I just sort of... you know.


What do you mean, you 'like' me!?


'Like' as in 'not hate'! Need me to repeat it!?

Faval with Rana


Hey, you're pretty tough for such a small thing. You're not scared being out here?


Well, I'd be lying to say I wasn't. But when I think of those poor children...


You like kids, huh?


Yeah, I really do.

You were taking care of orphans before, weren't you? That's so wonderful, Faval.


Yeah, well that was Patty's idea, not mine. I'm really not all that big on kids, you see.


Hah... I know better than that.

I saw all those crying children clinging to you when we were leaving the Manster District.

You're like a father to them, you know.


S, stop it, would you? I just... Look, I gotta get going. I'll see you around.

(Faval leaves)


Haha... You're a good guy, Faval.

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As already mentioned by others, Chapters 9 and 10 were up, and watchable.

[spoiler=boring tidbits about them]I don't remember much in the way of highlights, but I did put up some little commentary on the videos at some point, which ought to help a bit.

Chapter 9 Highlights:

Hannibal met with a Sleep Staff

He and Altenna both had a few interesting hiccups with their recruitment, but eventually everything was ironed out

Altion was hell to handle, and took a bunch of figuring out

Chapter 10 Highlights:

Promotion for everyone! Well, except Corple and Patty. lol

Little bit of a sticking point when I was getting caught between those advancing knights and Hilda

I got a little irate with Ishtar when she was super chummy with Julius. She was dealt with accordingly

I accidentally thought the chapter would end, and then misread where the bridge would be

Tyrfing is aquired, other Holy Weapon users take care of Alvis while Celice makes his way back to seize and random lolbies grab some kids

[spoiler=Ch9 end stats]

Celice:  15.71 46 14  4 18 13 14 13  6 Lana (Steel Sword 56)
Skasaha: 21.20 62 16  1 25 20 13 16  3 (Silver Sword 43)
Lakche:  20.77 53 18  1 25 18 10 11  0 Johan (Hero Sword 34)
Lana:    30.00 61  8 27 20 23 30 15 11 Celice (P)
Delmud:  18.09 51 20  2 15 14 12 15  3
Lester:  23.02 52 17 14 13 23 24 15  5 (Killer Bow 38)(P)
Oifay:   27.15 52 18  9 24 19 16 20 10
Julia:   22.94 ???40  2 23 12 17 11  5 21 (MIA)(P)
Fee:     30.00 59 17 17 25 30 10 19 16 (Slim Sword 27)(P)
Arthur:  16.46 42  2 14 18 15 19  4 15
Johan:   22.27 50 23  1 13 19  6 23  4 Lakche (P)
Leaf:    18.80 49 23  5 18 17 14 16  4 Nanna (Light Sword 24)
Fin:     27.82 52 25  3 20 15 22 21  3 (Hero Lance 45)(P)
Nanna:   30.00 55 24  5 18 20 23 21 13 Leaf (P)
Shanan:  22.63 49 24  0 29 24 11 18  5 Patty (Balmung 20)
Patty:    6.97 34  9  1  9 15 12  6  1 Shanan
Aless:   21.48 57 23 11 18 21 14 20 12 (Mistoltin 14)(P)
Tinny:   16.26 42  2 14 21 18 21  4 12
Leen:    11.46 33  5  1  7 10 12  1  5
Faval:   17.60 49 15  4 18 20 15 13  0 (Ichival 15)
Sety:    24.24 55  4 22 25 27 18 13 14
Corple:   3.80 30  2  8  8  9 11  2 10
Altena:  22.66 56 24  2 19 19 14 22  3
Hanibal: 23.04 63 21  0 16 12  8 22  6

[spoiler=Ch10 end stats]

Celice:  29.03 62 25  7 22 19 20 21 14 Lana (Steel Sword 56)
Skasaha: 25.90 67 25  4 27 22 16 20  7 (Silver Sword 46)
Lakche:  27.89 65 27  1 30 28 11 15  4 Johan (Hero Sword 41)
Lana:    30.00 61  8 27 20 23 30 15 11 Celice (P)
Delmud:  27.68 59 23  2 26 23 16 22  6
Lester:  29.68 60 18 15 13 23 28 17  5 (Killer Bow 42, Hero Bow 23)(P)
Oifay:   30.00 58 20  9 24 20 17 21 10
Julia:   22.94 ???40  2 23 12 17 11  5 21 (MIA)(P)
Fee:     30.00 59 17 17 25 30 10 19 16 (P)
Arthur:  24.12 50  8 23 22 21 22  8 21
Johan:   24.43 52 24  1 13 21  6 24  4 Lakche (P)
Leaf:    30.00 65 27 11 27 25 15 27  9 Nanna (Light Sword 26)
Fin:     30.00 54 26  4 20 15 24 21  3 (Hero Lance 57)(P)
Nanna:   30.00 55 24  5 18 20 23 21 13 Leaf (P)
Shanan:  26.81 56 25  0 30 24 12 20  5 Patty (Balmung 21)
Patty:   13.63 41 15  1 12 17 16  6  2 Shanan
Aless:   29.26 69 24 12 20 22 19 21 14 (Mistoltin 26)(P)
Tinny:   27.88 52  6 22 24 27 27 10 22
Leen:    13.86 35  5  2  7 11 12  1  7
Faval:   23.98 56 23  4 22 24 20 18  3 (Ichival 23)
Sety:    29.15 61  8 24 27 30 18 16 15
Corple:  10.70 37  4  9 10 11 14  4 13
Altena:  26.11 63 26  2 23 22 17 27  8
Hanibal: 24.74 64 21  0 16 12  9 23  6

Anyways. Endgame and playthrough are finished.

I actually made quite a bit of trouble for myself here on the video recording aspect.

1) misunderstood youtube's new time lengths. Thought 15 minutes meant good all the way up to 15:59 like 10 minutes had meant 10:59. Turns out it's only good up to 15:30.

2) Accidentally messed with a "video synch" option trying to fix some slowdown that had mysteriously appeared. It didn't work. I then found out that the real problem was somehow my battery power plan had been altered, forcing a cap on my CPU, which was really responsible. I forgot to uncheck the video synch option, which ended up in some (much less) slowdown. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until after having recorded several vids, and then deleted the bits needed to remake them. I... fudged it by speeding up the video to roughly match the audio length, but there's bound to be desynching and overall shittyness.

3) Experienced another of those funny emulator movie glitches like back in Ch4 that one time. Did not bother trying to do a re-creation this time.


This whole chapter is basically the Tyrfing and Mistoltin playground. Also Rescue Staff Leaf and Leen.

Lakche dies to sword-users too many times, forcing me to time travel. wtf?

I engage in delicious pre-emptive seizing, demolishing large quantities of unfought armies. Like, all of Scorpio. :)

Holy shit, that Peg!Trio is badass

I hate you Arion, you make things difficult. Go die.

Holy shit, those 12 Dark Warriors can kick my ass

lol, enemy Julia is a silence bot

lol, Narga 1RKO, no dancing required

[spoiler=Endgame end stats]

Celice:  30.00 64 25  7 22 19 21 22 14 Lana (Steel Sword 56)
Skasaha: 30.00 75 26  4 27 24 17 22  7 (Silver Sword 46)(P)
Lakche:  30.00 68 27  1 30 29 11 17  4 Johan (Hero Sword 48)(P)
Lana:    30.00 61  8 27 20 23 30 15 11 Celice (P)
Delmud:  30.00 63 23  2 26 26 17 23  8 (P)
Lester:  30.00 61 19 15 13 23 29 17  5 (Killer Bow 42, Hero Bow 27)(P)
Oifay:   30.00 58 20  9 24 20 17 21 10
Julia:   23.40 44  2 23 12 17 11  5 21 (P)
Fee:     30.00 59 17 17 25 30 10 19 16 (Fire Sword 21)(P)
Arthur:  30.00 56 11 25 22 22 26 10 22
Johan:   24.95 52 27  1 13 21  6 24  4 Lakche (P)(Hero Axe 16)
Leaf:    30.00 65 27 11 27 25 15 27  9 Nanna (Light Sword 27)
Fin:     30.00 54 26  4 20 15 24 21  3 (Hero Lance 60)(P)
Nanna:   30.00 55 24  5 18 20 23 21 13 Leaf (P)
Shanan:  29.85 58 26  0 30 26 13 21  5 Patty (Balmung 24)
Patty:   17.82 45 16  2 15 18 16  9  2 Shanan
Aless:   30.00 70 24 12 21 22 19 21 14 (Mistoltin 46)(P)
Tinny:   30.00 55  6 23 24 27 28 10 22
Leen:    17.16 39  6  5  9 12 13  1  7
Faval:   28.86 62 23  4 25 26 22 20  3 (Ichival 24)
Sety:    30.00 62  9 24 27 30 19 16 16 (Holsety 11, Elwind 21)
Corple:  12.00 39  5 10 10 11 16  4 14
Altena:  30.00 68 27  3 24 22 19 29  8 (Gae Bolg 10)
Hanibal: 27.06 67 22  0 16 12  9 24  6

Total turns: 387

Total gained levels: 872 (First Gen: 365, Second Gen: 507)


Tactics: A

Experience: B

Survival: A

Combat: E

This was fun, and I enjoyed it. Blind made things... interesting, and significantly impeded ranking Experience. My playstyle would have mandated shitty Combat rank regardless. When I re-attempt this for a proper ranked run, I'll at least have a good idea of what needs to happen.

I'm gonna go head back and re-read all of those spoilers now.

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Wrath's activation is actually (Max HP/2) + 1 which is why I think it was Tinny landed some critical hits in the arena.

I guess IS didn't want to penalize units with odd-numbered HP.

You tried activating an Hannibal/Corpul critical. This can't happen though. Besides Corpul's adopted, though that doesn't work either if you pair Finn in the first gen. Corpul and Lynn can do it though since they're siblings... Like that would have helped.

Lakche died easily because Burian was near them. 15% + 30% from his leadership.

...I discover I was wrong about Ishtar all along. Oops... Consider this a formal apology for my previous comments, Ishtar fans. [aka, FE4 thread]

We forgive you.

Nanna's conversation with Celice was supposed to give a boost for Leaf's Defense, but it was already capped, I guess.

About the conversations, I think you forgot to do Patty->Shannan +3 HP & SPD) and Rana->Celice (+3MDF). Although I might have skipped those parts accidentaly.

Boohoo. You killed Arion. I think you could have warped Altenna to him after killing the three Pegasus sisters and then turned his army into allies. Too bad. :(

The Lopt tome halves the attacking power of your units (There's supposed to be a description, but I think it wasn't put due to character limitations). And its effect is cancelled by Narga.

If you ever do a new playthrough, I could probably make you a list so you don't miss any interesting dialogues. Or maybe you could even start a Thracia 776 PT when you'll get some free time.

Anyway, congrats. :newyears:

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There was one video (Episode 16) in the endgame chapter that showed Arthur's true colors. The FiaFE4 Thread will love you for that. =D


That was smart to give Arthur prayer as his avoid is a hell of alot worse than Tinny's.

Let's see...the mistakes that I've spotted throughout your playthrough that can give you a better rank next time is....

-The mistake that I found in raising your thieves were that you didn't give them an Element sword like Wind, Light, etc. That would make it much easier to raise them increasing your EXP rank.

-You should always watch the enemies skills before confronting them. This may help you get less dies.

-It might have not been a good idea to conquer Freege quickly, though I found to eliminating the Beige Ritter force cool, but you didn't get time to position most of your squaddren in the northern most capitol as using someone like Celice, Shannan, Aless are most effective against the Peg Squad (most Recommended) for the Combat Rank.

-Getting the amount of dies from the Swanckekia user and his force or however that Axe is spelled would have been recommended to use someone like Sety against him. He is one of the only bosses that moves is durable in both Physical and Magical defense. But Sety could have taken care of him easily getting you to increase the Combat Rank. Not that it matters as the ranking system in this game is phail anyway and impossible to S Rank.

-Could have had Corple spammed with the Reserve Staff to get him high enough to promote and having Patti hand over her savings to get him to have enough money to fix the Reeserve Staff as that is possibly the only way that you will be able to promote him increasing your EXP rank.

-Yes, Arion is a dastard without Sety (Holsety/Elwind), someone like Tinny that can use Tornado, etc. He hurts the Combat Rank without wind spells.

-You are forgiven for forgiving Ishtar. Fia the FE4 Thread will love you!!!! ^__^

-Learn to be more careful in Chapter 7. Ugh, that chapter alone may be the reason why the Combat Rank is so hard to get to stay to A Rank as you cannot afford to die more than three times throughout the game. You probably want to spamwith Shannan,Aless,Celice a little more there than anyone else as they are likely the only characters that won't guarantee to fall. Promoted Finn helps in this situation as well.

-Don't overuse characters such as Johan, etc in any given situation of hard battles as they are low tiers for this reason that hurts your combat rank.

-Congrats on finishing the game. =)


Glad that you loved the game. I'll be seeing you in the far of the forest (aka FE4 Thread). ^__^

Edited by Ayanami
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Don't overuse characters such as Johan, etc in any given situation of hard battles as they are low tiers for this reason that hurts your combat rank.

There's no problem with using Johan, and he most certainly is not a low tier character. He gets access to the hero axe almost straightaway from chapter 6, and has a mount to avoid being left behind.

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I can't find a current gen 2 tier list (I know there was one but it either has a weird name or doesn't exist any more), but:


Johan is 13th - bottom half - and this is just substitutes. Everyone above Amid (Arthur) probably overtakes him in the majority of parents (and Sety!Arthur is, like, top tier, so he does too). So that makes him... 4th or 5th worst in the game? Low tier for sure.

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I didn't even know that dude made his own list. And last I checked (which I will admit was a looong time ago) Johan was at least mid tier for hero axe and mount alone. Joining early doesn't hurt either. But that was on a different list, and I can't recall who was running it.

Edited by Morita Kenichi
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