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Serenes Forest, I present thee a question

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Experience Efficiency would presumably be defined as experience gained per action. Nino would have poor EE due to gaining 11 per chip like everybody does and 4+RKOing enemies on average. Marcus would have poor EE due to 1HKOing things but getting between 2 and 5 XP per kill. Ephraim has great EE due to 1RKOing most enemies and getting 20 to 40 XP per kill.

That's what I would assume, anyhow. Never heard of it.

Edited by Integrity
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I think you guys all made somewhat logical/rational definitions of it. Unfortunately, Colonel M read this phrase from someone who, well, let's just say doesn't appear to have one. You are all giving nice answers, but I don't think they are similar to what the guy on shining force central is doing.

1: keeping everyone at the same level (no matter if they start 10 levels lower than everyone else. He will abuse whatever methods the game allows to get that character up to the same level. Also, different from Generic Officer's def since how good a unit is doesn't matter to the other guy.)

2: get all experience from the map with no regards for doing it quickly (different from slowking's def)

3: No regards for how much exp a unit gets for anything.

The point is just to kill everything in any amount of time and keep units near the same level.

But yeah, I like all of your definitions more.

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I think you guys all made somewhat logical/rational definitions of it. Unfortunately, Colonel M read this phrase from someone who, well, let's just say doesn't appear to have one. You are all giving nice answers, but I don't think they are similar to what the guy on shining force central is doing.

1: keeping everyone at the same level (no matter if they start 10 levels lower than everyone else. He will abuse whatever methods the game allows to get that character up to the same level. Also, different from Generic Officer's def since how good a unit is doesn't matter to the other guy.)

2: get all experience from the map with no regards for doing it quickly (different from slowking's def)

3: No regards for how much exp a unit gets for anything.

The point is just to kill everything in any amount of time and keep units near the same level.

But yeah, I like all of your definitions more.

And where does efficiency come into this?

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And where does efficiency come into this?

It doesn't. That's the problem. If his definition was more in line with what those other 3 said then the "argument" between Colonel M and MaxKnight wouldn't be so much like two people speaking different languages.

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Well, I could understand if, like FE, higher levelled characters gain reduced experience. In that case, it's obviously in the player's benefit to prioritise giving EXP to lower-levelled units, since the same resource (an opportunity to kill an enemy, for example) is being consumed for a greater benefit. But I imagine that things are not quite so clear-cut - if, like FE, different characters get different benefits from experience, so experience on certain character might be more valuable than on other characters. For example, Leonardo and Edward have the same level, but if Edward gains experience he can maintain his speed and continue to double, and his attack increases faster as well. And in other cases, giving experience to certain characters might be associated with external costs. Say Leonardo and Edward both 2HKO an enemy (which has 1-range). If Leonardo attacks first and Edward second, Edward gets the lion's share of the experience, but if Edward attacks first so Leonardo can gain more experience, he has to face a counter-attack. So clearly, again, an unequal distribution of experience has benefits over a 'communist' one.

So this person is (probably) just trying to simplify a complicated question, 'who should get experience', into a simple question, 'who is the lowest level'. I mean, I guess I can understand his line of reasoning, it's just a line that curves around a lot of facts.

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Experience Efficiency can be likened to a piece of toast. One part of it requires bread, preferably one that's fresh and tasty. The other component is heat, one that can be easily produced by toasters. If you lack one or the other, the Experience Efficiency is not so high!

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