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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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Funny you mention that since I was planning on starting another rp. Thing with LoAF is that I promised to see it through to the epilogue and I want to see if I can actually do that. It's a lot of "work" now but at least I'm not 100% dissatisfied with everyone and everything that happens along the way, only the things that I find stupid.

doesn't mean it's worth seeing through to the epilogue, but if you feel that it's worth so much of your time and effort as "work" just because you said you'd do it, well that's your call i guess. In that case, you're a much more stubborn man than I am, I'll give you that

alternatively you guys could work to make the next story arc the final one and actually wrap this thing up, but that would require most of the RPers collaborating, and from the sounds of it you guys are terrible at that, so meh

In addition I can still use LoAF's ongoing experience as a tool to learn ways to improve my own rp when it happens.

any RP that you do will provide RPing experience, no reason that it has to come from an RP which is dysfunctional and feels like work

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True, I'm stubborn as hell. I made a promise and I like to keep them even if I'm not fully enjoying the process, but this isn't the worst thing I've been through, and even though the rp is dysfunctional, I like the rpers(most of the time >_> ) and try to still get some use out of LoAF's original purpose. Fun. Thank god for my wyverns, monologues and interactions.

It doesn't have to be this rp but Cuddles already knows I'm attached to half the rpers in LoAF. They're just not necessarily attached to each other so we tend to war a lot. The rp probably isn't going to go too much better than it is right now, and I'm out of real solutions so I just fix little things here and there to keep it from getting too annoying.

Edited by Phoenix
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If being here for myself wasn't an issue, why keep bringing it up? :/ Yes you keep preaching "we" and yes, no one seems to understand. That's because you're "sugar-coating" and actions don't work together and often contradict. People might like hearing your "Let's work together" rubbish at first, but the same peice of propaganda doesn't work, not as often as you preach it at least anyway.

Most useless? Hmmm, well I suppose so, if you were all so stupid to blind yourselves with hate then I guess I wasn't helping the situation at all. I just figured idiots like yourself, who can't figure out things themselves needed to have the complication stuck right in front of their face before they'd acknowledge the issue. Though as you say, apparently you kiddies purposely turned your head away and ignored the problem, and opted to take your childish approach.

Though to be honest, that isn't much of an issue, since "warnings" were..... pretty much your "forewarnings." Something I was going to do if something else happened. With the exception of the inn, most fires were caused when things no longer made sense anyway. So If you were running around trying to fix things then, objective completed?


Slowed down? If you were slowing down intentionally it might mean something, but it's slowing down because people are losing interest, or busy opting to put other things before the RP. It might be work, it might be a new game. Overall it's a drop in interest.

So with Psych, I just need to interpret him as a more outgoing, pretty word spewing version of you?


Ignoring the obvious? I thought that's what you did because you didn't like someone? I suppose this argument is rather pointless since your hatred for me will cancel out any facts I provide anyway, but kind Kanami is willing to reply anyway, isn't she nice? XD

I can't name anything productive they've done because there hasn't been very much productive material overall in this RP. Though you keep making comments and acting as if the only way to interact is positively. While I can't say what they've produced, it's added to the plausibility of a group of people who are traveling together. For some magic reason, everyone wants to get in the group, only so that they can keep to themselves. Two characters displaying dislike for eachother is realistic as disagreements are bound to occur from a group which are pretty much forced together. Though, what has "dumb as rocks" achieved that productive or realistic?

Indifferent? Do you think that I'm indifferent to anything? I was under the impression I was constantly being the big bad insulting hag that you keep mentioning. It's sad that your unwilling to listen to someone, you've acknowledged above that there was some level of sense to my "complaining." Yet you turned a blind eye anyway. Work together? Really? Cooperation? What?

The reason you're a "work for" type fool preaching pretty lies is because you expect people to work with you, after you've preached your little sermon, when working together originates from the initiator making steps towards the others. "I've given a pretty speech, so everyone work with me" is naive even by your standards isn't it?

Work with this, work with that. Is that all you can think about? A good idea doesn't need to be "collaborated." You could have just supported the idea? In my case (who I assume you're referring to) there wasn't even a need to "work with" since it was just objecting to the situation. Should have been easy to look at the situation and acknowledge things weren't right, and your posts just needed to reflect that. Instead you ignored it with your petty hate, and tried to rush things forward. If you're going to ignore key points just because you hate the person. It shows that you are indeed stubborn, but also a fool. Your entire argument with people working with me is invalid, since that's not what I wanted, nor is it what occurred. There's a difference between "support my idea" and "Review the rubbish you've got now"

Of particular amusement was the "horrible experiences." I doubt a Psych of Kanami happens unless horrible experiences are persisting beforehand. I know I wouldn't have been as hostile if a few of you were a bit more.... intelligent? You've listed Kai, Lightning and Psych as problems, but are you any different?

Are people smart enough to Rp with my wisdom? I don't know, what is my "wisdom?" I just expect common sense from others, something which was either lacking or non-existent in LoAF.


I've seen plenty of cases where people who dislike each other have worked together, recreationally and financially. I know a lot of people in LoAF who secretly(?) hate each other. Yet you're all still there, trying to work on LoAF aren't you? With your logic it's "human nature" to flee from everything that you don't like. In that case I have to assume you enjoy me degrading, since you put up with it in PMs and you're reading it now. Aren't you quite the masochist hmm?

And here we go again with the pretty lies. "care?" In what circumstance did you show that action? By preaching people work together? Wait, with your logic, do people hate you too? You've been preaching teamwork for ages yet there's been hardly any of that occurring. Haha you're hated as well.

...... Flawed logic is hard to work with, but easy to use with a coating of sarcasm :/

Speaking of flawed logic, you don't see the irony is the fool who preaches "working together" taking the exact opposite stance? :/ Poor you, must have been dropped on your head.

@Work together

Nice try, but if my "interpretations" are wrong, either write your ideas up more clearly, and when that isn't possible. How about actually clarifying what you said? Since "that's not what I said" isn't much different to my "bitching" in this case right? Offering a solution is what you suggested was neccessary, how about offering a solution to the mistake now then?


It's cutting and blunt since being subtle tends to not get through to thick skulls like yours. When I do be cutting and blunt and reach the skull, attitude kicks in and nulls it apparently. There's a saying that an idiot can't be cured, even after you kill him. Guess that's partially fits in here. (Moreso the first part).

Virtually nothing? You've spent a lot more time in LoAF then I have, what is it that you have accomplished? Furthermore I thought this was a recreational activity, and the goal was to have fun, not leave specific accomplishments behind?

Hmmm, you seem to continue ranting that people "hate me." Would be nice if you could list up a few names up, since I'm not exactly attuned to recognize hate when I receive it. Can't really argue "people hated you" unless you can provide examples right? Come on chickenfeet, examples please. Alternatively people can step up if they're willing?

As for improving? I don't see why you think I was trying to improve things. You've stated more then once that I was in this for my own personal gain/laughs. So why would I be interested in improving things? Reading the plot even after I left, it doesn't seem there's improvement. So it's not very nice of kind hearted Phoenix to demand examples of things that improved with me, when you're not much different, and have doubt of whether it'd "even be worth improving."

As for why? Why what? Why I was in this? Read above, read your comments, the fact I was only in this for myself is not inaccurate so you can keep that as one of the few things you have correct.

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"Sucky plans" is Viveka's thing. Part of the problem with making plans is that no matter what it is, it couldn't possibly work out for them due to the group's layout. It's why Viveka bitches about it so constantly. Lev knows this too but just lays back ready to run damage control because he's got nothing better to do. Ordinarily what either of these characters would do would be to use their own men(people who can actually be used effectively for things), which is only allowed in plot combat. In a scenario like this no plan any rper could ever muster up would actually work without some actual collaboration which is why I just let sh*t happen and then comment on it hoping to hint at a need for more rper cohesion.

Just think of some recent "events" that would have gone better with less "random"

The Ball:

Whistler drugs out the entire party. Kinda funny but it was forced on us no matter how you look at it. Well hopefully someone enjoyed that, but it just forced most of us to torture our characters for the entire chapter. Keep in mind the party was forced to go initially so they were railroaded straight into this one. What warnings we did get were pretty much "your character is going to get wasted, hahah" :/

Again, kinda funny but, overlapping events literally jerked us into something not all of us cared for.

I'm well aware that everyone may not have enjoyed that, but then again not everyone enjoys every event in the RP.

The entire point of a RP to interact with others, create some type of story, etc. etc. Your preference seems to be for something with a little "less random", while for others it may be different but c'est la vie. Deal with it (which you seem to be/have been doing anyway) :lol:

@ Sense

Ignore the obvious all you want, but people who don't get along will not work together and people who won't work together cause nothing but destruction if they aren't avoiding each other. You saw and commented on it literally dozens of times. KaixLightning are the most obvious examples here. Name one productive thing these two accomplished while trying to hustle each other in the rp that didn't involve giving a sadist a good laugh and I'll concede that maybe competing rpers can put a smile on someone's faces at least <_<

@ Differentiating (Dont' worry, mine'll be longer)

It's a great ideal to go ahead and just rp. Work with or interact with whoever no matter who they are but it's not even remotely realistic as a whole. People are going to focus on things they feel comfortable with, not on Cuddly things or Psychy things. THIS IS WHY I DON'T DO WHAT YOU, AND PSYCH DO. It doesn't matter that we're the ones that are being unfair now. We've had horrible experiences with the both of you and now we're wary. Who would work with me if I deliberately burned everything Iso touched to the ground? Who would work with me if I challenged the GM constantly and never uttered a single word toward solution without insulting everyone in the rp first? Who would let me roam free and make an army of monsters if I'd already sicked shadow sirens on the party for my own amusement? Who'd support with my characters if half of them were nothing but tools to troll reactions in IRC? It's not a question of who would, but who would want to and that's the issue.

So what do you think? Are people smart enough to rp with your kind of apparent wisdom or not? :/

The arguing between Kanami and Phoenix over Selizara was fairly amusing and extremely unproductive at the time from both sides. XD

While I doubt Heinz would have gotten along with either of Kanami's characters, wouldn't have minded RP'ing with her. Same goes for Phoenix, when he isn't quite so ragey.

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The arguing between Kanami and Phoenix over Selizara was fairly amusing and extremely unproductive at the time from both sides. XD

While I doubt Heinz would have gotten along with either of Kanami's characters, wouldn't have minded RP'ing with her. Same goes for Phoenix, when he isn't quite so ragey.

Hey, don't put me into the productive niche with Phoenix :/ Why would I want to be productive? Productive would be actually working on my assignment that I've been postponing this past week. I think Phoenix has made it clear that I was in this for my own amusement, and since things were chaotic, I had the choice to "labor to make things better" or getting a "Quick laugh, and explosive high" on stirring the pot full of shit. (Yes I've been called Shit-stirrer before, and wear the badge with pride) :P

Edited by Kanami
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Hey, don't put me into the productive niche with Phoenix :/ Why would I want to be productive? Productive would be actually working on my assignment that I've been postponing this past week. I think Phoenix has made it clear that I was in this for my own amusement, and since things were chaotic, I had the choice to "laboring to make things better" or getting a "Quick laugh, and explosive high" on stirring the pot full of shit. (Yes I've been called Shit-stirrer before, and wear the badge with pride) :P

It could be a good idea to work on that assignment though perhaps, eventually. Many thanks to you for making the first few chapters of LoAF fun to read, at least from at outsiders POV at the time :D I think you arguing with Phoenix actually makes him unproductive, since it deadlocks him into making huge response posts.

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It could be a good idea to work on that assignment though perhaps, eventually. Many thanks to you for making the first few chapters of LoAF fun to read, at least from at outsiders POV at the time :D I think you arguing with Phoenix actually makes him unproductive, since it deadlocks him into making huge response posts.

Fun to read?

*Think Whistler is trying to emphasize his point

I'm well aware that everyone may not have enjoyed that, but then again not everyone enjoys every event in the RP.

Since I think most people "hated" my involvement there, and even I'm willing to admit it was a bit repetitive and bland.

But more importantly.... Don't tell me to work! >_< I hate assignments, it's like work without pay. And it's unproductive, since no one cares what one undergraduate student writes anyway. "Mark and trash" is what my lecturer calls it.

And Shhh, he doesn't need to know that. :P

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Ok, suggestion on a forgotten class: Monks. I think their base stats caps should be modled after the thunder mage's, seeing as they have epic light magic in FE7/8 (Lucius and Artur, respectively). High magic stat, lower on skill. No staffs. I don't think they should be modled after ther priests. Though they both class-change to bishop, their high attack power makes me think way more for mage and way less for priest. What does everyone else think?

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Works for me suppose. Overrides previous light magic rules though. Need to decide what to do about current clerics/bishops (does light magic just work differently for monks, are we buffing cleric/bishop offense etc.)

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Cleric/bishop are healers, so they can kinda use light magic, but nerf still applies for them and they can only use very low-level light magic. Monks = no light nerf, no staff and can use higher-level light.

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low-level light = light nerf (half damage) + no effect tomes (i.e., nosferatu, valaura)

high-level light = normal magic + effect tomes

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Oh, also, purge would be considered a high-level light tome. Like bolting, blizard or meteor, it does distance damage, thus high-level light.

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Is there any particular problem with using the thunder mage caps? Anything that would actually cause a problem down the line, or is this just a need for unique caps in general? I recall something about Myrms and Nomads having only a 1 point difference in caps. This doesn't seem much worse since like them the thunder mages and Monks have different weapon types. It's not the same two classes or anything like that.

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Thunder mages are too badass.

...I don't object to having the same set of caps as another class, but I would probably go with one of the mage classes with a slightly lower MAG cap since Light magic is not meant to be particularly powerful even without the nerfs.

I had this same issue at first but dropped it for no particular reason. May think about it some more.

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