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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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So multiply it by 1.5?

I'm going to spout off skills I'm not 100% sure if someone has posted. Just ignore ones that have been.

Ambush - Attacks first during enemy phase

Prayer - Dodge a counter that could kill

Renewal - Recovers 20% of HP

Bargain - Not quite sure what to do with this one

Sacrifice - Heals like a staff, only takes away HP from caster

Savior - Doesn't take rescue penalties (Which reminds me, we should be able to rescue)

Gamble - Adds 2 to skill roll, takes 2 from hit roll

Disarm - Unequips enemy, prevents a counter

Corrosion - See Disarm

Mercy - Can not kill an enemy on the player phase

Nullify - Prevents class busters

Imbue - Gains HP equal to Mag (Physical units only)

Training - Gains HP equal to Str (Magic unit only)

Blessing - 2 units fighting with user, gain HP equal to Mag

Vigilance - Adds 1 to avoid, and subtracts 1 from enemy's skill roll

Insight - Adds 1 to both skill and hit rolls

I think someone came up with Daunt right?

Edited by psychout50
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I would very much like to make adjustments today. Here is what I know will be updated.

Luck: Boosted from .5 evade to 1 evade per point.

Arcanium: Now has the option to target DEF or RES.

Skills: We now get one free skill upon joining and a second skill can be obtained with 3 points.

Are there any other things that should be included?

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(SKL+SKLROLL) - SPD = Hit or Miss?

A bit suspicious if boosting luck's EVD effect is a good idea. But I suppose it's not too bad.... I think? Not sure, need to think about it.

So we all get to toss in a free skill now? Or is that just for newies.

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We all do. Rather you get the three points you had from your first skill back, and can choose to either spend them on stats, or on a second skill.

I personally would have gone with .5 evade for luck, but for every two points, you get an additional .5 evade.

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Also, we need to compile a list of approved skills and the changes to existing ones.

If Luck gets +1 Evade, it should be a hit when hit = Evade.

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Are counter,Heavy Strike,and Overcast/Focused Blast approved for new skills?No one seemed to object to them.

As for the others,are they in with the proposed fixes?

To reply to Lightning,when Charge would activate,it causes you to initiate a new combat against either the same,or another target.So archers would be countered in atleast one of the two when charge activates.

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Lck change- Dislike because of high Evd values obtainable. A 6 Spd/4 Lck character is immune to everything with Skl 4 or less (see 90% of characters), if it's a thief it can only be hit by a 6 Skl character on a 6. IMO, a max Skl character should be able to hit a max Evd character half the time

Arcanium- Fine, skill seemed a little underpowered to me anyway

Skills- I liked the current point distribution just fine, but I guess if people really want skills then fine.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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... Yes, if we get free skills then I'd like to see a skills list somewhere XD One which won't be changed frequently XD Or do I get that skill that lets me steal stuff? Enemies have pretty nice items lately :/ And I haven't got problems with stealing from friendlies :P

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Were any of the skills I suggested approved?

Prayer - Dodge a counter that could kill

Renewal - Recovers 20% of HP

Sacrifice - Heals like a staff, only takes away HP from caster

Gamble - Adds 2 to skill roll, takes 2 from hit roll

Mercy - Can not kill an enemy on the player phase

Imbue - Gains HP equal to Mag (Physical units only)

Training - Gains HP equal to Str (Magic unit only)

Blessing - 2 units fighting with user, gain HP equal to Mag

Vigilance - Adds 1 to avoid, and subtracts 1 from enemy's skill roll

Insight - Adds 1 to both skill and hit rolls

The one's I think should stay, would be Blessing, Prayer, Renewal, Mercy, and Sacrifice. The others I fine with if you decide against it.

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Cynthia, uh, crit rate is higher than that, I think. Isn't it like 6/6 * 1/6, or 15.666% percent of the time? Might be doing the maths wrong. If I am, I apologise.

Fix for that would be to give +1 skill every 3 points in, but that nerfs the lesser-evade classes...

Edit: Blessing is out.

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@Kai No, it's adding 2 to crit roll, taking 2 from hit roll.....or something. Now I'm confused.

@Snike Why? And is Mercy, Prayer, Renewal, and Sacrifice okay?

The effects are a bit devastating if you're next to a magic user. And Prayer's out, as well. It's like a buffed Miracle. Mercy, feel free. Sacrifice, better be healers-only. And Renewal, I doubt it'll be allowed. Removes the need for clerics.

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@Kai Eh just drop Gamble. I was aiming for something, but now I'm lost.

@Snike Ohhh. No, you gain HP equal to the person with Blessing's Mag. And Magical people can't use it, except Troubadours, Peggies, and Dancers.

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You're right Snike. Still though, relying on crits just to hit doesn't seem to be a good counterbalance.

Prayer- How does this activate?

Mercy- How is this useful?

Blessing- Is this permanent HP or healing per turn? Seems overpowered either way.

Vigilance- Putting this on a high Avo character could lead to balance issues

Gamble actually decreases your chance of a crit I think, since you want your hit roll to equal your skill roll.

Sacrifice/Imbue/Training seem fine.

I'm fine with Renewal actually, it's only 2-3 HP per turn.

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@Kai Do we have an idiot skill?


Prayer-If the hit could kill, increase avoid by 3. Miracle is a gaurenteed save roll. This is different.

Mercy-Ask IS why they gave it to Elincia, just to have/give weaker people exp I guess.

Blessing-If by permenant, you mean it stays with them forever, no. It's at the begining of each player round.

Vigilance-Thieves, Dancers, and Myrms are unable to have the skill.

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