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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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Well, I'm currently the only one with a myrm class, a 6 SPD class, and you request to raise mages' speed to 5. So now they can't double the spellcasters, who have to chant, not just swing. Take a guess why I would be angry.

Edit: Grammar.

Edited by Snike
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Wind mage has skl with 6 cap

Still i dont see how they have more skl

I request 1 SKL point be dropped to SPD

@ Snike: It would be a wind mage but you do have a point <_<

Edited by Kai
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@ Kai

Your moment has passed. Just let it go and go post in the rp thread.

@ Cuddles

I forgot to address this, but Chase's inability to ride can actually be used for plot purposes. I gave an example that you missed earlier, but we've got more than enough people to help Chase become a decent horse rider, and the support building opportunities are numerous. The stat issues aren't even a big deal, Kai's just fluffing it up, and you're not satisfied with Cynthia's and my reasons for supporting it.

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To clarify even further. NO ONE who didn't bring up the issue should be changed to different caps. After the caps argument was settled, Lightning was the only person who still needed addressing. His new stat caps compensate for a lack of foresight.

Damian changing to a cavalier after Ether dropped his stat cap complaints is totally unacceptable and isn't a really good example.

Okay, and from what I've read so far, Bal opposed the idea when it was proposed. I recall reading about it, and may have commented on it as well, I don't know, but until today, I was under the impression the case was dropped and no longer of concern.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's no "reasoning" which validates this change, other then an unhappy little boy. I'll make Kai an unhappy little boy but I doubt anyone will address his case if this is adopted.

If you want to give Rein special treatment, I'm willing to give him special treatment too, special treatment which will be very very interesting in this RP :/ I still have a month at minimum you know XD


If he can't ride, then he can't be a nomad, if he's not a nomad, he can't have nomad stats, is that so difficult to understand?

Edited by Kanami
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Wind/Fire/Thunder/Dark are all inversely proportional in terms of Mag/Skl. Adding more/less Spd to the equation would disrupt balance. It's following the FE9 model, since the FE10 model just sucked (thunder is the least accurate, slowest, and least damaging...what?)

I'd allow anyone to change classes with enough reasoning, assuming the change doesn't require much retconning. My reasoning is that when people intially signed up, they did not know all their class abilities. Once new abilities were added, they may have wanted to be a different class. Now if Snike wanted to change Derek's class I'd say no, because Snike knew the caps on sign-up.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Wind/Fire/Thunder/Dark are all inversely proportional in terms of Mag/Skl. Adding more/less Spd to the equation would disrupt balance. It's following the FE9 model, since the FE10 model just sucked (thunder is the least accurate, slowest, and least damaging...what?)

But it had Crit,and was effective against Dragons,which despite never appearing,were liek the toughest enemies in teh gaem!

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You don't.

Mod is Snowy.

Second is Cynthia.

You're not getting the speed. Nor is Chase not getting the nomad thing, to my annoyance.

Drop it.

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Im starting to wonder if you have a brain or not


I'm not going to comment on that, for the sake of not getting moderated.

Can we please move on to editing my skills?

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Like i said before 5 speed is the max a hunter should be getting

@ Snike: If you dont have nothing to contribute to the argument, shadap. Post your skills.

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Then he can switch to Nomad caps after he learns not before.


You're an idiot, you've made ridiculous proposals, and now everyone's focusing on you. However I might have a use for Helios. I'll contact regarding my... idea? A bit later, it's nothing immediate, so don't panic if I fall asleep first.


I'm going to have to be a bit out of character, but I'm sure I can splash a few reason together for my actions. To summarize, my idea plan is called "Online bullying" XD

So I suppose the Nomad caps are allowed, I don't want complaints when I use current rules to cause the group trouble again, schemer Nady is back! XD

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@ Kai: Drop the issue.

Moving on, I'm waiting on Bal to post, as I can assume it's skill-criticizing, which is what I need.

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Okay, and from what I've read so far, Bal opposed the idea when it was proposed. I recall reading about it, and may have commented on it as well, I don't know, but until today, I was under the impression the case was dropped and no longer of concern.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's no "reasoning" which validates this change, other then an unhappy little boy. I'll make Kai an unhappy little boy but I doubt anyone will address his case if this is adopted.

If you want to give Rein special treatment, I'm willing to give him special treatment too, special treatment which will be very very interesting in this RP :/ I still have a month at minimum you know XD


If he can't ride, then he can't be a nomad, if he's not a nomad, he can't have nomad stats, is that so difficult to understand?

It's not special treatment. I'd be handling this the same way with Kai if he could keep from making wacked out posts while I did it. As badly as we harass Kai, Helios' issues would be a real concern, but only if he brought them up without dropping them and the issues made sense. So far that's not the case is it?

As for Chase not being able to ride a horse, I've already addressed this twice.

Here's decent compromise:

Until Chase learns to ride a horse(someone teaches him Kelas/Viveka/etc), he can't make the class change official(must fight with archer caps temporarily). It requires some work for Lightning to do in the meantime, but there shouldn't be any problem with that.

EDIT: I posted this before seeing Cuddles change sides.

Edited by Phoenix
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Charge - If you roll a [Number] on your skill die,you may choose to launch another attack on the same,or another target.

Charisma - Each round,you may choose 3 nearby allied targets.These targets gain +1 Hit and +1 Avo.

Heavy Strike - Before rolling your attack,you may choose to lower your Skl by X amount,and for that attack,you will gain X Str.

Focused Blast - Before rolling your attack,you may choose to lower your Skl by X amount,and for that attack,you will gain X Mag.

Guard - Up to two times per encounter,you may select a target.Until the next time you launch an attack,any attacks directed at them will be rerouted to you,and you will attack any enemies they enter combat with.You may not launch an attack this phase,and no doubling may occur while Guarding.

(Eg. Damian Guards Tessa,and Tessa attacks a bandit.Tessa attacks,Damian takes the counter,and then Damian counterattacks the bandit.During enemy phase,2 bandits attack Tessa.Instead of hitting her,they hit Damian,and then Tessa and Damian counter them(If applicable).

Stillness - This character may not be targeted during the enemy phase,unless no other targets exist.

Blossom - Exp gained is Divided by 2/3,however,upon leveling up,the character gains an extra stat point.(This may or may not be retroactive)

Lucky Break - This character may make multiple saving rolls,if those prior are effective.

Fortune - The enemy may not land a critical hit on this character.

Counter - Whenever you are attacked,and the enemy rolls a [Number] on their skill die,deal your Str(Maybe Str/2) as direct damage to the opponent

Any thoughts?

Proposed changes to these:

Charge:Archers were said to be broken with it,but if they get countered every second time like it seems to be,then this is not true.Still waiting on other comments.

Charisma: lowered to 2 targets

HS/FB: No complaints yet,aside from naming Focused Blast Overcast instead.

Guard: Suggested for sturdier classes only,eg. Soldier,Armour Knight,Hero,Wyvern.

Stillness: 1 attack per E.Phase instead of none

Blossom: Scrapped until further notice

Lucky Break: Scrapped,apparently

Fortune: Roll against a Crit(If you roll the same as their skl die,it`s a normal attack),possibly scrapped

Counter: No problems

I'm seeing some validity to the fact that Charge could potentially use some work.

When I was thinking about instituting it (and having it named Duel), it would only activate if you were over half health at the beginning of combat (if you got hit by the first counter it still would go through). This is because there needs to be some reasonable limiting factor on its activation rate. Every battle is just too much, IMO.

The clarification that the fact that archers only get counter immunity on every other attack (the same instance in regular stat battles, so completely reasonable), it a good thing to include for completeness' sake.

Charisma still seems a bit much, even with only two targets. Let's look at it this way. You put 3 stat points in, and are essentially getting 4 stat points out. Granted the stats are going to other characters, which maybe makes it work, but still. It's probably worth giving it a test run (or it would be if not for the fact that I'm sure once you've taken the skill, if it's found out to need changing you won't be allowed to drop it.)

I'm a bit wary of the drop X, gain X skills to be honest. I think I feel a lot happier if X had a cap at 3, and this could actually be applied to the Sage's Mastery skill too, now that I think about it.

Guard. There already exists a skill with the same name, so renaming to Protect, or something may work. I really like the mechanic, I think it could work. Not sure if twice per battle is the right number, but it's probably fine here.

I think our inconsistency in using enemy phases makes Stillness questionable. In its original incarnation, it would be quite godly with frequent enemy phases. With the recent infrequent enemy phases, it becomes a rotting waste of 3 stat points. In it's new incarnation, I'm not even sure how that would work. The mod had a huge chunk of enemies at disposal, there's a lack of a clear area where they exist, so conceivably almost any enemy could attack any target, and it would be seen as plausible. All they could say then is okay, one of these enemies that wasn't going to target you originally, still doesn't target you as a result of you skill, but I get to hit you with any of my other choice targets. Maybe making it so that in order to attack the enemy has to roll a certain number, or else is rerouted to a new target? This still feels like it probably needs work, though, tbh.

Blossom is out.

Lucky Break: Snowy said that this is how saving throws already were intended work. Without the skill. As far as memory serves.

The proposed amendment to Fortune keeps it from being over powered, but then again, reduces the impact of the skill to where I think no-one would pay 3 skill points for it. I don't see any easy fixes at the moment, though.

Counter seems fine, though need to settle on Strength/Mag, or Stat/2. I'm leaning towards Stat/2 at the moment, rounded up, however.

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I omitted Charge as it seemed broken. I possibly don't understand it though.

Alright,let's give an example(In this case,activation number is 3)

Aiya attacks...Eric,let's say,in a sparring match

Aiya rolls (5,2,3) she hits,and activates Charge,Eric takes however many damage.

Eric counters,and double attacks,leaving Aiya at,say...6 HP

Aiya can now either choose to attack Eric again,or attack...Derek(2v2 sparring,to show multiple potential targets)

Aiya chooses to attack Eric,in hopes of finishing him off,and a new combat round starts,with Aiya attacking,and Eric countering and doubling.

If she Attacks Derek,they both get a hit in,since neither double.

And if Aiya doubled someone,you get the picture...

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So it's adept, except super-broken?

It's basically launching another round of combat. Not super-broken, as it reduces EXP gained, really.

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So it's adept, except super-broken?

Adept is a free hit,with Charge,you get countered,and unless you double,it is actually worse than adept,aside from the ability to choose a different target.

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It's not special treatment. I'd be handling this the same way with Kai if he could keep from making wacked out posts while I did it. As badly as we harass Kai, Helios' issues would be a real concern, but only if he brought them up without dropping them and the issues made sense. So far that's not the case is it?

As for Chase not being able to ride a horse, I've already addressed this twice.

Here's decent compromise:

Until Chase learns to ride a horse(someone teaches him Kelas/Viveka/etc), he can't make the class change official(must fight with archer caps temporarily). It requires some work for Lightning to do in the meantime, but there shouldn't be any problem with that.

EDIT: I posted this before seeing Cuddles change sides.

Hmm well that would be acceptable, your choice whether you carry through with it, though it seems like pointless extra work to me. I'm willing to retract my idea with this proposal, but I'm perfectly happy with following through with the idea too, please do hurry on your decision though, as I'd require Bal's help, Kai would speed up the process but isn't essential. Don't worry, it doesn't affect the entire group so only Chase suffers XD

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