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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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So it's adept, except super-broken?

It's not adept at all! You attack twice, the enemy counters twice. It's parity, except it will occasionally increase you chance for kill XP, rather than wound XP.

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I'm fine with Blessing as long as it's restricted to non-magic classes (Peg knights can use it, they have mag cap 3 idk?)

Prayer seems fine I guess (if a counter would kill you, add 3 to your avoid) Once per battle?

Mercy is still horribly useless, and horribly useless skills are bad.

Renewal and Sacrifice can work, little iffy though, could make healers obsolete. Probably not.

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Ambush - Attacks first during enemy phase No

Prayer - Dodge a counter that could kill No

Renewal - Recovers 20% of HP No

Bargain - Not quite sure what to do with this one No

Sacrifice - Heals like a staff, only takes away HP from caster No

Savior - Doesn't take rescue penalties (Which reminds me, we should be able to rescue) No

Gamble - Adds 2 to skill roll, takes 2 from hit roll No

Disarm - Unequips enemy, prevents a counter No

Corrosion - See Disarm No

Mercy - Can not kill an enemy on the player phase No

Nullify - Prevents class busters No

Imbue - Gains HP equal to Mag (Physical units only) No

Training - Gains HP equal to Str (Magic unit only) No

Blessing - 2 units fighting with user, gain HP equal to Mag No

Vigilance - Adds 1 to avoid, and subtracts 1 from enemy's skill roll No

Insight - Adds 1 to both skill and hit rolls No

Okay, it turns out I didn't need to spend much time on Psych's list. It was utter trash to begin with.

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Just one thing to note.if anyone takes Heavy Strike/Overcast,please put it in the roll description whenever you use it,and specify the amount.

Ex: Activating Heavy Strike(-2 Skl)

This way no one can complain that people are just adding free damage whenever they get a high hit roll.

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Miracle allows you to make a saving roll, Prayer allows you to add 3 to your avoid once per combat (only on a counter which could potentially kill you). Similar purpose, but different function.

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@Kai & Everyone

PRAYER IS DIFFERENT FROM MIRACLE. Instead of a gaurenteed saving roll, if the enemy could kill the unit, for that enemy phase, your avoid is increased by three.

That's why I don't want Bal on the panel. He hates my ideas. ;_;

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@ Phoenix:

She switched sides

Backstabber -_-


You have no idea how much of a compliment that is to me at the moment. I suppose then that Chase gets nomad stats now, and I have the thumbs up to put my plan into action then.


Charisma: I'm going to argue a special rule, can't target players under your own control. (Eg no Isotov -> Irina or Viveka) Doesn't decrease the character pool in which you can use it on by much, but I really don't want to see a new character created just to give people this bonus. Might also drop it to one person, not two.

Edited by Kanami
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That's why I don't want Bal on the panel. He hates my ideas. ;_;

If that was not the current state of those skills, I apologize. But the presentation was shoddy, things were entirely imbalanced, and you didn't even demonstrate a proper understanding of the combat system at all.

You can't expect me to do all the work for you on drafting the skills you randomly name of so that they actually make sense and work.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Bal, still have issues with the 4 skills I posted? We can discuss nerfing them.

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@The Chase-is-a-nomad plan: Why am I suddenly incredibly worried about attempted horse theft?

Don't be.

Viveka's cavalry horse would be perfect for Chase, and she or Kelas can teach him how to ride. Simple.

@ Psychout

What about the priest?

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@Alch, if that directed at me, I haven't got any plans for hurting horsey... or do I? :/ Still unclear at this stage, but I won't touch Amari, Trevor or Francis. Not in this scheme at least anyway;) It's not even really a scheme. :/

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Full Tilt: Activates twice per battle, has to be called before the attack. Multiplies evasion by 1.5, but reduces Defense and Resistance to 0 for that turn. Again, Phoenix's idea, not mine, though I tweaked this one. Classes banned from this skill: Myrms, Thieves, Nomads, possibly all 5 SPD classes. Not sure yet.

Daunt: Reduces foes' skill and evasion by one each. Classes banned from this: Thieves, Myrms, Nomads, Clerics, Troubadors,possibly 5 SPDs.

Resolve: Passive skill. Multiplies unit's strength OR magic power, speed, and skill, by 1.5 rounded down, when unit is 33% health or lower. This speed only adds .5 evade, though. Classes banned from this so far:Knights, Fighters, Brigands, Thunder Mages, Wyvern Knights, and Shamans.

Cancel: Activation: Roll a 2 on your skill roll. Prevents a counter attack if the attack with the skill activated hits. Need help on this one.

I still feel wary on the whole "let's just ban classes from taking the skill" approach to be perfectly honest.

Again, multiplying total evasion seems overpowered. Only the evasion contribution from Speed was my earlier fix, and I'm sticking to it.

The rest seemed fine, I thought I said I was okay with them previously in this state?

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I still feel wary on the whole "let's just ban classes from taking the skill" approach to be perfectly honest.

Again, multiplying total evasion seems overpowered. Only the evasion contribution from Speed was my earlier fix, and I'm sticking to it.

The rest seemed fine, I thought I said I was okay with them previously in this state?

Right. Forgot about taking the luck out. Shoot. Editing. >.<

@ the ban skills: I think we'll let Snowy decide that.

@ everything else: I guess they're approved beyond that, then.

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@ Psychout

Give me some time to go through it again. I'm a little busy with the new skill changes and stuff. Since I keep everything in my manage notes, I need to go through it and change stuff first.

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Resolve was intended for all stats except HP and luck, but, well, it was too powerful. So, uh, yeah.

Pavise, perhaps could be like a reduce damage taken by an ally by 50%/take the damage for them kind of thing?

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I'm gone for an hour and wtf.

Nady, if you're really that pissed at me for Chase having nomad caps, I think you might not have known that Chase is going to be battled at a certain point. Probably will end up nearly killed several times as well... but eh.

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