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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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Snowy, Changes. >_>

-Keen Edge needs to be change from a -2 STR for + one to skill die, to a passive, +-1 Crit modifier, without any costs.

-Heroic Stand needs to change to +2 STR/SKL/LUK for 2 HP.

-Pavise is added as an action for Cavs, Knights, Loldiers, and Heroes. Forfeits battle phase for 50% damage reduction. Flat 6 EXP.

-Healing exp Buff to 8.

-Class Change means all raw stats up by 1. Add a skill means add 0 instead of 1 to three stats of your choice.

And now, another thing to bitch about. (;D)

So, the issue was raised in the recent stat-battle that bonus DEF/RES points cannot go over cap. That doesn't make sense, as then, why would one spend the extra point to cap it, when the effect is essentially nil? I'm calling for the bonuses to be surpassing caps, otherwise, it's unfair for those who unknowingly got rid of the bonus by capping the stats.

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Yeah I'm in agreement with Snike on this one. It was probably a rule to prevent having a unit with too much of one stat, but a support S does the same thing but to any two stats so it's not really a big issue overall. I'd say let it break caps.

Another thing. Supports don't stack so I'm wondering what the other support options are really for. For instance, there's a limit of five supports per person. For people who have supports with two people of the same affinity, there are no bonuses for one of the two supports.

Example using a known case: (Forget that Katie is an NPC, that's not the issue)

Iso has a support C with Irina(Wind), and Katie(Wind). His HIT rating goes up only by 1 since they don't stack. I don't have any suggestions or solutions for this. It just bugs the tar out of me that there are so many fire, thunder, and wind affinities because supporting with more than one which is highly likely will do virtually nothing. For the most part I support for the interactions and not the bonuses alone, but with four or five fires running around, you've got to admit that some supports are just meaningless if not for story which there usually isn't much of anyway.

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I agree with Snike.

I think supports should just give a +1 to whatever for each level. So Isotov would get +2 Hit for Cs with Irina/Katie, then +2 Mt for Bs with Irina/Katie (from his own affinity).

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I think supports should just give a +1 to whatever for each level. So Isotov would get +2 Hit for Cs with Irina/Katie, then +2 Mt for Bs with Irina/Katie (from his own affinity).

Yeah that's what I was thinking. But it was stated that two of the same element couldn't stack. I know why they shouldn't but I know why they should too. It's a little annoying when I think about it. The possibilities are OP. If Iso supports with another fire affinity he'll get another +1, and with two support Bs, he'll have a +4 to his attacks. I personally think that's awesome but is it right? If so I'll shut up and let you trick Snowy into letting supports stack.

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I don't think it's OP. You get the same amount of stats, it's just more concentrated.

I just hope people don't base interactions off of who has a good affinity. That wouldn't sit well with me.

This battle showcases how Wind affinity can be your friend. Mooks may have lowish Evd (though poor Alf and his misses), but bosses can be quite dodgy.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I don't think it's OP. You get the same amount of stats, it's just more concentrated.

I just hope people don't base interactions off of who has a good affinity. That wouldn't sit well with me.

This battle showcases how Wind affinity can be your friend. Mooks may have lowish Evd (though poor Alf and his misses), but bosses can be quite dodgy.

Funny that you mentioned that. Even with just the regular hit bonuses, Mr. Blind Russian(Iso) was nailing people. It was both ironic and funny.

When you look at it like that(same amount of stats), it does seem fair. Okay then, I'm pushing for stacking supports.

@ Only interacting for stat boosts

Like I said, I don't, but I know that supporting certain people is incredibly advantageous and most people probably realize that too. Like a thunderxthunder support for example. These people will be the dodgiest in the party. Tessa's already at 7 avoid. If she really is Viv's cousin and they get into a support over it, both'll become the most effective dodgetank PCs in the rp over time. It's just one of those things.

I personally think Lev Morgan is good interaction, even though Morgan would be boosting RES and Lev would be boosting DEF >_>'

Edited by Phoenix
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And as I point out in IP Chat, Alf and his potential dual fires can completely break his caps, let alone when he promotes when he gains Rage. So the bonuses breaking caps should be allowed.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Something else I noted.

Does the Light affinity effect staves you use on someone else? Cause Tessa seems to be healing 6's lately, while Charlotte and Pary are still doing 5's. :/

Staff healing is 3/4 Mag + 3. Same as it has been.

For the longest time, Tessa healed +5s, and was the only healer, so maybe it looked like healing was just a flat +5, but back after the succubi when she first levelled, she bumped Mag up, and has been doing +6s.

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And as I point out in IP Chat, Alf and his potential dual fires can completely break his caps, let alone when he promotes when he gains Rage. So the bonuses breaking caps should be allowed.

That would be an argument for as to why NOT stacking bonuses is better. I support stacking, though.

Snowy, update plz.

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Stacking skills sound a little meh unless its with a passive skill or something (Has no idea what its called)

Something like Prayer activates regardless of you choosing or not. Can you stack on top of those skills?

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Stacking skills sound a little meh unless its with a passive skill or something (Has no idea what its called)

Something like Prayer activates regardless of you choosing or not. Can you stack on top of those skills?

I believe so. Snowy is the one to ask ,though.

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I just read the caps, and I found something very interesting. As in, Myrmidons and Nomads have the exact same caps everywhere except myrmidons have +1 str. Umm. Aren't caps supposed to give some classes advantages in some areas in some ares and disadvantages in others, not have some classes obviously better than others?

... Also, 4 res cap for soldiers? Wut?

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I just read the caps, and I found something very interesting. As in, Myrmidons and Nomads have the exact same caps everywhere except myrmidons have +1 str. Umm. Aren't caps supposed to give some classes advantages in some areas in some ares and disadvantages in others, not have some classes obviously better than others?

... Also, 4 res cap for soldiers? Wut?


Cap 6: Bandits, Fighters

Cap 5: Armor Knights, Wyvern Knights

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Archers, Soldiers

Cap 3: Myrmidons, Rogues, Nomads, Pegasus Knights

Cap 2: All magic users

Umm, what?

But, uh, the loldiers are outclassed by lance cavs, sadly, so those do need to be changed, slightly.

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I meant skill. Myrms have 6 and nomads have 5. Everything else is the exact same thing though.

You could argue that since they have the uncounterable every other attack weapons, it's justified. That, or on tier 2, they get a sword, to justify it. But, that is odd.

Edited by Snike
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The problem with the caps is that there are more stat points that you can distribute initially than some people would want. Ether's complaint about the soldiers caps is starting to make more sense now. Something about having to redistribute points elsewhere(where he didn't want them) instead of being able to concentrate on strength areas.

We've also got a lot of different types of units. Some are going to end up being better than others(or too similar) simply because there aren't a lot of different cap set up combinations. Sorry, I have no solutions, just little observations. Normally I'd just raise the overall cap limits(that means raising the cap threshold) and then make adjustments to the Myrm and Nomad (or lance cav and soldier)class stat caps so they aren't so similar but I don't know how that'll effect things overall.

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So talking in IRC led us to this.

I had the formula for Barrier in Pary's signup I believe...>_> :/


Once per battle

Can't target bosses



Used once per Player Phase

Allows Target to skip next enemy phase

Target must be at 50% HP or below

Torch and Unlock we were unsure of.

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Also discussed was a Fortify staff for plot purposes. Basically, it takes longer to cast than a normal staff (so not usable in battle), but heals everyone nearby. This would cut down on "so and so needs healed" posts.

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