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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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Uh yeah, that needs to stop. Both the ignores and the Esphyr bits :lol:

It's kind of ironic. I'm one of the most active rpers yet I don't use one of the most needed classes(healer). Sure Luna has Charlotte and she's about as active as I am, but Charlotte is kidnapped half the time sooo ...

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I have a mini-medic, of sorts...

In other news, Snowy, update plz. I don't get shot this time because it's the right thread.

-Keen Edge needs to be change from a -2 STR for + one to skill die, to a passive, +-1 Crit modifier, without any costs.

-Heroic Stand needs to change to +2 STR/SKL/LUK for 2 HP.

-Pavise is added as an action for Cavs, Knights, Loldiers, and Heroes. Forfeits battle phase for 50% damage reduction. Flat 6 EXP.

-Healing exp Buff to 8.

-Class Change means all raw stats up by 1. Add a skill means add 0 instead of 1 to three stats of your choice.

-Bonus points in stats go over cap. IE, cap 3 DEF is 4 simplified.

-Supports stack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Motion made earlier on IRC:

To ignore any player who acts in a ridiculous (defined below) manner, and treat their posts as non-canonical, until behavior improves.

Definition of Ridiculous:

1) Any action taken by a player character without permission of the other involved player that would cause death, incapacitation, or serious injury to a character (excluding retaliation for attacks of similar levels), any theft of another player character's major belongings (except in retaliation), any sexual attack on another character that passes the line of clothing removal. Further additions to this definition may be made only by GM. That's right folks, Kiryn can't add any more to it.

2) Any action taken by an enemy character that:

a) would result in the attacked character's death (this does not include stat battle) or permanent incapacitation, or the severance of a Crimson weapon, without player permission (this does not include stat battle)

b ) harms the attacked character in such a way that that character's player AND multiple others find it unreasonable, and protest it

Current votes:

Yea: 6

Nay: 1

Abstain: 2

Three votes still required before motion is finalized, including votes from both GMs. In order to maintain GM veto power, each GM vote is worth 4 normal votes. In the case that one GM is in favor and the other opposed... shit, I don't even know.

edit: small b right parentheses is NOT a smiley, thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

I hate to double post, but this is relevant.

Given that school has rendered a lot of us busy, there will inevitably be stat battles that people can't be here for. Because of this, and seeing that most of the characters are around the same level again, I'd suggest reinstating the "existing" EXP for battles so that nobody falls too far behind.

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Level 2s would get it starting after this chapter, but I don't see why not.

Skill suggestion

Name: Armor Crush

Activation: Active, forgo attack

Effect: Roll a single die. If the sum of the die and your STR value is greater than the targets' DEF, reduce their DEF by 2. Only works once per enemy.

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I say that should be banned for 5-6 strength classes.

And what's the point for it? Is it all battle? Or just a phase for others to attack the enemy?

Teamwork. Also, I think next battle will give you an idea of WHY.

I have no problem with it on higher STR classes because that means they won't be inflicting damage that turn.

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Can't double post in chat but this may go here anyway.

Couple things:

Thing #1: I forgot about the stat caps while leveling Iso the first time so his entire stat sheet has been redone(will submit it for review shortly). Now he's about the same as he was at level one as far as combat effectiveness. Go figure.

Thing #2: This warp isn't ready yet. Half the people are outside and would have to bring their mounts inside the castle which there's no excuse for so Stephanie actually needs to go outside to warp the party.

Suggestion: Make better plans cause this one in hindsight was just as retarded as the others. Not casting any blame here, just saying. Also you could try warning us before a surprise attack next time so we could steer our characters better. Everyone was just loafing about in inconvenient spots like always.

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Thing #2: This warp isn't ready yet. Half the people are outside and would have to bring their mounts inside the castle which there's no excuse for so Stephanie actually needs to go outside to warp the party.

Indeed. They should at least arrive in time to stop all the advance group from dying hopefully.

Suggestion: Make better plans cause this one in hindsight was just as retarded as the others. Not casting any blame here, just saying. Also you could try warning us before a surprise attack next time so we could steer our characters better. Everyone was just loafing about in inconvenient spots like always.

I imagine suprise attacks put characters in inconvenient spots quite often, so not seeing the issue here. Also, if you want better plans, make them yourself. All Iso's plan involved was running off with Kelas for some reason and having no idea what to do next. Keep in mind that plans that involve powerful NPC X coming to save us (Ixion, Miranda whoever) are generally bad IMO.

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Indeed. They should at least arrive in time to stop all the advance group from dying hopefully.

*sigh* just once I'd like to see the party randomly attacked and actually enjoy it the overall experience. Just once. Just one time in this rp and I'll be satisfied.

I imagine suprise attacks put characters in inconvenient spots quite often, so not seeing the issue here. Also, if you want better plans, make them yourself. All Iso's plan involved was running off with Kelas for some reason and having no idea whatr to do next. Keep in mind that plans that involve powerful NPC X coming to save us (Ixion, Miranda whoever) are generally bad IMO.

I was referring to the rpers, not the characters. They were going to be at least a little unprepared no matter what, but I don't like having to waste posts getting everything ready for something that could have happened in just one. Also makes things less fun when you have to retcon things due to surprise!posts.

As for Iso, he's not meant to be a particularly good planner in the first place. Don't you remember who is teacher was? Ms. Random make out shocker? He's meant to be almost as spontaneous as she is. If someone asks Viv or Lev for a good plan they'll get it(or a lecture about a lack of proper command structure in Viv's case). Don't expect it from Iso though.

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It really makes it not much of a surprise aspect if all the characters are sitting around with all their interactions tied up. Surprise events are supposed to be surprising, they interrupt what's going on.

It's also not even really a surprise, considering that the group should have been prepared for an attack at any time.

@Iso's planning Then have Viveka or Lev suggest a plan. If you want to do something, try and have the characters do it. But having your characters go "this group has sucky plans" then not have them suggest anything doesn't accomplish much at all. The group usually has to do something, so if you don't like what they're doing you should think of an alternative.

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@Iso's planning Then have Viveka or Lev suggest a plan. If you want to do something, try and have the characters do it. But having your characters go "this group has sucky plans" then not have them suggest anything doesn't accomplish much at all. The group usually has to do something, so if you don't like what they're doing you should think of an alternative.

"Sucky plans" is Viveka's thing. Part of the problem with making plans is that no matter what it is, it couldn't possibly work out for them due to the group's layout. It's why Viveka bitches about it so constantly. Lev knows this too but just lays back ready to run damage control because he's got nothing better to do. Ordinarily what either of these characters would do would be to use their own men(people who can actually be used effectively for things), which is only allowed in plot combat. In a scenario like this no plan any rper could ever muster up would actually work without some actual collaboration which is why I just let sh*t happen and then comment on it hoping to hint at a need for more rper cohesion.

Just think of some recent "events" that would have gone better with less "random"

The Ball:

Whistler drugs out the entire party. Kinda funny but it was forced on us no matter how you look at it. Well hopefully someone enjoyed that, but it just forced most of us to torture our characters for the entire chapter. Keep in mind the party was forced to go initially so they were railroaded straight into this one. What warnings we did get were pretty much "your character is going to get wasted, hahah" :/

Again, kinda funny but, overlapping events literally jerked us into something not all of us cared for.


My plan was to have Miranda ambush Iso, rebind him, fill him and whoever else cared to listen in on the recent events, catch up a bit with Iso, and then GTFO, but Morgan randomly shows up(kinda funny but ...) first and starts shooting which keeps Miranda separated from Iso for so long that it actually took three times as long to finish and we narrowly avoided new criminal charges as a result. In fact the only reason no one was arrested is because I'm the only person who ever controls the Septimian castle guards and I left them alone for that scene specifically so I could hurry up and end it as fast as humanly possible and avoid another incident. Kinda funny but ....


I don't mind OP Dark Druids, but the killing spree was so random that it nearly forced us to modkill Geraro. I don't care who but somebody who can effect the outcome favorably needs to know about things like this ahead of time.

The Trap:

There was some collaboration on this but not enough to make anything remotely organized. Keep in mind I don't necessarily hate random events, but when they consecutively jerk us this hard or force the entire party to drop everything(without being able to actually think on how they plan to do so) it gets old fast. I'm not saying people weren't warned this time. Hell if you noticed, my characters were actually ready for this (Script's too apparently) ... as ready as they could be minus Stephanie being inside at the time which I'll take the blame for since I have no idea why they started off outside but ended up in some random room in the castle. I think that may have been a misplacement of the entire group that wasn't retconned but either way it put a wrench in things and now we're rushing off to get beaten up by Petros. No problem with that in particular, just like it when things actually flow smoothly in the rp instead of violently jerking in a particular direction. My real problem with this particular event is that earlier I saw you(Luna) posting, but then you stopped. Didn't know if you were in IRC talking about it or not but there wasn't any sign of what you were about to do so I started working on something else hoping to slip in one last bit before you actually made the post. Of course I get a five minute case of writer's block and you beat me to the punch and with that one post we now have to scramble without actually looking at the situation and evaluating anything first.

*yanks out stolen time slowing device*

There we go ^_^

Hell I would settle for a ten minute beforehand chat post announcing that something is about to go down(I can keep multiple tabs open). I think rpers can work better with preludes than with instant spawn posts that's all.

Okay that's the end of my random rant. Only point I'm trying to make here is that we need to try to make this rp a less jerky experience for our own sakes.

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The Ball:

Whistler drugs out the entire party. Kinda funny but it was forced on us no matter how you look at it. Well hopefully someone enjoyed that, but it just forced most of us to torture our characters for the entire chapter. Keep in mind the party was forced to go initially so they were railroaded straight into this one. What warnings we did get were pretty much "your character is going to get wasted, hahah" :/

Again, kinda funny but, overlapping events literally jerked us into something not all of us cared for.

This was able to entirely be ignored (I did), so I'm not seeing that as being forced into anything.


My plan was to have Miranda ambush Iso, rebind him, fill him and whoever else cared to listen in on the recent events, catch up a bit with Iso, and then GTFO, but Morgan randomly shows up(kinda funny but ...) first and starts shooting which keeps Miranda separated from Iso for so long that it actually took three times as long to finish and we narrowly avoided new criminal charges as a result. In fact the only reason no one was arrested is because I'm the only person who ever controls the Septimian castle guards and I left them alone for that scene specifically so I could hurry up and end it as fast as humanly possible and avoid another incident. Kinda funny but ....

This sounds more like you having control issues more than anything. Not everything will always go according to your plan, and you really should be more flexible. And in this instance, you control both characters so if you didn't want any interruptions you should have planned it out as such, not have demons who are supposed to be dead people running around town. Not to mention your plan sounds significantly more boring tbh.


I don't mind OP Dark Druids, but the killing spree was so random that it nearly forced us to modkill Geraro. I don't care who but somebody who can effect the outcome favorably needs to know about things like this ahead of time.

Yeah I wasn't too fond of this bit either.

The Trap:

There was some collaboration on this but not enough to make anything remotely organized. Keep in mind I don't necessarily hate random events, but when they consecutively jerk us this hard or force the entire party to drop everything(without being able to actually think on how they plan to do so) it gets old fast. I'm not saying people weren't warned this time. Hell if you noticed, my characters were actually ready for this (Script's too apparently) ... as ready as they could be minus Stephanie being inside at the time which I'll take the blame for since I have no idea why they started off outside but ended up in some random room in the castle. I think that may have been a misplacement of the entire group that wasn't retconned but either way it put a wrench in things and now we're rushing off to get beaten up by Petros. No problem with that in particular, just like it when things actually flow smoothly in the rp instead of violently jerking in a particular direction.

The situation really led itself to a "jerking" so to speak, as do any random attacks, disasters etc. Random stuff happens and it interrupts the "flow." Life does not flow smoothly according to plans, it's full of shit people aren't prepared for, and RPs should be the same way. If everything is planned and perfectly anticipated you end up with something terribly sterile.

My real problem with this particular event is that earlier I saw you(Luna) posting, but then you stopped. Didn't know if you were in IRC talking about it or not but there wasn't any sign of what you were about to do so I started working on something else hoping to slip in one last bit before you actually made the post. Of course I get a five minute case of writer's block and you beat me to the punch and with that one post we now have to scramble without actually looking at the situation and evaluating anything first.

I'm not seeing how you can't look at the situation and evaluate it anyway. Event occurs, interpret, write appopriate reaction. I see no reason people have to know about everything before it happens, and in this case people knew what was going to happen before it did anyway.

I'm just not seeing the point of "Imma attack in 10 minutes" unless you want to tie up interactions and such, but that isn't realistic at all.

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This was able to entirely be ignored (I did), so I'm not seeing that as being forced into anything.

I've actually considered becoming the kind of rper that just ignores anything he doesn't like but I initially had OOC issues and didn't want to do that(my characters get thirsty sometimes though yes I could have simply had them conveniently be not thirsty for a few hours and said hell no to the candle stuff, my characters are clearly immune to insense :P ). Part of me likes to see if just maybe letting someone else effect my characters (and not weaseling my way out of things) will be an interesting experience. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.

Look you're the reactive rper(short ass posts and not a lot of substance), and I'm the god of npcs(talks to himself too much). I try really hard not to negatively effect other people(rpers) in the rp while not expecting the same in return.

This sounds more like you having control issues more than anything. Not everything will always go according to your plan, and you really should be more flexible. And in this instance, you control both characters so if you didn't want any interruptions you should have planned it out as such, not have demons who are supposed to be dead people running around town. Not to mention your plan sounds significantly more boring tbh.

Not at all. Go back and read what I was planning. Interruptions of the actual conversation would have been fine since Miranda could have left if she needed to, but Morgan intercepted her because you got bored and we ended up with a onesided shootout, then a stand off, then Ixion gets there BEFORE Iso gets Proxima back. I don't mind a situation unfolding differently if it's going to turn out as better writing(read that again), but the only reason Morgan wasn't thrown in the slammer for launching a bunch of attacks in the initially crowded streets is because I turned off the guards :/

Go back and read that event sometime. It wasn't a bad event or anything, just badly written as most spontaneous events are. It turned out not crappy, but just look at how overly random things got. Real life isn't actually like this. We automatically take things a step further with our powers as rpers which is why we need a balance. Forewarning is a balance that can slightly curb random and keep one random event from unfolding into another and another and ends up not even being plausible for us to get out alive/not imprisoned which we inevitably must.

The situation really led itself to a "jerking" so to speak, as do any random attacks, disasters etc. Random stuff happens and it interrupts the "flow." Life does not flow smoothly according to plans, it's full of shit people aren't prepared for, and RPs should be the same way. If everything is planned and perfectly anticipated you end up with something terribly sterile.

Again, there's a balance here. Things will go random enough on their own even with forewarning which is why I encourage the forewarnings. At the very least people can slightly adjust without actually rushing.

Say if I knew about Morgan going to intercept Miranda before she was close enough to be spotted. Not saying I would have not let it happen anyway, but I would have been better prepared for the upcoming scenario and not one asspull of any kind would have been needed(asspulls meaning the things I did to stall Ixion and things like just ignoring the guards when they should have been restraining Morgan on the spot etc). It's easier to let a scenario unfold when you don't feel like other rpers are trying to screw you over for their amusement. Didn't think you were in that case but I had to take a defensive stance because Miranda still had Proxima and it would have been OOC for her to not rebind Iso herself.

I'm not seeing how you can't look at the situation and evaluate it anyway. Event occurs, interpret, write appopriate reaction. I see no reason people have to know about everything before it happens, and in this case people knew what was going to happen before it did anyway.

Not knowing everything, only things that are potentially main plot related or directly dangerous to the group which this is clearly both. And yes in this case I'm not saying it's your fault people spread out like they always do. The situation isn't even that bad, I'm just pointing out something that happens a lot and irks me due to the way scenes get written out. You compare it to real life but real life is nothing like this. It can never get this crazy with only a handful of casualties and you know it :/

I'm just not seeing the point of "Imma attack in 10 minutes" unless you want to tie up interactions and such, but that isn't realistic at all.

Tying up interactions is optional(some people will choose not to as an IC action(I'm also in this category)). My only point here is that when it's relevant(plot or effects party safety), the word needs to get out before the actual event does. IT PREVENTS BAD WRITING AND KEEPS THINGS SMOOTHER. That happened thankfully but that's not going to stop me from speaking on the issue. I wanna improve the rp not sit back and let things that could be better persist as is.


F*cking dammit, Cuddles is reading this >_<


I've decided to actually go ahead and drop this. I've been thinking for a few minutes and I find that I may be the only person in this rp that doesn't actually like the way things end up unfolding(and being written). If that's the case then it's not an issue worth debating over. I deal with my own individual dissatisfactions in this rp by compensating. I thought this was a bigger issue than it may be so in case it isn't, I'm dropping it for now and will just be focusing on those little monologues I entertain myself with. God of npcs ... sue me.

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There's a few things I could say, but in short

Inflexible, over-planning and go write a book. Summarizes my thoughts on the above.

Negatively effect other players: You shouldn't join combat RP's then. Go play mommy and daddy or something. You're not going to get a RP if everyone's too afraid to do things with other characters. Furthermore what you might consider to be an interesting plot device could quite frankly be boring to others, I won't argue personal preferences since it's already clear we do not share similar beliefs, however considering the chatter on how everyone hates Psych, I assume ignoring certain posts was a common practice here?

Turned off the guards: Right, plot convenience <_< Good to see idiots here are still disabling obvious reactions in favor of getting what they want, what did you do this time? Kill Septimus's ruler and walk out unscathed? I know that's not what happened, but with your logic, if that were to happen. You'd probably say that the guards had the day off and offered the group a drink as they marched out.

Real-life: Pffft, you using that term makes the entire argument a joke, but that aside, the real life you know probably doesn't involve traveling around in a world which is experiencing warfare. At the very least, the fact that random mercenaries even got into said event is eyebrow raise-worthy. How crazy life can get is infinite, if you think things can't get that crazy then you've clearly lived a sheltered life and most likely are only looking at life from your social standing. If you look at life from the perspective of multiple people, school, work, the weekend, etc can be alot more hectic then what's been portrayed so far. Most likely not as life threatening. But you continue peeking at the world through your binoculars. Sooner or later I hope someone hits you from behind. :/

Forewarnings: Pointless, and impractical. You were the main supporter behind PM'ing eachother interactions and then posting them as one block. Warning everyone you'll be posting an "event" will not improve anything. With your poorly thought out thinking, it'd not only stall the RP needlessly, but rushing people to interact is not going to lead to better posts. Planning is something you seem to pride yourself on, but frankly you're poor at it :/ Since you set yourself up for one pathway and get annoyed when the plot deviates away from said plan. Furthermore, you seem to still not understand how boring overplanned interactions are. Realistically, people get interrupted during conversations, it's not like you can't go "Hey, you know earlier when you were talking about ______?" and continue the conversation at a later time.

If you're looking for a smooth flow, you shouldn't look for it in an RP. You've got several writers who have their own ideas, which are subject to change constantly. What once was plausible, might change to a stupid idea on a moments notice. And "planning" it out is not the solution, adaptability is a core component in group work. A trait that you lack, possibly more then any other Rp'er here.

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Real-life:. At the very least, the fact that random mercenaries even got into said event is eyebrow raise-worthy.

I assume you're speaking about the Ball with this line? That was a mash of a handful of people with a fair bit of influence combining their efforts to allow the more mercenary-typed of the group to attend as well, attendants. After the obvious initial difficulty, of course.

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@ Negatively effecting other players

Did you know I used to post certain length'd monologues in spoiler tags? I said I did that to save space but I was just trying to make it easier for people to skim over them if they so desired. See I like to write, but I don't like to write out scenarios that are entirely implausible or just plain senseless which is why I get off on my own monologues. I'm a writer so I'm prone to these pulls even more so with the way we write ourselves into holes. It's pathetic but I hate the idea of boring people so I never bitch about my posts being skipped. I just assume and hope they are if someone's not interested in what I'm writing at the moment. I keep subplots as unrelated as possible as well which makes it even easier. My only real role in the rp is interacting with some specific people while writing a tragic subplot in the background.

As for Psych, yes, his posts get ignored a lot, but only when people are just too inconvenienced to care. At this point we tend to just choose whether or not we'll respond and no one gives a f*ck about it anymore. Ignore him or interact with him. There's really nothing to it. Snowy's retconned him a few times but other than that he's ignored if he gets out of line(not necessarily out of line, more like generally annoying with metagaming being grounds for being ignored).

@ Guards

I wouldn't have a choice. Either turn off the guards, or have Ether plot kill all of them and then have Snowy revoke our criminal status magically. This is why I was bitching about bad writing and randomness. I don't want us devolving back into pre-Helenos days. Forewarnings and more cooperation was just my little idea and hope to cause us to be smoother so we won't write ourselves into world war III. Too late I know(about the world war bit >.>), let's move on to the next bit.

@ Real Life

Real life wasn't my argument at all. I was pointing out that this rp isn't like real life because of sheer implausibility. As for making it more realistic? I honestly don't care anymore. Iso's had an axe in his chest and lived, twice. I just don't like when we have to screw our way out of things that shouldn't have happened in the first place. And dammit now you've got me in an old argument that's not entirely related to any of this XD

@ Forewarnings

Pride myself on planning? Do me a favor and actually read what I'm saying and not read into what I'm saying. Better yet, don't comment on stuff like my planning since my plans lately have been pretty much nonexistent. The attack on the Septimus base? That wasn't apart of some grand scheme. I got bored and sprung up a four thousand man army to randomly attack one of my own bases. I planned no further than fifty minutes for that in advance. As far as plans go, I'm done. I've just been rping and letting things happen with one exception which is the only subplot I'm protecting, and I'm protecting it by keeping people who don't need to be uninvolved.

@ Group work

Stop using the phrase "seem to lack". Someone who can't adapt is also someone who can't be moved from anything and can't change, in which case, we're talking about Psych yet again. If you haven't been reading my posts (I doubt you have, that would be weird) then you're just spouting speculation and have no idea what's really going on. Are you going to comment on how I rp when you're not reading it with your own eyes? I advise you not to do that and leave it at that.

As for the actual group work, I like it when things happen in a remotely realistic way. Sometimes real is a bit boring but at least Morgan won't have to give the guard a blowjob (or just straight up mindf*ck) to get out of jail free. The risk of us getting into situations we have to godmod our way out of goes way up when situations immediately arise with no warning which is why and only why I encourage avoiding it as much as possible.


You know I was going to drop the whole issue but now that Cuddles has entered the mix it's kind of a entertaining. Will keep bickering if she does >.>

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@Negative Effect


Read posts, do not skim, plox

Does everyone do this in LoAF?

Cynthia found this post insulting, but I actually thought it was a valid post. I don't know what "respect" even means, but if your encourage people to skip your posts since they're "boring." Chances are, they'll start skipping the posts of others too. Furthermore, your oh-so-beloved smooth flow is impossible to attain or even take a step towards if people aren't going to read eachothers posts.

Unrelated subplots = Unimportant subplots. A good example here is Tora :/

@Psych sucks

I won't argue against that, but I used to think of SQ'ers as elitists, what with their big chunky posts and higher quality posts who wouldn't? XD But I realize now that it applies more to LoAF then any other RP I've seen in the past. It's not until I stepped out of LoAF and looked back at posts that I realized the RP has a strong "Outsiders piss off" approach. (Most clearly seen with new players). This "ignore" behavior is very.... humorous? Considering the "Lets work together" rubbish you were spouting a long time ago. Changed your policy to "Let us elite RP'ers dictate the plot" I see. Not a shift I disagree with, but a humorous one nonetheless.


Rubbish, absolute rubbish :/ You're excuses are rather pathetic in most cases Phoenix "Didn't have a choice" being the most dominant, with "It's in character" being a close second. Or was it the other way around? Writing yourself out of a complicated situation is one of the core things in an RP. As I've constantly said "Reaction" is what I believe makes up an RP. And I'm sure we can all agree, that Damian flashing his "Ima hero's son" badge at everything earlier on is not the way you want to solve every problem that you come across. I don't see how you can argue "plot molesting" to get yourself out of one situation, then flip 180 and argue about poorly written plot.

@Real Life

Right, so we might as well screw what we know as realistic. Hey, did you all know Rita's actually an angel in disguise? Or that Pary is a master swordsman that could take you all on and win? (Yeah, Psych characters, it's the only way to make ridiculous examples and hold water) Might as well give people the power to leap higher and further then a wyvern can fly while you're at it. Whether you like it or not. You're going to end up using Real-life as a base for the RP. Excluding certain cruical points, just because you feel like isn't any different from Mary Sue Damian, or the stupidity you claim Psych is up to.

Speaking of pulling out old arguments, what Psych's getting bitched at for, doesn't look much different to heading to Ilyphina, just less idiots encouraging the path.


Oh I'm reading them, and they're more then enough indication that you think your planning is "great." Someone who doesn't would be "Overplanning" projects, and constantly nagging everyone to plan things out with you. I recall agreeing to plan things with you after Selizara, but your response was constantly "Why? You'll tear them to shreds" and nothing came out of it because of your unwillingness to adapt. Collaboration? Right :/ Sure :/ You might of been right anyway since you're just as likely to force your "plan" through as Kai was earlier in this RP. Citing, OoC and IC as the sole reasons.

I'm willing to not criticize your "plans" if you stop with the "Let's Collaborate" nonsense. Since frankly you're one of the least likely to actually collaborate anything outside your set group of friends. Comments like

I'm protecting it by keeping people who don't need to be uninvolved.

Right, so this event will not effect the RP whatsoever right? It'll just effect you and your friends. Did I mention elitism somewhere above? I think I did :/ Ah well, it just goes to show that you're not willing to work with anyone you don't agree with. And I've experienced first hand how you're not willing to relent to the "degrading" of others.

@Group work

I apologize, henceforth in relation to you I'll use the term "you lack" instead. Psych stubbornness in regards to his plots isn't at all different from your plots, so I don't see what you're trying to say there. Once you have a set idea you want to execute, you're as unwilling as he is to change them.

And here we go :/ The good old "You don't know what you're talking about" argument. Sadly enough though, I have been reading snippets of LoAF posts, it started with you telling me to read LoAF to get an idea of how bad Psych was. And while I probably couldn't give an accurate recount of everything that's happened. It's more then enough. Furthermore, I've read and Rp'ed with you in the past. And know that human attitudes doesn't change over night, or over the course of a few weeks even unless given a reason to do so. So while you may not have made "plans" recently, it can simply be directed at the posts I have read while I was an active participant of this RP.

I'll stop saying "seem" when you stop spouting 'realistic' since you've stated yourself that you "honestly don't care anymore". As for your next comment, your solution to not godmoding your way out of a situation, is by godmoding before the problem develops? Smart :/ Why didn't I think of that?

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*grabs the popcorn*

I'm not elitist am I? I don't wanna be that... :(

In other news, Reika is dreaming a parody of Silent Hill in which she gets attacked by Octagonhead and Naked Zombie Sean Connery while zombie clerics dance to Thriller which is playing in the background for no good reason and Reika goes WTF?

And yet that STILL makes more sense and has more meaningful development than anything Psych's done.

Edited by Yoshimitsu
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I used to think of SQ'ers as elitists, what with their big chunky posts and higher quality posts who wouldn't? XD

Oh, we totally give off elitist tendencies, but we usually have the higher quality posts to back it up. After all, if you've got it, flaunt it.

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