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Possible tier list changes

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Cecil got nerfed. She is no longer able to wield silver lances at base and she only starts with an E rank in lances.

Edit: Lock this. I was wrong when I bought it up in the topic.

i thought weapons sold for half their worth in Fire Emblem? am i just crazy

with the weapon rank system this was to be expected. no way they were going to start her off with B/A rank in lances.

It doesn't take long for luke/rody to surpass her. Half the battle was weapon rank superiority. They could have at least kept D ranks in lances. She's auto below them now unless she gets enough speed to be able to double as a cav most of the game.

Edited by Speedwagon
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Cecil got nerfed. She is no longer able to wield silver lances at base and she only starts with an E rank in lances.

Unless you make a female Cav My Unit she is actually better than ever due to the fact she's the only/best person who can use the Lady Sword earlygame especially when it's bandit/thief heavy.

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Rody never surpasses Cecile's speed, and doesn't surpass her strength/defense until they both promote. When you factor in the Lady Sword and Cecile's much better start, Cecile is a much better character then Rody. Her and Luke are pretty equal though.

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Cecile is built like a Isadora that's actually going to be high tier. Even if Luke (not Rody) is higher on the tier list, it won't be by much.

And yes, Cecile will have enough speed to double stuff.

That won't matter if this goes the way of DS and all 3 cavs are incapable of doubling UNTIL promotion. Her speed is good no question. But it's not like she is bragging +5 speed base and 60+ speed growth. Take a look at her level in the screen. 11 speed at level 6. It will then come down to durability/strength which luke will always win in till promotion. Rody while worse than both beforehand will be bragging luke's strength and Cecil's speed after promotion. Not to mention they have Hero and she has Swordmaster and the weapon ranks/two range are gonna favor them more than her unless she gets a two ranged lancer reaver capable of being forged.

I wouldn't be surprised if she goes uppermid and they stay high tier.

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That won't matter if this goes the way of DS and all 3 cavs are incapable of doubling UNTIL promotion. Her speed is good no question. But it's not like she is bragging +5 speed base and 60+ speed growth. Take a look at her level in the screen. 11 speed at level 6. It will then come down to durability/strength which luke will always win in till promotion. Rody while worse than both beforehand will be bragging luke's strength and Cecil's speed after promotion. Not to mention they have Hero and she has Swordmaster and the weapon ranks/two range are gonna favor them more than her unless she gets a two ranged lancer reaver capable of being forged.

I wouldn't be surprised if she goes uppermid and they stay high tier.

1. If her Book 2 stats stay the same, she only needs 10 levels to have 14 speed (enough to double almost all unpromoted units in FEDS H5). Luke needs 15 levels and Rody needs 16.

2. They have Hero and she has Swordmaster? You have absolutely nothing backing that up except the class choices for My-unit which prove absolutely nothing.

I can't see Rody ever being higher then Cecile on a tier list unless he gets some major buffs. Luke maybe, but Rody never.

Edited by Ari Gold
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Imagine if Cain had a MANN CO. Sword that OHKO'd Pirates in FEDS. That's pretty much Cecil. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

Fine. I give.

2. They have Hero and she has Swordmaster? You have absolutely nothing backing that up except the class choices for My-unit which prove absolutely nothing.

You know exactly what this means. Don't act stupid. Their has only been 1 female hero in the entire history of the series. What makes you think their gonna come up with a whole bunch of new sprites so every girl with a different hair color can be a hero? This is IS we are talking about. Hero has almost always been a better class than swordmaster aside from rutger/guy.

Edited by Mr. Francis York Morgan
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That won't matter if this goes the way of DS and all 3 cavs are incapable of doubling UNTIL promotion. Her speed is good no question. But it's not like she is bragging +5 speed base and 60+ speed growth. Take a look at her level in the screen. 11 speed at level 6. It will then come down to durability/strength which luke will always win in till promotion. Rody while worse than both beforehand will be bragging luke's strength and Cecil's speed after promotion. Not to mention they have Hero and she has Swordmaster and the weapon ranks/two range are gonna favor them more than her unless she gets a two ranged lancer reaver capable of being forged.

Don't bother arguing that Rody is better because of better growths, his bases were pretty bad in the original game to the point where Rody has a hard time getting to even level ten at a reasonable pace.

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Don't bother arguing that Rody is better because of better growths, his bases were pretty bad in the original game to the point where Rody has a hard time getting to even level ten at a reasonable pace.

Class swap does wonders ya know. Don't be surprised when someone high tiers him.

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You know exactly what this means. Don't act stupid. Their has only been 1 female hero in the entire history of the series. What makes you think their gonna come up with a whole bunch of new sprites so every girl with a different hair color can be a hero? This is IS we are talking about. Hero has almost always been a better class than swordmaster aside from rutger/guy.

What I'm saying is that Rody/Luke likely won't be able to go Hero. I assume they'll stick with the same class sets as before, just with Female Cavalier added to the Female set. That would make them all unable to access Hero.

Also another fun fact: Abel needed 14 levels to hit 14 speed. Cecile doing it in 10 is pretty significant.

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Don't bother arguing that Rody is better because of better growths, his bases were pretty bad in the original game to the point where Rody has a hard time getting to even level ten at a reasonable pace.

Now, that's exaggerating things. I was using all three cavs and other assorted units until the mid-lategame and I still ended up with a Level 12 Rody and a Level 13 Luke (who I both dropped for Cecil). It's not hard.

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Now, that's exaggerating things. I was using all three cavs and other assorted units until the mid-lategame and I still ended up with a Level 12 Rody and a Level 13 Luke (who I both dropped for Cecil). It's not hard.

Were you using growth orbs? Because if so I ignore the use of orbs in my PT, only exception will be against Hardin where I have to use the Light Orb.

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He might be a WiFi unit, along with Ryan, but definitely not going to do well in single player tier lists.

Ya wanna know what's really sad. This is your latest tier list for fire emblem 3 book 2. Cecil/Luke are at the very bottom of the highest tier so what a great big gap that is.

Lower Top Tier










Edited by Mr. Francis York Morgan
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The extra one or two points in a stat or two that Rody may have gotten from the limited time I gave him shards really wouldn't change things.

Above guy: That hasn't been updated in ages.

Edited by Ninji
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Oh, yeah, I don't believe anyone said Rody was bad. At least I wasn't. Claiming that Cecil was going to take a huge hit was what I was contesting.

Official site updates? What official site updates. This is a tier thread, damn it.

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The extra one or two points in a stat or two that Rody may have gotten from the limited time I gave him shards really wouldn't change things.

Above guy: That hasn't been updated in ages.

So? This is the LAST (KEYWORD) update on it. And their is no way in hell Rody is gonna get into top tier without being at least pretty damn good.

Just imagine what reclass is gonna do for this boy.

Edited by Mr. Francis York Morgan
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Just imagine what reclass is gonna do for this boy.

If FEDS was any indication, male cavs aren't in the same class set as heroes. To call IOS stupid for disagreeing with your assumption (which is only rooted in our limited knowledge of "my unit" choices, no less) is hypocritical.

It's not like reclass automatically made units good in FEDS, either. A good reclassed unit generally needed to be promoted and needed to have weapon rank in secondary weapons.

Edited by dondon151
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Nobody thinks the tier list talk is just a bit premature.

Given we don't know the full cast of the game.

How reclassing is working this game.

...what new hurdles are added, what parts of the plot have been changed.

...or really... anything, that we need to know to make a tier list?

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