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Silly Nicknames for FE Characters?


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Most of mine stem from "How the heck do you pronouce that?"

Kieran became Karen for the first few playthroughs. Karel morphed into Carol

Hector is "O dear lord, thank you" most of the time.

"Oh crap, oh crap!Dodge!!!" = characters like healers and archers when they're attacked.

Edited by Acedia
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Kieran became Karen for the first few playthroughs. Karel morphed into Carol

I fear you must run from safety now... because they'll kill you for calling them like that.... XDD

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Just the ones I can think of:

Gordin- FREEMAN! (And then I realized how much of a pun this was and nearly shot myself).

Caeda- Death on a pike

Navarre- Mr. Giggles.

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My common nicknames for some of the FE characters(and the reference):

Tellius Series:

Ike: Man on Steroids(Ike took steroids between PoR and GoD)

Titania: Tits McGee

Gatrie: Gattacca

Shinon: GARcher

Rolf: Rofl(misspelling of his name)

Micaiah: Miccy Sue(Micaiah is a Mary Sue. Live with it)

Sothe: Belly Shirt(he wears a shirt that exposes his midriff.)

Aran: Samus(pun on Samus Aran, except the original Samus is a blond chick and NOT a green haired soldier with no personality)

Edward: Face-blocker(he blocks axes with his face and tanks with his pants off)

Nolan: Chuck Nolan(pun on Chuck Norris)

Sanaki: Snacky

Akaneia Series:

Gordin: Gaggles(envisions Gordon tied up, gagged, and ass raped by bandits)

Caeda: Fail-Whore(reference to the fact she recruits 5 males: Kashim, Navarre, Roger, Jake, and Lawrence, 6 if you include Samto.)

Cain and Abel: Red and Green(pun on the Cain and Abel archetype)

Mathis: Gay Pride(he looks like a faggot to me)

Vyland: Rick Astley(he looks like Rick Astley)

Dolph: Mr. Clean(a reference to the fact he's bald and should be tanking dirt and grime)

Mac: Michelin Man(a pun on Michelin tires)

Wendell: Pope(he looks like the pope.)

Edited by DA125
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Both Samto and Shanam are now Failposter since they impersonate some of my favorite characters and suck majorly at it.

On another note, my current run of Shin Monshou (NM because I'm not ready for Lunatic yet) is now nicknamed Seth's Solo Adventures II, since my MU is named Seth. ;D

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These only made cus me and my friend are just strange

Isadora: Izzy-D

Pelleas: Pellman

Karel: Kazza

Erk: Erkulton, like Turk out of Scrubs

Haar: Hair

Sothe: Slothe

Zelgius: Zelgo

Sephiran: Seppy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ross the Boss

Hector the Protector

Moulder the Boulder (already taken, I know, but I still use it myself)

Zihark is "Big Z"

Pelleas is the "Pelle Man"

Whenever I use Gatrie, I say that I'm "getting out my Gat."

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Skasaher has been shortened to Ska or Sukaaaaaaa~~~<3

Heart at the end included.

And Lakche is now the Goddess of Death.

Because anything that touches her dies.

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Wolt is Woltorb. I pronounce his name VOLT (sometimes VOOOOOOLT, but that's not important), so it was a logical step... somehow.

Oujay is Juice or Juicy.

Raven is Ray-Ray-Comin'-Your-Way. (I had to restart his recruitment chapter a LOT on my first FE7 playthrough. I got bored and started stating that very phrase every time he began moving. It mutated.)

Geitz is Biceps. I forgot he even had a name after I saw that man's arms.

Moulder is Fox Moulder.

Saleh is Saleh la Samba. I blame DDR for this one.

Makalov is Makabitch because I am petty and a terrible person. Subsequently, Astrid is The Makalover.

Kyza is Truffles. I don't actually remember the story behind this one.

Zelgius is followed by slow jazz.

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Here's some new nicknames:

Arran: Rock'n'Roll Superstar

Ryan: Cool Bowlcut Bro

Sirius: Cybercop

Yubello: Fuck off, Shota(Replacing Shota with Roxas works too).

Medeus: Virgin Slayer

Sheema: Needs Jenny Craig's Diet

Luke: Wannabe Pimp.

Edited by Joey
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Few of Mine:

Barst: Barst the Beast

Roger: Pink haired tank, armoured strawberry(yeah I know this one is really rediculous)

Warren: the huntsman

Macellan: Big Mac

Dolph: Mr Clean

Sirius: Sirius/Serious Knight(sounds the same either way)

Gotoh: Cool old guy

Lang: The Rapist Complete Monster

Dice: Daddy Dice(I think Colonel M called him this first), Gambling Viking

Malice: Malicious Malice

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  • 6 months later...

I saw the Rollin' ad and was like

"Hey, don't be Dolph'n up in my hood"

so Dolph - Dolph'n

Roshea - Roachey

Guy - The Most Awesomest Guy in the World

Because, he is.

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I always think 'Eddie' instead of 'Edward'. Edward doesn't suit him, it's too formal.

Well.... it does make sense... Eddie is more fitting than a formal-esque Edward since he's just a commoner in those times...

It makes total sense. His name in the Japanese version is just "Eddie", not "Edward".

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