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Free shall start a spriting topic

Freohr Datia

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Actually... think I made one before, but this one's kinda different now...

EDIT: oh yeah Free's a nickname of mine =]

Well time to gather what I've done so far.


Well I'm sure everyone's seen this by now. This is the first person I've made in this sprite style. Thing is, I don't know her name or anything like that... I'll see what I will come up with eventually. Still not entirely satisfied with how she looks, so eventually I may change her around a bit.

hint: I like wearing brown... Mostly chocolate brown though.

EDIT: HaHA!!! I have a name. She'll be called Eithne from now on! =] Eithne is an Irish name (I love their names) and translates to kernel. XD But I'm very much... idk, I guess you could say nature-oriented and so therefore I love it!!! =D Translation or no translation, I still like that name (idk how to pronounce it though)

EDIT EDIT: Okay so I found another site that says... ardent or fiery.... XD


This is not entirely my work. Pheonix designed her for the most part. I just added that cloak thingy and her gem as her brooch. On her right arm (her right not yours =D), I added those strap thingies. The rest is all Pheonix. She is Catherine/Cathy. Pheonix's character.


This is Vladimir. Love that name. This is also Pheonix's character, but I designed him. Like the beard lol =3

For now that's all. Mostly you'll be seeing Pheonix's characters. Once I finish up with that, I'll try create my own people.

Hope you enjoy!

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Beautiful! I didn't know you and Phoenix worked together on these. I thought it was all him.

Anything on his spriting thing is all his, but, yeah, I'm trying to help him out with the rest that he hasn't gotten to. He got me started on this spriting style. The first girl I made was just a test sprite before I actually helped him out. Had to be sure I was actually good at it first =D

And thanks.

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*clapclapclapclapclap* They're very good! What can I say? They're shaded good, the colors work well together, and I can't find anything wrong with it unless I were to stretch it a lot.

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I just noticed how every pic has green in it. I'll try step away from that (sadly my next thing I'm working on has green in it already and I don't think I'm gonna get rid of it... It looks good to me. =3)

Oh my gosh! I love the cat girl! She looks so awesome. =]

The others look pretty good as well.

Yeah, I don't think I woulda been able to create hair the way Pheonix did! =o Still just starting in this stuff and all.

May I also add that I wish I could've avoided covering up Cathy's collar... :(

*clapclapclapclapclap* They're very good! What can I say? They're shaded good, the colors work well together, and I can't find anything wrong with it unless I were to stretch it a lot.

Yay thanks

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I like the cat girl. :D

I'd prefer maybe a darker color for the eyes. Or maybe more contrast. It's not like the glowing yellow eyes freak me out or anything. >_> <_< XD

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I like the cat girl. :D

I'd prefer maybe a darker color for the eyes. Or maybe more contrast. It's not like the glowing yellow eyes freak me out or anything. >_> <_< XD


lol it seemed a bit weird to me to work on the no glowing eyes and now glowing light with the hand still raised cause she doesn't look like she has the right face to have a raised finger for cause it seemed like she woulda been instructing without emitting light.

Cause the eyes glow when the little light thingy glows.

Lotsa "cause's" that seemed a bit unnecessarily overused.

Don't have the approval to change it it's not my character =I You'll have to get over it =P

Soo..... a thunderstorm interrupted my progress and turned off our power. I saved quite often, but it did set me back a bit, so what I'm working on right now should take longer than I thought =(

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Had a bit of a delay again. Not storm this time.

Okay, I love you! (okay, not really but I love that so much ^_^')

lol I think the first one will always stick with the artist I really like her too =D And thanks!

Yeah, I think she looks awesome too.

And thank you very much to you too!

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Hiya Logan! :'3

Damn, he looks so cool. :'3

Heehee, I like him too!!! Actually... I just maaay like him more than the (possible) nameless girl and she was my favorite so far... Shhh!!!

I knooooow :3

I already told her this but I'm so proud of her!

Yaaay I'm proud of me too.

Okay now back to work!

EDIT: Ok pplz I was wondering about a name for the 1st girl.

How do you think Allesíthe sounds? (How I'd pronounce it: Ah + lay + seeth)

When I make characters I think since for me they are not supposed to be from earth, then they should not have normal human names, so I create my own. And here is what I came up with. =) Does anyone else think it sounds good?

EDIT EDIT: Am I not the only one that notices Logan's left arm (our right) does not agree with his shoulder positioning? Sorry idk what to do with that.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm never working with Vika's hair again.

Plus Catelena caused problems too...

And... I am sad to say it but this is not one of the best of my spriting. =/ But oh well she's alright I guess...


This is Audrie Vanstrife. She took so long to make.

So, comment if you like, I'm sure there's gotta be something still, but I am sick of trying to fix her. XD

And.... on to the next!

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The hair is kind of blurry where it meets the body, like too blurry. The outlining around the hair also looks...off somehow. Still a pretty good sprite.

Since all her hair, including the outline, turned light when I made the hair color lighter, I tried to make my own outline to replace it and I made the mistake of giving the hair at the bottom a black outline and the outline apparently did not fit at all at the points where the hair reached the body, so I tried blending the two in. I should've tried to see if I could get rid of the outline on the bottom first.

So your observations are very very spot on. Not sure if I wanna redo all that though she took so long. <_< But maybe eventually I should. For now I wanna break XD

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  • 3 months later...

Lol last time I did anything in here was since back in August!

Yeah this new one gave me quite a few problems as well. I don't like working with blond hair anymore. =] Plus trying to fill in spaces that used to be covered by hair but had to be filled with skin... that is hard too cause then everything gets all blurry when I try doing it and it still looks blurry cause idk what to do with it.

This is the best I've come to so far. If you see anything else... well... do what you always do. Just point it out. =D


And... Apparently this dude (Henry Vanstrife) is not supposed to be so buff. =D ... But I just tried making him look hero-ish and I was able to make changes to Geoffrey's outfit enough to make it seem... at least somewhat close to a hero. And the arms had sleeves that looked like they fit that outfit. Oh well hope people like him. Haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

=ooo Triple.

Anyway, I was wanting to wait to post this until I finished the FE 9-10 version, but it's giving me trouble, so may as well just put down this one now.

I tend to have trouble getting these right so if anyone could tell me if there's anything in here that I should fix... That can keep me occupied whenever I get stuck with the bigger version and wanna take a huuuuge break from it XD


So... how many mistakes have I made this time? =D

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