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Free shall start a spriting topic

Freohr Datia

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Hmmm does anyone think I should add more shading to the hair that's around the neck areas? I didn't really do that because I thought it'd make them look more flat than how detailed they are now but I think maybe that would just make it less realistic...

Oh and thanks Jubby =3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh yeah

I forgot maybe I should post this~

This is Enid, for a hacky. (Well she was started by Warg, then edited by Raven, and now this here is my edit of that)

Pretty much all I worked on was the hair because I yay hair x3 And it was sorta one of the problems to begin with...


Sooo any critique/suggestions for this?

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The outline of her collar (on her neck, the right one) and where her cape and neck meet are a bit too dark; I suggest using the darkest skin tone instead of the outline colour and a bit of AA, that should soften it up some. :)

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Yep, looks better to me!

I gotta say, I really like the hair! The flowy part on the right is nice. :)

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Heehee thanks =3 It's pretty much just Selena's hair but I changed the shading and it had 4 shades in it while this sprite wouldn't need all four of them =o

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  • 2 weeks later...

So you make sprites, hum? I'll probably order you something (if you accept, of course :D)

If you mean that as in making a request, I don't mind. Just bear with me because I work really slow x3

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is sorta like the last sprite I did.

Raven is making a sprite and he wanted me to do the hair. The outfit isn't finished and he's gonna work on that it seems like I'm only good at hair and not clothes quite yet so don't quite need critique on that yet...

But the hair is finished so if you wanna critique that part then here you go~


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Well after Raven's and some of my edits it ended up looking like this...


Also that one strand in the middle coming down over the bandana thingy looks weird I wanna fix it

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  • 4 months later...



Well anyway.... this is likely going to get edited anyway but I may as well ask for critique on this to improve for myself at least~


Here is my remake~ My nomad character in SE ^~^

I'm not entirely confident about the face... and it's nearly unchanged too XD But idk what about it is bothering me... x3'

(oh and the eyes are from Lalum)

I was hoping to do more with the clothes but I can't come up with anything else to do with it so I'll leave it as this for now I guess~

[spoiler=And.... I guess..... I'll show what she looked like before >~<]1yNnu.png

Go to the first page to know who she's based off of~

And guess that's enough rambling from me, critique would be appreciated ^~^

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Okay~ I'm always so afraid to touch shading too much because I keep trying to make the hair so detailed...

But I think I got it



I also wanted to ask if anybody had a preference between these two =3 The only difference I made was to make the hair more... spready in the bottom left part behind her shoulder. Unless there were some edits I made in one that I forgot to include in the other~ That's kinda more what it looks like in the Micaiah-Lethe sprite I made x3

Also does anyone think the two shades of red could use a bit more contrast or is that just me? I'm waking up with a new pair of eyes so I'm trying to see if I can spot any other edits I want to make XD

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I like the second one better. That little white spot between the hair rubs me the wrong way.

I think the hair contrast is okay, but I'm not very good with color myself lol

Oops, by red I meant the outfit, sorry x3

Oh does it look off from the original? Okee I'll see what I can do about it

I didn't know if it should be more reddish maybe? I think it does...

Is this any better?


Edited by Freohr Datia
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D'aaw she's cute. I think the pattern on the shirt (particularly the parts where the white/yellow touches the black) could use more AA. It's very hard edged right now. You said you were doing new eyes right? 'Cause the far eye seems a tad bit smaller than the near one, I think it could use just a few pixels worth of dark colors to make it look a bit taller on top. I'm also a little confused about what the necklace is supposed to be like, is it just a flat cloth necklace with that white pattern on it? Can't tell~ It almost looks like it could be a bone necklace

And umm something about the hair, I think the longer part of the hair could use a few connected strands, it seems a bit choppy in places~ 9eacdfad7e2077f985664384bff387cb.png like that maybe? I'unno it's hard to say exactly.

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