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Free shall start a spriting topic

Freohr Datia

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Oh, was it not supposed to? If it was supposed to go around only the body then it should be tighter and have less slack.

Cloak. <_>

Oh okay then.

Oh yeah XD Didn't really consider it was a typo I guess.

Okay, yes, it was supposed to be like Ninian's thing but I haven't looked at it in a while and I thought she kept it around her more loosely. I just checked her pic and saw how tighter it was around her in that pic.

Darn but I thought it looked kinda pretty when it had that floaty-type of appearance. XD

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EDIT: ^ Oh... well.... changed the clothes a bit =D

Well..... I'm not entirely certain which I prefer, now, but how about I can just show both.





EDIT: Oops, forgot something I had to edit...


EDIT EDIT EDIT: *thinks she forgot something else* :mellow: I need to pull myself together =D

I like the transparent one. I think the cloak should go around her hair though, and that you should edit the hair so it looks tied down along with the cloak. Hope that helps.

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I like the transparent one. I think the cloak should go around her hair though, and that you should edit the hair so it looks tied down along with the cloak. Hope that helps.

Oh, cause the hair is coming closer to herself around that region? Yeah that'd be cool, but idk if I can find cloaks/capes long enough. I could possibly try lengthen it but I usually have trouble with that. I'll check if I can come up with something!

Cause I've only tried messing around with lengthening about 2 times or so and it was hard for me to do that while trying to keep it looking "natural".

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Oh, cause the hair is coming closer to herself around that region? Yeah that'd be cool, but idk if I can find cloaks/capes long enough. I could possibly try lengthen it but I usually have trouble with that. I'll check if I can come up with something!

Cause I've only tried messing around with lengthening about 2 times or so and it was hard for me to do that while trying to keep it looking "natural".

I think all you really need to do is cut a bit of the hair off and redraw it back in to follow the cloak. . . I'm not sure how difficult that will be. Depends on whether you want the cloak to be loose or tight. . .

Here is a quick edit to illustrate what I mean (done quickly, so don't mind if it's kinda junky looking):


Hopefully that helps a bit.

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I don't wanna say she looks tied up but ... she looks tied up. Not inescapably mind you :P

I'd suggest not having the cloak wrap around the hair but instead only wrap around the body. Of course that would involve shortening the original piece you used, adding more parts to serve as the back half that's going behind her, and probably a little work fixing up whatever distortion shortening it caused. But that's just me and I do weird stuff :sweatdrop:

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Upon further inspection I can see them. Only problem is they really don't look like they wrap around her because they A: aren't much darker with less transparency than the rest and B: the bottom edges of the front bits are sharp and give the illusion that it's flat rather than looping around.

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Upon further inspection I can see them. Only problem is they really don't look like they wrap around her because they A: aren't much darker with less transparency than the rest and B: the bottom edges of the front bits are sharp and give the illusion that it's flat rather than looping around.

Oh I did that because I tried to show that there aren't two layers overlapping each other but I've been looking at how that looks and compared it to other transparent things in FE and see they don't bother with that. And, just as you said, they seem as if they should be darker. When I first colored this thing I did make that area darker but when I tried to make the double-layer area more opaque, that part just ended up darker instead. So I'll just forget about that.

And okay I'll try to blunt (I suppose) them out. =D

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  • 2 months later...

2 months later =D

Had to dig for this thing. I finished my last sprite for Pheonix though so this topic might die down again =/ I don't come up with things all that often.

Anyway I like this one, hope everyone else does too.

This is Nicholas.


EDIT: Actually I just noticed something that looks kinda weird...... =/

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I like it, looks good.

Left eyebrow (our left) looks a little strange though. It probably had to be like that to fit with the hair, but its shape is very different from the right eyebrow.

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Hmm... is it the lightness of it towards the left maybe? Or maybe does it seem too thick on the left edge of it? I think I might see what you're saying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I'll put this sprite in here.

I'm gonna enter this in the round 29 competition. Any thoughts? So you can help me win =P


To be honest idk how to make the sleeves seem more "at one" with the rest of the outfit =D Not without doing too many edits to the actual outfit which I'd screw up doing. Not even sure if I'm supposed to make so much edits either.

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I guess I'll put this sprite in here.

I'm gonna enter this in the round 29 competition. Any thoughts? So you can help me win =P


To be honest idk how to make the sleeves seem more "at one" with the rest of the outfit =D Not without doing too many edits to the actual outfit which I'd screw up doing. Not even sure if I'm supposed to make so much edits either.

^_^ I know who I'm voting for since. XD even if it wasn't against the rules to vote for yourself I'd vote for this awesome one. How did you manage to make her hair tie? I mean I know you used Lalum's but its just completely adorable.

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^_^ I know who I'm voting for since. XD even if it wasn't against the rules to vote for yourself I'd vote for this awesome one. How did you manage to make her hair tie? I mean I know you used Lalum's but its just completely adorable.

=o Coolio thanks!

I just switched places with Lalum's two ribbons and made them look like they fit into Fir's lastic(?)/ribbon/whatever it'd be.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guess I'll put in my other competition entry.


I think I've come up with an idea for a new sprite in FE10 style, finally. Had a good scare though. I recently made an account for myself on our computer but afterward it deleted everything I put on because it said my account was only a temporary account... And what I put on there included the work for the new sprite I was working on. Now I deleted this off of the other account, and my MP3 player which I used to bring it to my new account, because I tried giving them more space. I lost all the work and I was so upset. But then everything popped back up. =o So I can work on it again. =]

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I tried working on another one of the FE9-10 sprites.


Before I had the armor on her I thought the brown stuff went with her pretty well but after adding the armor it seemed that the brown didn't go so well, but I'm not really certain.

Pay no heed to how off-center the armor is please because I know that and I don't wanna get rid of it but also don't really know how to fiiiix iiiit ;_; xD

EDIT: Oh yeah and there's my edited version of the previous


Edited by Freohr Datia
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Wow :o:

You always come up with these original looking designs that never even occur to me. Still though I must say the way the armor faces and the way the Mia base is positioned don't quite match up. There's a way to fix that but it requires some custom work. You'd have to decide which you were going to edit to fix first though(could do both and only adjust each part 50% of the way). Anyway once you do that, you would need to create the illusion that they're aligned by changing where the center of the pieces you're editing are.

For the outfit under the armor, that would mean changing where the central area is by either moving things over and making them smaller to create the "going around back" look, full customing over the whole thing to make a new one, or a combination of both. For the armor it would mean pretty much the same thing. I'd recommend only adjusting the outfit since it might be easier to do than the armor, and probably look better.

Still an interesting sprite though. You come up with all of these interesting looks and I just keep spriting women with leggings and long coats XD

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Okay here we go.

Please say this is good enough =oo


EDIT: Anyway just letting people know that I'm already planning on making edits to my very first sprite in this topic. Definitely don't think I'll be getting it anytime soon though because it's sorta getting on my nerves xD It's just that that'll be what I'm going to be in the middle of from now on. Though if I get tired enough of working on it and if I come up with some other idea I'll just end up doing that instead. =D But fixing Eithne's the plan for now.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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