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doesnt this, <3, look like a ballsack?


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It looks like a heart to me too.

Because my love for you

Would break my heart in two ( </3 )

If you should fall

Into my arms

And tremble like a flower

Somehow I knew you'd quote that. Just knew it.

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I can see what King Soren's getting at because I never saw <3 as a heart until years after the first time I saw it. It's the fault of seeing the 3 as a mouth as in =3, so I saw < as ^^ eyes or something like that with a blushing effect.

I'm weird. O.o;

Edited by Haia Absynthia Ariaura
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...I can also see that certain part of the male anatomy. Thanks for ruining hearts for me.

For me it still looks like a heart or a smiling face...well...not a smiling face, but a Cute face.


Edited by SapphireFox
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For me it still looks like a heart or a smiling face...well...not a smiling face, but a Cute face.


I'm NOT a perv.

Well maybe sort of, but I blame it all on my friends.

Also, try turning you head to the side?

Edited by acey555
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I actually thought about it and no matter what, I can't see it as a ball sack. I think you have a very twisted mind, King Soren. Or you think that love = testicles.

my friend pointed it out to me. ..=/


...I can also see that certain part of the male anatomy. Thanks for ruining hearts for me.

your quite welcome

King Soren is my new best friend.

w00t =P

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There's more.

ひ. It's a profile view of a nutsack.

つ. Same thing, but from the other side and tilted up.

ゆ. And here too.

も. This one might be an old wrinkly ballsack.

Honorable mentions are さ、や、ら、わ、し、ち、う、and ろ.

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