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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Uh ... how do we authenticate that?

Iso: Well ... I'll certainly try, Morgan <_<

Irina: Iso, it's your turn now! Pick someone, and ask them "Truth or dare?".

Iso: *sigh* ... ... Katie! Truth, or Dare?

OOC: If Snowy doesn't show up, it'll default to Helios.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: (Come on, Isoooo ... ask her something good >_< )

Iso: (What to ask? This is my chance to learn something about her ...) Okay, what's your favo-

Irina knew Iso was about to ask a weak question and elbowed him! The interruption caused him to stop cold. He turned to Irina who gave him that "Do another one" look.

Irina: (I want to know what this Iso and Katie thing is once and for all <_< )

Iso: *sigh* ... (meh ... why not, what could go wrong?) ... Katie? Do you ... have feelings for me?

Irina: Yes!! ... uh ... <.< >.>

Realizing she'd said it out loud, she put her head down.

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Chase silently watched the development and quietly thought to himself that Morgan had probably missed the point, and immediately started laughing at Irina's reaction.

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Katie looked at Iso for what seemed to be a long moment; within her head the question being turned over five, six, seven times. Did she have feelings for Iso? Rather, did she have romantic feels for Iso or was she acting like the stupid little idiot she had once been around him? It was not a question she could easily answer at all. Finally, she picked up her pen again.

I don't know Iso. I'm not a easy person to understand as I've lead two lives. The one I've put behind me would defiantly say yes, but I don't know if who I am now would agree. As a teacher though, I feel almost required to say no... but the simplest answer is 'I don't know'. I do enjoy your company though, but that does not equate to love of necessity. she wrote down before taking a deep breath.

Chase, truth or dare?

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I wanted you to pick dare. Oh well. Are there any Katie stopped for a moment, rubbing her pen against her chin before a wicked gleam entered her eye. men in the party you are interested in?

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OOC: Irina opening

Isotov and Irina

Irina: (She doesn't know? ... hmm ... hey, Iso's bound to be a little disappointed. I can use this to my advantage)

Iso wasn't quite sure what to think. He was a little happy that at least part of her felt that way, and a little disappointed that the other didn't. On one hand, it made sense, but he felt compelled to change that.

Iso: (Hmm ... that must be it ... if I care this much about her response, I must have feelings for her. If that's the case ... )

When Katie asked Chase if he had interest in any men in the party, Both Iso and Irina stopped thinking and nearly laughed out loud!

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Chas elooked at the piece of paper for several awkward moments, and finally said "Nobody. Sorry."

He looked around at his choices, then asked, "Irina, truth or dare?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: <.< >.> (If I say truth, he'll ask me who I like, if I say dare, he'll make me kiss a girl or something ... meh ... I'll take my chances) ... Dare me, outlaw >:)

Iso: :huh:

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"Uh... I was guessing you'd ask truth. Um, make Isotov pay me back for burning that disguise," Chase said, now somewhat glad she had picked dare.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Pay you back?! How did you even remember that-never mind, I don't have any money -_-

Irina: Well hell! I'm not getting outted just because you're broke!

She waved Kiev over and began rummaging through the gold bag.

Irina: She took a handful of gold coins and handed them to Chase.

Irina: Keep the change ^_^ ... ... ... Tessa! Truth, or Dare?

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Tessa'd been watching along the game fairly intently. It seemed interesting enough, and could be a decent bonding experience. For the most part though, she was perfectly content sitting at the edge of the circle. She gave a little start, however, when Irina called out her name. Apparently it was her turn next?

What to pick, what to pick? Crap, I should have been thinking about this in preparation, instead of just sitting back and enjoying things.

She raised a finger to her lips in contemplation, staring at the ground for a bit before coming to a decision.

"Dare, I guess? I mean, I tell the truth anyways, so you could always just ask me later right, so what's the fun in that?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Alright. (Yeah I could probably get a decent answer out of her even if it was embarrassing. I'd better remember to take her up on that offer later) ... I dare you to ride Kiev for the rest of the game! >:)

At the sound of his own name, Kiev turned around. Ride ... Me? He then looked at Tessa. She didn't seem to very large. Smaller than Irina. Was he supposed to have her on top of him for the rest of the game and just sit there?

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"Can I?" Tessa seemed a little excited at the prospect actually. She'd never yet got much opportunity to interact with the beast, and she wondered whether she would get along alright. She'd seemed to have worked out a decent relationship with Amari, and Francis was easy-going enough that almost anyone was fine. If she could make friends with Kiev, that would be just about all the steeds, wouldn't it?

...Oh, right, Aiya's. She still wasn't quite sure where she stood with that one, but she thought it had probably just been being playful with her. Maybe...

Anyways, while the thoughts were whirling around in her head, she saw Irina give the go ahead, and she approached the woman's companion carefully.

"Alright Kiev. Don't mind me. ^_^" Patting him on the snout before she swung herself up on top of him, she then looked back at the circle, smiling.

"Hmm, who to pick next, then..." Glancing around the circle, she dismissed the people that had already gone, or those she was already pretty familiar with. That left it between... "Helios, I choose you! Truth, or Dare?"

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Good, she thought to herself, with his current memory troubles, trying to think up a question he could possibly answer would have been rough.

"Hmmm, a dare, huh? Let's see..." she had a spark of inspiration. "I dare you to act like a dog for the next three minutes! Bark at the moon, chase sticks, whatever fits." A triumphant smile crossed her face. This was an excellent dare.

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"Uh"........ Helios decided he had no choice. He got on all four and started acting like a dog. He went over to the bull wyvern and started barking. While he was doing so he was thinking of who to dare next. "Esphyr" He said still on his knees. "Truth or dare"?

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Helios started barking at the wyvern then stopped. "Um let me see". "Do you feelings for anyone in this group" He asked before going up to Kiev and barking. "Oi Tessa how much more longer"?

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Isotov and Irina

When Helios started barking, the wyvern tilted his head. Tessa seemed to have magical powers. She had turned Helios into one of the creatures called dogs he wanted to eat. Perhaps she could conger up an actual dog for him.

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Stifling laughter, unsuccessfully, she called back, "I'm sorry, I haven't been keeping that close of track. Anyone else? Do we think he's fulfilled his obligation yet?"

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"I hadn't noticed him acting any differently, so I'm afraid I don't know." said Morgan. "I am a little disappointed at some of the questions here though, I would certainly inquire about less trivial matters myself."

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