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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Uh, not one that you had your mouth on," Dani said, slapping the bottle away.

"Yeah, uh, I'm not drinking," Eric said. "With the people around here, I don't want to be swinging my sword around like a fool."

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Morgan gave Helios a disapproving glare. "No." she said. "I should have chosen you for the 'Dare' ritual, I could have eliminated your idiotic behavior as well."

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"Spoil sport" Helios said going back to where Damian was sleeping. He took out another bottle of beer along with some glasses. Then he got a great idea for a next dare.

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The new mage, Eric's friend, had chosen Tessa again. The conditions of her first dare were to ride Kiev for the rest of the game... which would make any future dares probably very difficult to accomplish. She bit her lip while deciding whether or not to risk it, before giving in and choosing the boring option.

"Truth, I guess," she sighed, before adding hopefully, "Unless you have a dare I could do from on top a wyvern?"

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"By all means, continue drinking, it'll make it so much more easier to kill you all in your sleep" Reika hissed, clearly unhappy about being ignored. "Should be good for you, if I don't kill you I'm sure something else will" she said noticing something move in the dark again. Though perhaps it was just the wind? She couldn't really tell.

"One would expect that a group of travelers would know when to rest instead of drinking their sanity away, no different from common bandits" she muttered shaking her head. It was hard to believe that this was the same group that had been kicking up a fuss infront of the bakery only a few hours ago.

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Isotov and Irina

Hearing Reika ranting in the distance, Irina turned to face her and started waving.

Irina: Don't be a mood killer! Get over here and join us or just put a sock in it.

Iso: Maybe she's right about not drinking though. Every time I let my guard down something happens. I'd better not have any.

Irina: I wish Ixion was here. This would be so much funnier if he was XD

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"Let's see... Umm... If you'd have to kiss someone in this group, who would it be?"

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"I, I will not!" Reika shouted as Irina waved at her, noticing the look she got she quickly added "I, I won't put a sock in anything, I'll say whatever I want" she said convincing herself more then anyone else.

"Anyway, if you're going to drink, don't expect to wake up alive tomorrow, though you can continue to do whatever it is you're doing" she stated noticing that some of them didn't seem drunk at all, and others seem to be outright refusing to drink. With that she huffed and gave herself some distance from the group, the girl was most definetely drunk though, join them? She said shaking her head, how stupid does she think I am?

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"Hmmm, I can only pick one?" Tessa frowned a bit in thought. "Well, I've already kissed Aiya, but that probably doesn't count, as you're asking for the future. Hmm, I dunno. I'm quite close to both Sis and Arrin, I wouldn't mind kissing either of them."

Looking a bit uncertainly, she followed up, "Is that acceptable?"

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"Uh.. Interesting Tastes..," Dani said, a bit dumbstruck. "Your turn, then."

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Tessa turned to Arrin, he'd been suspiciously quiet throughout the whole game, and it didn't feel fair that he didn't get a chance for some fun... But was that the right choice?

No point in hesitating too long over it. "Arrin. Your turn. What'll it be?"

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"Hmm, and it has to be more extreme than the last one? ...Right. Okay! How about, tomorrow from sun-up, till sun-down, you'll have to treat me as if I were a princess. Will that work?" She looked at the group a little hopefully.

"...wait. We can't judge whether or not he'd be out, though would we..." she looked a bit crestfallen at the realization. "Maybe we could treat it as a promise thing, like we've been doing for Sis's?"

Edit: Sis used to be Morgan

Edited by Balcerzak
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Upon hearing the dare, Eric nearly burst out laughing, but managed to keep a wide smirk on his face. Dani, however, couldn't control herself, and giggled incessantly.

"Hee hee! Let me be the judge," she said, between attacks. "I - hee -have seen how a princess is treated... Hahahahaha!"

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"... Truth, I guess. A dare would be a bit hard to top, due to the last one," Eric said, smiling.

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Tch..."... Well, I met her while she was visiting the Jerdon court," he said, omitting the fact that she regularly did so, being the princess of the nation. "I was representing my master, that day. Is that a sufficient answer?"

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The sounds of the group had made it very difficult for Charlotte to sleep. There was something that sounded like a dog barking, then some yelling. She thought she heard the word 'Princess' mentioned, but perhaps that was a dream. Finally at the sound of her name she got up.

"What are you all doing?" she asked "Playing a game of some sort? I want in!"

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"Yes, milady," Eric said, glad that the attention was off of him now. "You may join."

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