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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Alright, then. Tessa, I'm going to go easier than my last one. You have to kiss one, I repeat, ONE person, of your choice."


"Princess," Eric said, finding Charlotte in the clearing. "Why did you run off? It is danger... Why are you crying, milady?" he asked, seeing tears on his lieges' face.

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"... Milady, please. I have no interest in her," Eric said. "It was not serious, milady. If it offended you, then I will refrain from doing it. Alright? Or, is there another trouble plaguing you?"

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"I...I just thought you felt the same way as me, that grabbing anyone's body parts at random is completely disgusting. But I suppose not, since you were willing to do it with a bit of prodding. I would have expected this sort of behaviour from Haltonians, but not from my own people. Not from you." she said giving Eric a disappointed look.

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...Kiss someone. If it had been just hours ago, Tessa could've easily done it without batting an eye. But, suddenly, everything seemed somehow different. She found her heart racing, could hear the blood pounding in her ears. She closed her eyes, and took a few deep breaths.

She'd said she would choose Damian earlier. How hard could it be? Opening them again, she looked down at the soldier from atop Kiev. Somehow... she was afraid? Why?

"......I can't do it," she ended up spitting out lamely. "I, I don't know why, but everything's too fluttery, and I'm just not prepared. Heheh, looks like I'm the first one out, doesn't it. Oops! Should've taken Truth I guess. Sorry guys."

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Isotov and Irina

Eric had run off to catch Charlotte. It was rather obvious that she didn't approve of what was going on. Kiev was now lying on the ground and still trying to figure out what Irina and Aiya were doing. Unable to decide between her being a steed like him, and odd female behavior, he put his head down and began to slowly dose off.

Iso: I thought all this game's objectors were asleep. I hope she isn't too upset.

Irina: She was awake? Oh crap! She must have heard my jokes about eating Eric too >_< ... (was just trying to have some fun before we get attacked again :sob: )

Iso: You can always go apologize.

Irina: And lose the game? No way!

Iso continued sitting by Katie and waiting for the next turn, while Irina put her hands behind her head and thought to herself.

EDIT: For missing one of these ")"

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Damian woke up. That killed his awesome dare. He was going to smash the bottle on Damian's head but passed it back to him. Then the noble ran off. Hey how did i know she is a noble. She probably isnt. Then the girl ran off. Eric went chasing after her. "I see where this is going" he said. "Whose next" Helios asked.

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"Grabbing body parts..? Oh, you mean how I was 'sitting' on Irina. Milady, if I may, this is not court. People do much worse on a daily basis," Eric began, noticing the disgusted look on her face. "Please, let me finish. Even the nobles do things like that. Look at Lady Danielle. Yes, even your mother and father, at one point in time. I realize that it is strange, and disgusting, to you, but, hopefully, this will help you be more lenient. Some of it, yes, is a bit ridiculous, but, if you applied that logic to matters in court, that would be elitist. If it aids you any, I was not actually sitting on her," he said, crouching down beside the princess. "That was just my sword, on her legs. Though, I honestly have no idea how I seem better than anyone else, to you, milady."


"Aww, alright. Handsome," Dani said, turning to Chase. "Truth or Dare?"

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Eric has a connection with Charlotte huh? Maybe he's her bodyguard? Well either way, I can't exactly blame her for getting upset.

He continued to look at Chase's sour look as Dani snuggled against him trying to think of a dare. This was so worth risking his life kissing Morgan.

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"My mother and father were in love and you will not compare your straddling with what they had!" said Charlotte angrily. "Physical contact in and of itself is not abhorrent, but there should be some meaning behind it." she explained.

"You...you're the first person who had ever wanted to let me out of my cage, the one at the palace or the church. I just...thought, or hoped perhaps, that we shared similar views on things. I suppose that was foolish of me." she said with a sigh.

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"...Listen, Charlotte," Eric said, abandoning all formality. "I can tell you that I probably do think about some things the same way as you do, but for others, I have my reasons. Having lived half my life on the streets, and the other half in court, I can say, for certain, that the court is incredibly strict about things. Physical contact is just about abolished there. Whereas, out in the public, people deal with it every day. All physical contact has meaning. In the straddling case, it's a way of play. Yes, it might be a bit childish, but it's not disgusting, as you think it is. That's why I agreed to let you come, to get rid this bias the court has given you, and open your eyes. Believe me, if you just experienced the world, you might be more accepting of things."

Getting up, the traveler said, "I'm going back to the others. Here," he said, taking off his coat, and giving it to the girl. "If you don't want to sleep near us, I understand. But, at least, take this, so you don't freeze." Without waiting for a response, he turned and headed back for the bonfire.


"No fun, but alright. ... I hate truth questions!" Dani said. "Alright, uh, if someone held a loved one hostage, what would you do to save them?"

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"..." Chase pondered the question for several minutes. "... I'd do anything except killing myself. That wouldn't do anyone any good."

"Umm. Isotov! Truth or dare?"

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Charlotte grabbed Eric's coat and thought about what he said.

"Wait!" she called out after him, he stopped and turned around. "You...may be right. I suppose I have overreacted to something...simplistic, though I do not wish to see any more...straddling. Will you accept my apology?" she asked

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"I understand, milady." Eric said. "Though, I should not have done that. There is no need to apologize. I should have known better, and I will refrain from doing that, from now on."

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"Aww, come on! You liked last dare, didn't you?" Dani said, rubbing Chase's arm.

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"Okay... Why did you choose to learn fire magic?" Chase inquired, then continued to frown at Dani's persistence.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: I'll admit, I enjoyed the last dare, but ... it seems like it could only go down hill from there. Chase asked me to give him money on my first dare, and now he's choosing me again. I'm not taking any chances.

He then turned to Chase who inquired about his interest in fire magic.

Iso: Well, I had three choices. Thunder Magic, Wind Magic, and Fire Magic. My mother preferred fire magic, and I suppose I took after her, because seeing all three of them together, fire magic seemed to suit me the best. I couldn't conger up very powerful thunderbolts like Danielle over there, and wind blades never came out that powerful when I practiced, fire on the other hand came naturally, so I stuck with it. Is that good enough?

Irina: Mother only liked fire magic because she was a pyro -_-

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OOC: Assuming Chase is satisfied ...

Isotov and Irina

Iso: Hmm ... who should I choose this time?

Irina: Someone who will pick dare ^_^

Iso: ...

OOC: Will edit after deciding.

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"You could be more enthusiastic about it, Handsome," Dani said,nestling her head on his lap. "I mean, so far, you've gotten money and a girl. What else could you want?"

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