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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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It's a long story. In short, me and my dad haven't gotten along. He wants me to grow up to be a fun loving little court lady and marry some well to do guy. At first, I revolted by using Spiritleaf in TISME, then decided to shape up and become a teacher. When I told my dad that, he... well... Kind of lost it. We fought throughout the castle for two hours before he cornered me and told me that I couldn't teach if I couldn't speak. I'm doing my best to defy him still.


As Damian's hands ran down her sides, brushing across the undershirt that Esphyr wore for decency, the mercenary girl could feel a small flutter go through her ribs. Even as his fingers brushed her many scars, she didn't feel unwanted but... different.

"Archer two years ago made that one." she said as his fingers touched one of her scars. "Doesn't masher, right?" she asked, looking him in the eyes as her armor came off. With an inbibed smile, she lay down on her belly; hoping that he would be true to his promise.

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Isotov and Irina

Kiev started sniffing both of them hoping to find the scent of a male, but he only smelled familiar smells ... the tall blue one, the red shiny scarred one, and Ulfhrahn's as well as his own scent were on them. No new males. He was terribly confused. The two females couldn't be trying to mate with each other. That made no sense to him.

Irina: Oh boy, he looks disturbed :(

Iso: Maybe because you two look like an item?

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Tessa's bed was moving around. It was kind of a pleasant swaying sensation... until she fell off and hit the ground.

Waking up, she rubbed her head and stared blinkily up at what had just happened. "Oh... I guess, I'm just... more used to horse saddles, than wyvern ones."

Yawning deeply, she looked around for her satchel. No more of this fooling around nonsense. It was time to end the day right and get some proper sleep. But where had she put it?

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"A person's scars say a lot about them.They tell of their past,their ability,their luck...so much can be derived from a scar." Damian began to talk as she laid herself down,and he began to gently rub her back.

"Yours tell me of your perseverance,your drive.They show me your loyalty,many people take scars for granted,but,if you think about them,they aren't a bad thing."

Damian gently lifted the undershirt from behind,so he could easily massage the skin and muscle of her back,but her chest was still covered by it.


Kiev sniffed the pair curiously,and looked quite confused at his findings.

Aiya began to giggle. "To him,it probably looks like I'm trying to take you as a mate,or something.Hehe~" She giggled a bit more.

"Don't worry,Kiev.I can't take Irina as a mate,well,not in the way you are thinking of,anyway...I suppose there are ways..." Aiya began teasing Irina again,her hands advancing further,now working on her inner thighs and lower back.

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It's nothing to worry about. Is anyone still playing though? It seems everyone has gone off to go do each other.


As Damian lifted her shirt up, three more scars adorned her back. Esphyr wasted no time though, her response automatic as to their origin. "Cougar from Elyisima, raptor from the south, and a stab-happy little thief from a year ago who impaled himself on my sword after trying to backstab me and forgetting I had armor on my back as well. But thank you Damian... I..." Esphyr gave a sigh as she awaited his touch; the cool air falling upon her back.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: I'm still playing ... so are Irina and Aiya. They aim to win I guess. Oh and Dani too.

Irina: Yeah I can see where the confusion is coming from. Is Damian rubbing off on you?

Iso: If it's so awkward then tell her to stop.

Irina: I would ... but I ... don't want to :/ (I miss being fondled ... normally I'd be bugged but Aiya's pretty good at this)

Iso: :huh:

Irina: Don't give me that look ... and don't tell my Uncle either.

Not sure what was going on, Kiev decided to sit down. He turn his head around to see Tessa fully awake. Had he woken her up? If that was the case, it was probably best not to move around again.

EDIT: For one line at the beginning.

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"And you keep track of every one.That shows you're open and intelligent." He said before caressing the newly exposed flesh.

"Hmm?You what,Esphyr?" Damian asked,while still massaging her.


"Damian?No,I don't think so." Aiya responded to Irina's question,and Kiev seemed to give up on it and left.

"I'm glad you are enjoying this,Irina~" Aiya continued,undoing a bit more of Irina's shirt,exposing the upper areas of her chest to the night air before nipping on the sensitive skin.

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As Damian's hands came down on Esphyr's back, the mercenary gave a pleasant sigh. She could feel his hands moving across her flesh, heating her with their warmth and sending nice warm tingles across her body. "I... Ahhhh... I wash going to ashk why you... Why you tresh me sho different."

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"Why I treat you different?Well,like I said before,most of your previous employers were scum,from what I've heard.As for you,I really like you.You are a great person to be around,you're a good fighter,you're nice to talk to.You're just great overall." Damian responded to her question,adding a bit more pressure to his massage as she sighed contentedly.

He leaned into her,breath caressing her face. "It doesn't hurt that you're dead sexy either,I must admit."

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Tessa patted Kiev gently on the snout. The guy looked... hmm, she couldn't read his expression at all actually. Completely different than a horse. Was he intrigued, guilty, hungry? She couldn't tell.

"Take care of your rider now, won't you. Don't worry 'bout me, I'm fine." So saying, she finally spied what she'd been looking for. Grabbing her satchel, and carrying it with her, she began to set up her bedroll near where the other cleric had been sleeping before she'd run off at some point or other.

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"Oh jush shut up and kiss me again." she said with a thin smile as his breath laced across her face, mixing with her own drunken air in a fine mist before the pair. She turned herself over, his hands now upon her belly, and she moved her head up to his own; seeking a kiss.

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"Eager,are we?" Damian said playfully before obliging Esphyr.

This kiss was deeper than the earlier one,and Damian quickly brushed his tongue along the inside of her mouth,as he had not been able to before.

The kiss lasted several minutes,all the while Damian was massaging up Esphyr's stomach,wrapping his arms behind her as he neared her breasts.

'It would be best to stay away from those for now,I guess...'

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: So ... have you given up yet, Irina?

Irina: N-nooo ... huh?

Seeing that her outfit was being ... undone, she finally got a bit nervous.

Irina: Okay, Aiya are you feeling okay? (Wait a sec ... maybe she's still playing for real? Forget it, I've gotta role with it if I wanna win -_- ) Uh ... never mind, just keep doing what you're doing ^_^

Iso: ... Irina ... I had no idea you and I had the same tastes.

Irina: Ohhhh-shut your freaking mouth, Isooo ^_^

Kiev watched as Tessa headed off to sleep, and then came back over to Irina and Aiya. He lied down near the both of them and started watching again. He may have never been able to figure out what was going on, but at least it was something to watch.

EDIT: Added Kiev segment

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Arrin had not gone to sleep, but simply sat quietly, watching the proceedings. As time passed, his face grew redder and redder. He understood, to a point, what was going on. The rest... well, he'd have to get someone to explain, when they weren't all in the middle of it, or drunk.

Seeing that Tessa had really gone off to sleep, he realized that he probably should have done so a while ago. He found what seemed to be a particularly flat bit of ground, laid out his bedroll, and drifted off to sleep.

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"Ohoho...good,you are finally relaxing." Aiya said,wondering how much longer Irina would hold out.

'I have to give her credit,she's good.'

"Since nothing else is being thrown around,I guess I'll go next.Irina,truth or dare?"

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"I agree, it was odd, but it also goes to show his kindness. Let me tell you a story. I told you already that I lived half my life on the streets. Well, that was the first half of my life. The first time I had seen the court life, at ten, ended rather quickly when my long lost father was murdered, and his estate, stolen by Jace the Brute, via court. Anyways, when I was eleven years of age, or rather, when you would have been seven, princess, my village was attacked by bandits. We were defenseless, and easily overwhelmed. The bandits were just in the process of executing us when a man appeared. He was wearing a simple shirt and a coat, similar to the one you have in your hands right now, except gray. On his back was an ornamented scabbard. The bandits' laughed, and a few of them ran at him, expecting him to run. But he didn't. Instead, he took out his sword, and disappeared. Seconds later, the bandits were routed, and the man sheathed his sword again, looking the same as before."

"It turned out that I was the only survivor of the attack," Eric said. "But, the man who defeated those bandits, was a duke and a friend of my father. His name was Arckson, and he had just been passing through. Feeling pity, or something for me, he took me in, where I met Dani, and Derek. I felt indebted to him, so, I began to practice sword fighting, in a way to be useful. Eventually, he noticed, and took me in as one of his pupils. So, in short, skill and pity, would be why he took me in as a student. Though, I am no wheres near his level, and I doubt I ever will be."


"No, I'm still playing," Dani said. "Don't forget about me!"

Edit: added Dani part.

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I'll go another round if you want. scribbled Katie. But I don't see much point.


"A lishle eager are we?" she asked with a smile, breaking away from the kiss. "Mashbe some other time, but for now..." she raised her head up to kiss him, her own tongue rubbing ever so lightly against his own lips in a kiss that could only be called 'experimental'. Never the less, she held it for half a minute before breaking away and pulling him close enough to rest her head upon his shoulder. "Damian... Who do you like more? Me, or Aiya?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: I'm not letting Helios beat me! Someone truth or dare me! >_<

Katie was still playing? It seemed like she got a waver or something. Then again, the game was well passed the serious version anyway. Iso just sat in place waiting.

Kiev continued to watch as Aiya slowly removed his master's hard parts.

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"Who do I like more?That is an interesting question.I've known Aiya for sixteen years,and we've lived together for pretty much all of it.She saved me from the brink of insanity,and was there for me whenever anything happened.As for you,we haven't known eachother very long,but we have very deep connection already.We are very compatible with eachother,and you always seem to find a way to make me happy.I don't really know how to compare the two." Damian answered honestly,wondering what Esphyr would say.


"I just did,Irina.Hehe.Truth or dare?"

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"Hey, Wind mage, listen up! Aiya just asked her that! Nice try!" Dani said,still playing with Chase's hair.

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