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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"What the--" Kelas was stringing her bow the second the pegasus knights came into view, but Lev managed to lead them off before the fighting started. "Let's get out of here before any of them come back," she suggested, quickly saddling horses. Arrin nodded, clumsily following the motions to saddle Francis.


"Tactician? Killing things is tactics, right?" The demoness pulled her hair forward a bit, hiding the points of her ears. "Let's gooooo."

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"Wait, what's going on" Chase panicked, having been woken up to the alert of an attack. "V-Viveka?! Man oh man, you guys are persistent... and, uh, what's your name, Ivan? No, that's not right... Ivanko? No, I've never met him... uh... it's... Lev, right? What are you all doing here? This is just ridiculous..."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: He's challenging them by himself?

Irina: It's Lev. This is practically a sexual fantasy for him taking on that many all on his own :facepalm:

She quickly ran over to Kelas.

Irina: Okay listen. That guy was Lev. He's a really good friend of mine. Okay he's my best friend actually. I don't know what's going on, but it seems like Viveka wasn't here to just capture us this time. She seemed like she wanted to talk. Maybe we should wait for them to get back?

Iso: I can't believe Ivanko's mercenaries were sent after us. *sigh*

Lev and Viveka

The three pegasus knights surrounded Lev and prepared their triangle attack! Gripping his lance tightly, he waited for them! Suddenly all three flanked him at once! Aiming to block one, and dodge the other two, Lev positioned his lance only to feel an unusually rough jerk from his lance when the attack was blocked! He looked at his lance to see that the spear head had been chopped off!

Lev: ... da hell is these?!

Viveka: Disarmed. Move in for the kill!

They tried again, but Lev quickly switched to a two handed axe and began blocking each attack as it came!

Lev: You'll have to do better than that, ladies!

He quickly guided Krinkov into a nose dive and the pegasus knights followed!


???: Heheh ... perfect. Just as they get ready to leave, we'll go and stall them, and I'll handle Irina while you pick out your first victims. I don't really have time to savor her wonderful taste, so I'll just have to take what I can get. Once I do, start killing.

Edited by Phoenix
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"But last time we tried to talk to her... and the other time..." Arrin protested from behind Kelas. "Though I suppose we're technically outside her jurisdiction now."


"Hee! Yes Boss." The demoness smiled serenely, then frowned. "...Gah. Forgot my shoes again. Ah well, they won't notice..." she muttered to herself, following her leader.

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OOC: Pegasus Knight1 has developed into the headstrong aggressive soldier. Pegasus Knight2 is starting to develop into a girly girl. Viveka's just Viveka XD

Isotov and Irina

Irina: Well ... it's not like before. We're all good to go. We've got them TOTALLY outnumbered this time. I think she's just here to try to talk us down. I say we use the opportunity to simply talk her down.

Iso: What's the point. Everything we plan backfires. I suggest leaving now. The further away we get from Elyisima, the less reason she'll have to come after us.

Lev and Viveka

As the fight continued, Lev had led the three nearly a quarter mile from the group, and they were still fighting it out! The pegasus knights landed numerous hits, but either they were glancing hits, or they were blocked by Lev effortlessly!

Viveka: Argh! His defense is too good! We have to get him distracted or we'll never take him down!

Knight2: Wait! He's just a dumb merc right? Let's distract him sex appeal-

Viveka: He can hear you, you know!!

Knight2: Oh ... right-

Knight1: IN COMING!!!

Just as she finished shouting, Lev flew through the entire formation and struck the second knight with his axe nearly knocking her off!

Knight2: Ooooohooow!! ... that was terrible! What a heartless mercenary! ;_;

Viveka: Pull it together! We'll take this bastard down, just you wait and see.

Lev: I don't wanna hurt you lovely ladies. Why don't you just go home?

Lev and Meaghan

Nearly five minutes had passed and the group was still deciding what to do. Seeing that enough time had gone by, the mysterious figure quickly transformed!

Lev: Alright, follow my lead >:)

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