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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"I try and find us some firewood. Um, Tessa, sorry to bug you, but if you're going to take Amari to get a drink in the river, could you take my horse as well?"

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Nodding, Tessa wished Kelas luck on her hunt and saw her off.

"Certainly... Cess, was it? When I take Trevor to water, I can tend to yours as well."

She then turned to Charlotte and asked, "Creme, what? I don't believe I'm familiar with that dish at all."

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"Very well," Eric said. Passing Dani, he whispered, "Make sure the princess doesn't do anything crazy, eh?"

"Yeah yeah. You worry too much," she replied, earning a smirk.

"Lead the way," the traveler said, drawing his sword.

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"Oh, it is a dessert involving a rich custard base with layers of hard caramel on top. The hard layer gives the dish its name: 'crème brûlée' means burnt cream in Jerdonian." said Charlotte, replying to Tessa. "Only Jerdonian chefs can make it properly though, though some pale imitations from other nations do exist."

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Tessa slowly nodded as the priestess explained the dish. "Ooh. I'm fond of custards. And puddings too, actually. But, yes, its exotic origin is undoubtedly why it was never served at the monastery. Have you done much travelling in the past? What other interesting things have you come across?"

Edit: it's vs its must be fixed. Always.

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"Oh I've barely traveled at all really. I just have a lot of familiarity with Jerdonian cuisine because of course I'm--"

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As Charlotte was about to answer, Dani quickly interrupted.

"Forgive her, miss. She had visited Jerdon on a pilgrimage a few years ago, and became fascinated with its' culture. She honestly doesn't know what she's talking about, except for that one dessert she just described. It's the monastery's favorite."

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"...I see," Tessa replied a little crestfallen. She had been rather hoping to hear more about foreign locales, but it seems such was not to be. Still, a pilgrimage was certainly a fairly exciting affair. She'd have to remember to ask the girl about it more later. For now, it was time to tend to the horses like she'd promised.

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As people began vomiting around him, Heinz looked around suspiciously, right about to join the new thunder mage in attacking the baker until the man protested and said there was spiritleaf in it. "Spiritleaf?" Heinz said disbelieving. "People actually still take this stuff?" I've seen too many people ruined and turned into drug happy lunatics because of this stuff.

His eyes narrowed. "Just how long have you been selling this bread for?" He demanded of the baker. "I don't remember you being here last time I passed through this town! Sure there were still a few crazies lying around, but not the whole town!"

"They serve crème brûlée at your former monastery? If that's so, everyone must want to join the church!" Heinz laughed, slightly amused by the thought of monks and priests stuffing themselves with custard. What sort of church eats Jerdonian style food so reguarly? That woman, Charlotte, is more knowledgeable.... and arrogant than an average cleric. It could just be the church perhaps, I haven't seen enough to know for sure.

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"Free dessert is a good incentive to join in the service of the Lady I suppose." Charlotte said in response to Heinz.

"Am I supposed to be doing something?: she asked around to the assorted group. Is this "camping out"? How odd...

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"It seems the nomad and a few of the others are away finding food for us to eat and water for the horses, miss. Based on what I've seen so far, we are given relatively free rein to do whatever we want otherwise. Hmmm...if you joined in the service of the Lady for food then," he nodded at new cleric, then turned towards Tessa. "Why did you become a cleric?"

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Before she'd had a chance to lead the horses to water, Tessa was interrupted by a question from the man she'd grabbed in the swamp. She wasn't certain she knew his name, but that was no reason not to answer him.

"Me? I was living at the monastery since before I can remember, actually. My parents had to give me up after a bad crop year, they couldn't afford to feed me. At least, that's what the monks told me."

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"So you've been at the monastery for nearly all your life then," Heinz mulled. Wonder what that must have been like. "I've passed by a few of them in my travels, but I've never been inside any of them before. It always seemed they lived simple and peaceful lives there, though I personally would not enjoy it. What made you decide to leave such a place?" he inquired.

Edit: Minor grammar mistake

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"Yeah, up until a couple weeks ago it was the only life I'd ever know. Simple, peaceful, pleasant." She paused here, trying to keep her voice from cracking. It didn't work. "I, didn't really leave by choice. There... was an attack."

Moving to Trevor's side, she started off in the direction of the stream. For some reason, she wasn't in the mood to bring this up again. Why, she wondered? It hadn't been a problem, talking about it earlier. What had changed?

"...If you'll excuse me? I should lead the horses to water. I promised, Cess, after all."

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"An emotional one that one" Reika commented as she watched Tessa lead the horses away, "Don't know where she's from but we assaulted a few churches back in Vaorin last week, bandits getting cocky when they swelled in numbers, was a fulltime job just preventing them from killing eachother, though most of them, or rather all of them are probably dead now"

Reika looked around with a bored expression, alert for any danger, but bored nonetheless. "I wish those guys were still around, they're more fun then this snobby little group" she whispered to herself.

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"Hmm.... seems like a lot of people in this group are just here by some sort of accident or they have a brother or sister who is a wielder." Pity, I was hoping she'd say something of use about the Weapons, but it looks like this group really is just a bunch of people held together by a few strings. Morgan for one, even recruiting that girl Reika by force. Let's see, he thought.

Esphyr has the sword most likely, presumably her military employer has the lance, Morgan has the dark tome, Isotov the fire tome, Chase the bow, and Reika the daggers. I saw that green haired mage, Helios was it? casting wind spells on the wyvern. So that leaves us with lightning, which is probably that new girl we ran into in the mountains who attacked the baker, or it's Arrin, that nomad's brother. Finally we have the axe, which no one in this group seems to wield but that guide. He's new though, and Morgan didn't seem particularly interested in him...

It's only been a few days, and I've already obtained almost all the necessary information. Heinz grinned. This would be one of the easiest, as well as most exciting mission he'd done in awhile. Wonder what I'll do after this, he mulled, taking in the scene around him lazily. I could get paid for protecting this group and revealing their location as well, ha! These are great times indeed.

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With the group now up and about, Esphyr finally had a moment unto herself... and a moment to clear her head. She was holding the favor still, the little white scrap of cloth. Without so much as a second thought, she quickly let go of it and dropped the dainty little object to the ground.

"Why in the hell was I carrying that?" she asked. "Hey. Has anyone else felt a bit off ever since we came here? Or am I the only one?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Umm ... no I'm just hungry.

Iso: Sorry, Esphyr. I've never felt normal so I can't contemplate how I feel about this place. Everywhere we go we have to look over our shoulders. This place isn't much different.

Irina: Other than the happy people and the drug bakeries :/

Iso: I know that Katie hates it here.

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OOC: Note: Kelas still has Amari with her (to transport whatever she bags.)

As they walked, Kelas put Amari between herself and Eric, just as a precaution. He seemed trustworthy enough... "Say," she finally said, settling on a spot to watch for game, "you're pretty good with that sword. I... need to be able to use a melee weapon. If we're ever not on the run for more than a couple of hours, mind teaching me a bit?"


Arrin jerked awake, narrowly avoiding falling from the saddle. "Tessa? Where are we? Where's Kelas?" he asked as he sat up, looking around. It was light out now... obviously he'd been asleep for a while.

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Yes. I do. It reminds me of my old days as a student. Drugs, and vomit everywhere. wrote Katie before giving a small smile and kissing Iso on the cheek. Thanks for speaking for me though.

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Cess returned with a bundle of sticks in his arms. He set them down next to Charlotte. She was busy staring at a rock, so she could start the fire.

"Thanks for that Tessa. You know, I really like the little guy. I should give him a name. How bout Morrey? Do you like that name boy?"

The horse neighed. Cess took that for a yes, and went over to help Morgan get some herbs for dinner.

"I'm not sure what to look for over here. Could you help me Morgan?"

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OOC: HOLY SH*T, she kissed him! Well now I get to type interesting content :P

Isotov and Irina

When Katie leaned in and kissed Iso on the cheek, Irina flinched!

Irina: (Goodness gracious they're for real?! :wtf: ) ... uh- *cough* uh ....

Iso: Heheh. Anytime ^_^

Iso was caught off guard but didn't react the way Irina did. The sensation running through him warmed his entire body. Inside his mind was a different matter however. He wondered how important a kiss was in his particular situation. Were Irina's remarks from before true?

Irina: uh ... so there were drugs ... and vomit everywhere ...? I'm not ... uh where did you go to school again- no wait it was TISME ... umm ... I ...

Iso: :huh:

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Esphyr stopped for a moment, bending down to pick up the favor again. She was curious... very curious. Why had she picked this up? In other groups, she would have probably gone to the local guard, but this was neither the group nor the nation. She had a question, and she wanted a answer. Pocketing it, she headed over towards Cess. "Hey, Cess was it? I have a question. I'll do what I need to repay you, but I would like for you to see if there's anything you can divine from it."


Is something wrong with irina?

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"Umm, okay Esphyr. I've never tried it for an item, but let's see." Ces went over to where he dropped his pack, and took his fortune telling items out.

He repeated his normal method of fortune telling, this time putting the handkerchief on top of the Dais.

"Let's see....

1. Illusion, it's holding something,

2. Shield, whatever it is, we won't be able to figure out what it is that easily, or break it.

It's got some sort of powerful magic in it Esphyr, but I can't tell what it is. Sorry. I'm not that good with items."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Umm ... okay to hell with it ... what the hell was that kiss for?

Iso lowered his head between his shoulders and blocked out what he could. Irina confronting Katie had him worried for some reason.

Iso: (Why am I so scared right now?)

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