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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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OOC: I was pretty sure that was the case and assumed he typoed. I only took Trevor and whatever his horse is ending up being.

The nomad mage suddenly startling himself awake was an almost comical sight, and brought a smile back to Tessa's face, driving away the gloom that had somehow creeped up and caught her unawares.

"We're outside a small town, I... forget the name, but it's in this small independent country. We should be able to catch a breather here... but, apparently they mix intoxicating substances in with their food here on a regular basis, and it didn't agree with anyone who tried it, so Kelas is off trying to hunt us something to tide us over. Anyway, you'd looked so peaceful sleeping, it just didn't seem worth disturbing you."

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"I see." said Esphyr, picking up the small bit of cloth. "Here's the thing; I've never been a lace girl. Even as a child, I hated the things. Yet for some reason, I picked this up and i don't remember doing so. So Cess, why do you think I picked it up?"


Katie gave a small laugh before kissing him again. Does it annoy you? To see me kissing him? I kissed him because I wanted too. Free love. she wrote, drawing several hearts afterwards. Something was wrong with her, obviously, as she was unusually hot to the touch.

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"Don't pick anything with too many sharp edges. It will probably poison you or give you a rash. As for mushrooms, light brown ones are asfe, other colors beware." said Morgan picking as she went.

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"Didn't some man hand it to you? I remember seeing someone hand you something and run into the town. But your Aura seems to have changed. I can't place my finger on it, but your energy is giving off a different vibe. Morgan should take a look at it too."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Free love? Okay ... it bothers me. You guys only met like less than a week ago. Are you together or what?

Iso: ... ... ....

Not sure what to say, Iso just thought to himself.

Iso: (She's kissing me repeatedly, she's kind of warm, and Irina's getting upset. How do I feel about all of this?! Dammit!! I need a little help here .... )

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"Aura changed? What is an aura? How does it change? And how much do I owe you for this?" asked Esphyr.


A week? We've been together for months! wrote Katie with a smile.

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"That's okay. You don't have to pay me, it's my fault the bread was tainted. Your Aura. It's a bit different from your mana. It consists of many things. How you seem to others, how you interact to them, your thoughts, your general demenor, things like that. You typically give off one that's a bit purple, or indigo. A dark, mysterious one, one that's strong, and inviting. But it's weird. The handkercheif seems to be turning it a bit pink. It's strange."

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OOC: Well that seems like enough for Iso to get a comfirmation on Katie's feelings ... or Succubus Katie's feelings :/

Isotov and Irina

Irina: Months?!

Irina quickly put her hand on Katie's forehead to see if she was alright, and sure enough, her temperature was rather high.

Irina: Iso, I think your girl friend needs to lie down for a bit.

Iso: (Together? I was wondering if that was what she-)

Irina: Iso!!

Iso: What?

Irina: Your girlfriend needs to lie down. <_<

Iso: She's sick? Was it the drugs from the bakery?

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"Not the kind of elder magic I practice actually" said Morgan. "However, if you did not mean to pick it up and you still want to hang on to it, you may have been magically compulsed to do so. That means someone is definitely against us."

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"That's the thing, according to Cess, I didn't. It was handed to me." said Esphyr with a simple explanation. "Morgan, can you... No. That's the wrong thing to ask. Morgan, is it possible to transfer a bit of a aura from a person to a object?"


I'm fine! Those drugs only make you see odd things! They can't make you love!

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"Ah, all right," Arrin yawned. He noticed one of the newcomers standing by Tessa, looking as though he was expecting an answer to a question. "Er, Tessa, were you talking to-- I'm sorry, I don't know your name. I'm Arrin." He held out a hand to shake.

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Isotov and Irina

Isotov: Okaaay ... maybe you should lie down ... at least until we can get either Tessa or Charlotte to take a look at you.

Irina: Katie, you're hot for crying out loud! Sit down on Kiev's saddle!

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Arrin gave a friendly greeting to Heinz, and he nodded back, pausing slightly when he realized Arrin was actually trying to shake his hand. "My name is Heinz, nice to meet you." He said politely, accepting the handshake. "I was talking with your sister a little while back, and she mentioned that you were her brother. I was curious, however, if you don't mind I'd like to know why you ended up becoming a mage and not a nomad." Nomads are generally strange and aloof.... but who would willingly become a mage?

Overhearing the panicked conversation behind him, Heinz turned around partly, addressing no one in particular. "Harold's daughter is definitely acting more than a little strange.... I'd say it's the drugs, but who knows?" Heinz said, shrugging his shoulders. "They do have a tendency to lower your inhibitions though, and act more freely than you normally would."

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"A mage could probably do if properly trained. Demons can as well I believe.'

Morgan pondered. "Those villagers were definitely strange, demons perhaps?"

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"A very strong magician. Or one who has great physical training, you can't just seperate part of your soul like that. You'd have to be able to endure the pain of seperating it into pieces, then be able to imbue it in another object."

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"Yes... That's just what I was thinking as well...Especially after seeing that dog dodge a full grown wyvern and manage to escape and nip his heels in doing so. That animal touched Tessa, did it not?"

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Perhaps I was too pushy, Heinz thought. Either that or he's just shy, like that Tessa girl. I suppose I should talk about myself too, if I'm going to ask questions, but I doubt my dislike of most magecraft will go over well in this group.

Upon hearing that people could separate their soul into parts, Heinz blinked. It was an idea that seemed to boast of power, but have no real world use. "Why would anyone be as reckless as to try to split their very soul apart? And what if the object their soul was attached to was destroyed, wouldn't that kill them?"

Edit: grammar

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"I don't think that's what happened. Rather... Demons are made from the dust of the earth. Mud and grit. So what if some of his dirt rubbed off on this?"



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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Because we need those drugs to wear off so you can get your head straight.

Iso: Irina ... you're being a little aggressive. Maybe I should take care of her.

Irina: Oooh no. With her like this, she could have you horizontal in a second, and I'm not going to be the one explaining that to the others. Katie, get on top of Kiev and don't come down.

Kiev: ???

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Kelas had said it rather simply,she wished to go with someone else.

'She still doesn't trust me...?' Damian had hoped he could talk to her about the incident with Shanice,but it seemed she did not yet want to speak to him alone.

Aside from that,Damian heard Charlotte make mention of Creme Brule(screw accents),and she seemed distraught that no one seemed to have the ability to make it.

'Should I...my teacher was never satisfied with it...maybe I shouldn't bother...No...I've let this get to me for too long,I have to try!'

Damian stood up,and walked over to Charlotte and Tessa.

"I can make some,if you'd like."


Aiya had been about to bite into the warm bread before noticing the others begin to vomit and collapse.Upon hearing that the cause was spiritleaf,Aiya dropped the bread.

'What kind of an idiot bakes Spiritleaf into a loaf of bread?!' She wondered,before a jolt of pain.

"Nngh...right,I was hit by Hellsety,we never actually healed it yet..." She remembered aloud,and looked at the hand that had clutched the wound.It seemed it had reopened and was bleeding.

Walking over to Tessa,she noticed that Tessa,Damian,and the new cleric were speaking.

"S-sorry to interrupt...but could I get a healer?"

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OOC: :facepalm: @ above post.

"Thanks," Eric said. "But it's a bit different mounted. You'd only be able to do some slashing, from the looks of it. I'll see what I can do."

A few minutes passed in silence, before he spoke again. "... Is Morgan always like that? I mean, she's colder than ice."

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"While I appreciate the offer Sir Damian, I doubt you have the ingredients to make a proper crème brûlée. Better to have none at all than to be disppointed I think." Charlotte replied.

"Oh, I can heal that." she said, turning to Aiya. She placed her staff on the wound and it was healed. "I'm not sure what to do from here with it though, I've never treated anyone with a magical injury before."

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