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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 44


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I can't believe the landslide against Noish. He has the most potent "lance" in all of FE, if you know what I mean. Seriously, Duel and Critical are pretty good skills for Ayra or Fury's kids!

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I can't believe the landslide against Noish. He has the most potent "lance" in all of FE, if you know what I mean. Seriously, Duel and Critical are pretty good skills for Ayra or Fury's kids!

But unless you go out of your way to get him levels, he's probably not above level 15 by the end of gen 1 (if he's even that high) and the base stats of his children will be kinda bad. Also, Lex makes a superior partner for Ayra. Maybe for Fury, but a lot of people like making Claude x Fury for the B staves on Fee (and maybe the A staves on sety, I'm not sure if that appealed to them). But maybe he's good for Fury (though he'd need to at least reach level 20 otherwise I suspect the stats will be bad for the kids).

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On Noish: Charge can be a double edged sword, since unlike Continue, it gives the enemy another chance to counter provided that you don't hit them. And then more enemies come... and it may actually put your unit in danger.

Critical is what makes him better than Alec, IMO (since his one hit pretty much owns Alec's two and with Crit he can actually get someone's HP really low for other people to kill), but 50 kill weapons exist, and Sigurd's Silver Sword probably won't be the only one.

Lakche favoritism for me dictates that she will keep her mom's Hero Sword+a bunch of rings and oneshot everything that doesn't have nihil due to her ever-increasing crit rate whenever Hero Sword hits 50 kills, but that's me having my SM favoritism as usual. Though if not, Lakche kills things fine even without crits---Astra is awesome and she gets Continue on promotion. Her two best fathers gives her STR at 50% and 45% each, with a base 10 and a promo bonus of 5, so she'll cap that no problem. Same with Skasaher, only minus Continue. Fee gets Hero Lance from Fin selling it to Fury when he leaves, which may or may not get crit after a while, but with Fury and Fee's flyer utility it probably will hit 50. Also consider Fury's other best pairing besides Claude, FuryxLevin, in which Levin provides Critical as well, but with better stats. Levin's incredibly easy to get to level 30 without even trying, while Noish requires lots and lots of killfeeds since he can rarely get through the full arena.

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But unless you go out of your way to get him levels, he's probably not above level 15 by the end of gen 1 (if he's even that high) and the base stats of his children will be kinda bad. Also, Lex makes a superior partner for Ayra. Maybe for Fury, but a lot of people like making Claude x Fury for the B staves on Fee (and maybe the A staves on sety, I'm not sure if that appealed to them). But maybe he's good for Fury (though he'd need to at least reach level 20 otherwise I suspect the stats will be bad for the kids).

Was that level of analysis really necessary for my dick joke?
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Was that level of analysis really necessary for my dick joke?

Narga ruins jokes like no other. It's his second special ability, the first one being carpet bombing a debate opponent into submission with a huge wall of text.

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Was that level of analysis really necessary for my dick joke?

If you'd left it without mentioning Duel and Critical, then no it wasn't necessary. But once you bring up practical applications, I feel obliged to bring up potential issues.

Narga ruins jokes like no other. It's his second special ability, the first one being carpet bombing a debate opponent into submission with a huge wall of text.

It's not like there's no content in those carpet bombs, so I don't feel too bad. Even if sometimes the points could have used a bit more to cover up potential holes (generally miniscule ones that get blown out of proportion by certain formerly frequent posters).

Anyway, yeah, my second special ability is definitely ruining jokes. My third is ignoring sarcasm (more frequently intentionally than people give me credit for, though. I'll grant it is sometimes unintentional).

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Best: Sain was awesome for me, so I'll go with him. I can't really say regarding Abel, since in my current playthrough of SD (the first time I'm using him) he got REALLY screwed and Kain outclassed him in every stat.

He had these stats at lv 20 Cavlalier:

HP: 32

Str: 12

Skl: 17

Spd: 14

Luk: 7

Def: 10

I can't accuratly compare Kain since he's a pally now. But I know he had at least 14 str, better def, equal speed and 9 luk. Maybe Kain just got really blessed.

Worst: Alec. At least Noish hs Critical and can be ok with a Hero Lance (Fury is a better candidate for it though) Although in my current playthrough of FE4, the reverse of SD happened and Alec outclassed Noish in every stat. He still sucked though.

Also, while he may not be the best per se, Noish always tends to be in the top 3 for anyone he's frequently paired with, while Alec is almost never a good father.

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