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Who to Crown?

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Sitting in the base on 3-5 HM. I have 1 Crown, 1 Energy Drop, 1 Dracoshield, and 1 Seraph Robe, and my team looks like this:

name     lvl hp  str mag skl spd luk def res
titania  18  38  26  10  24  25  20  22  15
soren    14  34  10  27  23  23  18  11  23
oscar    15  40  20   8  24  22  20  18  13
gatrie   13  45  27   5  18  23  16  24  13
mia      13  38  19   7  30  30  20  16  10
haar     16  48  26   2  26  23  14  26   7

I also have a Paragon from the Dawn Brigade if I want to accelerate anyone's levelling, and I'm using Nephenee on and off (she's only level 8, but she's very blessed - 20str/26 speed). Really, I'm thinking the crown could go to any of Titania/Soren/Gatrie/Haar, but I want to hear some other opinions as well. I plan to transfer a Crown over from the Dawn Brigade as well.

Edited by Slowking
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Titania is the obvious choice for the crown, since she's capped STR/SPD/DEF and doesn't have much to gain from two more normal levels (though if she's close to 19 I might BEXP her there first). Her with 27 SPD will be lots of fun.

Gatrie is another obvious one, but I hate his mobility, so I generally don't bother with him. He can't really compete with 9MV + Canto.

Haar's not a great choice, since he's still 1 SPD from his tier 2 cap, and his SPD is slow in tier 3. I'd wait until he caps SPD before crowning.

Oscar would be terrible to crown, he's STR-screwed and not even capped SPD yet. If you're going to use him long-term, you need to hop to it, maybe even give him the Energy Drop so that he has some offense.

Soren is "whatever". He'll be able to do something with 25 SPD, but it won't last because of his growth. In order to meaningfully accelerate his SPD, you have to use staves, which means you're not getting anything that Mist or Rhys couldn't already do.

Mia would be a waste to crown this early, even though she's capped SPD. Unlike Oscar she doesn't need to uncap it yet, and could use some work on her STR.

My vote: Titania > Gatrie > Soren > Haar > all

Edited by Interceptor
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Hmm, I was thinking that, except about Titania. 26STR/25SPD/Axes is tearing everything up right now on it's own. The extra 2 speed isn't letting her double anything special. I know that Halbs/Warriors begin proccing 22 speed later on, but I think I can get her to promote naturally by then, using Paragon if necessary.

The annoying part is, though, that I want to BEXP the others. Haar for speed/luck, Soren for defense, and Gatrie for skill (his shitty accuracy pisses me off).

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It's true that 27 SPD is overkill right now, but it'll pay off to get her started early in tier 3. She's going to need 28-29 SPD to double reliably in 4-1, and then 31-32 AS to get all of the Warriors and whatnot in 4-4. I only managed to get Titania about 3 levels in 4-1, so there might be a buffer problem if you don't get SPD-blessed.

Tough call, it also depends on what kind of resources you have for Part 4 (maybe you don't really need a good Titania there).

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Bexp haar, if he gets speed crown him, if not crown Titan or gatrie, if you dont like gatrie's movement use titan, if your fine with gatrie's movement use gatre, simple as that.

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That Soren looks like how mine tend to look. I would NOT Crown him at level 14 though. I would wait to see if he gets atleast two more points to Speed.

The logical choice there is ol' Tits. I would say Crown her. Haar, at that point, probably wont get much more out of speed though. I think he could be Crowned without suffering too much. The rest? Nah, id say hold off or promote them with BEXP or just battle experience. (HM? Yeah probably wait until they are a bit higher levels. Mia needs strength and so does Oscar.)

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Hmm, I was thinking that, except about Titania. 26STR/25SPD/Axes is tearing everything up right now on it's own. The extra 2 speed isn't letting her double anything special. I know that Halbs/Warriors begin proccing 22 speed later on, but I think I can get her to promote naturally by then, using Paragon if necessary.

The annoying part is, though, that I want to BEXP the others. Haar for speed/luck, Soren for defense, and Gatrie for skill (his shitty accuracy pisses me off).

Does Gatrie not have a forge? I mean, +4 mt and +15 hit would probably make him 2HKO all but Generals and have reasonable accuracy. It's like a steel poleax with 30 more hit. And you can forge hand axes in chapter 7, I think. Anyway, Haar only has skl and def capped, so bexp is likely to go into: str, lck, hp/spd. You've got a decent shot at spd and if you have enough bexp you could perhaps take him to level 18 with a reasonable expectation of getting him to cap spd. If you don't mind resetting, you can guarantee it. Why didn't you write how much exp each unit had toward the next level? If Haar is only like 16.10 then I probably wouldn't consider the bexp to level 18 idea.

That Soren looks like how mine tend to look. I would NOT Crown him at level 14 though. I would wait to see if he gets atleast two more points to Speed.

That would be amazing considering soren's cap is 23.

The logical choice there is ol' Tits. I would say Crown her. Haar, at that point, probably wont get much more out of speed though. I think he could be Crowned without suffering too much. The rest? Nah, id say hold off or promote them with BEXP or just battle experience. (HM? Yeah probably wait until they are a bit higher levels. Mia needs strength and so does Oscar.)

Haar has 4 levels to go with a 30% growth. On average that caps (currently at 23, cap is 24). Or he could use bexp to attempt to speed that up.

slowking: If you don't want to take the DB's crown from 3-6, you could consider sitting on the crown until Haar caps. Interceptor has a good point about Titania, though. The faster she hits tier 3, the more time she has to try to get more than 27 spd for part 4.

Also, the boss of 3-5 has 23 spd, so crowned Titania can smash his face in (29 + 16 = 45 which is a ORKO. Takes a max mt steel forge you may not have, but it'll do the job. Also if she has a pocket Mist support and saviour that could work, too). 3-10 boss has 24 spd, so crowning her now might, perhaps, result in 28 spd by then. Again takes 45 mt to smash his face in, but if Titania has 28 spd she'll probably have 30 str, too, so a steel poleax would be sufficient (if it hits). 3-11 boss has 25 spd, though, and 29 is highly unlikely by that point. Moreover, it takes 47 mt to ORKO the guy even if she is doubling. Better to just go Mia + Titania or something for him.

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I have no spare BEXP lying around, and pretty much everyone is far from a level (these stats are from after I allocated BEXP). I'm definitely transferring the Crown - without Paragon in the Dawn Brigade, doing like Interceptor and making a Super-Jill is impossible (I have a much different strategy in mind for 3-13, but I'm confident that even without crowning Tauroneo I can pull it off).

In addition, Lombroso does not seem tough to me. Any idiot can take my Horseslayer and knock him down to single-digit HP. And the same goes for Sergei.

My main reluctance to promote Titania is because she's already very close to promotion. Soren and Gatrie are sitting at level 14 and 13 respectively, and if I don't Crown them, they will be stuck at 23AS for a long time. Although, I may check Titania's EXP gains. If it's not realistic for her to promote naturally, I'll hold off.

Actually, does anyone know if Lombroso moves? I'm interested in his Energy Drop, but if I need to get Heather all the way to his position, I probably won't bother.

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Actually, does anyone know if Lombroso moves? I'm interested in his Energy Drop, but if I need to get Heather all the way to his position, I probably won't bother.

I think he'll canto away if he can, but he won't move to attack. I've sat inside his range and he didn't move, but when someone was right next to him he attacked and canto'd away.

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I think he'll canto away if he can, but he won't move to attack. I've sat inside his range and he didn't move, but when someone was right next to him he attacked and canto'd away.

Also he's willing to do more once you've killed his "friends". In general, those three pallies adjacent to him will try to attack iff they can canto back to their starting point after attacking. I forget if it's one or all three, but after killing some of his buddies he'll do more even if you aren't in his (standing) attack range.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Well, I just did the chapter anyway. In the end, it didn't end up mattering if he moved or not. He went down easily to Gatrie + Titania.

And yeah, Titania can gain enough levels. She went from like 18.10 to 19.69 in just that chapter with Paragon, so I can get her to promote soon. Crowns for Gatrie and Soren!

Now on 3-6. My Resolve has gone missing! I think I left it on Tauroneo :facepalm: . There goes my plan to do Resolve + Beastfoe on Volug. Oh well, he'll just need to chomp Olivi Grass. 66ATK/28AS should be enough anyway :awesome: . Now I just need to leave the Crown on Zihark so Heather can steal it.

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Well, I just did the chapter anyway. In the end, it didn't end up mattering if he moved or not. He went down easily to Gatrie + Titania.

And yeah, Titania can gain enough levels. She went from like 18.10 to 19.69 in just that chapter with Paragon, so I can get her to promote soon. Crowns for Gatrie and Soren!

Now on 3-6. My Resolve has gone missing! I think I left it on Tauroneo :facepalm: . There goes my plan to do Resolve + Beastfoe on Volug. Oh well, he'll just need to chomp Olivi Grass. 66ATK/28AS should be enough anyway :awesome: . Now I just need to leave the Crown on Zihark so Heather can steal it.

Thats smart, and lol @ the resolve

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Well, I ended up leaving the Crown on Jill. Zihark ended up proccing too much speed for Heather to nab the Crown from him. Downside is, that I need to ferry Heather over to Jill's little island, but Haar really has nothing better to do. I guess I could have put it on Nolan as well.

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Well, I ended up leaving the Crown on Jill. Zihark ended up proccing too much speed for Heather to nab the Crown from him. Downside is, that I need to ferry Heather over to Jill's little island, but Haar really has nothing better to do. I guess I could have put it on Nolan as well.

You can draw Jill in, you know. 9 move (unless you didn't promote her) is pretty helpful. If she'd ended 3-6 with a hand axe in her inventory, that's 11 range. Plus, she's not likely to kill anything with a hand axe. Even with capped str I don't think she can bring down even base Heather, and while base Heather can't steal (25 spd v 25), it's not hard to level Heather once in 7 chapters.

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