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Ether's Mini Mafia Game Thread


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Huh. Isn't that a bit strange? All this time, Fayt has been voting for Spoon, but when I had two votes on me, he suddenly jumped over and voted for me as well without any real explanation.

My vote stands.

As for my defense, well, what am I supposed to say? I obviously know that I'm innocent, but that alone is, of course, worthless.

As for Sync's vote, that proves nothing. It's not my fault if someone just jumps the bandwagon (though I agree that this makes him suspicious as well). Also, IIRC, Ether mentioned that yakked players don't learn who their partner is until the next night, so chances are that only one mafioso actually knows what he's doing.

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Actually, let's look at it in a different way. Every cop exists just twice. We have two confirmed naives (me and Sync), one confirmed sane cop (Bal), and one dude who never got to actually out any of his reports (Ulki). But we have four dudes who all claim to be paranoid/insane. Look at it from a purely logical point of view and then tell me: wouldn't it be much easier/safer for the mafia to disguise as one of the many possible paranoids/insanes than to disguise as something that much fewer people claim?

Think about it. And think about it well, as if we lynch the wrong dude today, we lose.

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As no one seems to even be around to look at Raymond's defense,and I want to give him a chance to actually defend himself,I'm going to extend this phase for a little while.

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I saw it. I didn't think much of it. Life's statements are also meaningless because we know he mindgames...

As for why Fayt changed: Because if he didn't, the town would either no lynch (and lose) or he would be lynched (and he would lose, regardless of his team). Sorry Raymond, but a decision had to be made. All of the points you made aren't particularly relevant:

The mafioso can easily claim to their Yakked partner. They'll know who they are.

The mafia is also hardly 'disguised'. We didn't really know much until today about what each cop is, and hence Life couldn't have known we'd prove the sane cops were who they were (or at least, the sane cops were Yakked early) and it's the same with the Naive cops. Also bear in mind that one cop has been giving real reports for two days and may have also given a real report today (assuming that the Yakked cop gets his report).

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The mafia is also hardly 'disguised'. We didn't really know much until today about what each cop is, and hence Life couldn't have known we'd prove the sane cops were who they were (or at least, the sane cops were Yakked early) and it's the same with the Naive cops.

OI! Bull. I was the one who suggested 3 days worth of info, for your information. I ran over every single scenario on paper from an uninformed person's role. I've known everyone's true role since Day 2. So don't tell me that I couldn't know that you'd prove who the sane cops were. I know exactly what's been done.

Sides, I want the day phase to end so that this game can be over and you guys can credit me as the best mafia player here.

Edited by John Dory
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The mafioso can easily claim to their Yakked partner. They'll know who they are.

Really? So can the cops. They obviously don't know who got yakked, but if they just happen to hit the right one, the mafioso might get thrown off.

The mafia is also hardly 'disguised'. We didn't really know much until today about what each cop is, and hence Life couldn't have known we'd prove the sane cops were who they were (or at least, the sane cops were Yakked early) and it's the same with the Naive cops. Also bear in mind that one cop has been giving real reports for two days and may have also given a real report today (assuming that the Yakked cop gets his report).

Could they really not have known? When the reports are outed openly like they were in this game, the mafia obviously has an advantage, as the mafia knows who's guilty and who's not, while the actual cops don't. As such, I think it's very possible for the mafia to have drawn their conclusions on who's who earlier than the cops, and adapted their "reports" accordingly.

I also don't know what kind of relevance the last point has. Yes, one yakked cop has been giving out real reports for two days, which just makes him even harder to identify. As such, wouldn't it be a wise descicion from the yakuzas to yak him?

I'm actually starting to suspect that you and Fayt might be the true mafiosos.

Unvote Fayt Zelpher.

Vote I Eat Tables.

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The last point was a counterargument to your point about it being more likely to claim with the more common report, which is irrelevant. As for everything else...

Yeah, the Yaks could work out a little more about people's roles, I guess, since they can see when a cop gets something wrong. I guess that means the Mafia knows which of us are the insane cops and which are paranoid, and of course having faked their investigations they could easily be any kind of cop.

But don't go acting like you could orchestrate what people do, Life, and in case you hadn't noticed, I suggested NL day 1+2, because it's the best move for the town. Don't go acting like it's the best move for the mafia, because that's a contradiction.

And finally, you suspect me and Fayt are the mafia... so you unvote Fayt and vote me?

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Though I guess that at this point, anything I say is irrelevant and will only make me look bad.

Go ahead, people. I won't say anything anymore. Choose who to lynch. And you'd better choose well.

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But don't go acting like you could orchestrate what people do, Life, and in case you hadn't noticed, I suggested NL day 1+2, because it's the best move for the town. Don't go acting like it's the best move for the mafia, because that's a contradiction.

1. I was the one who suggested the No Lynch on Day 2. Not you. Go through the thread if you don't believe me.

2. Pulling a NL is actually better for a Mafia who can plan their votes to look absolutely innocent. Which means that you need logic in fucking spades to do that. And what am I known for? Yeah, that's right.

3. Don't think that just because I'm arguing with you publicly about what's better for the mafia automatically clears you. If you get lynched and turn out to be the person that I yakked last night (oi, that would actually suck), you would have no idea that you were guilty until you were dead.

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1. I was the one who suggested the No Lynch on Day 2. Not you. Go through the thread if you don't believe me.


I suggested NL D2 before you even posted D1.

2. Pulling a NL is actually better for a Mafia who can plan their votes to look absolutely innocent. Which means that you need logic in fucking spades to do that. And what am I known for? Yeah, that's right.

On Day 1 or Day 2? Day 1, it basically means you're turning the game into 5 townies vs. 2 mafia, which seems to me to be less useful than 3 days worth of investigations. You were lucky nobody got differing reports in that period, since that would have actually helped the town more. Especially since the likely case from a D1 lynch is by far getting a cop, leaving us with 3 cops with largely useless reports against 2 mafia with similar reports.

Day 2 is of course stupid for the town, since they can wait one more day and have a suspect out of the way, plus more reports to work stuff out.

3. Don't think that just because I'm arguing with you publicly about what's better for the mafia automatically clears you. If you get lynched and turn out to be the person that I yakked last night (oi, that would actually suck), you would have no idea that you were guilty until you were dead.


The Yakked knows he's yakked, and you know I know that. Otherwise it would be a bit ridiculous.

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I gave this long enough,Day 3 is over.

As Raymond backed away from the angry mob,he tried to plead with them.

"I swear,you guys are making a horrible mistake!"

"Yeah?Well save your complaints for hell,ya limey bastard." I Eat Tables said,spitting in his face and pulling out a Desert Eagle.

"No!You can't do thi-!"


Raymond fell to the ground,dead.Out of his coat pocket fell the Sawed-Off Shotgun and Cigars that told them all that they had executed Raymond the Mafia Goon.

Night 4 begin!

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Sides, I want the day phase to end so that this game can be over and you guys can credit me as the best mafia player here.

Anyway, My obvious suspicion is on Sync right now for voting Fayt, but we can't be certain of anything. I kinda want to say we should all investigate Sync, but counterintuitively that's actually a bad move, since if he's not the mafia and me or Fayt is, then we can fake a report to get him lynched.

If there's no problems with my logic, then Sync's report is meaningless anyway and one or two of me and Fayt are insane. But I really don't know what to do investigation wise ¬_¬.

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Anyway, My obvious suspicion is on Sync right now for voting Fayt, but we can't be certain of anything. I kinda want to say we should all investigate Sync, but counterintuitively that's actually a bad move, since if he's not the mafia and me or Fayt is, then we can fake a report to get him lynched.

If there's no problems with my logic, then Sync's report is meaningless anyway and one or two of me and Fayt are insane. But I really don't know what to do investigation wise ¬_¬.

Well, you're paranoid if the N1 yak was Raymond and insane otherwise. I'm almost guaranteed paranoid. Not sure about Sync and Snike/Spoon. Although I suspect that Sync is/was naive and Spoon is/was paranoid...

I don't know...

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By the logic I've posted before, Spoon/Snike has to be paranoid or Yakked, so we can discard his investigation. There's nothing to say what I am, since reports come before Yakking, so I could still be insane even if Raymond was the D1 Yak.

Well... I'm going to investigate... someone. Yeah, I'm not saying tonight. Fayt, I suggest you do likewise, since outing who we're investigating could give the mafia clues as to which of us to kill.

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See kids? Random Lynching DOES work!

Glad I led a lynch that bought us a day.

Edited by Snike
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Hey everyone.Hectic evening.

You see,it was Party-Till-you drop night,and the music was blaring,until everyone dropped.

Thing is,I Eat Tables the Cop never got back up.Seems he was knifed during the dance-off...poor guy,he woulda won too...

Well,I guess it is time for Day 4.Go rough em up,boys.

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OK, Tables, you might want to get out of here before the Alchemist sees this...

So, uh, I have this feeling that Tables was the insane cop. IDK why, but still...

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