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I need a good game

luigi bros

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I'm bored with everything. I've exhausted the Mario, DK, FE and FF series of games. I'm going crazy out of boredom. What games do you think I would like (based on the series already listed)? I'd really appreciate some help.

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If you really want to try something different, give Granstream Saga a look. It's a really old PS1 game, but you can still find used copies of it on sale for really low prices if you aren't interested in emulating it.

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Disgaea (You play FF, you've played tactics, this is like that)

Viewtiful Joe (2d sidescroll awesomeness)

Crash Team Racing(You play mario, you play mario kart, this is better.)

And Okami. Just because.

Edited by Pride
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Dragon Quest (any, although I prefer 7 and 8)

Cave Story (free and fun)

Deus Ex (defiantly if you haven't played it)


Shin megami tensei

Total War

Fallout (1 and 2 especially)

Mass Effect

Half Life




System Shock

Thats my list that importantly comes to mind, a nice mix of old and new on various consoles too.

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A a game's critic, I can say that the only game that's worth trying in the list of given games that were posted in this thread is Chrono Trigger.

If you had any intelligence, you'd know that Nintendo are as good as dead, and it's time to move onto individual developers for any hope of decent gaming.

Oh lawl. Ironic.

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Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume is also pretty nice, from what I've played.

This is another good suggestion.

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There's this Code Geass game that is pretty rare, but fun to play. It only launched in Japan, but has a translation patch for for items, upgrade parts, character names and some diologue. It's an RPG, using knightmares to battle with and unlocking a bunch of stuff, like an alternate storyline, where people like Euphemia and in another playthrough Jeremiah can join the Black Knights. A downside is there isn't much on the game, like faqs or dos and don'ts in the game.

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If you have a PS3, I'd suggest playing Valkyria Chronicles. If you do decide to play it though, good luck trying to find it in stores now. (But Gamestop or anything similar like EB Games does give you the best chance of finding it. Used or otherwise.)

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if you are willing to find an old snes game online, there's one game that was surprisingly good (if you like RPGs).

sailor moon: another story. http://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/588640-bishoujo-senshi-sailor-moon-another-story/faqs

I mean, it's no Chrono Trigger or anything, and I have no idea why I ended up trying it (I think I just went to an snes rpg rom site and clicked randomly or something), but it was actually pretty well made. The maps, some of the items, the gameplay. And for anyone that has ever watched the anime, at least she only does the dumb babbling thing about "I will punish you" once, and it's only near the beginning.

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