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Thor Odinson

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I did a sketch, and then instead of putting flat colours down I started out by putting in some shadows, working my way up to the lighter areas then going back and making the shading more coherent.

(It's really so I don't have to keep a sketch layer on top to see what I'm doing but it worked out pretty well)

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That's... probably not the best way to draw the deltoid piece like I referenced in the Avengers photo, but it's that.

pretty sure she means these


which as far as I can tell are light beams reflecting off the arm

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might be my messy erasing if it's off the arm lol

Anyway have a work in progress

It's inspired by a (far better) artist's little altair in a haystack picture and is pretty much a class doodle but then Amelia wanted me to make it neat so have vector little ezio in a haystack waiting to give you a Free Hug

rYeNbAn.pngI will shade it when I next get time gotta do some hw now

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nope totally did not copy description from my tumblr post nope /lazy

i want to say this is completely amazn because of the shading, but that's the most awkwardanest pose i ever see in my lyfe

you probably know people who are more qualified than me to expound on why, but i could go into detail later if you want.

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Sadly those require Java 6 and I'm running Java 7 and I can't downgrade because I program with Java 7

so :<

I guess I'll just make my own!

anyway 6HMj9WV.jpg

Someone take the pencil away from me at 12 am Loki's proportions are so off but I can't be assed to fix it right now

Just a quick doodle that stemmed from my Thorsassin design, now I have a whole Thor/Loki Assassin's Creed AU where Thor is Assassin and Loki is Templar and all I can do to make Loki look like a templar is give him a huge ass templar cross on his cape because templars don't really have a type of "uniform" like Assassin eagle hood/coats

I'll fix their anatomy (esp Loki) when I colour it or something meanwhile please suggest pose fixes god knows I need them and I can't be assed to fix things when I'm halfway through colouring it so let it be now

Also I'm going to move thor away from loki a bit on the final version i didn't plan this out very well

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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^That. Also, bring Thor's near arm, especially the forearm, down so that it looks like he's aiming to stab Loki rather than high-five him on the forehead or something.

This isn't really a pose suggestion, but I think the scene would look much better if you made the viewing angle on the two characters more extreme. Like, side views on both, or putting the camera behind one of the characters--it depends on what you want to convey.

Since you're planning on moving Thor even further away, Loki perhaps shouldn't look like he's already started his attack. Have him look like he's winding up, maybe put the spear(?)head behind him. And plant both feet on the ground. I'm not acquainted with how to use weapons, but I think his stance would look better that way.

Also, where is Thor coming from? Depending on the answer, your poses could end up very different.

It looks great so far though and has a lot of potential. Looking forward to the final result!

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I realize this suggestion is going to be a complete Loki redraw, but I felt the best pose for him would be holding the spear tilted up, anticipating Thor leaping down on him. It seems like the most effective use of the weapon is to ensure your enemy lands on it. Not sure what to say about assassin Thor except that he feels a little flat compared to Loki. The position of his legs and feet doesn't have a sense of dimension.

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With Loki I was going by Blackavar's suggestion where Thor kinda just came out of nowhere and he still has to wind up first, so he's still kinda taken by surprise here. I'll probably change Thor's leg positioning to look more like those in the brotherhood trailer, though, if I can find a good enough frame freeze.

Or if I can get a good enough screenshot of air assassinations. That's kind of what I'm going for with Thor.

Edit: on second thought, though if I'm going by brotherhood trailer style I might be able to fit in the pointed up spear version in since the brotherhood trailer wasn't air pounce by surprise

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Have a sketchdump from today's classes because I'm such a good student while I work over Thor and Loki

Included: Ezio eating pizza, Ezio with a rose, Ezio with his hair down, Ezio tying his hair back up, a bunny, and some statistics notes and operating systems diagrams.

Why do I draw better when I don't try

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Welp i'll eventually get to the thorki assassins but school is a thing dammit


Anyway so I'm in this 3D game programming class and we make our own models so for this assignment I made my standard fat bunny

No textures yet because we haven't gotten to that I just learned 3D so

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Loki's looking pretty sweet, though as you work on it his eye contact should be stronger looking towards Thor. However, Thor's thigh looks a bit short. You could maybe bring in his foot tighter towards his leg and lengthen the thigh and bring the kneecap out further. I might be tempted to also bring up his right arm to form a stronger silhouette and to make the arms less parallel.

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