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Reasons you love Fire Emblem?


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What are the reasons you love Fire Emblem so much? Here are mine:

-The Storylines

Since when did video games have story lines as in-depth as Fire Emblem? Think of all the greatest video games: Halo, Zelda, Mario... The stories are so simple: Aliens attack Earth, Ganondorf takes over Hyrule AGAIN, Bowser kidnaps Princess Peach... The stories are so simple. But Fire Emblem... You can't explain the story of Path of Radiance in one phrase. I could try, but it wouldn't catch the essence of the story.... Theres some mercenaries who take back their lost country. See that works, but theres more... A LOT more... Corruption, Racism, Treachery, the story seems more like it should be an anime than a video game.


The gameplay of fire emblem is so different. Even from other Turn-Based Tactical Strategy games. Of course, Fire Emblem was the first, so it would naturally be the best.

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I get to kill stuff...medieval style!

So yeah, that's pretty much it (I don't really pay that much attention to/care about the story to be honest).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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-Characters Artwork

Sincerely, it did catch my attention when I first heard of the series. Don't misunderstand me, I like anime and I felt pretty familiar with the game, being this one of the many reasons.

-Story Background

Among all the games I played, it has a story line typical to adventure games: something evil appears and tries to conquer/destroy the world, a group of heroes must stop it at all costs. But Fire Emblem uses this in an interesting way, it draws attention to the story and plot of the game and personally, I like games that have that characteristic.

-Game Genre

It's not that similar to play Pókemon or Zelda. In those games, if you lost you could try again from a savepoint you could mark (kind of) and you just needed a strategy to take on most opponents. In FE, it's kind of the same but each chapter has a boss that needs a way to defeat or even a specific task to accomplish.

Personally, I don't have a specific reason why I like these games, but I've become a fan of the series and I hope Nintendo and IS keep improving and working in it.

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That's all.

Just kidding.

I enjoy the change from just "kill things and level up and kill more things" that I played before FE, and on the harder modes it actually requires thinking.

I love Final Fantasy, but walking around grinding levels is kinda annoying. You don't grind levels in FE unless you arena abuse.

Due to RNGs, every playthrough is a bit different, and the playthroughs themselves can be quite versatile.

Like that time where I did a Seth+Eirika dual run. It was fun.

Also. Hot men. Lots and lots of them.

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Artwork, music, characters, and the fact that I like strategy games are reasons why I enjoy playing FE.

Edited by Generic Officer
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The games I've played either have decent story/characters or enough challenge to keep me interested (i.e. FE7 is pretty easy but has an interesting story, FE11's story is boring but it has H5). Except for FE8, but meh, I just liked that one. Not sure why.

Then there's the fact that you can get tons of additional mileage out of the games by arguing about them on the Internet. I've never found another series which could produce debates as in-depth as FE's.

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The characters. Unlike most other RPGs, they aren't solely based on the main characters. Everyone (or most) get to have a chance for their own spotlight and backstory. At least this is excluding FE1-3 & 10.

The gameplay is alright, I am not much into RPGs, and this is the only RPG I've played that has this type of gameplay.

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Difficulty, story. IS THIS THE ONLY TBSRPG OUT THERE WITH BOTH?!!? Also, Gerik.

Jokes aside, I just feel this is the cream of the crop of my favourite genre.

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The artwork and gameplay are what draw me to Fire Emblem. The series also has some characters that I really like, and the storylines (mostly from the SNES era) can be interesting to follow. Oh, and Jeigan. Can't forget Jeigan.

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Light Lord pretty much covered some of the reasons I have for liking the FE series. (Artwork, Story, Game Genre) Soul also stated another reason I have for liking the series. (Character development, with FEs 7 & 9 having the most fleshed out characters in the series IMO.) I also like the fact that you actually have to think while playing it, especially on harder difficulties. But it would mainly be the storyline that attracts me to it. The music is a bonus to me.

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I forgot to mention the music. Have you ever seen one of those symphony orchestras play a show of video game music? Its pretty cool, but they stick to the typical, i.e. final fantasy, mario, zelda, pokemon, halo... Ya know, the typical "we're doing a concert of video game music, so we're gunna do the obvious ones". Imagine a symphony orchestra doing ONLY fire emblem songs. There would be like a medley of each game, which captured the essence of each. My favorite songs include "Power Hungry Fool", or Oliver's theme, The Black Knights Main Theme and Battle Theme, Ashnard's Battle Theme, and some others which I care not to name from other games. The music is beautiful. Unfortunately I have an older brother who despises Fire Emblem, the music that it plays, and my love for the game itself and the music. I honestly hear myself humming the battle themes.

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The characters. Fire Emblem is one of the few Strategy series where you control actual characters, with their own histories and personalities, and not just faceless mooks. You actually feel bad throwing your units under the bus, and want to keep as many of them alive as possible. You get to see their lives, their actions, their emotions play out as you guide them. It really feels like you're leading an army, a cause, instead of a gaggle of emotionless machines. The game doesn't just focus on a handful of characters either- almost all of them get proper screen time, with a few exceptions (Radiant Dawn due to it's huge cast, Shadow Dragon being a remake of a game 20 years old).

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You actually feel bad throwing your units under the bus, and want to keep as many of them alive as possible.

Speak for yourself. The fact that it's not a flawless war and your guys CAN eat it if they chew off too much is another thing that really heavily attracts me to this game.

And, there is a particular scene that approaches Tear Jerker level with a dead Matthew, so there's real emotional impact. For some, anyway.

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And, there is a particular scene that approaches Tear Jerker level with a dead Matthew, so there's real emotional impact. For some, anyway.

That wouldn't be the only instance that would approach Tear Jerker level for some. I'd personally say it wouldn't have to approach Tear Jerker level, but some scenes would stir up a feeling of sorrow in some FE players.

[spoiler=other scenes may include]

Sigurd's Death

Tinny's Backstory

Idun's Backstory

Leila's Death

Ninian's Death

Lyn's and Hector's conversation in Ostia.

Lyn's and Hector's conversation at the Dragon Gate.

Lyon's struggle to resist the Demon King. (And Eirika's feelings for him.)

I can't really think of anything else. These are so far the ones that got my attention. Of course, several of these, if not ALL of them, are a Your Milage May Vary sort of thing when it comes to stir up (sorrowful) emotions in the player.

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Speak for yourself. The fact that it's not a flawless war and your guys CAN eat it if they chew off too much is another thing that really heavily attracts me to this game.

And, there is a particular scene that approaches Tear Jerker level with a dead Matthew, so there's real emotional impact. For some, anyway.

That's what I mean. There's an emotional punch to the gut whenever one of your guys bite the dust. You value them more then you do units in other strategy games because they have faces, stories, personalities, families, and when they're gone they're gone.

Edited by UserShadow7989
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I'd say killing people medieval style sums it up quite nicely. I like raising war machines.

Other things include units not just being units, but actual characters (Akaneia games notwithstanding). But even then, sometimes it's nice have blank slate units like Shadow Dragon. You get to use your own imagination and stuff, plus it doesn't bother you when they bite it (kinda like FFTA).

Oh, and the re-playability. No two playthroughs are alike.

Edited by El Rey León
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The large cast of unique characters. Unlike some RPGs where you're railroaded into playing either a boring self-insert or an unlikeable moron, you can always create a team of characters you like, with the choice that's available. In fact, the thing I dislike most about FE is when the game refuses to let you play with certain characters for extended periods of time. I don't want to wait half the game to start playing with my favourite characters...

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