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Reasons you love Fire Emblem?


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The same reasons why I love every good game I own: Gameplay and storyline. I love how characters get background information and such. Whatever makes the game more compelling and addictive, like the classes and all that. Nearly everything about the games, pretty much.

Take, for example, the chapter maps. It makes you feel like your on an actual continent, compared to other SRPG games like FFTA2: Grimoire of the Rift where they put or you on random floating blocks of land.

Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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No level grinding's it for me. It's far more based on your own skill and tactics, not reviving and attacking the enemy again and again, nor can you just level grind in Daein until everyone' level 20.

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Yes, level grinding is indeed annoying. Final Fantasy much? Something I love about fire emblem is that if you fail, you can always go back and try it in a different manner. That's something Final Fantasy lacks. If you fail, you have to go back and try again, hoping that this time you'll get lucky and you'll actually succeed, or, you have to go and train your freakin party until they're better than before. In Fire Emblem, you don't have to sit there and train you're party without progressing through the game. Aside from completely whoring up Tower of Valni, the easiest way to train your party in Fire Emblem is simply playing the game. There's no sitting there attacking countless enemies for no reason except experience gain(unless, of course, you sit and whore tower of valni). Yes, maybe you fail because you're party isn't strong enough to withstand the beatings the enemies give out, but if you change your tactics, you can finally succeed. Fire Emblem is a more diverse game than most people take it for. Different chapters require different strategies, from guerrilla-like attack and retreat warfar, to straight up holding choke points for defense. Most RPGs have one, MAYBE two battle techniques: attack, most commonly, and defend, less commonly. The games simply dont get more complicated than that. Fire Emblem makes you have to think more. Rather than just repeatedly pressing A to select the "Attack" command in most RPGs(ahem, Final Fantasy), you must situate your units to fit the according battle procedure to defeat your opponents.

Honestly I have no idea why I just went on and on about all that stuff. All of you essentially already know that stuff since you're as big as fire emblem nerds as I am....

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Storylines are in-depth and original. The music is great, I have a lot of it on my Ipod. :awesome: The characters are great too, and they're all so different, you can't dislike EVERYONE. Also, there's so many different things that can happen at the end of the later games; I love games with multiple endings.

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Hey, I like grinding.

Anyway, I like it because it's fun. The stories interest me so I'll end up watching/reading the cut scenes. The characters that I grew fond of, watching them get stronger and what not. Oh, and none of them speaks in tropes either.

Edited by EmeraldFox
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Artwork, music, characters, and the fact that I like strategy games are reasons why I enjoy playing FE.

^ Everything Described here and that....


...it is also a great series to finding lots of hawt characters, like Pokemon. ^_^

Also the only series to possibly rival Final Fantasy.

Edited by Ayanami
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No level grinding's it for me. It's far more based on your own skill and tactics, not reviving and attacking the enemy again and again, nor can you just level grind in Daein until everyone' level 20.

Actually, in previous FE games there were arenas you could abuse to make your units incredibly overleveled. People who play the game the way it is usually look down on it though. And I do too because it takes the tactical challenge out of the game when it's pretty much like "lol i'll get this unit to 20/20 in chapter 7 and he'll be able to solo the entire game" and then some people even try to use that as their reasoning for arguing why a unit is good.

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Characters: Each Fire Emblem game has a wide assortment of characters with different personalities, traits and hair color :awesome:

Music: a main reason i love the series. In the gba games i would halt gameplay and listen to the music (usually Beneath a New Light, Cog of Destiny, and Promised Land?) Each game has a wonderful selection of music ranging from peepy to creepy

Criticals (take away fire emblems 3 and 11): As a young gamer i had always been fascinated with the critical strike. Mages summoning orbs, Lyn's samurai strike of d00m, you name it i love it

And Micaiah :awesome:

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I like most video games for one reason:They let my imagination soar. Fire Emblem however lets me test my imagination to it limits with the spells,storyline and,different characters.

(Not real siked about the weapons since I own 2 bows,1 lance and a few axes.)

Characters: They all have a different personality of their own and are all unique. I actually pick my characters this way. If I'm fond of their personality then use them. Its fun to be able to like and hate characters in a game cuz it gives you more of real life feeling. I can actually compare myself to a few characters (Boyd,Lugh,Tormod,Ross,and Rolf to name a few.) and can sometimes imagine what they would do in certain situations.

Music: I LOVE THE MUSIC. I got almost all the albums on my ipod and my cellphone. A few songs I like are:Fire Emblem Theme (FE9),Bearer of Hope (FE10), and Shattered Life(FE7)(Can play it on the piano.).

Killing: The killing people medievall style is cool too. Especially the criticals. I just love them. Makes me feel all tough.

Spells: Probably the BIGGEST reason I love Fire Emblem is the spells. They are just so cool. I like them better in PoR and RD but the gba ones are still cool.(Favorite Spell: Rexbolt.)

Supports: LOVE THESE THINGS. Some are just so meaningful and others are just funny.(Serra.) They reveal more about the characters (or they used to at least) and gave you a better idea of there personality.

Artwork: So awesome. They give you a more visual idea of the story to see how sad/joyful the moment is. The character portraits are always nice to see.

Story: The story lines are all amazing. It takes me some time to understand them sometimes. The different endings are even better,(Really like the love endings.) (Boyd+Mist) The hardest story to understand for me was the FE10 one. After like 3 PT I finally got it.(Darn different endings/Pelleas/Lehran/ Sephiran.)

Gameplay: LOVE the chess feeling I get from playing these games. Plus I sometimes feel like I'm actually in the game commanding the characters.(Nice feeling.) Its challenging because I'm like,"You go there and attack. Crap! I needed you for gaurding ___. Oh well. Lets see if I get lucky." And sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. It makes me actually think ahead of time to see where everyone is going to go and sometimes I come up with like 2-4 different ways the turn can end up being.

There WAY more reasons but I'll stop here.(For now....)

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1. Cute guys. Lots and lots of cute guys.

2. Every run will be different. Sometimes, the Dawn Brigade overshadows the Greil Mercenaries. Other times, it's Team Skittles with Emphasis on Grape (FESD). Still other times, it's Guy and Matthew's Variety Hour. Since I use whoever cooperates, I'm not certain who will be in my final party until late in the game.

3. Every map plays a little differently. Sometimes, it's an all-out charge. Other times, it's sit-and-wait.

4a. The characters are characters. Even in FESD, there's death quotes, and it says something about the person who bites the dust (go kill off Caesar to see what I mean).

4b. Support conversations (excluding 99% of the generic ones) made otherwise forgettable characters into units I laugh at/cry with/etc.

5. Every lord is different. Imagine what would happen if Marth and Ephraim swapped places.

6. The story behind every game is rife with politics, and all the baggage that comes with it. Our Heroes are a far cry from the type of people that desire power (think senators of Begnion), and it's interesting to see how they deal with such things.

7. Did I mention cute guys? I did? Whoops.

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It's an odd thing that I like Fire Emblem, considering that I usually hate games that are based on luck. I was afraid to play the game at first because of its perma death, but I soon learned that as long as common sense and good strategy are exercised, casualties rarely occur. The replay value is there thanks to the variety of units. I'm the kind of guy who likes beating up several enemies with one very strong character, and Fire Emblem lets me do that quite a bit. The criticals are also great, especially the GBA ones. The Warrior Axe Critical.....When that hits,it's like WHABAM!!!!!

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1) Character artwork got me into it; basically inspired my whole drawing theme. :>

2) The STRATEGY O GOSH. Big chess fan here; as well as medieval war tactics and all.

3) The characters (and to an extent, the story) keep me in the fandom. SO many personalities that almost feel like friends now. :>

4) the MEN. HECKYES.

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