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Sirius, Nightmare, Pride and Obviam's magical (and insane) Castlevania journey

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I was reading back through this topic for lulz and I noticed some stuff about Rusalka being easy.

She's actually even easier than that, if you can believe it: if you teleport behind her every time she appears on screen and rapid fire at her until she comes near you again, she'll never attack, or at least the attack she does will always be off screen and unable to hit you.

At least, I never saw her attack, except like once I caught a glimpse of her hand moving just before she disappeared off screen as I left her in the dust...

Yep, pretty much every boss except Gravedorkus and Death has a repertoire of attacks that is easily abused with no-risk strategies easily concocted to counter them. Why did it have to be Death...

Oh, and I finished my Aria of Sorrow playthrough today. The Claimh Solais positively breaks Graham's second phase!

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Aria of Sorrow is easy even without Claimh Solais.

Anyway, Death is a bastard and I haven't been able to beat him yet. All of his attacks can be easily avoided. It's just his random sickles that give me trouble. If they were just a bit less frequent, I wouldn't have any trouble beating him.

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Try spamming Max Shot at them.

I can typically do alright for a while just firing Max Shot and Optical Shot all over, then using Ignis to kick to a safe area. My biggest blunders tend to be using Ignis without firing any shots first to clear out the random sickles, or, since I use Ignis to counter the red spirits and big scythes, trying to use it on the scythe stew he fires instead of Max Shot (it's like I have no reflexes at all I'm so bad sometimes) like I'm supposed to. And even then I usually go right through the guy and, even though I'm Doing It Wrong, I get MORE free hits on Death while he fires the wrong way, without getting hit. But yeah, I sometimes land in him like an idiot. I bet if I used Ignis on purpose for that, I'd be more likely to remember to do it up close and then I could use Ignis for all of his attacks.

The random scythes still destroy me though. I tried using Torpor to see if it acted like a sort of shield or if it only worked during when it first landed, but I didn't find any conclusive results because the one time I tried it all of the random scythes spawned high and flew right over. :P

I noticed I wasn't backdashing enough; that can get you out of a lot of tight spots too. Albus has Moonwalkers equipped, after all (we knew this already, but I believe a hacker confirmed it...I may have even confirmed it myself).

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That's when my DS, after five years of faithful service, bit the dust. With it's busted top screen, broken r button, (not like I ever found a use for torpor but) and unresponsive touch screen, it died in battle, where it belonged.

Thus it died; the DS of Pride

Lord of the sprites and friend of man

Fair, and noble

Most beloved of the human race

It paid the price, it redeemed the brand...

Farewell my friend. Farewell.

Edited by Yossarian
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  • 2 weeks later...

Defeated Eligor and Death. Dracula OHKOs me (got 288 HP) but I think an HP up might fix that... thought I'm not sure I care about getting it since in my 2 attempts, I haven't reached his second stage... TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDIOUS fight.

Well, that second phase is something fierce... it takes minutes to get there and the stinking wolves aren't killed in 1 hit. Good news is that they can't OHKO me (It's 2HKO, 177 per hit.). Got killed when he summoned the bats because some leftover wolves distracted me. Anyway, tiips for fighting phase 1.

Vs Hellfire (multiple fireballs that can be destroyed): Optical + Max shot and Quadruple Ignis to get behind him and repeat the combo again. Obviously you shouldn't Ignis if he's in the corner as that'll result in 288 damage or possibly more. It's possible to use a second Quadruple Ignis to land more damage on him before warps but that's too risky. If he's in the corner, you can simply jump Optical Shot and Max shot while on the ground to land a couple hits on him... beats high-jumping to avoid this one. If you feel that Max + Optical shots aren't enough for that part, Torpor helps.

Vs Dark Inferno: Same thing as Hellfire just be more careful when planting the Optical Shot multi-hit when you get behind him.

Vs Fatal Ray (?): Optical shot when he's spawning, Max shot before he shoots since those Rays can hit you if you're a bit late on this. Just stay right and front of him and you'll avoid damage.

You can land up to 3 hits with Ignis if use after the second Optical Shot.

Dood, fuck those bats.

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Past Tymeo and it's annoying spiders, beyond the zombie with the nice hat, further than the Skeleton Cave and it's annoying lack of save points, and against the water wench.

That's when my DS, after five years of faithful service, bit the dust. With it's busted top screen, broken r button, (not like I ever found a use for torpor but) and unresponsive touch screen, it died in battle, where it belonged.

*cue taps*

I shed a tear. only cuz I was yawning but still

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Optical shot in the direction where it would hurt (just fight him a couple times and you'll learn his movement patter), Max shot in the opposite direction when possible to reduce the number of sickles. Quadruple Ignis to dodge the giant sickle set and the red spirit stuff that circles around. There's times where you'll be locked in one corner and the sickles are still spawning... the solution here is the warp but it's gotta be done when enough of them are visible to avoid landing on any.

There's really no strategy to this... just try getting Optical shot to hit him multiple times and focus on survival =\

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Julius' power depended on the orbs you got, actually, and Albus' depends on level ups, but since this is Lv. 1...

Well, I just looked at a video of Lv 1 Albus mode and I saw this guy's Optical Shot doing 77 damage per hit when mine did only 30. Hacking perhaps? I dunno.

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There's a video of a guy no damaging Dracula that I mentioned earlier. I was planning on just watching that again when I got to him for tips >_>

I hate you.

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Apparently you can increase Albus' damage by getting him "Attribute Points". I'm not exactly sure how it works but killing enemies with an attack gives it experience points and will level it up. I tested this with that room 2 spots to the right of the upper save point in the Monastery. Just stand there on the entry and spam optical shot to kill some fast spawning zombies... every 5-6 minutes my Optical Shot got what appears to be a 1.5 damage boost with each level up.

I think there's a faster way to get AP than this but this one's passive and all you have to do is mash that one button if you don't feel like paying much attention to grinding.

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No offense, but have neither of you payed attention to Shanoa's AP when you kill things? Kill with a certain weapon type/element (Slash, Blunt, Holy, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Dark), you gain AP for it. This also works for Albus. His bullets are Slash, Optical shot is Holy, Acerbatus is Lightning/Dark (and curses certain enemies), and fire kick is, you guessed it, Fire. It has absolutely nothing to do with drops, in any way/shape/form. Purely in what deals the final blow on an enemy.

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Yes, Shanoa. Bonus characters never adhere to the rules of the main character in the games. This is just an exception.

And by drops I mean the elemental drops (like White Drops), because they increase an attribute.

I'm very offended, by the way. You may just want to go hang yourself.

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All the DS games had the 'extra' modes act more or less just like the normal game except no item drops from enemies or cutscenes. But whatever, I won't hang myself.

I take that back. Julius Mode in DoS was a cool 'What if?' mode that had actual dialogue. All... 5 different scenes of it.

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He's right. I did mention earlier that I had proof that Albus is wearing Moonwalkers. This is why he is invincible during backdashing.

I had just completely forgot about the AP system...

I saw a video of someone doing 30 on Death with Optical Shot. I'm doing 29.

However, if I beat Death ASAP, I'm looking at a chance to beat the game with a lower completion time than Sirius...!

I've also used Albus's glyphs as Shanoa. :D

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