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Generic Replacements Playthrough

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Chapter 8

[spoiler=Chapter 8]


Camping spot, while I sent Caesar and Radd to die.






This guy looks like a murderer.

Reclass:Unil Hero->Horsemen Naunu Berserker->Hero


Purchases:RapierX1, Steel SwordX2, Steel Lance X1, Steel AxeX2, Steel BowX2, JavelinX2, ThunderX2, BlizzardX2


There's not much to say except I waited in the spot and killed all the incoming enemies. After that it's just rushing Marth to the throne.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     17     33    15    0    10     18    19    11     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Rejeck   General   1     34    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Unil     Horseman  2     30    10    1    11      9     0     6     3    D Swords D Bows
Dua      Hero      2     32    11    1    15     15     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Trim     Paladin   2     32     9    1     8      8     0     9     6    E Swords C Lances
Quatro   SM        2     29     8    1    14     18     2     6     3    B Swords
Penva    SM        2     31     9    1    13     16     1     8     3    B Swords
Xestu    Horseman  2     26     9    1     8     11     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Hepto    Paladin   2     30    10    1     7      8     0    11     6    E Swords C Lances
Octu     General   2     34    11    1     5      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      2     34    12    1    14     14     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Dexa     Bishop    2     31     1    3     5      6     0     3    11    E Tomes  C Staff

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     17     33    15    0    10     18    19    11     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Rejeck   General   2     35    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Unil     Horseman  2     30    10    1    11      9     0     6     3    D Swords D Bows
Dua      Hero      2     32    11    1    15     15     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Quatro   SM        2     29     8    1    14     18     2     6     3    B Swords
Penva    SM        2     31     9    1    13     16     1     8     3    B Swords
Xestu    Horseman  2     26     9    1     8     11     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Hepto    Paladin   2     30    10    1     7      8     0    11     6    E Swords C Lances
Octu     General   2     34    11    1     5      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      2     34    12    1    14     14     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Dexa     Bishop    2     31     1    3     5      6     0     3    11    E Tomes  C Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horsemen  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.

Chapter 9

[spoiler=Chapter 9]










Mounted units base stats fail so much. First turn open the door after that position people to kill the pirates coming from the water and the east side. After that I slowly made my way towards the boss. Ignoring the village and chests.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     17     33    15    0    10     18    19    11     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    4     29     9    1    15     12     4     9     4    C Bows
Rejeck   General   2     35    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Unil     Horseman  2     30    10    1    11      9     0     6     3    D Swords D Bows
Dua      Hero      2     32    11    1    15     15     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Quatro   SM        2     29     8    1    14     18     2     6     3    B Swords
Penva    SM        2     31     9    1    13     16     1     8     3    B Swords
Xestu    Horseman  2     26     9    1     8     11     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Hepto    Paladin   2     30    10    1     7      8     0    11     6    E Swords C Lances
Octu     General   2     34    11    1     5      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      2     34    12    1    14     14     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Dexa     Bishop    2     31     1    3     5      6     0     3    11    E Tomes  C Staff
Hendexa  Paladin   2     28     8    1    10      8     0    10     6    E SWords C Lance
Duadexa  F.Sage    2     25     3    9     6      8     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff
Wymp     Paladin   2     28     9    1     7      8     0    11     6    E Swords C lances

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     18     34    15    0    11     18    20    11     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    5     29    10    1    15     13     4    10     4    C Bows
Rejeck   General   3     36    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Unil     Horseman  2     30    10    1    11      9     0     6     3    D Swords D Bows
Dua      Hero      2     32    11    1    15     15     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Quatro   SM        2     29     8    1    14     18     2     6     3    B Swords
Penva    SM        2     31     9    1    13     16     1     8     3    B Swords
Xestu    Horseman  2     26     9    1     8     11     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Hepto    Paladin   2     30    10    1     7      8     0    11     6    E Swords C Lances
Octu     General   2     34    11    1     5      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      2     34    12    1    14     14     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Dexa     Bishop    2     31     1    3     5      6     0     3    11    E Tomes  C Staff
Duadexa  F.Sage    2     25     3    9     6      8     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horsemen  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 10

[spoiler=Chapter 10 Picture]



+4Mt and 20hit is how much enemies generally forge.







Have an unarmed general camp here to stall the reinforcements.


This guy is so weak that a generic with a hammer killed him.



Purchases:Door KeyX3


Enemies now are equipped with silvers and forged weapo9ns compared to FE12 where enemies have silver weapons in the beginning. I went through the prison, after moving everyone inside I had an unarmed general block the reinforcements since apparently they are all focused on moving through there instead of going around. This is just the usual lure enemy tactic and as for the boss since I miscalculated about how much the generic hero Naunu would do to the boss with a hammer so he got the kill.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     18     34    15    0    11     18    20    11     1    B Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    5     29    10    1    15     13     4    10     4    C Bows
Rejeck   General   3     36    11    1     6      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Unil     Horseman  2     30    10    1    11      9     0     6     3    D Swords D Bows
Dua      Hero      2     32    11    1    15     15     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Quatro   SM        2     29     8    1    14     18     2     6     3    B Swords
Penva    SM        2     31     9    1    13     16     1     8     3    B Swords
Xestu    Horseman  2     26     9    1     8     11     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Hepto    Paladin   2     30    10    1     7      8     0    11     6    E Swords C Lances
Octu     General   2     34    11    1     5      5     0    20     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      2     34    12    1    14     14     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Dexa     Bishop    2     31     1    3     5      6     0     3    11    E Tomes  C Staff
Duadexa  F.Sage    2     25     3    9     6      8     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff
Owend    Sage      2     24     3    8     5      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     18     34    15    0    11     18    20    11     1    A Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    5     29    10    1    15     13     4    10     4    C Bows
Rejeck   General   5     38    11    1     7      5     0    21     3    C Lances D Bows
Octu     General   3     34    11    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      3     35    13    1    14     14     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa     Bishop    3     31     1    3     5      7     0     3    11    E Tomes  C Staff
Dua      Hero      2     32    11    1    15     15     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Quatro   SM        2     29     8    1    14     18     2     6     3    B Swords
Penva    SM        2     31     9    1    13     16     1     8     3    B Swords
Duadexa  F.Sage    2     25     3    9     6      8     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff
Owend    Sage      2     24     3    8     5      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 11

[spoiler=Chapter 11 Picture]








Positioning for luring the enemies.

Reclass:Laim Horseman->Warrior, Lucer F.Paladin->F.Draco




Probably the best thing about killing off Sheeda was higher level generics, however now I can't get Jake. This chapter isn't difficult I wanted to dispose some of the generics to make room for better ones. Most died because they couldn't hit the sniper enemy or got crushed by the cavaliers. This is probably the part where my generics will start getting owned badly.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     18     34    15    0    11     18    20    11     1    A Swords
Jeigan   Sniper    5     29    10    1    15     13     4    10     4    C Bows
Rejeck   General   5     38    11    1     7      5     0    21     3    C Lances D Bows
Dua      Hero      2     32    11    1    15     15     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Quatro   SM        3     29     8    1    15     18     2     6     3    B Swords
Penva    SM        3     31     9    1    14     16     1     8     3    B Swords
Octu     General   3     34    11    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      3     35    13    1    14     14     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa     Bishop    3     31     1    3     5      7     0     3    11    E Tomes  C Staff
Duadexa  F.Sage    3     26     3    9     6      8     0     3     8    C Tomes  E Staff
Owend    Sage      3     24     3    8     5      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff
Laim     Warrior   3     33    10    0     5     13     0     6     1    D Axes   D Bows
Auffle   Berserker 3     36    16    0     6     11     0     6     0    C Axes
Lucer    F.Draco   3     27    10    1     9      8     0    15     3    C Lances E Axes

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     20     35    16    0    13     19    21    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck   General   5     38    11    1     7      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan   Sniper    5     29    10    1    15     13     4    10     4    C Bows
Octu     General   3     34    11    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      4     36    13    1    15     15     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa     Bishop    3     31     1    3     5      7     0     3    11    E Tomes  B Staff
Laim     Warrior   3     33    10    0     5     13     0     6     1    D Axes   C Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   
9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Horsemen fail.

If the Chapter 10 boss was a generic, I think you'd list him as a failure, too.


Chapter 12

[spoiler=Chapter 12 pictures]





Also a good spot to block the reinforcements.






He looks like a murderer.

Reclass:Wladis Warrior->Hero, Augustus Berserker->Hero,


Purchases:Steel SwordX1



First turn killed the thieves after that everyone heads towards the treasure room a general blocks the space below the door to the treasure room. After that killed the remaining enemies near the throne to the treasure chest. I probably should've killed the other "boss" for the master seal to sell. Normally I would be cautious before opening the door to the sniper, but it's fun to plow generics through the door so they can be killed instead.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     20     35    16    0    13     19    21    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck   General   5     38    11    1     7      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan   Sniper    5     29    10    1    15     13     4    10     4    C Bows
Octu     General   3     34    11    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      4     36    13    1    15     15     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa     Bishop    3     31     1    3     5      7     0     3    11    E Tomes  B Staff
Laim     Warrior   3     33    10    0     5     13     0     6     1    D Axes   C Bows
Wieklin  Sage      4     27     3    8     6      6     0     3     8    C Tomes  E Staff
Wladis   Hero      4     37    12    1    13     14     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Augustus Hero      4     37    12    1    14     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Jeffers  Paladin   4     37    10    1    11      9     0    11     6    E Swords C Lances

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     21     36    16    0    13     20    22    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck   General   5     38    11    1     7      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan   Sniper    7     30    10    1    15     14     5    10     4    C Bows
Octu     General   4     36    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      4     36    13    1    15     15     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa     Bishop    4     31     1    4     6      7     0     3    11    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin  Sage      4     27     3    8     6      6     0     3     8    C Tomes  E Staff
Wladis   Hero      4     37    12    1    13     14     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Augustus Hero      4     37    12    1    14     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 12x









His face is further proof about the theory of evolution.

Reclass:Wladis Hero->Warrior, Antony Warrior->Hero,





I went north and killed off all the enemies there, while three generics head towards the village and the save point. After killing the enemies and luring Horace I used the savepoint. Killed off all the enemies and finished the chapter.

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     21     36    16    0    13     20    22    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck   General   5     38    11    1     7      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan   Sniper    7     30    10    1    15     14     5    10     4    C Bows
Octu     General   4     36    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      4     36    13    1    15     15     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa     Bishop    4     31     1    4     6      7     0     3    11    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin  Sage      4     27     3    8     6      6     0     3     8    C Tomes  E Staff
Wladis   Warrior   4     41    13    1     5     10     0     5     1    C Axes   E Bows
Augustus Hero      4     37    12    1    14     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Jiminez  F.Draco   4     26    10    1    10     11     0    14     3    C Lances E Axes
Antony   Hero      4     35    15    1    12     13     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Pinkley  SM        4     30     8    1    15     21     1     8     3    B Swords

Name     Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth    Lord     21     36    16    0    13     20    22    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck   General   6     39    11    1     8      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan   Sniper    8     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu     General   4     36    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu    Hero      5     37    13    1    16     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa     Bishop    5     32     1    4     6      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  B Staff
Augustus Hero      5     37    12    1    14     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Antony   Hero      4     35    15    1    12     13     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Pinkley  SM        4     30     8    1    15     21     1     8     3    B Swords

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.

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Chapter 13






I accidently overwritten the before log of this chapter with the next one. Placements were Octu, Lever, and Justinian (South) Julius, Vladek, and Aurelius (Middle) Nanu, Augustus, Antony, and Dexa (North). Normally I would hate this chapter but it's rather fun to blitz everyone through the ballista to see who lives and surprisingly the ballista hit rate on the generics were pretty low. I managed to reach the boss by turn 4 the rest of the turns were getting the boss kill for Marth.

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     22     36    16    0    13     21    23    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   6     39    11    1     8      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    8     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   5     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances E Bows
Naunu     Hero      5     37    13    1    16     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa      Bishop    5     32     1    4     6      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  B Staff
Augustus  Hero      5     37    12    1    14     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Antony    Hero      4     35    15    1    12     13     0     7     3    D Swords D Axes
Pinkley   SM        4     30     8    1    15     21     1     8     3    B Swords
Julius    Paladin   5                 
Lever     Horseman  5
Justinian F.Sage    5
Vladek    Sniper    5
Aurelius  F.Sniper  5

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     22     36    16    0    13     21    23    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   6     39    11    1     8      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    8     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   5     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances E Bows
Naunu     Hero      5     37    13    1    16     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa      Bishop    5     32     1    4     6      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  B Staff
Augustus  Hero      5     37    12    1    14     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Pinkley   SM        4     30     8    1    15     21     1     8     3    B Swords
Beck      Ballista  2     21     7    0     5      3     6    14     0    

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 14

[spoiler=Chapter 14]







Good camping spot, forgot to get screenshot of pegasus.




Purchases: Steel Bow X3, Silver BowX1, Silver LanceX1, ArmorslayerX1, Door KeyX3

Sold: Bullion(L)X1


Split people into two groups Unil, Augustus, Octu, and Naunu heads for the treasure room. The rest goes for the throne room. After clearing the inital enemies I place two generals like in the picture they barely take damage from the pegasus the amount they only took was 2-4 from pegasus with silver lances. General generics are great too bad they can be critted by almost everyone thus lowering their awesome durability.

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     22     36    16    0    13     21    23    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   6     39    11    1     8      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    8     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   5     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances E Bows
Naunu     Hero      5     37    13    1    16     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Dexa      Bishop    5     32     1    4     6      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  B Staff
Augustus  Hero      5     37    12    1    14     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Pinkley   SM        4     30     8    1    15     21     1     8     3    B Swords
Beck      Ballista  2     21     7    0     5      3     6    14     0    
Sawyer    Horseman  5     25     9    1    10     13     0     8     3    E Swords C Bows
Unil      General   5     38    11    1    11      5     0    23     3    C Lances E Bows
Dua       Hero      5     35    10    1    14     17     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Trim      Sorcerer  5     26     2    7     6     10     0     4    11    C Tomes  E Staff
Quatro    SM        5     34     8    1    14     17     1     7     3    B Swords

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     22     36    16    0    13     21    23    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   7     39    11    1     8      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    8     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   6     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Dexa      Bishop    7     33     1    5     7      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista 10     26    10    0     8      5    10    17     0    
Unil      General   6     39    11    1    11      5     0    24     3    C Lances D Bows
Dua       Hero      5     35    10    1    14     17     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Trim      Sorcerer  6     26     2    7     6     10     0     4    12    C Tomes  E Staff
Quatro    SM        5     34     8    1    14     17     1     7     3    B Swords 

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.

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Chapter 14

[spoiler=Chapter 14]


General generics are great too bad they can be critted by almost everyone thus lowering their awesome durability.

Yeah. Also, seems like you had caps lock on when you posted the URL for Jiol's image.

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Chapter 15


Hisinferiorversion.png vs Betterthanyourmages.png

When Gharnerf reincarnated in FE12 he was pissed off.




Reclass:Penvo Berserker->Hero, Duadexa F.Draco->F.Sniper

Forge:Stonehoist +10 hit.

Purchases:Hand AxeX2, RidersbaneX1, MendX4,



First couple of turns were waiting for Gharnef to "retreat". Apparently since I was swarmed by many mages and dracoknights I lost many generics, however the sorcerer generic I had was amazing since he dodge three mage attacks that would've killed him and killed four mages before he died. After turn 18 the rest were slowly dragging Beck, Jeigan, and Marth through the desert.

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     22     36    16    0    13     21    23    11     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   7     39    11    1     8      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    8     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   6     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Dexa      Bishop    7     33     1    5     7      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista 10     26    10    0     8      5    10    17     0    
Unil      General   6     39    11    1    11      5     0    24     3    C Lances D Bows
Dua       Hero      5     35    10    1    14     17     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Trim      Sorcerer  6     26     2    7     6     10     0     4    12    C Tomes  E Staff
Quatro    SM        5     34     8    1    14     17     1     7     3    B Swords 
Penvo     Hero      6     38    13    1    12     14     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Xestu     Horseman  6     26     9    1     9     12     0     9     3    E Swords C Bows
Hepto     General   6     38    13    1     7      6     0    24     3    C Lances E Bows
Naunu     Sage      6     25     3   10     5      7     0     3     7    C Tomes  E Staff
Hendexa   Hero      6     35     9    1    16     18     0     9     3    C Swords E Axes
Duadexa   F.Sniper  6     30    10    1    11     15     0    11     3    C Bows

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     23     37    16    0    13     21    23    12     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   7     39    11    1     8      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    9     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   6     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Dexa      Bishop    7     33     1    5     7      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista 15     30    11    0    12      9    11    17     0    
Unil      General   6     39    11    1    11      5     0    24     3    C Lances D Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. 
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 16

[spoiler=Chapter 16]

Paladin.png vsPaladin-1.png


Enemieshavefailhorsemenstoo.png vs Theotherannoyingshits.png

Compared to FE12 enemies have huge stat gain.





Reclass:Owend Berserker->Hero,





Statbooster:Energy DropX2 (Beck), BootsX1 (Beck)

Promoted enemies start showing up and now the generics will be steamrolled by them probably. I went through the bridge and blocked the forts. This chapter isn't difficult compared to FE12, I took a long time because I had to use the fort to heal since I placed a sage to block the fort.

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     23     37    16    0    13     21    23    12     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   7     39    11    1     8      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    9     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   6     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Dexa      Bishop    7     33     1    5     7      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista 15     30    15    0    12      9    11    17     0    
Unil      General   6     39    11    1    11      5     0    24     3    C Lances D Bows
Wymp      General   6     38    12    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Owend     Hero      6     37    14    1    13     14     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Laim      F.Sage    6     26     3    9     5      8     0     3    10    C Tomes  E Staff
Aufle     Bishop    6     25     1    6     7      7     0     3    16    E Tomes  C Staff
Lucer     Horseman  6     28    10    1     9     11     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows
Wielkin   Sorcerer  6     25     2    8     5     10     0     4    10    C Tomes  E Staff
Wladis    Hero      6     35    10    1    13     16     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     25     39    17    0    14     22    25    12     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   8     39    11    1     8      5     0    22     3    B Lances C Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    9     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   6     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Dexa      Bishop    7     33     1    5     7      7     0     3    12    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista 20     34    15    0    14     12    12    20     0    
Wymp      General   6     38    12    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Laim      F.Sage    6     26     3    9     5      8     0     3    10    C Tomes  E Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Hisinferiorversion.png vs Betterthanyourmages.png

When Gharnerf reincarnated in FE12 he was pissed off.

Indeed he was pissed off when he reappeared. But of course, I have four reasons of my own to be pissed off and annihilate him (not including Falchion, though that too is a reason to kill him).

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Would those reasons be:

1. Roro

2. Roro

3. Roro

4. Roro

Did Imhulu get lighter on this mode, or was Quatro the Swordie weighed down? I can't see how your lucky Swordmaster could get doubled by Gharnef.

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Would those reasons be:

1. Roro

2. Roro

3. Roro

4. Roro

Did Imhulu get lighter on this mode, or was Quatro the Swordie weighed down? I can't see how your lucky Swordmaster could get doubled by Gharnef.

Nope, I made a mistake on the log and he got critted by Gharnef instead of being doubled by him.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 17

[spoiler=Chapter 17]


Hero-2.png vs Hero1.png

Sniper-4.png vs Sniper-4.png

As you can see the huge gap difference between H5's enemies and Lunatic's enemies.





This guy murders my entire team with his 26 speed.


The generic overconfident boss. "Lord Medeus wouldn't have put me on this throne if he didn't think I would be removed easily."

Reclass:Jeffers Berserker->Hero


Purchases: WyrmslayerX2, LongbowX1



Statbooster:SpeedwingsX1(Marth), DracoshieldX2(Marth)

This chapter wasn't too hard the first to 15 turns were getting the treasure chests and opening the door. Beck manages one or two round most of the enemies here so he gets some levels. As for Jeigan I'm only keeping him because his high levels will get me higher generics until I get generics higher than Jeigan he's probably not going to die.

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     25     39    17    0    14     22    25    12     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   8     39    11    1     8      5     0    22     3    B Lances C Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    9     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   6     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Beck      Ballista 20     34    15    0    14     12    12    20     0    
Wymp      General   6     38    12    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Laim      F.Sage    6     26     3    9     5      8     0     3    10    C Tomes  E Staff
Jeffers   Hero      7     38    16    1    13     14     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Augustus  Sorcerer  7     28     2    7     6      7     0     4    10    C Tomes  E Staff
Jiminez   Horseman  7     27    12    1     9     12     0     8     3    E Swords C Bows
Antony    Bishop    7     27     1    6     5      9     0     3    14    E Tomes  C staff
Pinkley   Hero      7     37     9    1    13     14     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     26     40    18    0    14     25    25    16     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   9     39    11    1     8      5     0    22     3    B Lances C Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    9     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   6     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Beck      Ballista 23     35    15    0    14     14    12    20     0    
Wymp      General   7     38    12    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Jeffers   Hero      7     38    16    1    13     14     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Antony    Bishop    8     27     1    6     6      9     0     3    15    E Tomes  B staff
Pinkley   Hero      7     37     9    1    13     14     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Wow, Jeffers actually looks halfway competent.

Yeah, it helps that the stats of enemies in this game are lower than FE12's and also that most of the game contains unpromoted enemies.

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Chapter 17x

Reclass:Aurelius F.Draco->F.Sniper






[spoiler=Chapter 17x]


Tried to stall them at the red circle but failed.









This chapter didn't go as well as I wanted so I had to leave some treasures behind since my plan to wall them in a corridor failed. I went slowly on this chapter and the reinforcements came at turn ten and everyone was in or passed the corridor however since all my generic generals had to get critted by the killer lance paladins I was forced to warp Marth near the boss he managed to kill the boss and after that I seized the throne. Etzel will die next chapter. And like you have seen here my generics were decimated.

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     26     40    18    0    14     25    25    16     1    A Swords
Rejeck    General   9     39    11    1     8      5     0    22     3    B Lances C Bows
Jeigan    Sniper    9     31    10    1    15     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Octu      General   6     37    11    1     6      5     0    21     3    B Lances D Bows
Beck      Ballista 23     35    15    0    14     14    12    20     0    
Wymp      General   7     38    12    1     5      5     0    21     3    C Lances E Bows
Jeffers   Hero      7     38    16    1    13     14     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Antony    Bishop    8     27     1    6     6      9     0     3    15    E Tomes  B staff
Pinkley   Hero      7     37     9    1    13     14     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Aurelius  F.Sniper  8     37    10    1    14     13     0    11     3    C Bows
Vladek    F.Bishop  8     26     1    6     6      9     0     3    15    E Tomes  C Staff
Julius    F.Sage    8     27     3   12     5     12     0     3    12    C Tomes  E Staff

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     26     40    18    0    14     25    25    16     1    A Swords
Jeigan    Sniper   10     31    10    1    16     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Beck      Ballista 24     35    15    0    14     15    12    20     0    
Vladek    F.Bishop  9     26     1    6     6      9     0     3    15    E Tomes  B Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.

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Does this mean I can necrophiliship JeffersXthatFemSniperPinkleyyouhadonce?

Edited by Furetchen
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Rejeck?! NOOOOOO!!!!!I was becoming fond of him, too.

Rejeck! Rejeck?! NOOOOOOOOOO!

Jeffers, too?! 'Tis a pity... He was a brave generic. His memory will live on.

Yeah, it's a shame I had to lose a pretty good general, probably the longest living generic I had.

Ohshi- JEFFERS AND YOUR HALFWAY DECENT STATSNOOOOOOOODoes this mean I can necrophiliship JeffersXthatFemSniperPinkleyyouhadonce?

Yes, or you can necroship this guy. Epic.png (Who might die especially against the mamkutes. )

Chapter 18











Camping spot, the horsemen below Marth broke his weapon on the epic general, so the general slowly killed everyone.


"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" He even says it when he dies.

Yes this took me 50 turns because I didn't have two walls to block the incoming enemies, however since one of the horseman ran out of bows he served as a wall so the general can slowly kill everyone, despite losing all the generics I received level 13 generics back. It didn't help that the RNG decided to troll me with my people missing 70's to 80% hit. I felt that Jeigan can die now since my general and bishop generic killed/healed to level 13.

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     26     40    18    0    14     25    25    16     1    A Swords
Jeigan    Sniper   10     31    10    1    16     15     5    10     4    B Bows
Beck      Ballista 24     35    15    0    14     15    12    20     0    
Vladek    F.Bishop  9     26     1    6     6      9     0     3    15    E Tomes  B Staff
Lever     Hero      9     36    13    1    16     17     0     9     3    C Swords E Axes
Justinian Draco     9     31    11    1     9     10     0    13     3    C Lances E Axes
Sawyer    Hero      9     36    13    1    16     19     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Unil      Draco     9     27    10    1     9     11     0    13     3    C Lances E Axes
Dua       Sniper    9     35     9    1    14     17     0     8     3    B Bows
Trim      General   9     41    13    1     6      5     0    24     3    C Lances E Bows
Quatro    Sage      9     29     3    9     7      6     0     3     9    C Tomes  E Staff
Penvo     F.Sage    9     27     3    9     8      7     0     3    10    C Tomes  E Staff
Xestu     Hero      9     42    14    1    14     15     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Hepto     Horsemen  9     31    11    1     8     12     0     7     3    E Swords C Bows

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     30     40    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Beck      Ballista 24     35    15    0    14     15    12    20     0    
Vladek    F.Bishop 13     27     1    7     6     10     0     3    16    E Tomes  A Staff
Trim      General  14     43    14    1     8      5     0    26     3    A Lances D Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.

Edited by Generic Officer
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