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Generic Replacements Playthrough

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. . .though Rejek was unable to live to see the end, his older brother Trim just might. Live on, Rejek~!


Unfortunately for Trim a bastard mage got him with a crit so he died. (Still have a save spot though before he died. If I want to go back that is.)

Chapter 19

Reclass: Duadexa Warrior->Hero










This map is straight forward, most of the turns were trying to get the treasure chests. Nothing special besides my epic general who was killed by a bastard mage crit. Unfortunately for me also the remaining chapters have enemies with brave weapons.

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     30     44    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop 13     27     1    7     6     10     0     3    16    E Tomes  A Staff
Trim      General  14     43    14    1     8      5     0    26     3    A Lances D Bows
Beck      Ballista 24     35    15    0    14     15    12    20     0    
Octu      Sorcerer 13     28     2   12     7     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Naunu     SM       13     35     9    1    17     22     1     9     3    B Swords
Dexa      Horseman 13     30    14    1    10     17     0     9     3    E Swords B Bows
Hendexa   Sage     13     30     3   11     6      9     0     3     8    B Tomes  E Staff
Duadexa   Hero     13     44    21    1    15     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Wymp      Draco    13     30    12    1    10     15     0    12     3    B Lances E Axes
Owend     F.Sniper 13     38    12    1    13     15     0    10     3    B Bows
Laim      Hero     13     37    12    1    19     18     0    10     3    B Swords E Axes

Name      Class    LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord     30     44    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop 13     27     1    7     6     10     0     3    16    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista 25     35    15    0    14     16    12    20     0    
Octu      Sorcerer 13     28     2   12     7     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Dexa      Horseman 13     30    14    1    10     17     0     9     3    E Swords B Bows
Duadexa   Hero     13     44    21    1    15     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Owend     F.Sniper 13     38    12    1    13     15     0    10     3    B Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.

Edited by Generic Officer
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So axemen do really well as heroes... Hm.

Yeah, since the enemies speed are low enough so they don't get one rounded like in FE12. And with their initial high strength and stuff.

Chapter 20






Statbooster:Seraph RobeX1 (Marth), Secret BookX1 (Beck)





Not going to bother getting his spear.

One of the best thing about enemies having brave weapon is that my general takes barely any damage or none from fail horsemens. For the first couple of turns I camped in the starting position to slowly lure the paladins. After killing them I moved everyone to the south west for and after killing all the reinforcements which was till turn 17 I killed the remaining enemies near the gate. I might forge a really expensive weapon for Beck to kill enemies and Medeus with, estimated cost 160,000 (For max crit and hit).

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  13     27     1    7     6     10     0     3    16    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  25     35    15    0    16     16    12    20     0    
Octu      Sorcerer  13     28     2   12     7     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Dexa      Horseman  13     30    14    1    10     17     0     9     3    E Swords B Bows
Duadexa   Hero      13     44    21    1    15     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Owend     F.Sniper  13     38    12    1    13     15     0    10     3    B Bows
Auffle    Warrior   12     49    15    0     6     12     0     5     1    C Axes   E Bows
Lucer     Hero      12     38    13    1    17     18     0    11     3    C Swords E Axes
Rejek     Warrior   12     47    17    0     5     10     0     5     1    C Axes   E Bows
Wieklin   F.Paladin 12     31    14    1    11     10     0    15     6    C Lances E Swords
Wladis    General   12     42    11    1     9      5     0    24     3    C Lances E Bows
Jeffers   F.Sniper  12     36    10    1    12     19     0    10     3    B Bows
Augustus  Hero      12     39    10    1    18     17     0     8     3    C Swords E Axes
Jiminez   Draco     12     28    10    1    11     14     0    14     3    C Lances E Axes

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  14     27     1    8     6     11     0     3    16    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  28     37    16    0    16     17    14    20     0    
Duadexa   Hero      13     44    21    1    15     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Owend     F.Sniper  13     38    12    1    13     15     0    10     3    B Bows
Wladis    General   12     42    11    1     9      5     0    24     3    B Lances E Bows
Jeffers   F.Sniper  12     36    10    1    12     19     0    10     3    B Bows
Jiminez   Draco     12     28    10    1    11     14     0    14     3    C Lances E Axes

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.
Lucer        Hero     20            Had his head sliced off by a paladin.             
Wieklin      F.Paladin20            Had a gaping hole after being impaled by a paladin.
Rejek        Warrior  20            Killed by a fail horsemen.
Auffle       Warrior  20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Augustus     Hero     20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Dexa         Horseman 20            Ambushed by fort reinforcement.
Octu         Sorcerer 20            Trampled to death by a cavalier.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 20x

Reclass: Julius Warrior->Hero



Sold:A lot of stuff, dead people stuff included.



[spoiler=Chapter 20x]








Looks like I'll have to forge something cheaper (Max damage and 20 crit for pachyderm). Besides being oblivious to the approaching paladins which resulted in the massive casualties of the generics this map is straightforward like all gaiden maps.

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  14     27     1    8     6     11     0     3    16    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  28     37    16    0    16     17    14    20     0    
Duadexa   Hero      13     44    21    1    15     17     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Owend     F.Sniper  13     38    12    1    13     15     0    10     3    B Bows
Wladis    General   12     42    11    1     9      5     0    24     3    B Lances E Bows
Jeffers   F.Sniper  12     36    10    1    12     19     0    10     3    B Bows
Jiminez   Draco     12     28    10    1    11     14     0    14     3    C Lances E Axes
Antony    Bishop    13     26     1    8     7      9     0     3    15    E Tomes  B Staff
Pinkley   Draco     13     27    13    1     9     13     0    14     3    B Lances E Axes
Aurelius  Horseman  13     33    14    1    11     14     0     7     3    E Swords B Bows
Julius    Hero      13     44    19    1    14     15     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  15     27     1    9     6     11     0     3    16    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   14     42    12    1     9      5     0    26     3    B Lances E Bows
Aurelius  Horseman  14     34    15    1    11     14     0     7     3    E Swords B Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.
Lucer        Hero     20            Had his head sliced off by a paladin.             
Wieklin      F.Paladin20            Had a gaping hole after being impaled by a paladin.
Rejek        Warrior  20            Killed by a fail horsemen.
Auffle       Warrior  20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Augustus     Hero     20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Dexa         Horseman 20            Ambushed by fort reinforcement.
Octu         Sorcerer 20            Trampled to death by a cavalier.
Jeffers      F.Sniper 20x           Became a huge pile of ash.
Julius       Hero     20x           Swarmed by paladins he kept killing too much.
Owen         F.Sniper 20x           Couldn't escape. 
Duadexa      Hero     20x           Didn't notice his health...
Antony       Bishop   20x           Had no meatshields to protect him.
Pinkley      Draco    20x           Killed by a vengeful bishop.

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. . .and yet the Horseman failure lived to see Chapter 21. . .

Yeah...lucky bastard had high enough movement to reform a wall when I got swarmed by paladins. He's most likely going to die this chapter.

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Why is there a beefy general with a MOUSTACHE called Larissa?

...And holy shit, apart from the Def? He isn't markedly better than GAZZACK.

I guess IS just randomized the name since this boss is rather unimportant.

Chapter 21

Reclass: Penvo Berserker->Hero


Purchases:Energy dropX3, Healx3









Out of all the generic bosses, this guy is probably the greatest out of all the generic bosses in the game.

This chapter is really irritating without taking the boss first since you get swarmed by the inital enemies and the reinforcements at turn 5. I only managed to do this because Penvo managed to crit the boss when I warped him on the first turn with a poleaxe (Originally it was two warp two generics but since he critted it save me one warp). After that I used generics to lure dracoknights and killed everyone else. Even though I killed the boss as you can see the generics suffered major casualties. I also forged a pachyderm in the next chapter for Beck with +5 damage and 28 Crit, and of course I saved before doing so.

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  15     27     1    9     6     11     0     3    16    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   14     42    12    1     9      5     0    26     3    B Lances E Bows
Aurelius  Horseman  14     34    15    1    11     14     0     7     3    E Swords B Bows
Lever     F.Sniper  14     34    12    1    16     19     0     9     3    B Bows
Justinian F.SM      14     37     9    1    18     22     1     8     3    B Swords
Sawyer    Sorcerer  14     29     2    8    11     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Unil      Sorcerer  14     27     2    7     7     10     0     4    13    B Tomes  E Staff
Dua       F.Draco   14     31    15    1    12      9     0    14     3    B Lances E Axes
Trim      F.Sage    14     27     3   13     7      9     0     3     8    B Tomes  E Staff
Quatro    General   14     43    12    1     6      6     0    23     3    B Lances E Bows
Penvo     Hero      14     45    23    1    15     15     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Xestu     Hero      14     39    13    1    17     17     0     9     3    B Swords E Axes
Hepto     Sage      14     28     3   11     6      8     0     3     8    B Tomes  E Staff
Octu      Bishop    14     29     1    9     6     11     0     3    17    E Tomes  B Staff

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  17     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   15     42    12    1    10      5     0    26     3    A Lances E Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.
Lucer        Hero     20            Had his head sliced off by a paladin.             
Wieklin      F.Paladin20            Had a gaping hole after being impaled by a paladin.
Rejek        Warrior  20            Killed by a fail horsemen.
Auffle       Warrior  20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Augustus     Hero     20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Dexa         Horseman 20            Ambushed by fort reinforcement.
Octu         Sorcerer 20            Trampled to death by a cavalier.
Jeffers      F.Sniper 20x           Became a huge pile of ash.
Julius       Hero     20x           Swarmed by paladins he kept killing too much.
Owen         F.Sniper 20x           Couldn't escape. 
Duadexa      Hero     20x           Didn't notice his health...
Antony       Bishop   20x           Had no meatshields to protect him.
Pinkley      Draco    20x           Killed by a vengeful bishop.
Penvo        Hero     21            Sacrificed himself to kill the boss.
Unil         Sorcerer 21            Draco bait.
Trim         F.Sage   21            Meatshield.
Sawyer       Sorcerer 21            Meatshield.
Quatro       General  21            Was unlucky and often critted. 
Hepto        Sage     21            Meatshield.
Xestu        Hero     21            Meatshield.
Justinian    F.SM     21            Killed herself with a devil sword.
Lever        F.Sniper 21            Died after Justinian's failure.
Octu         Bishop   21            Forgot about the paladin's move range.
Dua          F.Draco  21            Suicided herself to reach the secret shop.
Aurelius     Horseman 21            Had a spear lodged in his body after a dracoknight crit.

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Chapter 22

Reclass: Wymp Berserker->Hero, Laim F.Draco->F.Sniper, Jeffers F.Draco->F.Sniper

Forge:Pachyderm +5MT, +28Crit

Purchases:Energy dropX3, Healx3

Sold:Master SealX6, Arm scrollX1, Pure WaterX1


[spoiler=Chapter 22]




Ballista bait.


IS was kind enough to still put free exp enemies like these pegasus.



First three turns were spent by Beck sniping Michalis, after he died everything was straightforward. (Probably should've kept him alive for more of a challenge.)

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  17     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   15     42    12    1    10      5     0    26     3    A Lances E Bows
Naunu     F.SM      15     37     9    1    17     21     2     8     3    B Swords
Dexa      F.Sage    15     29     3   12     9     10     0     3    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Hendexa   F.Sniper  15     36    12    1    16     20     0    10     3    B Bows
Duadexa   Sorcerer  15     27     2    9    11     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Wymp      Hero      15     45    19    1    18     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Owend     Warrior   15     48    18    0     7     10     0     5     1    B Axes   E Bows
Laim      F.Sniper  15     35    11    1    16     15     0    11     3    C Bows
Auffle    General   15     49    14    1    12      6     0    24     3    B Lances E Bows
Lucer     Sniper    15     35    10    1    15     19     0    10     3    B Bows
Rejek     F.Bishop  15     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin   General   15     45    12    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows
Jeffers   F.Sniper  15     35    11    1    15     15     0    10     3    C Bows

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  17     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   16     44    12    1    10      5     0    27     3    A Lances E Bows
Dexa      F.Sage    15     29     3   12     9     10     0     3    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Hendexa   F.Sniper  15     36    12    1    16     20     0    10     3    B Bows
Duadexa   Sorcerer  15     27     2    9    11     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Wymp      Hero      15     45    19    1    18     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Laim      F.Sniper  15     35    11    1    16     15     0    11     3    C Bows
Auffle    General   15     49    14    1    12      6     0    24     3    B Lances E Bows
Lucer     Sniper    15     35    10    1    15     19     0    10     3    B Bows
Rejek     F.Bishop  15     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin   General   15     45    12    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.
Lucer        Hero     20            Had his head sliced off by a paladin.             
Wieklin      F.Paladin20            Had a gaping hole after being impaled by a paladin.
Rejek        Warrior  20            Killed by a fail horsemen.
Auffle       Warrior  20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Augustus     Hero     20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Dexa         Horseman 20            Ambushed by fort reinforcement.
Octu         Sorcerer 20            Trampled to death by a cavalier.
Jeffers      F.Sniper 20x           Became a huge pile of ash.
Julius       Hero     20x           Swarmed by paladins he kept killing too much.
Owen         F.Sniper 20x           Couldn't escape. 
Duadexa      Hero     20x           Didn't notice his health...
Antony       Bishop   20x           Had no meatshields to protect him.
Pinkley      Draco    20x           Killed by a vengeful bishop.
Penvo        Hero     21            Sacrificed himself to kill the boss.
Unil         Sorcerer 21            Draco bait.
Trim         F.Sage   21            Meatshield.
Sawyer       Sorcerer 21            Meatshield.
Quatro       General  21            Was unlucky and often critted. 
Hepto        Sage     21            Meatshield.
Xestu        Hero     21            Meatshield.
Justinian    F.SM     21            Killed herself with a devil sword.
Lever        F.Sniper 21            Died after Justinian's failure.
Octu         Bishop   21            Forgot about the paladin's move range.
Dua          F.Draco  21            Suicided herself to reach the secret shop.
Aurelius     Horseman 21            Had a spear lodged in his body after a dracoknight crit.
Naunu        F.SM     22            Swarmed by flyers.            
Jeffers      F.Sniper 22            Intercepted by a draco.
Owend        Warrior  22            Shot down by a horseman

Chapter 23







[spoiler=Chapter 23]








If real Gharnef wasn't there I wouldn't need to have warped Marth to the throne.

This map is straightforward I don't have much comment besides Beck sniping the bishops and mages making it easier to advance towards the throne. If the real Gharnef wasn't there in the picture I wouldn't have to warp Marth to the throne. It's close to the end of the game and I'll have to protect the two bishops since they're valuable.

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  17     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   16     44    12    1    10      5     0    27     3    A Lances E Bows
Dexa      F.Sage    15     29     3   12     9     10     0     3    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Hendexa   F.Sniper  15     36    12    1    16     20     0    10     3    B Bows
Duadexa   Sorcerer  15     27     2    9    11     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Wymp      Hero      15     45    19    1    18     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Laim      F.Sniper  15     35    11    1    16     15     0    11     3    C Bows
Auffle    General   15     49    14    1    12      6     0    24     3    B Lances E Bows
Lucer     Sniper    15     35    10    1    15     19     0    10     3    B Bows
Rejek     F.Bishop  15     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin   General   15     45    12    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  17     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   16     44    12    1    10      5     0    27     3    A Lances E Bows
Dexa      F.Sage    15     29     3   12     9     10     0     3    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Hendexa   F.Sniper  15     36    12    1    16     20     0    10     3    B Bows
Duadexa   Sorcerer  15     27     2    9    11     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Wymp      Hero      15     45    19    1    18     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Laim      F.Sniper  15     35    11    1    16     15     0    11     3    C Bows
Auffle    General   15     49    14    1    12      6     0    24     3    B Lances E Bows
Lucer     Sniper    15     35    10    1    15     19     0    10     3    B Bows
Rejek     F.Bishop  15     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin   General   15     45    12    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.
Lucer        Hero     20            Had his head sliced off by a paladin.             
Wieklin      F.Paladin20            Had a gaping hole after being impaled by a paladin.
Rejek        Warrior  20            Killed by a fail horsemen.
Auffle       Warrior  20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Augustus     Hero     20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Dexa         Horseman 20            Ambushed by fort reinforcement.
Octu         Sorcerer 20            Trampled to death by a cavalier.
Jeffers      F.Sniper 20x           Became a huge pile of ash.
Julius       Hero     20x           Swarmed by paladins he kept killing too much.
Owen         F.Sniper 20x           Couldn't escape. 
Duadexa      Hero     20x           Didn't notice his health...
Antony       Bishop   20x           Had no meatshields to protect him.
Pinkley      Draco    20x           Killed by a vengeful bishop.
Penvo        Hero     21            Sacrificed himself to kill the boss.
Unil         Sorcerer 21            Draco bait.
Trim         F.Sage   21            Meatshield.
Sawyer       Sorcerer 21            Meatshield.
Quatro       General  21            Was unlucky and often critted. 
Hepto        Sage     21            Meatshield.
Xestu        Hero     21            Meatshield.
Justinian    F.SM     21            Killed herself with a devil sword.
Lever        F.Sniper 21            Died after Justinian's failure.
Octu         Bishop   21            Forgot about the paladin's move range.
Dua          F.Draco  21            Suicided herself to reach the secret shop.
Aurelius     Horseman 21            Had a spear lodged in his body after a dracoknight crit.
Naunu        F.SM     22            Swarmed by flyers.            
Jeffers      F.Sniper 22            Intercepted by a draco.
Owend        Warrior  22            Shot down by a horseman.
Laim         F.Sniper 23            Electrocuted to death by a bishop.
Wymp         Hero     23            Heroically sacrificed himself against Gharnef.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 24

Reclass: Augustus Draco->SM


Purchases:RecoverX3, MendX3, BologanoeX1

Sold:Bullion(Small)X1, Master SealX2



[spoiler=Chapter 24]




Yeah the biggest threat to my generics.


The place to head to the throne.



While this guy may look intimidating, he's easily taken care of with Starphere+forged ballista

This chapter wasn't too hard since I can snipe the boss to stop the reinforcements. After killing the boss the rest of the turns were just advancing the mountain path slowly. The mamkutes are capable of murdering my entire team besides that the generics stand a decent chance against some of the other enemies. I might try to sacrifice all generics except the bishops in the next level so I can gamble for level 20 generics, though probably wont happen.

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  17     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   16     44    12    1    10      5     0    27     3    A Lances E Bows
Dexa      F.Sage    15     29     3   12     9     10     0     3    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Hendexa   F.Sniper  15     36    12    1    16     20     0    10     3    B Bows
Duadexa   Sorcerer  15     27     2    9    11     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Wymp      Hero      15     45    19    1    18     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Laim      F.Sniper  15     35    11    1    16     15     0    11     3    C Bows
Auffle    General   15     49    14    1    12      6     0    24     3    B Lances E Bows
Lucer     Sniper    15     35    10    1    15     19     0    10     3    B Bows
Rejek     F.Bishop  15     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin   General   15     45    12    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows
Augustus  SM        15     34     9    1    16     23     0    10     3    C Swords
Jiminez   F.Sniper  15     35    10    1    15     16     0    10     3    B Bows
Antony    F.SM      15     36    11    1    20     20     0    10     3    B Swords
Pinkley   Berserker 15     45    20    0     6      9     0     6     0    B Axes

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  18     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   16     44    12    1    10      5     0    27     3    A Lances E Bows
Dexa      F.Sage    15     29     3   12     9     10     0     3    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Hendexa   F.Sniper  15     36    12    1    16     20     0    10     3    B Bows
Duadexa   Sorcerer  15     27     2    9    11     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Rejek     F.Bishop  16     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin   General   15     45    12    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows
Augustus  SM        15     34     9    1    16     23     0    10     3    C Swords
Antony    F.SM      15     36    11    1    20     20     0    10     3    B Swords

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.
Lucer        Hero     20            Had his head sliced off by a paladin.             
Wieklin      F.Paladin20            Had a gaping hole after being impaled by a paladin.
Rejek        Warrior  20            Killed by a fail horsemen.
Auffle       Warrior  20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Augustus     Hero     20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Dexa         Horseman 20            Ambushed by fort reinforcement.
Octu         Sorcerer 20            Trampled to death by a cavalier.
Jeffers      F.Sniper 20x           Became a huge pile of ash.
Julius       Hero     20x           Swarmed by paladins he kept killing too much.
Owen         F.Sniper 20x           Couldn't escape. 
Duadexa      Hero     20x           Didn't notice his health...
Antony       Bishop   20x           Had no meatshields to protect him.
Pinkley      Draco    20x           Killed by a vengeful bishop.
Penvo        Hero     21            Sacrificed himself to kill the boss.
Unil         Sorcerer 21            Draco bait.
Trim         F.Sage   21            Meatshield.
Sawyer       Sorcerer 21            Meatshield.
Quatro       General  21            Was unlucky and often critted. 
Hepto        Sage     21            Meatshield.
Xestu        Hero     21            Meatshield.
Justinian    F.SM     21            Killed herself with a devil sword.
Lever        F.Sniper 21            Died after Justinian's failure.
Octu         Bishop   21            Forgot about the paladin's move range.
Dua          F.Draco  21            Suicided herself to reach the secret shop.
Aurelius     Horseman 21            Had a spear lodged in his body after a dracoknight crit.
Naunu        F.SM     22            Swarmed by flyers.            
Jeffers      F.Sniper 22            Intercepted by a draco.
Owend        Warrior  22            Shot down by a horseman.
Laim         F.Sniper 23            Electrocuted to death by a bishop.
Wymp         Hero     23            Heroically sacrificed himself against Gharnef.
Pinkley      Berserker24            Incinerated by a mage dragon.
Auffle       General  24            Sacrificed himself to save another general.
Jiminez      F.Sniper 24            Expendable.
Lucer        Sniper   24            Was shown who was the better sniper by another sniper.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Chapter 24x







[spoiler=Chapter 24x]


Yes this is the boss of this chapter.








How I positioned people in this map. While trying to get some generics killed.

If you played FE6 then, you'll recognize this map. There's really not much to say since this is a gaiden map where enemies have lower stats. Basically it's just snipe stuff with Beck while trying to get some generics killed for this map since enemies are somewhat of a pushover. I'll try to do the final chapter without resorting to criticals with Beck, I'll only do that if it's impossible to do it regular. (Beck does 29 damage and 30% crit to Medeus if you are wondering.)

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  18     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   16     44    12    1    10      5     0    27     3    A Lances E Bows
Dexa      F.Sage    15     29     3   12     9     10     0     3    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Hendexa   F.Sniper  15     36    12    1    16     20     0    10     3    B Bows
Duadexa   Sorcerer  15     27     2    9    11     11     0     4    11    B Tomes  E Staff
Rejek     F.Bishop  16     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  B Staff
Wieklin   General   15     45    12    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows
Augustus  SM        15     34     9    1    16     23     0    10     3    C Swords
Antony    F.SM      15     36    11    1    20     20     0    10     3    B Swords
Aurelius  Paladin   15     33    12    1    12     10     0    14     6    E Swords B Lances

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  19     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   17     44    13    1    11      5     0    27     3    A Lances E Bows
Rejek     F.Bishop  17     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  A Staff
Wieklin   General   16     45    13    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.
Lucer        Hero     20            Had his head sliced off by a paladin.             
Wieklin      F.Paladin20            Had a gaping hole after being impaled by a paladin.
Rejek        Warrior  20            Killed by a fail horsemen.
Auffle       Warrior  20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Augustus     Hero     20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Dexa         Horseman 20            Ambushed by fort reinforcement.
Octu         Sorcerer 20            Trampled to death by a cavalier.
Jeffers      F.Sniper 20x           Became a huge pile of ash.
Julius       Hero     20x           Swarmed by paladins he kept killing too much.
Owen         F.Sniper 20x           Couldn't escape. 
Duadexa      Hero     20x           Didn't notice his health...
Antony       Bishop   20x           Had no meatshields to protect him.
Pinkley      Draco    20x           Killed by a vengeful bishop.
Penvo        Hero     21            Sacrificed himself to kill the boss.
Unil         Sorcerer 21            Draco bait.
Trim         F.Sage   21            Meatshield.
Sawyer       Sorcerer 21            Meatshield.
Quatro       General  21            Was unlucky and often critted. 
Hepto        Sage     21            Meatshield.
Xestu        Hero     21            Meatshield.
Justinian    F.SM     21            Killed herself with a devil sword.
Lever        F.Sniper 21            Died after Justinian's failure.
Octu         Bishop   21            Forgot about the paladin's move range.
Dua          F.Draco  21            Suicided herself to reach the secret shop.
Aurelius     Horseman 21            Had a spear lodged in his body after a dracoknight crit.
Naunu        F.SM     22            Swarmed by flyers.            
Jeffers      F.Sniper 22            Intercepted by a draco.
Owend        Warrior  22            Shot down by a horseman.
Laim         F.Sniper 23            Electrocuted to death by a bishop.
Wymp         Hero     23            Heroically sacrificed himself against Gharnef.
Pinkley      Berserker24            Incinerated by a mage dragon.
Auffle       General  24            Sacrificed himself to save another general.
Jiminez      F.Sniper 24            Expendable.
Lucer        F.Sniper 24            Was shown who was the better sniper by another sniper.
Aurelius     Paladin  24x           Expendable.
Duadexa      Sorcerer 24x           Didn't notice the damage done to him.
Hendexa      F.Sniper 24x           Was shown who was the better sniper by another sniper.
Antony       F.SM     24x           Sliced by a SM.
Augustus     SM       24x           Suicide against a mamkute.
Dexa         F.Sage   24x           Expendable.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Reclass:Sawyer Draco->SM Penvo F.Draco->F.SM








Hero-7.png vs Hero.png

General-3.png vs General-3.png

Bishop-6.png vsBishop-3.png

Ballista-3.png vs Ballista-4.png

Hisinferiorself.png vs EpicMedeus.png


I lucked out an Beck critted.

Apparently I still can't beat this with generics even with the geosphere strategy. After seeing my generics being massacred I used Beck and he crits Medeus and kills him.

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  19     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Wladis    General   17     44    13    1    11      5     0    27     3    A Lances E Bows
Rejek     F.Bishop  17     28     1    7     8      8     0     3    18    E Tomes  A Staff
Wieklin   General   16     45    13    1     7      5     0    28     3    B Lances E Bows
Julius    Hero      16     46    19    1    14     16     0     7     3    D Swords C Axes
Lever     F.Sage    16     29     3   11     9      9     0     3     8    B Tomes  E Staff
Justinian Warrior   16     50    24    0     8      9     0     5     1    B Axes   E Bows
Sawyer    SM        16     33     8    1    17     20     0     8     3    C Swords
Unil      Horseman  16     32    15    1    13     17     0     7     3    E Swords B Bows
Dua       Berserker 16     46    18    0     7      8     0     6     0    B Axes
Trim      Hero      16     38    13    1    19     18     0    10     3    B Swords E Axes
Quatro    Hero      16     41    11    1    18     17     0     8     3    B Swords E Axes
Penvo     F.SM      16     37     8    1    20     22     0     9     3    C Swords

Name      Class     LVL    HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES    Weapon Rank
Marth     Lord      30     51    19    0    16     25    29    17     1    A Swords
Vladek    F.Bishop  19     27     1    9     6     12     0     3    17    E Tomes  A Staff
Beck      Ballista  30     38    17    0    16     18    14    21     0    
Rejek     F.Bishop  18     28     1    7     8      9     0     3    19    E Tomes  A Staff
Lever     F.Sage    16     29     3   11     9      9     0     3     8    B Tomes  E Staff

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Octu         D.Mage    4            Heroic straggling meatshield.                       
Naunu        Merc      4            Heroic straggling meatshield.
Duadexa      F.Mage    4            Imapled by a hunter.
Penva        Pirate    4            Slaughtered a fighter before getting slaughtered himself.
Quatro       Merc      4            Held against the fighters in a fort before being impaled by Machis.
Unil         Fighter   4            Baited an archer.
Hepto        Pirate    4            Heroically attacked the boss with a devil axe.
Dexa         Fighter   4            Sent to die in the arena.
Dua          F.Archer  4            Sent to die in the arena.
Xetsu        Knight    5            Critted by a knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Wymp         Cavalier  5            Meatshielded Hepto from archers.
Hendexa      Cleric    5            Heroic bait for the archers.
Auffle       Fighter   5            Pincushioned by an archer.
Lucer        Cavalier  5            Impaled by a javelin.
Laim         Pirate    5            Expendable.
Trim         F.Myrm    5            Meatshield.
Owend        Curate    5            Got owned by the boss.
Vladek       Berserker 6            Fragile berserker.
Augustus     Horseman  6x           Was impaled in the head by an archer crit.
Wladis       Paladin   6x           Incinerated to death by a mage crit.
Pinkley      Berserker 7            Impaled by a dracoknight.
Jeffers      F.Bishop  7            Trampled by a cavalier.
Julius       F.Sage    7            Expendable.            
Jiminez      Sorcerer  7            Failure/Expendable.
Lever        Draco     7            Expendable.
Justinian    Bishop    7            Expendable.
Antony       Warrior   7            Expendable.
Sawyer       Paladin   7            Expendable.
Wielkin      Paladin   7            Expendable.
Trim         Paladin   8            Failure.
Hendexa      Paladin   9            Cleaved by a pirate.
Wymp         Paladin   9            Failure.
Unil         Horseman 10            Fail speed.
Hepto        Paladin  10            Impaled to the wall by a sniper.
Xestu        Horseman 10            Failure.
Duadexa      F.Sage   11            Speared by a pegasus.
Owend        Sage     11            Wanted to dispose him.
Lucer        F.Draco  11            Sniper bait.
Auffle       Berserker11            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Quatro       SM       11            Suicided to damage the dragon boss.
Dua          Hero     11            Heroic meatshield.
Penva        SM       11            Trampled by a cavalier.
Laim         Warrior  12            Had his head severed by a sniper crit.
Jeffers      Paladin  12            Expendable.
Wladis       Warrior  12x           Impaled by Horace.
Wielkin      Sage     12x           Expendable.
Jiminez      F.Draco  12x           Failed to deliver a fatal blow to a mamkute.
Justinian    F.Sage   13            Southern ballista bait.
Julius       Paladin  13            Brutally impaled by the boss's ballista bolt.           
Lever        Horseman 13            Southern ballista bait. 
Antony       Hero     13            Impaled by a ballista.
Vladek       Sniper   13            Pissed off a thief.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 13            Pissed off a thief.
Sawyer       Horseman 14            Impaled off his horse from a cavalier.
Naunu        Hero     14            Miscalculation of damage done to him.
Augustus     Hero     14            I misclicked and he got killed.
Pinkley      SM       14            Meatshield.
Xestu        Horseman 15            Disposed him.
Hendexa      Hero     15            Meathsield.
Quatro       SM       15            Lost his flesh after being critted by Gharnef.
Dua          Hero     15            Became a pile of ash after being incinerated by bologone.
Penvo        Hero     15            Heroic meatshield.
Trim         Sorcerer 15            Took down 4 mages before being swarmed.
Duadexa      F.Sniper 15            I didn't see how much damage she will take.
Dexa         Bishop   15            Positioned him in a bad place. (He did try to take out his killer by critting him before he got killed)
Hepto        General  15            Didn't check the other mage's range.
Wieklin      Sorcerer 16            Had a gaping hole in his chest.            
Auffle       Bishop   16            Died after Wielkin died.
Owend        Hero     16            Owned by a knight.
Wladis       Hero     16            Pissed off a paladin apparently.
Lucer        Horseman 16            Killed off by the boss.
Unil         General  16            Critted twice by the boss.
Jiminez      Horseman 17            Suicided himself to kill a fortify staff bishop.
Laim         F.Sage   17            Speared by a knight.
Augustus     Sorcerer 17            Forgot about the sniper.
Octu         General  17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Jeffers      Hero     17X           Was unlucky when facing a sniper.
Pinkley      Hero     17X           Heroically suicided against another hero.
Rejeck       Paladin  17X           Brutally trampled by a paladin.
Antony       Bishop   17X           Sliced in vertically by a merc.
Aurelius     F.Sniper 17X           Impaled to the wall by a paladin.
Hepto        Horseman 18            Meatshield.
Lever        Hero     18            Speared by a cavalier.
Sawyer       Hero     18            Because the failure dracos failed to hit something.
Justinian    Draco    18            Failure just because he fails to hit.
Xestu        Hero     18            Failed to hit a cavalier and was trampled in return.
Unil         Draco    18            Bait.
Quatro       Sage     18            Fragile healbot.          
Penvo        F.Sage   18            Fragile healbot.
Dua          Sniper   18            Suicided to kill a horsemen.
Laim         Hero     19            Couldn't heal him.
Naunu        SM       19            Splitted vertically from a hero.
Wymp         Draco    19            It's a trap!
Trim         General  19            Bastard mage got him with a crit.
Lucer        Hero     20            Had his head sliced off by a paladin.             
Wieklin      F.Paladin20            Had a gaping hole after being impaled by a paladin.
Rejek        Warrior  20            Killed by a fail horsemen.
Auffle       Warrior  20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Augustus     Hero     20            Bled horrendously after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Dexa         Horseman 20            Ambushed by fort reinforcement.
Octu         Sorcerer 20            Trampled to death by a cavalier.
Jeffers      F.Sniper 20x           Became a huge pile of ash.
Julius       Hero     20x           Swarmed by paladins he kept killing too much.
Owen         F.Sniper 20x           Couldn't escape. 
Duadexa      Hero     20x           Didn't notice his health...
Antony       Bishop   20x           Had no meatshields to protect him.
Pinkley      Draco    20x           Killed by a vengeful bishop.
Penvo        Hero     21            Sacrificed himself to kill the boss.
Unil         Sorcerer 21            Draco bait.
Trim         F.Sage   21            Meatshield.
Sawyer       Sorcerer 21            Meatshield.
Quatro       General  21            Was unlucky and often critted. 
Hepto        Sage     21            Meatshield.
Xestu        Hero     21            Meatshield.
Justinian    F.SM     21            Killed herself with a devil sword.
Lever        F.Sniper 21            Died after Justinian's failure.
Octu         Bishop   21            Forgot about the paladin's move range.
Dua          F.Draco  21            Suicided herself to reach the secret shop.
Aurelius     Horseman 21            Had a spear lodged in his body after a dracoknight crit.
Naunu        F.SM     22            Swarmed by flyers.            
Jeffers      F.Sniper 22            Intercepted by a draco.
Owend        Warrior  22            Shot down by a horseman.
Laim         F.Sniper 23            Electrocuted to death by a bishop.
Wymp         Hero     23            Heroically sacrificed himself against Gharnef.
Pinkley      Berserker24            Incinerated by a mage dragon.
Auffle       General  24            Sacrificed himself to save another general.
Jiminez      F.Sniper 24            Expendable.
Lucer        F.Sniper 24            Was shown who was the better sniper by another sniper.
Aurelius     Paladin  24x           Expendable.
Duadexa      Sorcerer 24x           Didn't notice the damage done to him.
Hendexa      F.Sniper 24x           Was shown who was the better sniper by another sniper.
Antony       F.SM     24x           Sliced by a SM.
Augustus     SM       24x           Suicided against a mamkute.
Dexa         F.Sage   24x           Expendable.
Justinian    Warrior  Endgame       Incinerated by a ballista bolt.
Quatro       Hero     Endgame       Failed to secure the position near Marht.       
Wladis       General  Endgame       Failed to secure the north western room.      
Dua          BerserkerEndgame       Failed to secure the north eastern room.  
Unil         Horseman Endgame       Suicided against a bishop in the north eastern room.
Julius       Hero     Endgame       Failed to secure the north western room.
Sawyer       SM       Endgame       Failed to secure the position next to Marth.
Trim         Hero     Endgame       Failed to secure the north eastern room.
Penvo        F.SM     Endgame       Failed to secure the north western room.
Wielkin      General  Endgame       Failed to secure the north western room.

Battle Records


Marth 183 Battles 136 Wins

Jeigan 109 Battles 32 Wins

Beck 188 Battles 97 Wins

Casualties: 146 Generics died during Marth's campaign.


As you can see this is way easier compared to FE12's lunatic where they send promoted enemies with superior stats compared to this game. Since generics had an even footing with the enemy since enemy stats are lower and a large portion of the game contains unpromoted enemies it shows how much easier this is.

High Tier

Curate/Bishop-Despite their very low damage output and durability, they have a valuable role of warp skipping or using high end staffs to heal the team.

Knight/General-Since a mass amount of enemies have lower stats, weapons, and are unpromoted they will barely get damaged from the start to near endgame, where their durability starts to decrease because of brave weapons, being exposed to crits, and magic units doubling them. Despite this their ability to tank helps out a lot in this game compared to FE12.

Merc/Hero-Since enemies don't have as high stats as in FE12 they can actually do something without being annihilated by everything. Even though their durability is frail they can deal a good amount of damage.

Fighter/Warrior Pirate/Berserker-Since they have initial high strength they can switch to hero so they don't get doubled by most of the enemies in the game while dealing out great damage. They can deal massive damage as their original class however they are frail and have low accuracy most of the time.

Mage/Sage-Dealing magical damage instead of physical makes them quite valuable and being able to heal a little bit. Despite being fragile and sometimes inaccurate they help contribute to the team a good amount.

Mid Tier

Myrmidon/Swordmaster-While they might have speed their strength is very low so they won't deal much damage.

Dark Mage/Sorcerer-Their base stats are bad but they still deal magical damage and can heal. However they're mediocre most or all of the time.

Low Tier

Archer/Sniper-While as an archer their base stats aren't as great but as a sniper it gets boosted quite a lot. Since the game is full of flying enemies they're sometimes valuable. However their strength stat is low which prevents them from doing a lot of damage.

Hunter/Horsemen-Despite having more damage than an archer, their promoted form is rather abysmal because of their base stats. They don't deal a lot of damage however, they have good mobility which can help to finish off a weakened unit or sent as a suicide bait to stall the enemy.

Pegasus/Dracoknight-Their base stats are terrible sometimes, but however they can fly over any terrain and be sent to suicide runs to damage something which does help them. A problem however is their skill is quite low meaning using effective weapons can be gamble sometimes.

Cavalier/Paladin-Their base stats are terrible they never exceed the tens area or sometimes they only have single digits for their stats. The only thing they have is mobility which like all mounted units can be used for suicide runs.

Edited by Generic Officer
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