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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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"Rules are made to be broken. Calamity." The twin daggers appeared in Reika's hands.

"Er, I don't think you need to go that far Reika. But we need to be here kid and you're not going to stop us."

Edited by Dark Sage
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"I'm giving you a warning. If you persist, the power of love and friendship shall destroy you in a righteous fir-"

"Gornald?" came Esphyr's voice, interrupting the child's rant. "Not the same Gornald, son of Welton, whom hires mercenaries for grain protection?"

"Errr... Yes." came the childs response to the mercenaries inquiry. "Do I know you?"

"No. I worked for your father a year ago. When you get the chance, tell that idiot he still owes me twenty gold!"

"I... Ummm... Have no idea what you're talking about woman."

A disapproving frown crossed Esphyr's face. She quickly leapt down from the cart and approached the dragon child, grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt.

"Ahhh! Cooties! Get them off! Get them off!"

"Tell you father that you met Esphyr today, and she still needs her payment!"

"COOTIES! AIEEEEE!" screamed the child. A scream that, as his young and childish voice pierced the air, suddenly dropped in tone and volume; becoming thick and animalistic. The roar of a dragon.

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"Esphyr!Get away from that thing!" Damian yelled,as the boy suddenly transformed into a dragon.

"Aiya,get Ulfy ready,at my signal,we dive,and I'll grab her,okay?" He said,making sure that no one else could hear.

"Got it." Aiya replied,bringing Ulfhrahn in closer.

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With a mighty roar, the small child vanished away. In it's place, a two story tall dragon of golden scale stood, glittering in the sunlight. Twin wings of gold leaf stood, fanned out wide to either side and blocking out the sun as a long tail of metallic coloration snaked about through the corn field.

"A--AHHHHHHH!" screamed Esphyr, falling flat on her rear as the small child she had held just a second before was suddenly no longer in the easy holding size.

"Be careful! He's still a child! He probably doesn't know any better!" screamed the HM, her voice piercing through the dragons roar.

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As Esphyr let out a yell,Damian gave his signal.With Aiya's command,Ulfhrahn swooped down at the golden dragon,and with a quick maneuver,Damian grabbed Esphyr's hand,and pulled her up.

"Hold on tight,okay?" Damian said to her,holding her tightly,as Ulfhrahn used his momentum to launch a powerful tail whip!

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"A-A dragon? I thought they were all dead. How did Esphyr end up working for one? Do we have rope to tie him up with, so he doesn't go crazy?" Cess took out his tome. He began muttering a spell from horseback, turning the energy into long strands wrapping around the dragon-boy's body. They pulled tight around his wings and arms, preventing his movement.



"Well that's one way to stop him. Don't hurt him, right?" Pary switched his Mend staff. In his hands was the blood-red spiked staff everyone fawned over. "Drain!" Pary held the staff over his head, the orb glowing a deep crimson. Visible energy could be seen draining from the boy's body, flowing back into Pary's staff.

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Viveka: Oh my goddess, you damn idiots!! What are you attacking him for?!! You're jumping the gun here!! Didn't the headmaster just tell you he's only a child?!!

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Viveka: Oh pardon me, I had no idea you had restrained dragons before and knew just how strong they are! Please! You're just a shaman! If he breaks out of that, then we've wasted a perfectly good chance to reason with him! (Don't even get me started about Esphyr.)

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"Stop stop stop! Everyone, even without what the headmaster said, didn't you all hear him say he's on The Lady's side! What are you all doing?" Tessa cried out with exasperation. Not only had the young lad invoked the Goddess, but simply looking at him in his golden glory, and comparing it to the terrifying sight that Helenos had presented, the difference between the two was clear. Perhaps she was simply gullible in this respect, but Tessa was completely taken in.

"If this is what it takes to stop you all from acting like fools..." muttering in anger she swung down from Trevor, while willing to risk her life she wasn't about to risk his, and ran up to the dragon, turned back to face the group and spread her arms wide.

"Gornald!" she called back over her shoulder to the dragon boy, "We're not here on evil business, and I know some of our members have just accosted you, but the surprise of your sudden actions and worry after Esphyr's health likely clouded their judgement. Please! Reconsider, and listen!"

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"We did act a bit hastily, and haggling over mercenary contracts really could have waited." Morgan rolled her eyes. "Still, now that he can't move perhaps the best action would be to run before the binds break?" Morgan gripped Lev tightly in anticipation for the coming takeoff.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Viveka: We're going to run?

Lev: Just say the word, Morgan -_-

Irina: Hey, wait a second! What about ... wha ... I don't ... Argh! Can't get my head on straight we- I mean they just attacked a golden dragon! >_<

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"Look kid. We're sorry for attacking you. It's just we're high strung because there've been a lot of demons around recently and it looked like you were going to hurt our friend."

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Gornald cried out "Humans hurt my friends! Now they grab me, and tie me up, and touch me with bad things!" He pressed his weight against the magical bonds, feeling them bend slightly. "Let me go!"

"Back on your horse Tessa!" Morgan yelled out "We're leaving!"

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Hearing Morgan call for Tessa to get back to Trevor,Damian interjected;

"No time!Tessa,grab my hand!" Damian called out,reaching towards the girl close by.

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Shaking her head for the moment, Tessa continued to stand her ground, "Sis! We can't just run away now. When you make a mistake, sometimes you need to own up to it. And look at him! If we tell him about Helenos, and maybe get him to help fight the evil dragon, then we don't even need to go to the graveyard, where her powers are weaker. If the place is hallowed to him and his kin, if we don't have to intrude on it, so much the better. We can't let ourselves get the means and the ends confused here! Not to mention, if we run, then as soon as the spell breaks he'll just follow us and we'll be back where we started. We have to talk here and now, and that means we have to make some concessions."

Turning to the other shaman, she cried out, "Cess, you heard him. Dissolve that binding spell. And you!" pointing at Pary, "Stop zapping him with whatever unnatural power is coming from that bizarre staff of yours."

Edited by Balcerzak
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Iso: Tessa's right.

Irina: Oi >_<

Viveka: I can't believe you idiots actually did that. A word of warning, I won't let idiots put me in danger just so they can play hero. If either of you do something ridiculous like that again, expect to wake up with your head in a splint!!

Lev: Wanna see if Tessa's right?

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"You still need to back away,Tessa!" Damian cried out again,and losing patience,grabbed her hand himself.

Hearing a yelp from the troubadour,Damian pulled her close against his chest,the ascent would be brutal for he otherwise.


As the order was given,Ulfhrahn launched himself into the air,and back,distancing himself and those riding from the dragon.The sudden acceleration was like being punched in the chest by a prize-fighter,but quickly passed.

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"Better to talk at a safe distance Tessa!" Morgan yelled up, chastising the trobadour. "You will get yourself killed with stunts like that in the future."

"Now then Gornald," Morgan spoke authoritatively on top of Krinkov. 'We are going to the dragon graveyard whether you like it or not, as we must defeat a servant of the Lord of Azure Flame and your graveyard may have a tool we can use."

Gornald looked puzzled 'Lord of what? Why do you need to go to a graveyard?"

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