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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Alferis stopped the horse and faced the other way. Finally the kid might be receptive.

"The demon king. There's a lot of demons roaming around here, led by a dragon. There's dragon slaying weapons here and we need them to defeat that dragon."

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Gornald made a face that could have been interpreted as a frown. "Demon dragon? I don't know any of those. Killing dragons sounds bad to me though!" He reared back and prepared to strike anyone who came too close.

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OOC: Time for a Krinkov moment ...


Noticing the golden one close by, Krinkov was wondering what he was. He didn't smell quite the same, and his presence was quite imposing. He was an interesting drake indeed, but what was pulling at his attention even more was his master's passenger. That female human spoke with the same confidence and immovability of Ivanko, the massive human leader. A female Ivanko was a force to be reckoned with. She also carried a magic tome which was his weakness. He would have to be careful around this one. Part of him was happy that his master was getting along with the infertile female, but at the same time ... she wasn't safe to have around. What if she became angry. She was already infertile, and likely angry constantly because of it. What if she snapped? Krinkov decided to idle and hope for the best.

OOC: This has been a Krinkov moment ... thank you for you time.

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Pary decided to chime in. "She's big and scary! And we're like heroes. We have to save everyone from her. Tell you what, we'll let you eat this big, scary bandit if you let us pass. Or a nice apple, but the bandit is very delicious!"

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As Damian grasped her firmly by the wrist and yanked her off the ground, Tessa gave out a cry of surprise and struggled to free herself. That only lasted for about a second though, as after that time she'd seen the ground recede well enough away beneath her to realize just what would await her were she to fall.

Now complacent, it was simply enough for Damian to pull her all the way inwards, wrapped close to his chest, and almost immediately afterwards the bull wyvern shot up even higher, faster than an arrow loosed from a bow. Tessa felt her vision grow dim for a moment, as the blood rushed away from her head, and she struggled to draw breath against the sudden pressure, until they levelled out and her body slowly returned to working as it normally did.

She was held tight enough to Damian she could feel his heart beating, and while this would ordinarily have caused her to heat up due to some uncertain feelings, the reason she was turning red this time was because she was furious. It may not have been the wisest plan for her to have done what she had, but she was confident that it was right, and it was her decision to make. Sure, it sounded like she'd be getting an earful from Sis later for her stupidity, probably turned up a notch since she'd already been lectured to take care of herself back at TISME. But there'd been no sense of malice from the dragon-child, and he surely wouldn't have killed a defenseless maiden. Kidnapped maybe, dragons were said to have done that in stories, but she had rushed in prepared for that. The headstrong in the party would surely have stopped attacking when she was held hostage, it could almost have been said to be part of her plan.

But Damian had just ruined everything.

"Put me down," she demanded, coldly, emotionlessly, trying to hide the fact that she was quivering with rage. Just three words, she didn't trust herself with anything more at this point.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Gornald looked disoriented at the group. Should I eat the bandit? Do evil dragons even exist? He remembered a story his mother had told him once about an evil dragon. His mother...he missed her.

Gornald got out of attack position, laid his head down, and began to shake.

"Is...is he crying?" Charlotte asked to everyone around her.

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EVERYONE (including CCs)

Viveka: What an altercation that was. Pary, Cess, listen up. If either of you ever do something like that again without a cue from someone who can actually evaluate a situation like this, I'll personally take down BOTH OF YOU.

Ulfhrahn now at a safe distance touched down, and Damian slowly loosened his grip on Tessa, making sure not to let go before getting his point across.

Damian: Tessa, you could have been killed! Even if the dragon wasn't going to attack you, you may have been caught in the crossfire or even crushed if the dragon fell. You shouldn't take chances like that.

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Gornald raised his head when Alferis spoke. "Just...just leave me alone!" he yelled deeply. You're mean people and you hurt me. Kill your demons or whatever, but don't do disturbing any dragon graves!" He got up and prepared to take off away from the group.

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Viveka: (A living dragon and those two bastards chased it off! I'm about ready to hurt someone.)

Lev turned slightly so he could talk to Morgan eye to eye.

Lev: Just input from the cargo hauler but you people might want to get some authority going here. If this happens every time we run into a new face, you might not be able to accomplish your goals.

Viveka: (Simple! Just tie those two lunatics up, and we shouldn't have any future problems with dragons! Urgh!!)

Irina was hoping that the dragon wouldn't actually take off, but it looked pretty determined.

OOC: Yeah Viv freaking hates them both right now XD

EDIT: Added Irina segment.

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"I. Was. Fine." Tessa asserted, struggling to keep from shouting. "He wasn't going to hurt me for sure, and I was specifically stopping any crossfire from happening. When we shouldn't be fighting him, the chances of him falling on me are zero!"

Pulling against the grip Damian still maintained on her arm, she continued, "Let me go. I understand you were concerned for Esphyr, and rescuing her was fine, even laudable! But when... Ulfrahn here lashed out, that acted as a signal to everyone else that it was okay to attack when they really shouldn't have. As... As someone people look up to... you have to practice some more restraint! When people see you lead the attack, even if we shouldn't be fighting, you know they're going to follow you..." Tears started to stream down her face now, and she had to fight the urge to scream out things she knew she would regret later, with every ounce of self-control she had.

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OOC: Can never really work Damian's charm quite that well ... meh, worth another try I guess.


Damian: Tessa ... not everyone in this group is so well disciplined, that's why I couldn't let you stand in the middle of that. It wasn't worth the risk.

When Tessa started crying, Damian's grip softened even more, it had reached the point where she could tear away at anytime, but he hoped she would heed his words nonetheless.

Damian: When that dragon transformed my top priority was to get Esphyr to safety, and immobilize the dragon. We've been attacked too many times to handle a situation like this carelessly. However ... I wasn't expecting Cess to attack ... yet alone a certain someone draining the dragon's health.

He shot a quick glare in Pary's direction who was too far away to notice. When he turned back to Tessa, he sighed.

Damian: Tessa, you're an important part of the team. Risking life and limb for other people is my job. Please try to understand.

Viveka slowly rode up next to Pary, and idled there just waiting for him to look her in the eye.

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Alferis went to Pary and glared down hard at him.

"Attack a child huh? That's cold. I didn't do that, there was no reason you had to. Offering me as food, confusing him, what's wrong with you?"

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OOC: :awesome:

"He was a vicious dragon who could have killed us. I merely made him a bit tired so he would leave us alone."

Pary stepped around Alferis, and continued to march down the road.

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"You better not!" Gornald replied to Alferis in as pouty a voice as a dragon could manage. Then he soared off into the distance.

"I try." said Morgan responding to Lev. "They're a very difficult group to control." she said, rolling her eyes.

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Lev: Well ... Ivanko has plenty of methods for keeping order. Aside from the blood pact, knocking people on their asses is also quite effective.

Viveka followed Pary on his march atop Susann.

Viveka: ... ... .... -_-

Irina: I can't believe we chased off a young dragon :(

Iso: Believe it -_-

Are those two crazy?

Katie put the message right in front of Iso's face so he wouldn't have to turn to read it.

Iso: Yeah, pretty much.

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"Blood pacts hmm? An interesting idea, though getting people to sign may prove difficult. As for knocking people over...I lack the musculature for that sort of thing." Morgan responded to Lev.

"By the way, I am not used to riding behind someone on wyvernback. Where would be the best place to grab you in the future?" she asked of him.

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Lev: If you need some muscle you've got two options. Tough exercises or having a strong man around to do it for you.

Once she asked about gripping positions, he could tell that she wasn't uncomfortable about the whole experience.

Lev: Well the whole idea is to simply keep from falling off, so wherever you feel you have the best grip is probably the best area. I prefer lower grips personally. Keeps your shoulders from tensing up.

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"I do not really have time for such exercises, so I'll suppose I will need someone to whip them into shape. Or just do nonlethal magical damage, which I am capable of." Morgan said confidently

"Damian was our original leader, but he spends far too much time chasing girls and far too little time actually leading to be effective. I became leader by default really, because I am pretty much the only person here with any focus. I am not truly fit to lead though, I lack experience dealing with people." Morgan admitted to Lev.

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Lev: There you go. Magic has a lot of nonlethal applications.

During her explanation of Damian, he got caught up in his own head ...

Lev: (Isn't that what I was accused of by some of the others? Well not quite cause I got the damn job done but still ... these is frighteningly similar.)

Then she explained things that would normally disqualify her as a leader.

Lev: Well real leaders can't handle every aspect of that title. That's why they need assistants and right hands. If your plan isn't to usurp Damian and get this group on the right track then I'll just drop it, but if it is then you might consider getting some assistants.

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"I would consider an assistant, but this group seems largely unqualified. They're either idiots, too caught up in personal problems or both." Morgan responded.

"Take Isotov for example." She gestured to Isotov, who was making a particularly stupid face at the time. "He's probably thinking of how's he's going to pleasure himself to thoughts of Katie in his bedroll tonight, not the task at hand."

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Alferis trotted up to Morgan and Lev.

"Well, I guess it's safe for us to go in now. Just be careful, the dragon boy may come back and try to drive us out, although considering what those two jerks-" he gestured to Cess and Pary, "-did, I can't blame him at all."

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