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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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I don't know! scribbled Katie as she bent down, placing her hand upon the headmasters neck. She has a pulse she wrote in the dirt with her free hand, but the look on her face betrayed the truth. Katie lacked medical knowledge, and thusly, didn't know if the headmaster was alright, or was in a much worse state.

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Should I or shouldn't I? Reika debated whether or not to kill Damian. On one hand, he was everything she hated: arrogant, skirtchaser, and holier than thou. On the other hand, killing him would just cause everyone to kill her. She withdrew the daggers and went to Alferis.

"Hey! Wake up!" she said as she shook him.

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Iso: (I REALLY don't want to accidentally drop another woman.) ... um ... okay she only collapsed so she's probably just drained. Let's get one of the healers to take a look.

Irina: I'll go get one of them!

Iso: Okay, Katie, is there anything about the headmaster we should know ... aside from what just happened a minute ago which was totally inexplicable?

Irina didn't go very far before simply calling out!


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"Aw, damn--" Megae's voice echoed as she was forcibly warped away.

The threats had been neutralized. Kelas ran forward, wrapping Tessa and Arrin into a tight hug as soon as Arrin was out of immediate danger. "<I'm sorry... I'm sorry...>" she said into their shoulders, cursing herself for her lack of vigilance. "Thank you..." she told Tessa wearily. "<Arrin, you're not allowed to die,>" she added, releasing them.

She turned to Isotov, last seen torching Shanice. "Did you... kill it?" she asked hopefully.

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"Ah forget it," she said walking away. She did keep close to him though so she could get some aid for him. A meat shield was better than none, and besides, the poor man was clearly smitten with her and the least psychotic, making him a good pawn. It would be best to keep him alive.

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Kelas and Tessa had Arrin under control.

Pary looked for the more wounded, and ran to Aiya. She seemed to be only unconcious. She had minute blood loss, and only scrapes. He focused his energy, and the staff glowed deep blue. She sat up still weak, and he gave her a drink of water from his canteen.


Cess ran to Morgan. "What should I do? The healers are busy. I can carry wounded on Morrey, but..."

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"Except for the scratch on Shanice there, you all don't appeared to be very injured." Petros narrowed his eyes at the other demons. "And no kills, either? Why warp away so quickly?" He clenched his hands together, making an unpleasant grating sound.

Charlotte got Aiya awake and heard Reika call near Alferis. She had stabilized him earlier, but he was not yet awake. She put her staff to him and whispered a prayer. His eyes opened.

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"Ah. You're ok. Thank the goddess," he said getting up. He trembled a bit, but walked back near his horse, kicking dust as he went and looking down.

"What? Are you upset because you were dumb enough to not duck?" Reika asked smirking. He ignored her and trudged back to the horse.

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Shanice: Ruby said she had a plan! I didn't realize it was retreating at the last second. On the other hand, transforming into my true form would have made me an even bigger target, and I already had a lance in my chest ... *sigh* ... screw it! Next time I'm going to turn into a monster, the likes of which they've never seen!

Shanice was mostly ranting and his voice was raising and dropping in volume constantly, going from mumbles, to chest pounding bravado.

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"Someone needs to search for any sort of dragonslaying relic, that could be you I suppose." said Morgan in repsonse to Cess, not taking her eyes off of Damian.

Charlotte looked around the room after healing Alferis. She was beginning to feel a little dizzy. She went over and healed Chase.

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Alferis got on the horse and began to ride a bit. He needed to clear his head a bit.

All I did was get knocked out. I was totally useless. Maybe they're better off without me. He trudged a bit past Eric and Dani.

OOC: At Snike- hint hint.

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"Control yourself Shanice." warned Petros. "If you turn into something too powerful you may accidentally kill anyone. That would displease the master greatly."

"Ruby will not be in charge of any more plans." Petros stomped his foot for emphasis, sending a large tremor through the ground. "I will plan and be present for the next attack...we will sever the weapons and kill the non-wielders." he said with confidence.

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In response to the nomad's gratitude, Tessa felt somehow guilty. Trying to play down her role, she said, "It's half my fault. If he hadn't jumped in front of me when that swordswoman attacked... We were handling the mages decently at least, not well, but..."

Squeezing back while embraced, she looked up at the nomad archer. She had lapsed back into the plains-speech again, and while she knew she shouldn't be surprised, not understanding what was being said bothered her slightly. Shrugging off the minor annoyance, once released from the hug she asked the woman favor, though she knew the answer before the words even left her mouth. "Kelas, can you take care of him for me from here out? He's fine now, but if any of those skeletons weren't completely smashed... And I have to go see to the others."

After that, she'd made her way over to Esphyr, who was lying where she'd landed after having been tossed by a blast of magic energy. Staff at the ready, she called forth the power of the light, and knit together the broken ribs, and eased her suffering, allowing a more peaceful expression to steal across the wounded mercenary's face.

Next on the list... Isotov. Though the headmaster was unconcious, a cursory glance had revealed that she was in fine shape, and must have just collapsed from exhaustion or something. However, the while the fire mage was still actually up and moving around, she'd seen him feathered with arrows. He seemed to have burned them away at some point, but she was sure he wasn't in good shape. What's more, she needed to continue to atone for her initial distrustful behaviour towards the man as well, as time and again, he'd been proving that he actually was the decent sort, and what had happened in that first incident truly must have been beyond his control.

"Isotov, let me see that for a bit. You're not fooling anyone," she said softly, without any hint of sharpness. While working on fixing him up, she also added. "I didn't get a chance to say it yesterday... but thank you for sticking up for me. When people started attacking that young dragon, you were one of the few who said I had the right idea."

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Shanice: Urgh ... that was supposed to be the final showdown. Just two more seconds and Hellsety would have been mine :angry:

Everyone that's blue or green

When Tessa spotted Iso's wound, it was pretty clear that he was still seriously injured. The wounds were burnt shut yes, but that was akin to having a rusted sword impaling him with little blood loss. She quickly thanked him for his earlier assessment on the dragon and taking her side, though the outcome was still a disappointment.

Iso: Urg- ... it's no problem. There was no excuse for harming a child ... even a dragon child capable of biting us in half. He was just scared and we should have handled that better. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything more than voice my opinion, Tessa. Fire magic is only good for so much. (My mother would slap me for that remark >_> )

Viveka quickly landed nearby and immediately ran over to Chase. He went down way too quickly for her tastes. She quickly hauled him to his feet and made her way over to Conrad as Lucille and Jasmine landed. They'd been stuck outside the fire barrier the entire time, and couldn't assist.

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Derek, Eric, and Dani

As the rest of the group headed into the graveyard, Eric and the Jerdonian siblings stopped near the entrance, to take in the scene. The place looked several hundred years old, and for Derek and Dani, a foreboding feeling crept down their spines. All of a sudden, a wall of flames rose before them, separating the three from the rest of the party.

"The hell?!?" Dani exclaimed, stepping towards the fire. Derek drew his blade, and, swinging, tried to smash the fire barrier.

"Looks like it was a trap," he said, looking to the thunder mage. "Can you bring down the barrier?"

"I wish I could," she replied. "But I haven't learned that magic yet. Sorry."

"Then, I guess we wait," Derek said, crossing his arms.

Half an hour later, the barrier faded, and the trio dashed in, only to find that the battle was over. Undaunted, Derek began to try to help coordinate the healing efforts, while Dani and Eric looked around for any other potential threats. As Alferis passed by, the former noted that he had a gloomy disposition.

"Hey, Alfy!" Dani said, walking up to him. "What's wrong?"

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"It's...It's just I wish I was more helpful." he explained. "Look at me. I couldn't even beat a skeleton. I got stabbed in the stomach so bad. Maybe the group's better off without me."

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"Well, at least you could fight. I was stuck on the other side of the fire wall the whole time! Also, you're not as unlucky as Eric, if you haven't noticed. Cheer up. At least the world isn't out to get you, like it is for him," Dani said.

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Charlotte moved herself over from Chase to the Headmaster, touching her staff to her, restoring the various magical wounds she had taken. Charlotte's breathing became heavily laboured. There were still more people wounded though, Charlotte wiped her brow and tried to catch her breath.

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"I guess but, I just can't help but feeling I don't have any use around here. I mean, Pary can heal and you guys could fight well. Maybe Pary's right. Maybe I have no use here."

OOC: Pary basically said that last chapter.

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While working on it, it became clear the wound was much worse than she'd initially suspected. Sure, his fire magic had stopped the blood loss, but the damage was quite severe. Her eyes widened a bit, and she looked up at him surprised. "How are you still moving with this?" suddenly lowering her voice she continued, "Your sister would be worried sick if she knew."

Mentions of 'sister' and 'worrying sick' brought to mind Kelas, and Tessa recalled the events back at the manor... The scars had been hidden under Isotov's jacket after all... No, now was not the time to follow up on that at all. Too many ears about who might hear. She couldn't even be sure he knew, Kelas had said she'd just picked up the jacket, after all, if she remembered right. Maybe the fire mage hadn't seen anything.

Returning back to the subject of the dragon, she just sighed. "Sometimes it helps just to hear an opinion. It's a shame how it turned out, yes, but still... knowing I had moral support did help. Even if I got caught up and distracted by other events shortly after, before getting dragged to the sky it helped me to stand firm in my resolve."

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Pary ran towards the headmaster. He shoo'd the others away, and touched her forehead with his staff. The energy ran to body, and through her fingertips, making her nails glow.

She opened her eyes, and took a deep breath.


Cess walked towards the church the mages had come from. He had tied his horse to a tree, and knocked down the old rotting door. The room seemed empty, but he took his tome out to be careful.

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"Well, work on your fighting., then! At least you can fight well, unlike the grave robber!" Dani said.

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