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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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"Hmm? It should probably be investigated at some point, but I'm still concerned about Damian and we are still recovering. An expedition in the near future is necessary though." Morgan replied to Cess.

Charlotte and Eric walked arm in arm away from the broken bodies of the skeletons, picking wildflowers to replace those which had withered.

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"Then... I guess I can't... Do this." said Esphyr, giving Irina a weak hug, But not weak because of some poor desire to be mean to Irina, but rather that Esphyr was drained and weak. A moment later, she broke away. "And Alf... You helped. That's enough."

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"His mental state?" Aiya said,looking up at Morgan as she gave her explanation.

"Y-you mean...he might...again?"

The memories were...unpleasant,to say the least.In Damian's last bout of insanity,he had locked himself away from everyone...he would never speak,never look at anyone...it was like he thought no one else even existed...she had stopped him from killing himself almost twice a day at one point...

The whole time...those soulless eyes would look up at her every time she stopped him...the eyes,so similar to the ones he wore now...they would look into her,freezing her very mind and soul...she was the only one he would even acknowledge at the time...


A knife,stopped less than an inch from impaling it's own wielder through the chest,and he would always ask "Why?"

Aiya began to cry,as the thoughts filled her head.The man she adored,looked up to,owed her life to,loved...looked at her,those soulless eyes,without spark or glimmer of life in them...

"Why did you save me?"

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"Hey Aiya." Alf walked up to her and knelt by her. Is this what it means to love someone? I never did, but if this is it, then could I reallly ever...? "Aiya, I know you're upset, but Esphyr, she needs help. And I don't have enough bandages. I need you to lend me some. You can't help Damian now, but you can help Esphyr."

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As Alferis approached her,Aiya looked up for a second,her face and eyes red from the recent tears.


'Esphyr was hurt too...?'

She looked over,and saw the mercenary girl,still looking rather pained.

"Y-yeah...there are some in there..." She said,gesturing to her pack,which was about 4 feet from her,Alferis between her and the object.

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"Thanks." He got the bandages out and began to tie them over the wounds. He was good at this, doing it many times before with his old rebel comrades. These wounds however were deep and he wasn't sure if his efforts were enough.

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"Thanks again Alf." said Esphyr, doing her best to keep her chest still so that his bandaging could properly mend the wound. She waited calmly, patiently, knowing there was little more that she could do. She simply had to wait for him to finish bandaging her up, then she could finally get up herself.

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"Er..." he began to blush. He would have to lift her shirt to bandage the rest of the wounds. He never saw a woman topless before and he was worried about it.

"Er...should I...um?" He pointed to the shirt.

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"Please, if you're going to do that, take me somewhere private at least first." she said in response, guessing what it was that he needed to do. Though she would rather not be going about and letting a man see her nude like this, she was wounded and she knew it. Besides, Alf... Alf wasn't a romantic interest, or even someone she felt embarrassed by of necessity. This was just one of the facets of her line of work. Granted, a facet she wished she didn't have to do, nor had done until now, but it needed to be done.

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Reika kept waiting around, looking around at the group impatiently. There was nothing to do, nothing to think about. She was bleeding, but she wasn't going to ask anyone for healing.

She saw Alferis stand somewhat close-by Esphyr and Irina. He was facing the other way and clearly uncomfortable.

She walked closer and she picked up conversation.

"...them Lion Cubs?"

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Irina: Heheh ... I- huh?

Reika was now a little too close for comfort. Irina turned back towards Esphyr and went back to applying the bandages. She didn't have much reason to trust the thief yet.

Irina: Esphyr, you should really consider upgrading to a newer chest plate :sweatdrop:

Meanwhile Viveka stopped close by Morgan with Susann in tow.

Viveka: ... is there any particular reason Damian is out like that?

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Kelas opened her mouth for a lecture, but shut it again; she really didn't think it would do any good. Instead she replied, trying to joke, "I don't know how you get insane enough to be able to say that so matter-of-factly, but I sincerely hope that I never find out."

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"He had some...issues with his weapon and had to be incapacitated." Morgan responded to Viveka. "If you and Aiya watch him, perhaps I could examine the staircase Cess found? Remember, nonlethal force if his eyes glow red and he starts trying to impale people."

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"Neyugh. Bit tight... I tried a metal one once, but it compressed my... OW! Watch it! Anyways, it compressed my chest too much. All fairness, I think it was designed for a man though." she replied as Irina lifted up her shirt to bandage the wounds. Esphyr looked into Irina's eyes as her fingers traced across her flesh; bandaging and mending it. Overhead, the faint glint of a shooting star shot by as the soft song of an angelic course filled the air. "Team Rocket is blasting off again!" which ended with a faint twinkle of starlight...

And absolutely nothing happened between Esphyr and Irina romantically. "Do you know a place where I can get some better armor? I sure wouldn't mind. Leather isn't all that great."

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OOC: @ Snowy ... I don't have words for that, man XD XD XD


Iso: Heheheh. Insane, but alive. Is Arrin alright?

While Irina bandaged Esphyr, she asked her if there was a place to get better armor. the only place that came to mind was her home at the mercenary fortress.

Irina: Uhhh ... if we find the time while we're in Halton, we could always go to the fortress. They've got everything a mercenary could ever want. Just look at Lev, he's all decked out since I last saw him.

Over by Damian's unconscious body ...

Viveka: So just watch him while you investigate the church with the bookworm? Sure. It usually only takes one kick to knock people out anyway, so nonlethal force it is. This does go to show that your group lacks a real leader though. I may need to speak with you about that la-

Lev: Too late. I already did.

Lev looked over to Viveka from atop Krinkov with a smile on his face. She looked back with an eyebrow raised.

Viveka: ... ... ...

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"What are you doing?" asked Reika.

"I'm standing guard here. I was bandaging Esphyr until I got to...well...Irina's patching her up now." he explained. Reika nodded. There wasn't much else to be said. He was so naive, so agitated. So he's a prude. A prudish ex -bandit. That's a new one, she thought, somewhat amused.

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"Alright enough to move down the triage queue." Kelas sighed. "He took a sword for Tessa, but he's been patched up. I'd ask you to not do anything like that again," she added to Arrin, "but I doubt I'd like your answer, since it'd probably be either refusing or lying." Arrin shrugged and gave a weak grin, not wanting to say much at the moment. "Several blissful years with just me and my horse, and then suddenly I'm surrounded by people who run into swords," Kelas grumbled, still inwardly cursing herself for not being able to keep everyone safe.

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"It's alright now." said Esphyr as Irina finished the bandaging. Quickly, before Alf could turn around, she pulled her shirt back on enough to cover the essential bits, though a rather large gash had cut through just above her belly from the skeletons. "Gonna have to fix that." mused Esphyr to herself. "Irina, help me up please?" she asked, extending her hands.

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