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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Iso: People willing to run straight into danger are a sure sign of true friends and reliable loved ones. Then again, I'm not the loner type.

Irina: Yep, we're done, Alf.

Irina took Esphyr's arm and helped her up to her feet. What was left of the bandages, she handed to him once he turned around.

Irina: Man, how many of us got nailed, anyway?

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"For the most part, yes." said Esphyr with a sigh. "I need to replace my breastplate, but that aside, I feel much better. Thanks... The both of you... And Pary too."

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"I'm glad to see you're ok. I wonder if Damian'll be fine. It doesn't look like he'll wake up."

"You know, if it looks hopeless," began Reika, "I can put him out of his misery for you."

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"Yeah... I just wish it was easier to keep track of people; it's hard to protect several different people running in different directions," Kelas sighed. "I was joking about the loner bit, I just wish I could take better care of the friends I've got now."

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"Everyone survived, that's all that matters. And I mean everyone." said Morgan, glaring at Reika. "Anyway, staircase investigation anyone? We did come here for a reason you know."

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OOC: Iso+Optimism=never ending encouragement :facepalm:

Iso: Practice makes perfect ... or at least better. We'll just have to get better at this.

Viveka: I would go, but I'm watching over the half corpse so no.

Lev: If you need an extra hand down there let me know. If not, I'll be babysitting luggage.

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"Considering how confined the staircase probably is, I doubt we would even be able to use all of our forces even if we had them. Those of us who are uninjured or barely wounded can go down there while the wounded rest. I see no reason to tarry in this place too long, remember that the demons who warped out are aware of this location. It would be better to stay on the move." Morgan spoke to anyone around.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Morgan... Give it a rest. We need to recover. Remember, a stairway is tightly confined and easy to entrap. A rest is wise." she said with a annoyed sigh before turning to Alf and Irina. "You two agree, right?"

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Irina: I personally would rather stay here.

Lev quickly hopped down from Krinkov and reached over the saddle to grab his axe.

Lev: Well I'm perfectly fine so I'll tag along for the hell of it. Irina! Will you be alright?

Irina: Yeah, I'll be fine.

Lev: Good, and for God's sake, woman, get someone to look at your arm. You know you can't hide that kind of crap from me.

Irina: Ack! (I wasn't even reacting to the pain, and the blood matches my shirt. How could he tell it wasn't treated?)

EDIT: Added Irina's response to Esphyr as the first line.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Your arm is wounded? Let me and Alf take a look at it at least." offered Esphyr. "I owe you both after that healing though, Pary too. At the least, we can determine if it's infected or not. And..." she clenched her teeth shut so as to distort the next words as best she could. "thanks for telling me about that Lev."

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"I don't know. If they hadn't left, we would have ended up losing. The headmaster's trick was lucky it happened. I doubt they'd stick around. But it didn't seem Shanice and the other two were fighting with them. It looked almost like they got in the way."



Pary gave a quick look around. Everyone seemed to be able to walk, and no one was urgent. He walked over towards the discussion. "Morgan, everyone is out of critical condition. I suppose I can go look at the staircase if you need me too. Or I could go with Charlotte to find that grave."

Edited by psychout50
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"You can rest and watch the wounded then. We cannot afford to stay here, demons recover quickly and this is the first place they will look to strike at us again. There may be a trap downstairs, but I will risk it over another demon assault."

"Lev will accompany me then...anyone else coming along?" Morgan asked.

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"Fights like this can't be 'practice'," Kelas replied. "I... nearly lost my brother and friends today. Again. And now we're about to go charging into something else mad again," she added, "and I've no idea what's up ahead, other than probably dragons and things I know nothing about. Bit depressing." She stood up, pressing a vulnerary into Arrin's hand. "Drink up, we're bound to get chaos again soon," she told him.

"I'm all right," Arrin insisted, downing the vulnerary. "You don't need to worry."

Kelas just shook her head, too tired to argue.

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"I suppose I should show you where I found it in the first place. Count me in. This way." Cess turned and began to walk towards the church.



"Very well." He went over to Irina.

"You still should have had one of us look at it. Esphyr's right, it could be infected." Pary took his staff and focused it over her arm. Light shined over it, and the blood loss slowed. The wound began to close up, and he took a strand of cloth and wrapped it.

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"All right, anyone wishing to examine the staircase come along. The rest of you may hold some ceremony for the boy's mother if you must, but make it quick. Some should also stay behind to tend to the wounded." Morgan followed after Cess towards the church.

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Not demons

Iso: I guess we're still defying fate. I'll admit, I don't have any real solutions to this demon problem. All I know is that the next time we find Shanice, he fries.

Lev smirked at Esphyr's comment. He loved doing things that forced social politeness. Having it be Esphyr made it all the more satisfying.

Lev: Hey, that's why I'm here (actually I'm here because the kitty needs a luggage carrier) so don't mention it ^_^

Irina decided to let Esphyr take a look at her arm. Most everyone else had been treated, so there was no point in running to the back of the line anymore. Lev took a stand by Morgan and Krinkov trotted off toward Kiev with the luggage tied to his saddle. Viveka was a bit tired of standing around so she hopped up onto Susann. There was no way she was sitting down on the ground in a place like this.

Viveka: ... *sigh* ... I wonder what he's dreaming about ....

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"I'll stay behind. Not wise to move until both Damian and the headmaster are up. I assume that you've tended to both?" asked Esphyr.

The headmaster is fine, just passed out. scribbled Katie.

"Good... And Alf? Belly wound? How many wounds have you been hiding that haven't been healed?"

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"Just this one." He uncovered part of the still unwrapped bandages to reveal a bloody and somewhat medium sized hole in his stomach. The blood was caked and dried, but the staff clearly hadn't completely healed him properly.

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Morgan's lecture had actually been shorter, and less severe than Tessa had anticipated, and even had ended with the woman patting her on the shoulder and reassuring her. There was no extended "You acted incredibly stupidly", or "We only tolerate you because" speeches, just genuine concern and stressing and affirming the troubadours worth and place in the group.

It was almost... too easy. Tessa was a bit confused, surely she hadn't wanted to get scolded, but what should she be taking away from this? She almost wanted to follow up with some of the questions she'd been preparing to ask the woman, but looking down at Damian, and then looking back at the surroundings, it was more than obvious now was neither the time nor place for such conversation.

Sis had said that Pary had already healed Damian, but looking down at the man, he was still in bad shape, and further conversation did come up regarding the "mental state he will be in when he wakes up." Aiya had already come to, and was now sobbing at his side, and Tessa felt a twisting pain. Sure she'd been angry at him the other day, but the truth is, he had only been looking out for her, however misguided that may have been, and he had always treated her kindly, light teasing aside.

Not entirely sure whether or not it would be successful, she pulled out the Restore staff that Derek had acquired for her back in Alburny. It was a thin, light willow staff with inlaid ivory at its business end. Current conversation seemed to be bound up with respects to whether or not they should press onwards, or just what the current plan of action should be. Tessa was drowning all of that out though, trying to tune in to The Lady, to resonate with the goddess through the staff. Restoration was a different sort of magic than she was used to, and while she was familiar with the theory behind it, this was her first actual field test with it.

Gently, carefully, following the flow of magical energy, she timidly poked around the soldier's mind, trying to either verify that it was already fine, or whether there was some problem that needed to be addressed. Tessa met with a swirling vortex of chaos and hatred, which almost caused her to abruptly cut off the spell and retreat, nearly gasping out loud as well. Returning her focus, she tried self-imposing a visualization, to make things clearer, and to force the energies to bend to her will. She managed to find what appeared to have been an iron cage of sorts? Only some of the supports had been broken, and it seemed that this were the cause of the malice currently swarming throughout Damian's psyche. Using every ounce of mental fortitude she had, the troubadour tried to corral the swirling energies, direct them back to their former prison, and repair and reinforce it as best she could.

Exhausted from the efforts, she collapsed onto Damian's chest, and lay there, sweating profusely, and praying that what she'd tried to accomplish had actually worked.

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Kelas and Arrin

"Fries and gets shot," Kelas agreed. "And you're absolutely sure you're not about to fall over?" she asked skeptically.

Arrin got up, feeling better for the healing and vulnerary. He tottered over to Francis, hoping to calm the gelding down.


There were humans milling about near the entrance to her hideaway. Pests. She didn't get up, willing them to go away.

OOC: People who start down the stairs will get a surprise. (At first I figured she wasn't down them, but it looks like we're here for a while so...)

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