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and I started RD Hard Mode.

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I knew, I KNEW the scant prestige earned by "oh yes I have beaten RD HM tyvm" would not outweigh the frustration the fake difficulty would pile on, but I did it anyway. I transferred my old PoR save and selected Hard.


Why do I have such a fixation with being able to say "I have beaten X Final Fantasies" and "I have beaten RD HM" and other meager accolades?

Why don't I ever listen to myself?


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Should do it without transfers.

Transfers haven't had time to kick in yet. I think I have Ike, Mist, Elincia, and Neph transferred and that might be it.

EDIT: Nevermind, apparently I didn't bother with Lincy. Boyd I did.


and the best part is, I'm sitting here waiting to go try this chapter again.

Fuck I hate myself.

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1-2 was easy. Did it in one try and got some turn bonus (don't remember how quick I did it, but I got all the treasure). It was 1-3 that wasn't co-operating because I had a Nolan who started one turn away from Worst bio and an Edward who started on Worst so they kept RNG fucking me with 64 misses.

Anyway, 1-3's done so w/e yo.

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u mad chillax

Add a drop of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.

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Shoulda done that PoR transfer file first instead of giving up on it, ya quitter.

Dude, I tried. I triiiiiiied. It's - just - not - it. I can't turn anims off and I can't reassign skills and the stupid support button keeps blinking green at me and and and and rrrrghnnnaaaah.

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Next time when you ask me "Should I crank this up to HARD MODE?!" am I not supposed to say "HELL YEAH DO IT"? Is this my fault? D:

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Partly, yes.

Aaaaaanyway, 1-5 fuck meg that is all. At least she comes with two swords I won't have to buy Edward later.

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fuck that shit that violates my principles except in FEDS.

EDIT: HEADPHONES. BAD COMPANY 2. I will return to this thread after you go to bed.

EDIT2: Or when I rage.

EDIT3: The latter is far more probable.

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Good luck. My least favorite chapter is 1-F, not because it's hard (you have the goddamn BK and Nailhah available) but because there are a lot of guys yet it's tough to get any EXP out of them for the chars who need it without taking forever, due to low hit rates and high enemy evade from jarod's leadership.

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That's why I'm taking forever ~~~

Well, not actually. I'm just going at a slightly slower version of my usual pace. I figure why stress about the BEXP from turns? It's not even worth it.

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Unfortunately, no.

I just copied and pasted up to Chapter 9.

I'll just re-do it since it was short. The hardest thing is putting up the stats, dammit.

I want to use Elincia dammit. BUT NOOO, I have to wait another TWELVE chapters for that!

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