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(FE7) Drafting Tourney III


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16 UGH

Finished. Finally! After running the same strategy over and over again, here's what eventually ended up working for me...

For the main force: Marcus heads up north as fast as possible, killing as many people as he can while maxing out his movement every turn. Florina rescue/drops Oswin ahead of Marcus. All the enemies gang up on him, and he eventually succumbs (RIP meatshield) Lowen stays back with the rest of the main force, he too is killed. Not as sad about that. Matthew spams his iron sword in order to reach C swords, so that he can start using the killing edge and actually start contributing combat-wise. He actually crit-kills a cavalier. Hector eventually follows Marcus, with Florina sacrificing herself in order to make sure he isn't murdered by a damn mage. Again, not too sad, she was a midget anyway, and I hate midgets.

For the force of losers in the southeast: Sain is put into range of the peg knights with a javelin. He and Wil combine to kill the two peg knights that rush down. Kent distracts the mercenary long enough for Sain to eventually come over and dispatch him with an iron lance. Sain then goes around the southern village (which was destroyed) and joins the main force, contributing by killed a mercenary.

Eventually, when the mercenary and cavalier forces stopped spawning, Hector and Marcus went after the boss. ORKO for Hector with Wolf Beil. 11 turn completion, 62 total. I may try chapter 17 later, or I may just kill myself.

 	Level    HP    STR 	SKL    SPD    LCK 	DEF 	RES
Hector  10.65    28 	13   	9    	9   	6   	12   	1 
Matthew  6.26    19 	4   	5   	15   	2        3        2
Marcus   4.86    32 	16  	16      12    	8   	10  	10
Bartre   9.11 	35 	12      6   	6   	6        7        2
Erk      5.26  	21      7   	9   	9   	5        3        7
Wil      5.39 	22 	7   	5   	7   	7        6        1
Sain 	4.90 	22 	9   	5    	7   	5        7        0

EDIT: Fuck it, I'm done trying to make charts. Why does it look so nice when I'm about to post!

Is that 11+4 penalty for rescuing with Florina? Also, with the charts, just guess and check the spaces. add/take away spaces so that everything lines up.Look, I fixed it in the quotebox

Edited by Core
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Is that 11+4 penalty for rescuing with Florina? Also, with the charts, just guess and check the spaces. add/take away spaces so that everything lines up.Look, I fixed it in the quotebox

Er, well, I thought that undrafted units were allowed to rescue other undrafted units?

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Er, well, I thought that undrafted units were allowed to rescue other undrafted units?

nevermind, lol. I for some reason thought you had drafted Oswin. Sorry....haha.

In any case, good job on the turncount without any penalties.

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Chapter 18 finally completed. I got so sick of everyone dying, I tried something different. Deployed Hector and Merlinus only. Parked Hector on Armory square with a vulnerary, bought stuff for everyone (including Hand Axes to equip for combat this chapter). Merlinus died, meh, I was expecting it. Hector chewed through 3 full Hand Axes. So I just replaced them.

Name   Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RE WLvl
Hector 17.38 35 18 8  12 8  17 6  Axe A
Marcus  6.88 35 17 17 11 8  11 10 Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Guy    11.23 29 12 17 19 6  8  3  Sword A
Raven   5.66 29 10 13 15 2  6  2  Sword C
Lucius  3.00 18 7  6  10 2  1  6  Light D 

Does this chapter count for 11 or 12 turns? (Defend chapter and all)

Holy crap Hector proc'd STR and RES every level last chapter (and 2 speed!)

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I'm kinda surprised you didn't sit Marcus next to him to trade Javelins to from the armory.

Given the number of enemy Marcus would then face (the enemies I think target him over Hector, as they can damage him) and his not terribly great durability, it wasn't considered. And besides, it also drains Exp from Hector. And Hector got 3 reasonable level ups, so I'm not re-doing it. Not that I'd want to, anyway.

Yeah, wow. If the strategy I have in mind doesn't work out, I might have to copy yours!

It works, but only if Hector is being tinked by the Pegs and Mercs. And hope you don't get hit by many shamans. (Unless you're RES blessed)

It also helps if Hector keeps missing. Because a) Less weapon durability wasted, B) Less enemy exposure (I estimated 38 enemies on the map at the end, hint). But he shouldn't miss that much, and he should get some levels. The rest of your team will suffer slightly, but no big deal.

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I tried something similar for boat chapter in my Great Knight PT in FE8. Dead hard Duessel, even harder Gilliam, desperately protecting weaponless Ephraim from harm. Didn't know Hector would be capable of the same...

Up to Victory or Death. Should have this started soon.

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9 turned Chapter 23. Got ocean seal, not body ring. Money not a concern. Lowen's lack of promotion item is totally going to hamper my plan to 2 turn Chapter 24. Oh well.

That stinks because I'll need the guiding ring and the body ring. So many of my people need the body ring (read: Florina).

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First run, almost completed it, then Sain died. Carelessness. Anyway, ignored the first room, since I can get the hero crest for Bartre when I fight Oleg. Pretty simple chapter, everyone bum rushed through the middle, with 1-2 range weapons equipped. Marcus takes point, yeah, like usual. Priscilla recruits Raven, since I figured I could use the steel sword, and Marcus was the only person who could reliably kill him. I wish I had drafted him.

Anyway, things went pretty well. Wil still is about as strong as a generic archer. Sain got somewhere around 3 levels, he's becoming pretty strong. Everyone else is meh. Marcus equips the hammer, ORKO on Bernard. 11 turn completion, 73 total.

Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	11.18 	29 	14 	10 	9   	6    	13   	1  		
Marcus 	6.11     34 	17 	17 	12 	9   	11    	11
Bartre 10.04    36      12      6   	6       6       7       2
Erk   	 5.90  	21 	7 	9  	9  	5   	3      	7   	
Wil 	6.00   22 	7 	6  	8  	7 	6 	2
Sain 	7.38 	24 	11 	6	8  	6 	9 	2

Fuck you, chart.

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Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	11.18 	29 	14 	10 	9   	6    	13   	1  		
Marcus 	6.11    34 	17 	17 	12 	9   	11    	11
Bartre  10.04   36      12      6   	6       6       7       2
Erk   	5.90  	21 	7 	9  	9  	5   	3      	7   	
Wil 	6.00    22 	7 	6  	8  	7 	6 	2
Sain 	7.38 	24 	11 	6	8  	6 	9 	2

Should be a little more in-line (HP is a touch off, though)

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Sleep-deprived EEG. What can ya do.


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Sleep-deprived EEG. What can ya do.


I still don't know why you didn't have it unlocked. I never even beat a chapter in EHM. Only beat ENM and HNM. Well, and LHM too.

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Wow. WOW. Pirate Ship is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't help the the majority of my team uses Axe, can't fight, or both (Bartre.)

EDIT: In all seriousness, my entire team outside of Sain, Marcus, and Hector is 2RKO'd by every single enemy. Bartre is ORKO'd by some mercenaries, Matthew has the durability of a fucking piece of glass. I hate my team.

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Marcus still likes to die and is now getting repeatedly double by the damn heros and high leveled myrmidons starting to appear. Chapter 24 not yet cleared.

Wow. WOW. Pirate Ship is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't help the the majority of my team uses Axe, can't fight, or both (Bartre.)

EDIT: In all seriousness, my entire team outside of Sain, Marcus, and Hector is 2RKO'd by every single enemy. Bartre is ORKO'd by some mercenaries, Matthew has the durability of a fucking piece of glass. I hate my team.

Yeah, after looking at your draft, your fucked for the ship. That sucks.

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Marcus still likes to die and is now getting repeatedly double by the damn heros and high leveled myrmidons starting to appear. Chapter 24 not yet cleared.

Yeah, after looking at your draft, your fucked for the ship. That sucks.

I never really considered the durability of my units, but I'd also never played HHM, so I didn't know that you start out being RAPED by about 15 different enemy units.

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I've gotten to the Chapter where Zephiel likes to die. I then got really pissed at how frail that kid is and stopped. But I had beaten early game. My draft strategy was grab someone who has pwnage durability first. Obviously Oswin worked. I would have picked Raven over him but I knew Raven would go tops. I then wanted a high move and high durability unit. I obviously targeted Lowen and luckily you didn't take him. I got to round 3 and saw Pent was open so I decided to base the rest of my draft around Pent. I grabbed Hawkeye next round for support triangle with Pent and my future pick Louise. My goal was to hope Dorcas fell to my 5th round, but when both Dorcas and secondary option Canas didn't show up down at my pick, I went Karel in order to have a primary sword user. After that, pretty much all the units sucked, so I grabbed Louise rather than play with the drafting strategies of my opponents. I then grabbed Vaida for flight and Wallace because he could potentially be a good meatshield. In retrospect, I should have taken Geitz (to ruin Mist) or Renault (for another staffer so that Pent can attack endgame).

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I've gotten to the Chapter where Zephiel likes to die. I then got really pissed at how frail that kid is and stopped.

From my own experiences, he's fine until he moves off his Pillar. On this Pillar he can live for up to, oh, five turns, usually dodging fighters and being probably 3RKO'd against magi. So either rush the Rescue staff or just rush Zeph, making sure to take out the hit on Ursula. Jaffar will take a while to die, but in my experience usually retreats in the wrong direction, so you can't rely on him for much.

PEMN, I know, let alone HN/EHPE, but still. If Lowen is strong, and/or won't be doubled by Bolting, he can rush Zeph with some Elixirs and Javelins and such, possibly bringing someone along, before all of your other units catch up and kill everyone. Osw1n might be able to solo the left flank by himself, if he's good enough. (He probably can't but hey, worth a try.)

Don't give up now! If all else fails, Wallace can be a sacrificial lamb.

EDIT: HAHHAH! Just had to finish the HNM Epilogue!

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