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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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If you are relying on dodging 1 of two 30 hit attacks, that's a pretty high chance of failure. If you are repeating it until it works, that's borderline RNG abuse.

Were you trying to use Provoke to convince an enemy to attack a unit that can counterattack rather than attack Rolf who can? If so, well yeah. Provoke would be utterly useless then. Provoke is better the unit you are trying to protect can actually counter attack. Still not 100% reliable, but not completely useless either.

No but thats what has been happening to my Rolf, and i can't seem to find a way for him not to get attacked. Might as well just ike solo it.

And yes on the provoke. Thought it would work much more better.

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Go ahead and do the Ike solo. Between the tanky units who'll be joining Ike's team later on and the endless BEXP NM gives you, you'll have plenty of opportunities to level Rofl. And Ike with Adept is cool.

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3-P: 11 turns

Adept off Soren and on Ike. Provoke off Shinon and on Gatrie. Vantage off Mia and on Ike. Ike got Mia's swords and Rhys's Concoction. Gatrie got Boyd's Killer Axe and Titania's Short Axe and vulnerary. Mist got Rhys's Mend and Heal.

There really wasn't any way I could have done this faster. My team got some experience while the enemy drowned in kittens. The main fault in my turncount is the AI's incompetence.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/12/0      45|24| 3|28|24|14|21| 7
Mist      --/ 1/0      28| 8|13|13|15|16| 7|16
Gatrie    --/11/0      44|25| 5|19|21|15|25|12

3-1: 12+5 turns (Titania)

Titania gets Boyd's steel axe and hand axe, Gatrie gets three BEXP levels, those will be very helpful. Doubling and all that.

I don't remember much of this, I did it, though! There were some nice levels involved, including one from Titania, and even Mist was useful. I'll have to see if it was really 12 turns or not at the end, since I wasn't paying attention. I think it was. I outright forgot the robe, too! I could have gotten that!

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/14/0      46|24| 3|29|25|15|22| 8
Mist      --/ 2/0      28| 8|13|14|16|17| 8|16
Gatrie    --/15/0      45|27| 5|21|23|16|27|14

3-2: 5 turns

Wind edge for Ike, javelin for Gatrie, IkexMist C is triggered. Mist gets Shade, Ike trades Adept for Celerity. Mist gets Disarm because why not. Gatrie gets a level of BEXP. I forget to sell back the Silver Card, dammit. Gatrie gets Adept! Mist eats the robe I do have, Ike eats the talisman, Mist gets Physic, Mend and Recover, Ike gets the Brave Sword. Gatrie has hit issues with his greatlance so I forged him a 15 mt, 100 hit, 3 crit, yellow steel lance with an Arrow card (110 hit total) called "I Eat Tables".

Gatrie helped Ike and Physic!Mist to go forward without being flanked. The brave sword was useful for helping Ike avoid counters from sages, and Vantage turned out to be lol with it. Mist being 2RKO'd is helpful, and hilarious with Physic's recovery effect. A couple of wind edge shots on EP let brave sword!Ike bring a 5-turn finish. I'm happy with it.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/15/0      47|25| 3|30|25|15|22|10
Mist      --/ 3/0      36| 8|14|15|17|18| 8|17
Gatrie    --/17/0      45|27| 5|22|23|16|29|16

3-3: 15 turns (Soren, free)

A couple new wind edges for Ike, and I buy the dracoshield. It'll get used later. Javelins for Gatrie.

A fifteen-turn clear, but I went as fast as possible and even picked up the Master Crown. I'm happy with this.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/19/0      49|27| 3|30|26|17|25|10
Mist      --/ 5/0      37| 8|14|16|18|19| 8|19
Gatrie    --/18/0      45|27| 5|22|23|16|29|17

3-4: 13 turns

Gatrie is BEXP'd to 20 and crowned. IkexMist B happens. Two wind edges are replaced, as is a javelin. A stone and some grass for Lethe. She's BEXP'd to 25, and given the shield. I outfit her with Wrath and Adept. Gatrie gets Pass.

Ike was my main attack force while Gatrie ensured I didn't get caught in between stuff. Mist doubled a mage, Lethe failed to pick up the second Ettard twice, Gatrie can ORKO generals with a steel lance forge, and other things. Mist was playing clean-up squad quite a lot, especially with Lethe smoking so much.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/20/0      50|27| 3|30|27|17|25|11
Mist      --/ 8/0      37| 8|14|18|20|20|10|19
Gatrie    --/20/1      49|29| 9|26|25|17|32|23
Lethe        25        55|18|12|26|30|22|24|20

3-5: 5 turns

Two levels of BEXP for Lethe. Ike gets Adept, Gatrie gets Celerity. I stow Gatrie's javelins away in favour of Oscar's short spear and two fresh hand axes.

Mist and Ike protected the starting position while Gatrie killed everything on the way to the boss. He levelled twice and procced speed once - too bad, if he got it both times he'd have been able to double Lombroso and get the chapter done in just four turns.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/20/0      50|27| 3|30|27|17|25|11
Mist      --/ 8/0      37| 8|14|18|20|20|10|19
Gatrie    --/20/3      49|31| 9|27|26|18|34|24
Lethe        27        57|18|12|26|34|24|24|20

3-6: Lol I dunno

Staves for Micaiah - Mend, Physic, Torch. Two Beast Killers for Sothe. Sothe drops Paragon for Resolve, Volug drops Wildheart and Renewal for Beastfoe and Imbue, and Micaiah drops Wrath for Paragon, picking up Parity because it's there. Grass for Volug, I notice I FORGOT TO KEEP MUARIM'S STONE AAAAAAあああああッ。

Micaiah healed, took potshots, and helped Sothe dodgetank. Feel free to mentally copy-paste that line into every remaining DB chapter overview. She also got 3 speed from four levels, so her speed is now slightly less disgusting. Sothe was dodging everything and ORKOing with his Beast Killer. Volug was a pretty cool guy, eh was OHKOing the entire map and not afraiding of anything, even untransformed (3RKO? Really?). Partner units and the Burger King made sure my team Micaiah didn't get flanked. It was such a fun chapter that I completely forgot to check the turncount, and my stats. Oh well. I'll get it at the end.

3-7: 12 turns

Gatrie fills up with javelins, Lethe takes back Adept, Ike gets Pass. I make IkexMist A, Lethe is BEXP'd to .99.

Self-improvement, right? Gatrie got a level and is close to getting another, and Mist's contribution consisted entirely of a single shot to counter a sage on turn 12, though my main goal here was raising Lethe's strike level. She made S, but unfortunately SS is still quite far away. Obviously she levelled, and got nothing but strength from it. Cute.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/20/0      50|27| 3|30|27|17|25|11
Mist      --/ 8/0      37| 8|14|18|20|20|10|19
Gatrie    --/20/4      49|31| 9|28|27|18|35|24
Lethe        28        57|20|12|26|34|24|24|20

3-8: 8 turns

More grass for Lethe. More hand axes for Gatrie. Lethe gets two levels of BEXP and a satori sign! She even gets strength on a level. 35 atk with Adept and 36 AS seems pretty cool, especially with a mastery.

Gatrie soloed the entire east half of the map, leaving Ike, Lethe and Mist to the less densely-populated west half. Until turn 7-8 cleanup at least, which Gatrie did most of anyway, and he could have made it a 7-turn clear with just one more Luna proc, but we've established that the RNG likes screwing with me in this way. Movement what? yes he had celerity but still I forgot stats again~

3-9: 6+3 turns (Geoffrey)

First, I take off Geoffrey's Paragon, and give him a javelin. ~4000 BEXP isn't too much, so I pump Geoffrey to 20 for some extra insurance before crowning him.

Geoffrey owned everything. He even got a speedwing I didn't remember was there, but thanks to a dropeed hand axe he could send it to the convoy to be used in 3-11 rather than at endgame. Thanks to promoting with capped strength, one javelin hit and two brave lance hits made for an exact-needed-damage boss kill. Sol was very good here.

3-10: 8 turns

I make GatriexLethe C. It's terrible - +1 DEF, +12 hit - but it's better than nothing. Lethe is given five levels of BEXP, yay. It turned out surprisingly well, actually. Speed and defence are capped, and HP is one point away. Ike will need a boost, so he gets a red steel sword forge with 14 mt. It's called "Cav!Gordin" and it's Arrow carded.

Ike and Lethe took the southern end of the map, and Gatrie dealt with the bulk, as usual. Of course, Ranulf hid in the corner and Mist found unthreatened spaces to sit on while she healed. Physic has like two charges left as of the end of this chapter, I'd like a replacement soon. The green army was a great clena-up crew, especially with Geoffrey's ORKOs (and OHKOs, lol horseslayer. Why didn't I put it on Marcia or someone like that?). They finished the chapter for me, lol

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/20/0      50|27| 3|30|27|17|25|11
Mist      --/ 9/0      37| 8|14|19|20|20|11|20
Gatrie    --/20/7      51|33|10|30|29|18|37|26
Lethe        35        64|26|12|28|40|27|28|24

3-11: 9 turns

Lethe is BEXP'd to 40. Let's go.

Since I was running toward the boss, I couldn't spare time to make things safe enough for Mist and Leanne to contribute much, sadly (though Physic broke on a hawk). Still, Ike, Gatrie, Lethe and Tibarn were tearing through everything. Ragnell was awesome, as usual. Mist got her first strength proc in nine levels.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Ike       --/20/0      50|27| 3|30|27|17|25|11
Mist      --/10/0      37| 9|15|20|20|20|11|21
Gatrie    --/20/8      52|34|10|31|30|18|37|27
Lethe        40        65|34|14|36|40|30|28|28
Leanne        7        26| 0| 3| 1| 7|28| 2|13

Where are you guys all up to? I know Integrity's done and I can see Dark's at least done up to 3-13, but where's everyone else?

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Muarim doesn't come with a Laguz Stone in 1-7.

I'm assuming he had a grass on him or something and forgot to remove it then said the wrong thing. Otherwise, no idea what he was thinking.

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i'm still at 3-p :unsure: ... haven't tried again :mellow:

If you're strugggling, just shove provoke on Ike, have Titania rescue Rhys and Oscar Mist, then make everyone run through the thickets to the laguz side.

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If you're strugggling, just shove provoke on Ike, have Titania rescue Rhys and Oscar Mist, then make everyone run through the thickets to the laguz side.

He's not allowed to do that.

Still, how do you get stuck on 3-P? Solo it with Ike if you must, but Rolf should be able to get to a ballista eventually, at least.

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He's not allowed to do that.

Why can't he? None of Titania, Mist, Rhys, Oscar are drafted. Therefore you should be able to have them rescue each other to reduce the number of non-drafted units taking up tiles. They are supposed to not exist. They aren't supposed to make your life more difficult. With only one row to run across, it is a pain if you have to hold back your drafted units just because you can't pick up the non-drafted ones. The whole point of drafting units is to act like they are the only units around. Why wouldn't you be able to have two undrafted characters rescue each other? The rule about those units not rescuing should only apply to, say, Titania rescuing Ike or some other unit that is drafted if you don't have Titania on your team. That rule makes perfect sense as Titania is actually doing something that affects drafted characters while she herself isn't drafted. Titania rescuing Mist/Rhys reduces the impact of non-drafted characters, and hence should be applauded.

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If you're strugggling, just shove provoke on Ike, have Titania rescue Rhys and Oscar Mist, then make everyone run through the thickets to the laguz side.

I was thinking on a solo ike. Plus i don't think non drafted are able to rescue. (Was already answered.

Yhats not the problem though. I have been distracted by another game :sweatdrop:

Edited by SlayerX
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Why can't he? None of Titania, Mist, Rhys, Oscar are drafted. Therefore you should be able to have them rescue each other to reduce the number of non-drafted units taking up tiles. They are supposed to not exist. They aren't supposed to make your life more difficult. With only one row to run across, it is a pain if you have to hold back your drafted units just because you can't pick up the non-drafted ones. The whole point of drafting units is to act like they are the only units around. Why wouldn't you be able to have two undrafted characters rescue each other? The rule about those units not rescuing should only apply to, say, Titania rescuing Ike or some other unit that is drafted if you don't have Titania on your team. That rule makes perfect sense as Titania is actually doing something that affects drafted characters while she herself isn't drafted. Titania rescuing Mist/Rhys reduces the impact of non-drafted characters, and hence should be applauded.

The rules don't explicitly disallow rescues, but that's what I'm guessing since ferrying is listed. What I don't get is which part of the rules implies that non-drafted units rescuing non-drafted units is fine. Regardless of how it "should" be, that's what it looks like. I say let Revan decide on the ruling, it's his thread.

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im pretty sure rescues arent allow...if they are i wanna shoot myself in the face

Yhats not the problem though. I have been distracted by another game :sweatdrop:

this is why i am still at 4-3.

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im pretty sure rescues arent allow...if they are i wanna shoot myself in the face

They are in Ether's draft for fe9. Specifically allowed. If they aren't allowed in this one, I'd suggest assuming they are allowed since it minimizes the impact of non-drafted characters, which is the entire point. Logically, it should be allowed, and if it isn't you should petition to make it accepted.

To deny this ability would be analogous to requiring that you max out deployment in chapters that don't force you to do so since it has the same effect -> forcing you to go through pain to prevent non-drafted units from entering combat. It makes much much more sense to allow a not-drafted Titania to pick up a not-drafted Rhys.

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Rescuing non-drafted units with other non drafted units has been the norm in every other draft PT, including the one predeceding this one. It's what's done in 2-P and 3-P and 3-1 to get around the penalties.

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But so has meatshielding and meatshielding was specifically disallowed.

I could probably have shaved some turns by being allowed to rescue non-draftees with non-draftees, but not enough to care frankly. I demand you all do it my way.

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But so has meatshielding and meatshielding was specifically disallowed.

"We've always considered walking on a sidewalk to be legal."

"Well, yeah, but slavery used to be legal and now it isn't."

"Um, that affects the legality of walking down a sidewalk how, exactly?"

Can you not see how meatshielding is 100% different from two non-drafted units rescuing each other? Meatshielding is your non-drafted unit distracting an enemy from your drafted units. Your non-drafted unit causes the enemies to do something different from what would happen if your non-drafted unit did not exist. It increases your non-drafted unit's footprint. Rescuing in the manner described above has the opposite effect. It reduces the footprint because the non-drafted units take up less space.

Oh, and another thing that should not be allowed would be allowing a non-drafted unit to "attract" an enemy. It is similar to meatshielding, only your non-drafted unit doesn't get attacked. Generally, enemies willing to move will move towards the closest player unit. If it is out of range, no attack will be made but he will still go towards the closest unit. Even though it isn't technically "meatshielding", your non-drafted unit can still affect the outcome of the map by guiding an enemy away from your drafted units. That's the type of thing that is supposed to not be allowed. Not doing something to reduce the impact of non-drafted units.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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"We've always considered walking on a sidewalk to be legal."

"Well, yeah, but slavery used to be legal and now it isn't."

"Um, that affects the legality of walking down a sidewalk how, exactly?"

Can you not see how meatshielding is 100% different from two non-drafted units rescuing each other? Meatshielding is your non-drafted unit distracting an enemy from your drafted units. Your non-drafted unit causes the enemies to do something different from what would happen if your non-drafted unit did not exist. It increases your non-drafted unit's footprint. Rescuing in the manner described above has the opposite effect. It reduces the footprint because the non-drafted units take up less space.

Oh, and another thing that should not be allowed would be allowing a non-drafted unit to "attract" an enemy. It is similar to meatshielding, only your non-drafted unit doesn't get attacked. Generally, enemies willing to move will move towards the closest player unit. If it is out of range, no attack will be made but he will still go towards the closest unit. Even though it isn't technically "meatshielding", your non-drafted unit can still affect the outcome of the map by guiding an enemy away from your drafted units. That's the type of thing that is supposed to not be allowed. Not doing something to reduce the impact of non-drafted units.

in some places its illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk.

Rescuing should probably be legal but i dont want to change it since Int is completely done and me and fayt(im forgetting someone i know) are in P4.

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in some places its illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk.

Still doesn't affect walking. And I think in my area you can only ride your bike on the sidewalk if the radius of the wheels is a certain length or shorter. Don't remember how many centimeters. Anything larger and you have to go on the road (and risk getting hit by bad drivers).

Rescuing should probably be legal but i dont want to change it since Int is completely done and me and fayt(im forgetting someone i know) are in P4.

But do you know if anyone has assumed that you can and went ahead with it?

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Still doesn't affect walking. And I think in my area you can only ride your bike on the sidewalk if the radius of the wheels is a certain length or shorter. Don't remember how many centimeters. Anything larger and you have to go on the road (and risk getting hit by bad drivers).

But do you know if anyone has assumed that you can and went ahead with it?

thats an odd law.

if they have better fess up and take penalties >=]

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Narga: I absolutely see how meatshielding != rescuing non-draftees with non-draftees. The point of my post was that I was coming off of another draft (the fe6 one maybe?) where something was disallowed and somebody said that it should be allowed because it's allowed in every other one. My point was that meatshielding is "always allowed in other drafts" but not in this one, so why should rescuing be always allowed in other drafts ergo assumed allowed in this one?

EDIT: This, and scroll down a few posts as well.

"Obviously meatshielding is allowed in other drafts ergo it's allowed in this one"

Edited by Integrity
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