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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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Alright, I've changed the rules to allow 1 undrafted character for free in 2-P. We're ready to go with 7 players, (everyone up to and including Fenrir got in), but if all the players agree, and we can get enough people, we can go to ten, so everyone please post whether you are alright with this or not. If we go to 10 people, I think we might want to relax the penalties or maybe even go with dondon's idea.

My only complaint with 10 players is then we wouldn't each be able to draft a full Tower team.

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i wouldn't want to affect anyone's choices, so I'll let you decide.

3-1? or 2-1?

also, on 4-3 there is no listed penalty for him so are we allowed to use Naesala?

Edited by Fenrir
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3-1? or 2-1?

also, on 4-3 there is no listed penalty for him so are we allowed to use Naesala?

3-1 you can undeploy. 2-1 you can avoid exposing Nephenee to combat and let Brom rambo the thing, possibly, but Neph'll probably get attacked. Either way, neither's worse than 2-P

EDIT: Random note, Revan: It's Sigrun. You keep putting her down as Sigurn.

Edited by Integrity
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1-P isn't to bad with only miccy and ed as meatshield.

I would prefer 7 people for ability to field full endgame team. When will we start drafting?

Edited by Fenrir
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Alright. Next question:

Are we allowed to use units like Ilyana, Neph, and/or Jill to ship items over between teams?

I should think Ilyana and Neph are okay. Jill/Zihark, though? Probably only if you happen to have Jill or Zihark on your team, or the units that can recruit them. Otherwise it would be no because you have no excuse to deploy the unit recruiting unit in 3-7.

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About 2-P, it's basically the motivation to draft a unit like Marcia or Nealuchi. Granted it is NM so Marcia can actually be good in 4-E without any difficulty, but it's basically a reward for picking certain units with lower availability.

Except Haar, of course. You don't need a reward for picking him. You might as well just specify "you get Haar for free in 2-P". Partial punishment for picking Haar (you only get him, probably, since others may take Elincia, Neal, and Marcia). I'm not certain you can avoid combat until you can recruit Haar, though, so some might need to take a penalty. But that's only fair given how this is a drafting tournament. You should get something out of picking certain characters.

Well, you do make a good argument, and people seem to agree, so I guess I'll do that. Haar is free in 2-P, no-one else is.

If we're going for 7 like it sounds like we are, as soon as Revan gives us an order.

I guess we're going for 7 people then. Sorry everyone who was after, maybe another time?

And RP, you're allowed to use any unit to ship over items between teams. You can even do stuff like Promote Ilyana with a seal to get more Skill Capacity, you just can't actually use her in maps unless you have her drafted.

PS. Misspellings would be due to me just copy-pasta-ing.

Anyhow, I'll add the unit list to the first post, and I'll begin drafting now, in semi-randomly determined order, which is as follows.





5)Fayt Zelpher



Once we reach the end, we double back (so yeah, SlayerX will get 2 picks in a row at the end of the first round/beginning of the second).

We can begin picks now.

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