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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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(since i know that would just count as spam, and i don't want a warning i will say something relevant to this topic....)

May i know what everyne expects to take so i can take the best 2 in my turn? :awesome:

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Still,I remember these.I was in one here earlier,but I had problems with my game disk,and by the time I could start up again,I would have been Necroing the topic.

This was the team I had at the time:











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Still,I remember these.I was in one here earlier,but I had problems with my game disk,and by the time I could start up again,I would have been Necroing the topic.

This was the team I had at the time:











If you want to try to rez it, I'll post there. Just ask. It's a special type of topic, so I don't think the right kind of posts are necro there. eg: resuming the competition. But only posts that actually show the progress of the playthroughs. Anything else would be necro. It's like a playlog, only for multiple players (making it effectively a project thread).

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Well,that was a while back,and I've since deleted the save.I might do it during my vacation,since I'll have not much to do for two weeks.Anyway,I'll let you know,I guess.

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I was wondering if I can sign up for this? (If it's not too late)

Sadly for you it would appear that we're already full. 8[

Perhaps I or someone else will have another drafting tournament after this, or hell, if you get enough willingness you might even be able to run one parallel to this one.

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Sadly for you it would appear that we're already full. 8[

Perhaps I or someone else will have another drafting tournament after this, or hell, if you get enough willingness you might even be able to run one parallel to this one.

Hmm, alright.

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I want a red haired archer with a superiority complex.

Who, me? This hair is brown, my friend.

That aside, this looks interesting with all the switchery and...infighting.

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