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Deciphering the growths

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And for teh lulz, cavalier Ryan.

Cavalier Growths

40, 15, -10, 25, 10, 0, 15, -5

Ryan Growths

40, 40, 0, 60, 20, 40, 25, 10


80% HP

55% Strength

0% Magic

85 % Skill

30% Speed

40% Luck

40% Defence

5% Res

Not too bad, actually.

EDIT: Also Arran (Considering Cavalier growths are the same as paladins?)

Arrans growths (if you can call them that)

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0

Cavalier Growths

40, 15, -10, 25, 10, 0, 15, -5

40% HP

15% Strength

0% Magic

25% Skill

10% Speed

10% Luck

15% Defence

0% Resistance

Wow he is terrible. Let's all point and laugh. (Which is funny because his FE3 growths were worse)

Edited by Kelsper
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And for teh lulz, cavalier Ryan.

Cavalier Growths

40, 10, -10, 20, 30, 0, 10, -10

Ryan Growths

40, 40, 0, 60, 20, 40, 25, 10


80% HP

50% Strength

0% Magic

80 % Skill

50% Speed

40% Luck

35% Defence

0% Res

Not too bad, actually.

Check out the bases

20 HP, 7 Str, 3 Skl, 6 Spd, 3 Lck, 8 Def

Only thing Roddy has on him is superior lance rank and more time to build cav weapon ranks in general due to reclass not being available until later in the prologue. Ryan's got some earlier utility (such as Shiida slayer in the prologue), and has more time to abuse the superior speed growth of the archer class.

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Of course Ryan is winning Speed growth, you're using Archer growths. >_>

I must have copy and pasted them wrong, urgh. Going back to fix them.

EDIT: No wait, what do you mean?

Edited by Kelsper
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*Facedesk* To the person who made the combined growths chart for CAVALIER Ryan, could you use the actual cavalier growths next time?

Well let's see. Ryan as a cav then would have...

30% Speed growth.


EDIT: Whoops, ninja'd

Edited by Etzel's Hips
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*Facedesk* To the person who made the combined growths chart for CAVALIER Ryan, could you use the actual cavalier growths next time?

Well let's see. Ryan as a cav then would have...

30% Speed growth.


EDIT: Whoops, ninja'd

I see now. My bad.

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Not sure if this sort of thing has already been done, but let's check out one of the newer characters, namely Warren.

Hunter Growths: 40% HP, 20% Str, 15% Skl, 25% Spd, 5% Def

Warren's Base Growths: 40% HP, 40% Str, 45% Skl, 15% Spd, 40% Lck, 25% Def

Hunter Warren

80% HP

60% Str

60% Skl

40% Spd

40% Lck

30% Def

That's pretty impressive for a guy who used to suck pretty hardcore.

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I take it you took those class growths from Shadow Dragon? I'm pretty sure the class growths have changed at least a little bit.

Also, Hunter Ogma?

40, 20, -15, 15, 25, 0, 5, -15

50 40 0 30 30 60 15 15

90% HP

60% Strength

0% Magic

45% Skill

55% Speed

60% Luck

20% Defense

0% Res

EDIT: Apparently they are the same, which I found kind of surprising.

Edited by Kelsper
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I take it you took those class growths from Shadow Dragon? I'm pretty sure the class growths have changed at least a little bit.

Then what is it you're doing here? I see they've yet to be disclosed on the New Mystery page, so Shadow Dragon's the only one we got to work with. In fact, I recall it being said earlier that for the most part they haven't changed.

EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd again!

Also, Archer Ogma?

40, 10, -10, 20, 30, 0, 10, -10

50 40 0 30 30 60 15 15

90% HP

50% Strength

0% Magic

50% Skill

60% Speed

60% Luck

25% Defense

5% Res

EDIT: Apparently they are the same, which I found kind of surprising.

Not sure why we're bringing him up as an archer since he's not A class. I think you meant to use Hunter, which case...He'd be Warren with 10% less Def and 15% more speed.

Edited by Etzel's Hips
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Not sure why we're bringing him up as an archer since he's not A class. I think you meant to use Hunter, which case...He'd be Warren with 10% less Def and 15% more speed.

Gar. I keep making mistakes. Gonna go sleep, lol.

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On a similar note, Draug seems to have improved a bit, growth wise. These are his growths in this game:

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

20 25 0 30 50 40 25 10

Combined with the AK base growths:

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

60 15 -15 20 0 0 30 -10

Would give him:

80% HP, 40% Str, 0% Mag, 50% Skl, 50% Spd, 40% Lck, 55% Def and 0% Res.

As a hunter, he has:

60% HP, 45% Str, 0% Mag, 45% Skl, 75% Spd, 40% Lck, 30% Def, and 0% Res.

So now, he actually has a def growth as anything other than an AK(too bad he gets ORKO'd by everything unless he gets 2 speed ups. Good news is that he stops being ORKO'd by hunters with as little as +1 HP/Def or +1 Spd. And that's the base class.)

Edited by DA125
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Draug Pirate is hilarious. I had to reclass him to Fighter at 14 or something to stop him capping speed/strength so damn early. No defence at all though. Or skill.

I've playing with a few pre-promotes other than Sirius, and apparently they're not as bad as I originally thought. Etzel in particular appears to be some sort of tank.

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I'm home!

It looks like several of the values get overwritten before they're used (or I completely forgot how assembly works).

It also doesn't help that there's quite a few unknown values floating around. I think it would be best to leave the calculations to the game, and capture the values at the end.

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Twilkitri, have you tried looking into My Unit's growths and/or their growth alterations?

There's so few growth sets and too many unknowns that I don't think I'll be able to figure out any patterns by simple analysis of the raw data. I can just about obtain a single growth value though.

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I haven't looked into them, no. I don't remember what options I've chosen throughout in any case. I can probably look into that a little at the moment as I have some time.


Kay, in four tests...

Male Merc, first first first

Male Merc, second second second

Female Myrm, first first first

Male Armour, second first first

All gave off the same growth rates as currently listed on the growths page.

Either I am thinking of the wrong options or growth bonuses are stored somewhere separately.

Did at least get some extra class growths I'm not sure we have or not yet.

Male Merc: 50, 20, -20, 25, 20, 0, 10, -10

Female Myrm: 40, 10, -10, 20, 30, 0, 5, -5

Male Armour: 60, 15, -15, 20, 0, 0, 30, -10

Edited by T.W.I.L.K.I.T.R.I.
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Did at least get some extra class growths I'm not sure we have or not yet.

Male Merc: 50, 20, -20, 25, 20, 0, 10, -10

Female Myrm: 40, 10, -10, 20, 30, 0, 5, -5

Male Armour: 60, 15, -15, 20, 0, 0, 30, -10

Looks like some class growths have changed from Shadow Dragon

Merc from SD was

60, 20, -20, 25, 20, 0, 5, -10

and Myrm was

50, 10, -10, 20, 25, 0, 5, -5

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Thanks for the info, I was worried that the alterations were stored separately.

I have a feeling Berserkers have slightly different growths as well, whether it's the player growths or enemy growths. I seem to remember their numbers not conforming to the patterns I found.

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Well, I looked on the main site and... wow, those are Sirius' base growths?

55 50 10 35 40 60 35 10

With cavalier growths that's..

40, 15, -10, 25, 10, 0, 15, -5

95% HP

65% Strength

0% Magic

60% Skill

50% Speed

60% Luck

50% Defence

5% Resistance

I need to start using him.

Also; Feena's base growths:

30 50 10 50 50 80 10 15

No more epic Sedgar/Wolf growths. =[

EDIT: Also, nice Abel combined growths?

100% HP

60% Strength

0% Magic

60% Skill

60% Speed

40% Luck

40% Defense

5% Resistance

Edited by Kelsper
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Did you looks at Frey's growths? He has 55 spd alone apparently, I haven't used him but he might be actually worth using again.

Also it seems Wolf/Sedgar have good growths, just not gamebreaking growths anymore.

I also just noticed Ogma has 15 resistance growth. Barst has pretty balanced growths overall beating Bord and Cord in both strength and defense, however he does lose to Ogma by 10% strength though.

Edited by Axefighter Barst
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Etzel is a pre-promote and apparently has better magic growth than Merric or Linde, he also has surprisingly high defense growth (45%) and 20% resistance growth, he hasn't turned out bad in my current playthrough.

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Cecil has a pretty high magic growth aswell, and does pretty well as a mage:


EDIT: Compared to my Linde, who has 12 magic at level 3 Sage. x.x

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