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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Charlotte awoke in Eric's arms with a lump on her head where the pole had hit her. It hurt somewhat, but as Charlotte opened her eyes she realized there were worse injuries around.

She crawled out of Eric's arms and grabbed her healing staff, looking at Tessa. She had been injured far worse, with arrow wounds added to a lump on the head.

"Who healed her up?" Charlotte said, looking around. Her head throbbed. "Not a very good job I would say, Pary must be losing his touch."

She touched her staff to Tessa's wounds, healing them fully.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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As Esphyr began to prepare the staff,Damian carefully removed the arrows and quickly stemmed the blood flow,ready to quickly apply the vulnerary and bandage the wounds if the spell didn't work.

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The glow of Tessa's staff finally faded away as Esphyr dropped it to the ground, almost collapsing herself as she took a step back, wiping away a layer of sweat that had accumulated during the healing. She said nothing, made no comment, just simply turned to leave Tessa being in Charolette's hands.

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Thanks to Esphyr and Charlotte, the danger was past. After the bandages were in place but before the others could do anything more, Arrin collected Tessa into a hug, unable to say anything more.

"...I'll stay with her," he managed finally. "There are more wounded."

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Isotov Irina Viveka and Levski

Not far from where Iso was sitting, Chase was taking care of Morgan. Irina immediately rushed over to Iso to see if he was alright, and Levski came over to Chase and Morgan. Kiev stayed away from both groups and stayed by his brother.

OOC: This is mostly just a character placement post. I don't have much to do or say right now that wouldn't be totally disinteresting.

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Charlotte had finished the healing,and seemed to be in decent health.

'If Charlotte is awake,then we should be able to get everyone healed...'

Then Esphyr began to leave,not speaking,not...doing anything.She seemed to still be gloomy.

"Esphyr...are you okay...?" Damian asked,gently grabbing her shoulder to grab her attention.

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"Damian, please... I need to sit down and rest. Please."

"Yes." said the headmaster, finally approaching. "It's a wonder she was even able to do that at all. What's it been, nin-"

"SHUT UP!" exclaimed Esphyr, springing upright and screaming in the headmasters face. "Just shut up! You and your damned experiments are to blame for this! All of this! All of... this..." she said, a tear streaming down her eye.

"Esphyr, please." said the headmaster, fanning her arms wide to offer a hug. Esphyr took one look at the woman, a hurt look, almost offended, before she turned her back to the headmaster.

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"Esphyr, it's ok. I know you've been through a lot. We've all been. We're just trying to help, though we'll leave you alone if you want."

Experiments? What happened to her? And I thought I had a bad life. Like I always say, it could be worse.

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Finding the other pegasus rider, Derek dismounted, and gently pulled her away from her companion's corpse. Placing her on the horse, he quickly checked the pegasi. Two of them seemed to be alright, but the third was dead. Leaving them alone for the moment, he moved back to his horse, and transported the last rider to the rest of the group, before dismounting again.

"Alright, so, are we missing anyone?" he asked, helping the rider down.

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"Alright Esphyr...sit down and rest,you've earned it." Damian said,before the headmaster appeared.

A simple comment.Esphyr snapped,and turned away from the woman.Damian stepped between the two.

"Your intentions may be sincere,but she doesn't want to be friendly with you,headmaster,not yet.She's tired and upset...you should back away from Esphyr." Damian said,looking the half-spirit in the eye.

'Does this make me a hypocrit?Isn't that the same look she gave me?No,it doesn't matter.I still need to stand up for her,no matter what,no matter who is on the other side...'

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"I... I see." said the headmaster, turning her back to the group. "It wasn't your fault." she said before, with a flap of the wing, she took to the air. With her leaving, Esphyr collapsed to her knees. "Damian, Alf, thanks."

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"Um, anyone? Help? Morgan doesn't look like she's okay..." Chase panicked.

"... Urgh..." Conrad muttered. "I don't... feel too good... Let's see... I'll need to check damages... Viveka and Jasmine seem like they'll be okay, but they're knocked out... their pegasi, too, but where' Lucille... wait, is that her? Lucille!' Conrad exclaimed, and noticed her body. "Oh, dear... she didn't make it... her pegasus either. Argh, she's one of the best officers I had, and a good person, too... this demon really is a force to be reckoned with, then..."

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Viveka and Jasmine

Both girls were still out of it, but Jasmine was finally able to at least keep her eyes open. She wasn't quite sure what she'd seen back there. Was Lucille really dead? Even Conrad had called out her name. Before she could piece any of it together, she slumped back over and passed out. Meanwhile Viveka kept her head low wondering the same thing. Her memories were finally slipping back into place and her dizziness was quickly subsiding. With that, she stood up, and tried to get her footing.

Viveka: Urgn ... w-what's going on? I'd like the short version ... please ....


Krinkov and Kiev stood back as Levski walked over and knelt down next to Chase.

Lev: Chase, calm down. Did you apply a vulnerary yet?

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"Y-yeah... but it didn't help her much. I don't know much about healing, but if you do, by all means you can help her," Chase replied.

"... We were attacked by demons, and Lucille was killed..." Conrad replied, answering Viveka's question. "Additionally, the shamaness was robbed of her Crimson Tome. I'm not quite sure how it works, but it mens that the ice demon, Shanice, is a real threat."

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Hearing someone panicking about a severed weapon, Heinz quickened his pace. Someone else also lost a Crimson Weapon? Damned demons... Within another second however the bow user, Chase wasn't it? clarified the situation and Heinz relaxed as he realized that he and Alferis were still worrying about Morgan. Unlike the guide and the bow user though, Reika seemed she could care less about the severing. Either she's bluffing again, or her employers really don't care what happens to the Crimson Weapons. That other man will probably keep her from killing the wielders outright, and it makes my job easier.

Shrugging slightly, Heinz counted the number of days it had been since he had given the scroll to the merchant. With any luck they'll be here soon, along with my payment and I can tell them the news about the Crimson Dark tome then, he thought cheerfully.

Just then, he heard Esphyr screaming in the background about Tessa and Heinz frowned as people scrambled over to help her. "Panicking does nothing in a situation like this, just get a healer," Heinz muttered. He raised his eyes however, when Esphyr picked up Tessa's staff and began chanting healing words. Out loud, the ex-guide echoed his unspoken question. You can heal?

Soon the other healer stepped in, mending Tessa's wounds completely. Esphyr reacted badly to the headmaster's comments, starting up another screaming fit as Damian struggled to calm her. Heinz winced as the swordswoman continued to yell. You go for that sort of woman? You're even more of an idiot than I thought, son of a hero. Interesting though, so Esphyr once studied at TISME, according to her accusations. Come to think of it, I met this group while they were leaving Elyisimia, perhaps she was escaping from the headmaster and her past?

Stepping to the side, Heinz fished through his pockets for a vulnerary, healing the now clotted sword wound that the demon had given him.

OOC: Guide refers to Alferis.

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Lev: I don't know enough about healing to not leave some scars. Best to take her over to where the healers are. Would you like to carry her or should?

Viveka and Jasmine

Viveka: W-w-what?! No way! She can't be- ... no way ... ... NO F*CKING WAY!!! URAGH!!!

She'd only been on her feet for a few moments, but with such a painful realization sweeping over her, she fell back down to her hands and knees, with tears appearing just as quickly. The scream woke Jasmine up, but she didn't react, she merely began opening her eyes slightly.

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"... I'll take her," Chase replied. "I didn't get hurt at all, somehow, so I'm in a good enough shape." He attempted to hold Morgan in a similar way to how he had carried Viveka before, and brought her over to Charlotte. "She's seriously hurt... can you help her?" he asked.

Conrad winced a bit. "I know, it's hard to believe... I can say I understand how badly you feel, since I wasn't as close to her as you were, but I feel bad too. It's a crushing blow. She was a great knight, and a good person, too... Nobody deserves to have their life taken so horribly."

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"... Would be nice if your nation reflected that belief a year ago," Derek said, pulling up his gauntlets. "Alright, anyone with a mount that isn't wounded, should probably come along with me to patrol the area. General Jackson, please guard the injured and the healers, while they heal everyone else up. When the healers are done, and the unconscious awake, we move, alright?" As he said this, he saddle back up, and drew his blade. Riding past Viveka, the mercenary pulled her up from the ground. "You're coming, too," he said, quietly.

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Charlotte applied her staff to Morgan's wounds, restoring her to consciousness and putting at least most of her ribs back together.

Morgan woke up. "Demons are gone I presume?" she asked whoever was around, and tried to summon Midnight. It failed. Morgan glared irritably and tried again. Have I lost focus or did something happen while I was unconscious?

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Damian sat next to Esphyr and pulled her closer,laying her head against his chest.

"It's okay Esphyr...you can let it all out.Just do whatever you need to do to feel better,okay?" Damian whispered soothingly into her ear,stroking her hair gently.

"If you would like,I can take you somewhere private,if you don't want to say anything here..."


Aiya hadn't wanted to disturb the healing attempts on Tessa,so she went to find out if she could help someone else.

She saw Morgan,struggling,apparently trying to summon her tome,or so it seemed.

'Someone needs to tell her...'

"M-Morgan...that demon,Shanice...it severed Midnight from you when it attacked...we were unable to retrieve it..."

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